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Celinda Lake President Alysia Snell Partner David Mermin Partner Robert G. Meadow, Ph.D. Partner Daniel R. Gotoff Partner Joshua E. Ulibarri Partner Robert X. Hillman Chief Financial Officer Shannon Marshall Chief Operating Officer Rick A. Johnson Senior Vice President

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From: Celinda Lake, David Mermin, and Brittany L. Stalsburg Re: Recent polling on the SC-01 special election

Date: April 1, 2013 A new Lake Research Partners poll1 indicates that the race in South Carolinas 1st district is close and competitive. In a solidly Republican district, Elizabeth Colbert-Busch starts out ahead of both Mark Sanford and Curtis Bostic; she leads with 47% of the vote to Sanfords 44%, and is even stronger against Bostic48% to 39%. After positive introductions of all candidates as well as attacks, Colbert-Busch maintains her edge over both Sanford and Bostic. Voters in the 1st district respond well to Colbert-Buschs local roots and life of overcoming adversity, eventually becoming a job creator dedicated to being the independent voice of South Carolina.
Initial Ballot



48 39 41






Colbert-Busch enjoys a 2-to-1 positive favorability rating (48% favorable, 24% unfavorable), better than both Bostic and Sanford, even

Lake Research Partners conducted a poll of 500 likely special election voters in South Carolinas 1 Congressional District. Live telephone interviews were conducted from March 25-27. The margin of error is +/- 4.4%. Party identification of the likely voter sample was 43% Republican, 29% Democrat, and 26% Independent/Other.
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SC-01 March 2013

though the electorate is net 14 points Republican. She is viewed very favorably in Charleston County61% of Charleston voters have a favorable impression of ColbertBusch; only 17% have an unfavorable impression. This race will be very close and competitive no matter whom the Republican victor is on Tuesday. The campaign needs to continue to introduce Colbert-Busch to voters, draw a clear contrast with her Republican opponent, and rally the base to ensure high turnout on Election Day. There is a clear path to victory with enough resources to communicate with voters in District 1.

For more information about this poll, contact Celinda Lake or David Mermin at 202-7769066.

Lake Research Partners

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