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Fitness for Life: Lesson 1, Weight of a Nation (Movie)

Type of Work: Indy Product: Guided Movie Notes Class Time: Homework/None EOC: Place inside lesson 1 Due:1 Weekend
Concept: Obesity is common, serious, and costly. More than one-third of adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% of children and adolescents are obese. Behavior and environment play a large role causing people to be overweight and obese. These are the greatest areas for prevention and treatment actions. Weight of the Nation brings together public health researchers and practitioners, policy makers, and national partners devoted to obesity prevention and control to raise awareness across the country as well as share approaches that show promise or demonstrated success for improving healthy eating and active living. Lesson Link:

Movie Available: Click Here or Here

Movie Rating: PG-13

CC: Yes

Directions: Watch Part 1 of the series entitled, Consequences. Answer the following questions. 1. Before the movie define the following: Diabetes: A disorder of the metabolism causing excessive thirst and the production of large amounts of urine. High Blood Pressure: a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or

greater). Obesity: fleshiness: more than average fatness. Cardiovascular System: circulatory system: the organs and tissues involved in circulating blood and lymph through the body. Atherosclerosis: A disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of plaques of fatty material on their inner walls. Epidemiology: The branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases.
2. What is the formula for Body Mass Index (2:29) and what is it meant to measure?


the proportion of fat a person has.

3. What are the ranges for BMI (2:37): Healthy= 18.5-24.9 Overweight= 25-29.9 Obese= 30+ 4. What was historic about the Bogalusa Heart Study? It tracked kids all the way until they grew up. 5. What did the researchers find with deceased children in the study that was significant? Why was this significant? (9:45) 20% of autopsied children had plaques (fat deposits) in their coronary arteries. Those children were known to have had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. 6. What % of the Bogalusa Heart study participants who were obese as children remain obese as adults? (12:48) 77 7. What % of society is able to maintain a healthy weight? (14:23) 33.338. The researchers demonstrate two hearts, what are some of the main differences between a healthy heart and a heart from an obese individual?(30:00-33:00)

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

A lot more fat, thicker walls, bigger, different size of cavity, and more damage. What are the 7 factors of ideal cardiovascular health (34:22)? Optimal cholesterol, normal blood pressure, not having diabetes, lean body mass index, not being a smoker, physical activity, and healthy diet. What is the purpose of fat (39:00) from an evolutionary standpoint? To be deposted What are some of the significant changes we are seeing in the livers of obese individuals (40-50:00), List 3? Fattier, very easily effected by gaining or loosing weight, more white gaps representing fat. Diabetes follows obesity, as night follows day. What are the two main types of Diabetes and explain the differences between the two ( 55:00)? Type 1: not enough Type 2: enough but not working well How much does obesity cost the US per year (103:25)? 150 billion dollars a year

Level 5/Extra Credit/Going Beyond: A theme of the movie is the relationship between poverty and obesity. This is a complex issue with no easy solution but what does the research say are some of the potential causes of this relationship. List several and cite your research.

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