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The Scientific Dictatorship By Ian R Thorpe March 2013

As the area we now know as Western Europe, the lands in luenced !y the "raeco Ro#an culture, e#er$ed ro# that ill de ined era known as The %ark A$es and the renaissance !e$an, the power !alance started to shi t ro# the authoritarianis# o the priesthood to an autocracy o the knowled$e, or a &scienti ic dictatorship'& In the wake o the protestant re or#ation, with the #ysteries o Ro#an (atholic and Eastern )rthodo* churches no lon$er e*ercisin$ a power ul hold on intellect o ordinary people, the curious, ad+enturous and so#eti#es oolhardy !e$an to re+i+e areas o hu#an endea+our the churches had iercely suppressed' Ad+ances were #ade in ,hysics, (he#istry, Biolo$y, the study o anato#y, in a$riculture and #any traditional cra ts' Italian cloth #erchants colla!orated with alche#ists to create the +i+id cloth dyes that coloured the clothes painted !y -eoplitan and .lorentine artists, i*in$ the colours with a solution o alu# so they did not ade' /ews #i$ratin$ ro#

the eastern Mediterranean took the secrets o %a#ascus steel #akers to Toledo in 0pain' /ohannes "uten!er$ in+ented #o+ea!le type and Willia# (a*ton !uilt the irst press, thus !etween the# #akin$ the printin$ o !ooks or a co##ercial proposition and #akin$ it possi!le or workin$ people, trades#en and such, to read' These new, or re+i+ed, areas o study and in+ention !eca#e known as the sciences' 1nowled$e was certainly a power ul tool and the rulin$ classes rapidly sei2ed control o the sciences and used the# as an &episte#olo$ical weapon& a$ainst the #asses' A new acade#ic elite was created, study !eca#e an end in itsel and !y controllin$ the issuance o diplo#as and de$rees the rulers controlled knowled$e' It did not #atter how knowled$ea!le a person actually was, unless they were well o or could ind a wealthy patron to und their studies 3and the !ri!es necessary to $ain $ood $rades4 the door to the acade#ic elite was closed to the#' The trickle down theory applied and 5ust as the pro essions were a closed shop, so the trade $uilds !e$an to operate the sa#e kind o ilter syste#' An apprenticeship had to !e paid or and the apprentice kept in clothin$ and other essentials or se+en years' )nly those who could read and write, de#onstrated co#petence to their #aster and ca#e ro# a a#ily o $ood standin$ could hope to $ain ad#ittance to the power ul trade $uilds' /ews were not a!le to 5oin the $uilds and so could not work at those trades controlled !y a $uild' In The Architecture o Modern ,olitical ,ower, %aniel ,ou22ner descri!ed the way in which the elite #aintain their control' A#on$ the# is6 &)stensi!le control o+er the knowa!le, !y #arketin$ institutionally accredited science as the only path to true understandin$'& 3,ou22ner, 784' Thus, the rulin$ class endea+ors to discoura$e independent reason and ori$inal thou$ht while #aintainin$ the illusion that their a$encies ha+e power o+er hu#an knowled$e' This tactic o control throu$h knowled$e suppression and selecti+e disse#ination is reiterated in an anony#ously authored docu#ent 0ilent Weapons or 9uiet Wars6

