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Create a biological / evolutionary timeline highlighting the major events assigned below.

Requirements for the timeline are as follows: 1. The timeline should be: adequately spaced, marking each of the major specified events below. Keep in mind between some events are HUGE stretches of time (you may not be able to work every thing to scale, but do your best to illustrate longer periods of time between events if there are long stretches of time between). 2. For each event, detail its significance in the earths biological history. A few of the events have some hints as to how to focus on that events significance. Every event does not have every detail of significance for you. It is up to you to research your text book and other scientifically legitimate sources for information. 3. Each major event in the timeline must include a date (for example: one hundred million years ago, 50,000 years ago, 3.5 billion years ago 4. Each event must include an illustration meaningful to that event. You may print pictures or draw them yourself. 5. You will present your portion of the timeline to the class as a whole. The timeline will be graded on neatness, effort, accuracy and completion. 25.1: Early Earth (formation of the earth) describe the abiotic environment of the earth at the time. Organic compounds formation of; early earths environment and why it may have been conducive to their formation. Current models / experiments demonstrating their formation as a possibility Macromolecules theories of how they were formed. Current models / experiments demonstrating their formation as a possibility Protocells - theories of how they were formed. Current models / experiments demonstrating their formation as a possibility Nucleic Acids (specify which ones first, then which?) Dawn of Natural Selection (what does that mean? Why was natural selection now possible?)


Single celled organisms - theories of how they were formed. Current models / experiments demonstrating their formation as a possibility Oxygen revolution How? What organisms? What happened because of the Oxygen revolution? Eukaryotic Organisms How? Endosymbiont theory. Origin of Multicellularity How? Invertebrate animals Ediacaran. Details of significance of adaptations and reasons for adaptations for the environment at that time. Cambrian Explosion Animals - Details of significance of adaptations and reasons for adaptations for the environment at that time. Pred / Prey relationships?? Colonization of Land (Plants, Fungi, Animals). Why? Structures / adaptations needed by each group for survival on land Vascular Plants adaptations allowing for success on land Tetrapods theory on how / why they took their first steps on land. Adaptations needed for success on land. Amphibians adaptations needed for success on land and characteristics keeping them tied to water. Reptiles adaptations allowing them to move away from water diminishing their dependency on it. Seed Plants Adaptations allowing for their success on land Permian mass extinction Why? Impact on life? Gymnosperms Adaptations allowing for their success on land Dinosaurs and origins of mammals adaptations allowing for their success. Why did dinos dominate while mammals remained Flowering Plants Adaptations needed to be successful on land Cretaceous mass extinction possible causes and effects on life on earth Radiation of mammals, birds, and pollination insects any relationship / co-evolution of these groups? Adaptations needed for success on land. Now

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