Marco Cimino - Zasqr Shopping Centers 2013 PDF

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Promote, attract, build loyalty in a straight and efficient way

Zasqr Mobile Marketing

Shopping Centers, February 2013

56% of internet users got access through smartphones (Spain, 2012)

Representing the 40% of the population


Mobile Marketing: Facts

Internet users use smartphones more often every day Smartphones makes interaction easy with shopping centers, products, brands, advertising, displays.. Smartphones integrates online and offline in a unique and new paradigm

A mCommerce and mPromotion platform designed to generate traffic to point of sale and make the client be loyal through involving experiences Reading a QR code or a barcode with Zasqr is possible to get discounts, take part in contests, share photos in a new and social way.

What is Zasqr?

Zasqr turns any off-line element into a call to action experience

Creating new contact points with consumers and adding value to the consumer experience

Scan the code!

To understand how Zasqr can help you, please follow our story by reading QR codes

How to engage? The story begins in the street (or in printed advertising)

A QR code can drive traffic to the shopping center


The game goes on in the shopping center

Scan the code!

Unlike On-line contests, Zasqr gets traffic to shopping center and makes 05/03/2013 it social

Un sorteo para fidelizar, como si se tratara de Facebook.


Scan the code!

. Connecting consumers to brands

Y esto Para qu me sirve?

or perhaps a photo contest .....


Rewarding the loyalty of shopping center visitors



Offering new formulas for sampling and promotions



informing the customer in a easy and different way


Lead generation, promotion and retention in the mall with the same ease and cost of an online media .... . Without the development of a microsite for each action . In 5 minutes

. In all languages needed



A new opportunity for shopping centers

Generating traffic to the shopping center through offline activities (outdoor advertising, press advertising)

Taking the shopping experience to the next level by promoting, building loyalty, rewarding, adding value to consumers in a funny, social way in the shopping center.

Some functions
Photo contest: reading a Qr code you will be able to share a photo and to see photos from other people that are participating. Scratchcards: reading the code win a prize randomly and immediately.

Participation: review, participate, leave a message starting from the reading of a code.
Form: contests, surveys, sweepstakes ... Coupons and discounts Receiving information:, catalogs, brochures, offers, newsletter ...

Zasqr value
- Fast and cheap: its no necessary to develop a landing page for each promotion, the use of barcodes avoid the packaging problems, stocks breakings . - Dynamic: the Qr codes and barcodes can change its funcionality at the time, so its not necessary to replace them every time a new promotion starts. - Global: every user interacts with their own language.

- Lead generation: tracking information of every read, including the email address of users who read the code.
- Easy for users: its not necessary to register every time you participate in a promotion.


white label allowed

Increase downloading of the APP of the shopping center



12.000 usuarios in Spain are using Zasqr

Prices for shopping centers

Number of (different) active codes in a month
from 1 to 5 6-10 11-20

Monthly fee

50,00 / month 150,00 / month 80,00 / month

30,00 / month



200,00 / month

For further information and subscriptions

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