:Ener$y is reco$ni2ed as the key to all acti+ity on earth' -atural science is the study o the sources and control o natural ener$y, and social science, theoretically e*pressed as econo#ics, is the study o the sources and control o social ener$y' Both are !ookkeepin$ syste#s' Mathe#atics is the pri#ary ener$y science' And the !ookkeeper can !e kin$ i the pu!lic can !e kept i$norant o the #ethodolo$y o the !ookkeepin$' All science is #erely a #eans to an end' The #eans is knowled$e' The end is control';< 1eith, Secret and Suppressed, 203 The word &science& as I ha+e pointed out #any ti#es only to !e !luntly and incorrectly contradicted !y shills loyal to the 0cienti ic %ictatorship, is deri+ed ro# the =atin word &scientia&, which #eans &knowin$'& 3=ook it up or yoursel , use the )* ord En$lish %ictionary or We!sters, don&t !e !ullied into thinkin$ you ha+e to accept what a 0cienti ic %ictatorship shill tells you' Their clai#s to hi$her knowled$e are spurious'4 Episte#olo$y is the study o the nature and ori$in o knowled$e' This elite #onopoly o the knowa!le, which is en orced throu$h institutional science, schools, uni+ersities, e*a#inin$ !odies, could !e characteri2ed as an >episte#olo$ical cartel'> The rulin$ class has !ri!ed the &!ookkeepers& 3i'e', natural and social scientists4 to ser+e their own interests !y ser+in$ the elite4' I you are thinkin$ at this point the whole thin$ is startin$ to sound like one o those anatical #edie+al reli$ious cults, you&re ri$ht' The scienti ic elite #i$ht ha+e superseded the reli$ious elite, !ut they learned a ew o the old tricks in the process' The #asses are encoura$ed to dei y the pro2eletysers o the elite, and re#ain &i$norant o the #ethodolo$y !y which the status ?uo is #aintained'& The author o 0ilent Weapons or 9uiet Wars pro+ides an elo?uently si#ple su##ation6 &The #eans
Evolutiuon meets creation

is knowled$e' The end is control' Beyond this re#ains only one issue6 Who will !e the !ene iciary@& 31eith, Secret and Suppressed, 2034' In Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Au*ley #ore succinctly de ined this episte#olo$ical cartel6 :The older dictators ell !ecause they could ne+er supply their su!5ects with enou$h !read, enou$h circuses, enou$h #iracles, and #ysteries' Bnder a scienti ic dictatorship, education will really work, with the result that #ost #en and wo#en will $row up to lo+e their ser+itude and will ne+er drea# o re+olution' There see#s to !e no $ood reason why a thorou$hly scienti ic dictatorship should e+er !e o+erthrown'; < Au*ley, Brave New World Revisited, 11C

Bread and circuses

This is the ulti#ate ai# o the scienti ic dictatorship 3 The Military D Industrial (o#ple*, The -ew World )rder, call the# what you like !ut don&t e+er think they #ean you well46 an oli$archy le$iti#i2ed !y ar!itrarily anointed e*positors o &knowled$e& or, in Au*ley&s own words, a &scienti ic dictatorship'& In his ten years as B1 ,ri#e Minister ro# 1EE7 to 2007 Tony Blair o ten spoke o the knowled$e econo#y on which his -ew =a!our pro5ect would !uild Britain&s uture prosperity' ,resident %wi$ht EisenhowerFs arewell speech is o ten cited in conde#nation o the Military Industrial (o#ple* as the point at which the threat to de#ocracy posed !y a 0cienti ic %ictatorship was irst identi ied' I act people had !een talkin$ o a

0cienti ic %ictatorship since the latter years o the nineteenth century and was what !ein$ said was not attracti+e' Aowe+er, there is another little discussed yet +ital topic in the latter part o Eisenhower&s speech' 3+ideo o rele+ant part4 3 ull te*t4 :The prospect o do#ination o the nationFs scholars !y .ederal e#ploy#ent, pro5ect allocations, and the power o #oney is e+er present and is $ra+ely to !e re$arded,; warned Eisenhower' :Get, in holdin$ scienti ic research and disco+ery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite '; Ike could not ha+e spelled it out #ore clearly could he@ Ae was an educated #an and in his day the education #odel was the so called renaissance education which was desi$ned to shape a well rounded #ind where the #odern scienti ic education creates people so tunnel +isioned, so hi$hly ocused on a specialist su!5ect they are !orderline autistic' Thus intellectually e?uipped Eisenhower was pro!a!ly aware o what those early ad+ocates o the scienti ic dictatorship were proposin$ and that the scienti ic ad+ances o the twentieth century had !y passed the traditional #oral ra#ework o Euro H A#erican culture and were out o control' What the 0cienti ic %ictatorship had in #ind was nothin$ less than the replace#ent o de#ocracy with authoritarianis#, the curtail#ent o indi+idual ri$hts and reedo#s and the a!olition o so+erei$n nations
Masonic symbolism, sacred geometry, pagan rites; they're all included in the mysticism o science!

