Living Leadership: An Outward Bound Leadership Program

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Living Leadership

An Outward Bound Leadership Program

Fun, exciting and demanding team challenges

Combined with intensive and thorough team de-briefing!


This 2 days intensive program is designed to draw out the leadership potential of the participants while providing them the experience of the various components of leadership. The program aims at unpacking the myth of the charismatic leadership and provides people the opportunity to see leadership being exhibited in their daily activities. Extensive feedback on the way the various tasks are approached gives people the opportunity to asses their own strengths and the impact of their actions on others.

This is a residential program in which the participants will be divided into 3 teams of 7 to 8 persons each, depending on the group size. Each team will be accompanied by a Coach who will brief them about the task and then facilitate their de-brief and feedback session and an assistant coach who will provide logistics support. The feedback sessions of each team are conducted separately for so that all three teams get the opportunity to meet only during lunchtime and the combined classroom sessions. There will be three coaches and three assistant coaches. Each coach conducts one exercise throughout the day and the teams move from one coach to the other as they engage in various activities. We usually have 2 coaches from Winning Edge and select one coach from the organization so that there is a balance of internal and external perspective. Each team selects a leader, time-keeper, safety officer and a facilitator for each exercise so that all members of the team get an opportunity to play at least one of the roles during the program. After each exercise the team will move to a separate area with their coach for and hour to debrief and feed back from the session. More than the exercises it is these sessions where the actual learning comes from and where you find people becoming more and more open towards each other. The program is entirely experiential and the class room sessions are of no more than an hour each.

AGENDA: Pre-training Evening: Briefing on the program Roles, structure, feedback sessions and program overview Team activity to warm up the participants Each team is given a set of materials and they have to create their team flag and hoist it outside the residency. Each is responsible for the up-keep of their flag throughout the duration of the program. Day 1 Class room Session The session will be conducted on the first 3 components of high performing teams i.e. Common Purpose, Crystal Clear Roles, Accepted Leadership Water, Water, Everywhere The team has the challenge of filling a large barrel with water, the problem is that the barrel is riddled with holes. Giant Space Bugs The team has been captured by aliens and are kept behind a force field. Their prison is being guarded by robots sensitive to the slightest motion. Their challenge is to escape without activating the robots. Toxic Sludge Mobile A team of scientists must determine how to cross a stream of toxic material by constructing a sludge mobile Day 1 Evening Class room Session In this session we expose the teams to the concept of the 5

dysfunctions of a team i.e. Absence of Trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountability, Inattention to Detail. Movie and debrief from movie Dinner Day 2 Class room Session The session will touch on the other three characteristics of high performing teams i.e. Effective Processes, Solid Relationships and Excellent Communication Blind Camp A group of blind people are taken on a camping trip by their school to teach them self-reliance. Only their team leader has sight. The team has to erect a camp for the night but the team leader has injured his hands so he cannot participate in the activity physically. The team must now erect the tent while blind-folded. Earthquake A nearby volcano has erupted and the team has to flee to safety by crossing the lava flows using what little material they can find. Across the Great Divide The team has to design and build a launching device for a tennis ball so that it can travel to the target area 50ft away. Closing A final de-briefing is conducted with the entire group to discuss their experiences and learning from the 2 days. VENUE: The program has been designed to be conducted at the Arabian Sea Country Club. However, it can also be run at the Greens Nathiagali and Lahore Country & Cricket Club.

CLIENTS WHO HAVE CONDUCTED LIVING LEADERSHIP: The program was first designed on the request of Engro Vopak Terminal Ltd. and was run for the entire staff both management and non-management. Reckitt Benckiser conducted the program for its management employees and British Petroleum conducted this session for its supply chain team. PSO has made this program mandatory for their management staff. We have conducted 16 sessions for them already in Karachi, 2 session in Nathiagali and 4 in Lahore. I hope the above outline excites you and Im sure we will be able to provide the participants a truly memorable learning experience.

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