Assignment Sheet For Argument Essay 2012

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ENC 1101


Essay #3: Writing a Classical Argument Although we may feel very strongly about our opinions, there is seldom a simple right or wrong answer in controversies. Opinions depend to some extent on facts, but they also depend on less objective factors like values and beliefs. To be convincing, an argument should present more than just logical reasons backed by solid evidence. Writing a position paper, therefore, is intellectually challenging. It requires you to look critically at your own thinking and to understand others points of view. You must be able to separate opinion from fact, to reason logically, to marshal supporting evidence, and to recognize the values and beliefs underlying your own and others opinions. The strongest arguments appeals to your readers in several ways. They appeal to logic by making sound, well-reasoned, well supported argument. They appeal to emotion by making the reader share the writers concern about the issue. They appeal to the readers ethical sense by establishing the writer as fair and reasonable, and by basing the argument on a common set of values and beliefs. Think of yourself as joining an ongoing conversation about something that is happening within a community you live. This community can be as small as your dorm room, or as wide as the planet you live on. Often, you can find topics of controversy by looking at your local newspaper. While you are free to choose your own significant and interesting topic for this paper, some are off-limits. The following topics should not be used, due to the fact that they are often too personal or have already been written to death: the legalization of marijuana or any other drug, abortion, anything have to do with religion, gay adoption or marriage, euthanasia, and lowering the drinking age. Your purpose of the final draft will be to do one of these three things: 1. Change the current opinion of an audience that holds a different view. 2. Persuade an uniformed audience to adopt your view (requires more background info.) 3. Persuade an agreeing and informed audience to act (why is it urgent enough to act?) Research: This is a research-based paper. You should provide no less than 3 secondary sources in your works cited page. Sources should be current, authoritative, and credible. One of your sources must be non-website sources such as journal articles and library computer sources from databases. Wikipedia and other online encyclopedic sources are not acceptable sources of information for this assignment. If you have any questions about the reliability of a website, email me. You will cite your sources parenthetically throughout the body of your essay and include a works-cited page, formatted to MLA-style guidelines (please see your Everyday Writer). In the final draft, your research can be utilized to: 1. Give background information on the conversation you are joining. 2. Appeal to logos by supporting your thesis, main point, or sub-points. 3. Appeal to ethos by presenting and addressing counterarguments or warrants (unstated assumptions.) In evaluating the effectiveness of a persuasive essay, I will be looking for the following: 1. Does the essay contain a clear and arguable claim that is the result of the writers own critical thinking? 2. Does a precise, clear thesis statement support a position? 3. Do the reasons and evidence logically support the claim? 4. Have the underlying assumptions linking the claim and reasons been addressed? 5. Are opposing arguments and objections to both claim and underlying assumptions addressed? 6. Does the paper provide adequate background on the conversation the author is joining? 7. Do your sources show recency, relevance, impartiality, and sufficiency? 8. Is the essay clearly and logically organized?

ENC 1101


Essay #3: Writing a Classical Argument 9. 10. 11. 12. Does the introduction get your audiences attention? Is the essay well-written, grammatically and mechanically? Is the style and tone appropriate for the target audience? Does the essay properly document sources in MLA format and include a Works Cited?

The final draft should be at least 1500 words. Due dates are tentative and subject to change: Nov. 14th: 1st draft Nov. 16th: 2nd draft Nov. 19th: Final draft

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