to #ake way or a $lo!al totalitarian $o+ern#ent o the

intellectual elite' (oncerned A#ericans talk a!out +iolations o the B 0 (onstitution perpetrated !y Barack )!a#a and his ad#inistration !ut A#erica&s e*e#plary constitution was

tar$eted lon$ !e ore the )!a#essiah appeared on the political landscape' The ideolo$ical roots o the 0cienti ic %ictatorship can !e traced to the works o ,lato so#e 2,000 years a$o' In truth, hu#anity has !een !attlin$ the or#ation o this tyranny or #uch o known history' The or#ation o the Bnited 0tates (onstitution created a !arrier that A' "'Wells wrote in 1E01, had :Ito !e #odi ied or shel+ed at so#e sta$eI; The ocus here is on the #odern or#s o scienti ic power that !e$an in the 20th (entury and are !losso#in$ in the 21st (entury' The 0cienti ic %ictatorship is co#posed o unelected indi+iduals that ha+e access to the rei$ns o power' These indi+iduals ha+e access to undisclosed uture technolo$y, classi ied intelli$ence, and the a!ility to steer scienti ic research that i#pacts our entire society' The works o Bertrand Russell, /ulian Au*ley, Aldous Au*ley, (harles "alton %arwin, A'"' Wells and #any others pro+ide the #ental ra#ework on which this #odern tyranny is !ased' )ne o the #ost noticea!le eatures in the rise o the 0cienti ic %ictatorship has !een the pro$ressi+e dei ication o science and in particular #athe#atics' My article Mathe#atics and Reality co+ers this, lookin$ !ack to the ori$ins o he science deity in the theories o "reek #athe#atician ,ytha$oras and tracin$ how, since the start o the renaissance the upper le+els o the acade#ic hierarchy ha+e !eha+ed in ways #ore and #ore re#iniscent o the priests o an ancient #ystery cult' %are to ?uestion the do$#as and credo o their aith and they will launch The 0cience In?uisition a$ainst us, we will !e +icti#s o a witch hunt' 0o how did we $et ro# science as a #ethodical study to science, the di+ine #ystery' In ti#es past, the rulin$ class controlled the #asses throu$h #ystical !elie syste#s, particularly 0un worship' There was no $radual e+olution, people #i$ht !e te#pted to think o /esus as a steppin$ stone ro# pri#iti+e pa$anis# to the a$e o elni$hten#ent and the worship o science' It is not so' The ori$inal /esus, as descri!ed in The %ead 0ea 0crolls and other sur+i+in$ ancient te*ts, was not seen as the di+ine child, son o "od !ut rather as a #ore Buddha like i$ure, #ortal !ut

ha+in$ a stron$er connection that #ost to the spiritual' The /esus we know now is a 0un "od, the Ro#an (atholic aith owes #ore to the Ro#an 0ol In+icta cult than to anythin$ that was $oin$ on in ,alestine durin$ the Rei$n o the E#peror Ti!erius' In Saucers o the "lluminati, /i# 1eith docu#ents the shi t ro# a theocracy o the 0un to a theocracy o &science&6 :0ince the 0un "od 3and his +arious relations, includin$ sons and wi+es4 were, a ter se+eral thousands years o worship, !e$innin$ to ray around the ed$es in ter#s o !elie+a!ility, and a lot co##oners were !e$innin$ to $ru#!le that this stu was all #ade up, the elite ca#e up with a new and i#pro+ed +ersion o their #ind control so tware that didn&t depend upon the 0un "od or Moon "oddess or ulti#ate authority'; < 1eith, Saucers o the "lluminati, 7J ,riests and rituals were soon supplanted !y a new !reed o &controller& and a new &#ethodolo$y o control&' 1eith ela!orates6 :As the 0unDMoon cult lost so#e o its popularity, &0cientists& were ?uick to take up so#e o the slack' Accordin$ to their propa$anda, the physical laws o the uni+erse were the ulti#ate causati+e actors, and naturally, those physical laws were only atho#a!le !y the scienti ic elite, the enli$htened ones; < 1eith, Saucers o the "lluminati, 7J<7E This consciously induced paradi$# shi t acilitated the e#er$ence o the elite&s new theocracy' The o icial state<sanctioned reli$ion o this theocracy was &scientis#&6 the !elie that the in+esti$ational #ethods o the natural sciences should !e ecu#enically i#posed upon all ields o in?uiry' This or# o episte#olo$ical i#perialis# is not to !e con used with le$iti#ate science' Researcher Michael Ao #an #akes this distinction in his !ook Secret Societies and #sychological War are6

