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Dear Mr. N G Hawkins, I am a 16 years old student from the Republic of Moldova and my name is Dan Chirtoaca.

I am studying at Mircea Eliade Lyceum and I have been here since the first form. I am a hardworking person, both at school and outside it. I strive a lot in achieving the best results and I am one of the best pupils of my class. The moment I heard about Concord College I got really interested in it. I have seen that it gives to its students the opportunity to not just learn new things but also enjoy that and do it in an interesting way. I am sure it delivers high quality and world-class education and that is what I am looking for. |letter attached| Thank you for your understanding and candour. Respectfully yours, Dan Chirtoaca


I am Dan and I was born in the Republic of Moldova, a small but very picturesque country. This year I am finishing the 10th form and it is time for me to think more profoundly about my future. I have always loved studying and learning new things, school was always a pleasure for me but I tried to combine it with a lot of physical activity and balancing these two actually helped me very much. I enjoy practicing sports. Football is one of my favorite hobbies, but there is also swimming which I have been taking lessons for about 3 years and also took part in some local competitions. This left me with a lot of unforgettable memories and also made me become a lot more responsible and organized. Besides these I have also been part of a folk dance ensemble called Moldovia. Two of the more important festivals to which we have been are: the first one was held in Bulgaria, in the city Omurtag and was entitled The International Folk Dance Festival for Children (2007 edition) and the second one was in Ukraine, in the city Nikolaev and was dedicated to the International Childrens Day. The amazing experience that I got is everlasting and priceless. I have learnt and trained myself how to better work in a group, in a team, in order to achieve one purpose -- to impress the audience. At the 2010-2011 Mathematics Olympiad I occupied the 3rd place at the district stage and received and Honorable mention at the municipal stage. At the end of the year 2011 I have participated at the republican competition for Physics named Galileo and obtained an Honorable mention. During 2011-2012 year of study, at the Geography Olympiad I won the 1st place at the first two stages(district and municipal) and got an Honorable mention diploma at the

republican stage. I have also been at the IT Olympiad this year and returned with an Honorable mention at the district stage. Participating at such academic events does not only show your level of knowledge, but also, during them, you have the chance to meet new people and communicate with them, learn new stuff and reveal your strong sides and understand your weaknesses, that is why besides winning, participating, is a very important step. Among the subjects that I like the most are: Mathematics; Physics; Geography and IT. I am very interested in an IT career because I find it very attractive, as it is that kind of science that is continuously evolving and also the one that is concentrated on the future. It is this fascinating technology world that makes me take this decision. Nowadays there is a tendency to computerize everything around us, that is why I believe that an IT developer will never be an obsolete job, instead it will constantly develop and become even more intriguing. If I had the chance to finish the school in England it would help me enter a better university. I would develop my initiative and leadership abilities, qualities that are very important for my own personality, which will help me a lot at the university. A college like Concord is for sure able to deliver to its students all the key elements they need, especially that extra dose of confidence in order to accomplish their goals. Everything looks good on paper but one of the things that stands in-between me and this desire are the huge financial requests which can not be covered by my parents, taking into consideration the salaries in my country in comparison to those in the UK. I would be immensely delighted to know if there is any possibility for me to receive the support I need, so that I can follow and make my dream come true.

Thank you in advance for the attention offered.

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