:0cience, when practiced as the application o #an&s "od<$i+en talents or the production o appropriate technolo$y on a hu#an scale, relie o #isery and the re+erential e*ploration and appreciation o the $lory o %i+ine ,ro+idence as re+ealed in nature, is a use ul tool or #ankind' 0cientis# is science $one #ad, which is what we ha+e today'; 3Ao #an, KE4 Ae&s ri$ht' What is to !e $ained ro# creatin$ hu#an D ani#al hy!rids, it appears :!ecause we can; has !eco#e 5usti ication or scientists to tra#ple on #orality' Ao #an urther ela!orates on the olly o scientis#6 :The reason that science is a !ad #aster and dan$erous ser+ant and ou$ht not to !e worshipped is that science is not o!5ecti+e' 0cience is unda#entally a!out the uses o
'eneric Enginering % one o the sacred cvows o scienceism!

#easure#ent' What does not it the yardstick o the scientist is

discarded' 0cienti ic deter#inis# has repeatedly e*cluded so#e data ro# its #easure#ent and ud$ed other data, such as ,iltdown Man, in order to support the sel < ul illin$ nature o its own a$enda, !e it %arwinis# or &cut, !urn and poison& #ethods o cancer &treat#ent&'; 3Ao #an, KE4 It #ust !e understood that this new institution o knowin$ is a or# o #ysticis# like its reli$ious precursors' (onte#porary science is predicated upon e#piricis#, the idea that all knowled$e is deri+ed e*clusi+ely throu$h the senses' Get, an e*clusi+ely e#pirical approach rele$ates cause to the real# o
Social $arwinism % &lones

#etaphysical antasy' This holds enor#ous ra#i ications or science' %o we really know what causes anythin$@ Althou$h te#poral succession and spatial pro*i#ity are sel <e+ident, causal connection is not' A ir#ation o causal relationships is i#possi!le in science' What is percei+ed as A causin$ B could !e #erely circu#stantial 5u*taposition' "i+en the a!sence o known cause, all o a scientist&s indin$s #ust !e taken upon aith' This is all one can deduce while workin$ under the u#!rella o radical e#piricis#' Thus, the elite #erely e*chan$ed one or# o #ysticis# or another' Returnin$ to ,ou22ner&s pre+ious state#ent, &ostensi!le control o+er the knowa!le& is achie+ed throu$h the pro#ul$ation o &institutionally accredited science& 3,ou22ner, 784'

The story o hu#anity since the !e$innin$s o ci+ilisation 3which is older than the scienti ic elite cares to ad#it4 has !een the story o a stru$$le !etween the ree<thinkin$ indi+idual and a ri$idly structured hierarchy o power controlled !y the elites that seek to do#inate and control their ellow hu#ans,
'oble(i )epi % changing the time rame or civili*ation

resources and wealth' The $reatest threat to elites throu$hout this

ti#e is an enli$htened, educated, critically thinkin$ and politically e#ancipated populace led !y a loosely or$ani2ed awkward s?uad who consider it their duty to ?uestion the elite and challen$e anythin$ that is !ein$ presented as an esta!lished truth' This threat has #ani ested itsel throu$hout history, in di erent places and at di erent ti#es' Ideas o reedo#, de#ocracy, ci+il and hu#an ri$hts, li!erty and e?uality ha+e e#er$ed in opposition to the power structures and esta!lished truths that are the elite&s syste#s o control'

The $reatest triu#phs o the hu#an #ind H whether in art, science or thou$ht H ha+e arisen out o and challen$ed the #ost authoritarian and repressi+e re$i#es' The pinnacles o hu#an #isery and hopelessness ha+e arisen out o the power structures and syste#s o the elites that were #ost success ul in suppressin$ the hu#an spirit and !y use o ear and oppression s?uashin$ that independence o #ind and resource ulness that kept hu#ans at the top o the ood chain or so lon$' War, $enocide, persecution and hu#an de$radation are directly the result o decisions #ade !y those who control the #achinery o power, whether the power #ani ests itsel as intellectual, ecclesiastical, spiritual, #ilitaristic, or scienti ic' The #ost #ale+olent and destructi+e power is that e*ercised o+er the ree hu#an #ind6 i a re$i#e can control how the #asses think, they control the indi+idual itsel ' As 0aint I$natius =oyola 3or so#e say 0t' .rancis La+ier, !oth were /esuits4 pro#ised, :"i+e #e a child to the a$e o se+en and I will $i+e you the #an or li e'; The $reatest hu#an achie+e#ents are where indi+iduals ha+e !roken ree the shackles that !ind the #ind and let loose the inherent and undenia!le power that lies in each and e+ery indi+idual #e#!er o our species' At the #o#ent our world aces challen$es unknown to our ancestors in the era o recorded history which starts with the E$yptians o The .irst 1in$do#, The people o the #ysterious Indus +alley ci+ili2ation and the so ar unknowa!le !uilders o "M!ekli Tepe' All o these can trace the de+elop#ent o so#e or# o written co##unication to a!out 10,000 years a$o' (on+entional science insists in the ace o #ountains o e+idence to the contrary that ci+ilisation !e$an around C000 years a$o' We are also in the throes o the irst truly $lo!al political awakenin$, in which
E+cavating ,irst -ingdom arte acts in Egypt

or the irst ti#e in all o hu#an history, a #a5ority o hu#ankind is educationally literate and politically aware enou$h to #ake political decisions !ased on #ore than short ter# sel interest It see#s only our political and !usiness leaders and the acade#ic co##unity are still chained !y short ter#is# and sel interest' This awakenin$ is #ost e+ident in the de+elopin$ world where, ha+in$ !een #ade aware o the $reat disparities in li+in$ standards, the conte#pt o people, particularly the elites in spite o their politically correct posturin$,disrespect, in de+eloped societies and in5ustices inherent in $lo!al power structures are not happy, are hun$ry or education which they see as a li!erator 5ust as the workin$ classes o Europe and -orth A#erica did in the nineteenth century and are de#andin$ a re!alancin$ o the econo#ic structure' Technolo$ies like newspapers, radio, tele+ision and now the internet ha+e $i+en the world&s poor a $li#pse into our li+es and now they want to dine at our ta!le' The awakenin$ is spreadin$ increasin$ly to the west itsel , ri$htened !y the e#er$ence o an educated, ?uestionin$ workin$ class in the irst hal o the twentieth century and re#e#!erin$ the ad+ice o =oyola 3or .rancis La+ier4 the elites e#!arked on a policy o du#!in$ down the education syste#' This has !ack ired, as people li+in$ in the western de+eloped nations were pushed towards towards po+erty and de$radation !y industrial and social policies that ine+ita!ly resulted in #ass une#ploy#ent and price in lation so#e people turned towards reli$ion, re?uently not the traditional (hristian churches o the west !ut eastern reli$ions or neo H pa$anis# while others a!andoned the traditional work ethic to adopt nihilisitic li e styles' Already the elites are panickin$, ha+in$ taken their power o+er the #asses or $ranted they are now i#potently announcin$ wars in which the ene#y is an a!stract noun or so#eti#es a transient +er!, the war on terror, the war on !in$e drinkin$, the war on dru$s, as their only #eans o $eneratin$ the ear they need to reassert their control'

Awakenin$ will !e orced upon all people all o+er the world, the choice is stark H !eco#e politically acti+e or !eco#e sla+es' -othin$, no de+elop#ent, e+er in hu#an history, has posed such a #onu#ental threat to elite power structures'

This awakenin$ is lar$ely dri+en !y the Technolo$ical Re+olution, which

throu$h technolo$y and electronics, in particular #ass #edia and the internet, ha+e #ade it so that people across the world are a!le to !eco#e aware o $lo!al issues and $ain access to in or#ation ro# around the world' The Technolo$ical Re+olution, thus, has ostered an In or#ation Re+olution which has, in turn, ed the $lo!al political awakenin$' 0i#ultaneously, the Technolo$ical Re+olution has led to another uni?ue and unprecedented de+elop#ent in hu#an history, and one that is dia#etrically opposed, yet directly related to the $lo!al political awakenin$' .or the irst ti#e in hu#an history, ree hu#anity is aced with the do#inatin$ threat o a truly $lo!al elite, who ha+e at their hands the technolo$y to i#pose a truly $lo!al syste# o control6 a $lo!al scienti ic dictatorship' The $reat dan$er is that throu$h the e*ponential $rowth in scienti ic techni?ues, elites will use these $reat new powers to control and do#inate all o hu#anity in such a way that has ne+er !e ore !een e*perienced'

Throu$h all o hu#an history, tyrants ha+e used a orce a co#!ination o orce

and ear to control populations' With the Technolo$ical Re+olution, elites increasin$ly ha+e the a!ility to control the +ery !iolo$y and psycholo$y o the indi+idual to a point where it #ay not !e necessary to i#pose a syste# o terror, !ut rather where the control is i#ple#ented on a #uch deeper, psycholo$ical, su!li#inal and indi+idual !iolo$ical #anner' While terror can pre+ent people ro# opposin$ power or a while, the scienti ic dictatorship can create a personal psycho<social condition in which the indi+idual co#es to lo+e his or her own sla+eryN in which, like a #entally in erior pet, they are #ade to lo+e their leaders and accept their ser+itude' 0o we are presented with a situation in which hu#anity is aced with !oth the $reatest threat and the $reatest hope that we ha+e e+er collecti+ely e*perienced in our short hu#an history' This essay, the third part in the series, :The Technolo$ical Re+olution and the .uture o .reedo#,; e*a#ines the ideas !ehind the $lo!al scienti ic dictatorship, and how it #ay #ani est itsel presently and in the uture, with a particular ocus on the e#er$ence o Onew eu$enicsF as a syste# o #ass control' .ree hu#anity aces the #ost #onu#ental decision we ha+e e+er !een presented with6 do we eed and uel the $lo!al political awakenin$ into a true hu#an psycho< social re+olution o the #ind, creatin$ a new $lo!al political econo#y which e#powers and li!erates all o hu#anityN orI do we all silently into a O!ra+e new worldF o a $lo!al scienti ic oppression, the likes o which ha+e ne+er !e ore !een e*perienced, and whose do#inance would ne+er !e #ore di icult to challen$e and o+erco#e@ Many, #anipulated !y the propa$anda o ear and panic and the e*a$$ereation o pro!le#s and concerns that either we could deal with !y trustin$ nature&s in inite a!ility to adapt or !y !elie+in$ in our own resource ulness, intelli$ence and sur+i+al instinct, ha+e !een tricked into !elie+in$ only the elite, the 0cienti ic %ictatorship, can sa+e the panet' 3The .li$ht .ro# .reedo#4 And yet it is those who clai# they alone can sa+e hu#anity that pose the $reatest threat to our uture'

Surveillance station or )emple

Science and Reality Internet Trolls - Are They Contractors Paid To Suppress Open Discussion Of Sensitive Subjects? accine victory! "idespread resistance fro# parents to $P sho&s truth is spreadin% li'e a virus $un%ary Destroys (onsanto)s *enetically (odified Corn fields The Total Surveillance Society Pro#inent Scientists Call +or *lobal Dictatorship )To Save The Planet) (athe#atics and Reality Slaves Of The (achine (onsanto! ,lac' $at ,iotech and "orld Do#ination The +riendly +ace Of -un' +ood Pi%s "ill +ly T$.( The Author jab for dau%hters

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