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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Accelerated Mathematics II Frameworks Teacher Edition __________________________

Unit 1 Matrices _______________________

1st Edition June, 2009 Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools April 19, 2009 Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved Unit 1: Page 1 of 34

Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Table of Contents: Introduction...................................................................................................................................3 Central High Booster Club Learning Task..................................................................................6 Walk Like a Mathematician Learning Task..............................................................................14 Candy? What Candy? Do We Get to Eat It? Learning Task..................................................20 An Okefenokee Food Web Learning Task................................................................................25

Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools April 19, 2009 Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved Unit 1: Page 2 of 34

Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Accelerated Mathematics II - Unit 1 Matrices Teacher's Edition

INTRODUCTION: In previous mathematics courses students have used continuous functions to deal with a wide variety of data . In this unit the approach to data is discrete. Matrices allow students to store and retrieve data easily. Data arranged in matrices can be manipulated as a single entity while still being maintained as individual values. Students usually find matrix algebra operations to be very appealing since most operations can be done with a variety of calculators and/or computer programs. The tasks in this unit are designed to introduce matrix algebra and to provide practical applications for matrix transposes, determinants, inverses, and powers. ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: KEY STANDARDS ADDRESSED: MM3A4. Students will perform basic operations with matrices. a. Add, subtract, multiply, and invert matrices, when possible, choosing appropriate methods, including technology. b. Find the inverses of two-by-two matrices using pencil and paper, and find inverses of larger matrices using technology. c. Examine the properties of matrices, contrasting them with properties of real numbers. MM3A5. Students will use matrices to formulate and solve problems. a. Represent a system of linear equations as a matrix equation. b. Solve matrix equations using inverse matrices. c. Represent and solve realistic problems using systems of linear equations. MM3A6. Students will solve linear programming problems in two variables. a. Solve systems of inequalities in two variables, showing the solutions graphically. b. Represent and solve realistic problems using linear programming. MM3A7. Students will understand and apply matrix representations of vertex-edge graphs. a. Use graphs to represent realistic situations. b. Use matrices to represent graphs, and solve problems that can be represented by graphs. RELATED STANDARDS ADDRESSED: MM3P1. Students will solve problems (using appropriate technology).
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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

a. Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving. b. Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts. c. Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems. d. Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving. MM3P2. Students will reason and evaluate mathematical arguments. a. Recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics. b. Make and investigate mathematical conjectures. c. Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs. d. Select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof. MM3P3. Students will communicate mathematically. a. Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication. b. Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others. c. Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others. d. Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely. MM3P4. Students will make connections among mathematical ideas and to other disciplines. a. Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas. b. Understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole. c. Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics. MM3P5. Students will represent mathematics in multiple ways. a. Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas. b. Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems. c. Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena.

Matrices and Determinants Historical background

A matrix is an organized rectangular array of numbers and a determinant is a value associated with a square matrix. The earliest known example of numbers being placed in an array in order to aid analysis is clay tablets from Babylon of the fourth century BC. These tablets do not truly reflect matrices as we know them today; a much closer example is to be found in the Chinese text Nine Chapters of the Mathematical Art, which dates from the Han dynasty of 200-100 BC. Cardan, in Ars Magna (1545) develops a general method for solving simultaneous linear equations with two unknowns. This method uses determinants in all but name, Cardan called his method regula de modo which translates to the mother of all rules. At this stage of development determinants are always associated with solving equations or systems of equations. Seki in Japan
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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

(1683) built on the Chinese work mentioned above and introduced general methods for solving equations using determinants, although they were not abstracted from the method to be a concept in their own right. In one of those uncanny simultaneous discoveries which litter the history of mathematics Leibniz, also in 1683, wrote of a system for solving simultaneous linear equations. Leibniz was particularly interested in developing notation for mathematics as he was convinced that a good symbolic system would aid clarity and lead to the further development of mathematics. Included in his results was also a study of quadratic forms which pointed the way forward to the development of matrices. The middle of the eighteenth century saw the first published works giving rules which we would recognize today as belonging to matrix theory. Maclaurin in the 1730s gave determinant solution to systems of equations with two or three unknowns and Cramer in Introduction to the analysis of algebraic curves (1750) gave rules for solving n equations with n unknowns. There was now a number of people who added to the development of determinants and matrices. Laplace in 1772 worked on the expansion of determinants, a method which is named after him. Lagrange in 1773 was the first to use determinants to find the volume of a tetrahedron given in three dimensional coordinates. Gauss (Disquistiones arithmeticae, 1801) was the first to use the word determinant in the context of work on quadratic forms, the term he used is not quite how we think of determinants today, it was Cauchy in 1812 who used the word in its modern sense. Mathematicians throughout the nineteenth century continued to develop matrices and determinants, but always within the context of other mathematics and not as a study in their own right. The word matrix was introduced by Sylvester in 1850 while living in the USA. When he moved to England to be a lawyer he struck up a friendship with a fellow lawyer, Cayley who was interested in mathematics as well. Cayley, in the process of working on linear transformations, is the first mathematician to build an abstract study of matrices and determinants. He developed the algebra of matrices including rules for addition, multiplication, inverses, and scalar multiplication that you will study in this unit. This established the subject of matrices and determinants as a study in its own right. Further refinements and discoveries were made by Jordan, Frobenius, Sylvester, Kronecker, and Weierstrass over the next fifty years. References

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Unit 1 Matrices Tasks:

Central High Booster Club introduces matrices as tools for organizing and storing information. Problems are based on a fund raising project where spirit items are made by booster club members and sold at the school store and at games. Cost of materials, time to produce each item, available inventory by month, needed inventory, and so forth provide material to create a variety of matrices, develop definitions, and basic matrix operations. Dimensions and dimension labels are used to provide rationale for addition and multiplication procedures. Emphasis is placed on interpreting entries as matrices are written, added, multiplied (scalar and regular) and transposed.

Walk Like a Mathematician is a more formal approach to matrix algebra. Properties of real numbers are examined to determine which properties are true in matrix operations. Students find inverses and determinants by hand and by using technology. Determinants are used to find areas of triangles and test for collinear points. Candy? What Candy? Do We Get to Eat It? gives students opportunities to find inverses of 2x2 matrices by hand and inverses of larger matrices using calculators. Systems of equations are written as matrix equations and inverses of coefficient matrices are used to solve the systems. Students also learn how to find equations of lines passing through two given points by solving for coefficients in system of two equations in the form y = ax + b and equations of parabolas passing through three given points by solving for coefficients in a system of three equations written in the form y = ax2 + bx + c. This task includes a lab where students solve a system of three equations to determine what is hidden in a sealed lunch bag. An Okefenokee Food Web uses vertex-edge digraphs to study various group interactions including food webs and gossiping. Predator prey graphs and powers of related adjacency matrices are interpreted to determine the effects of environmental changes on a food web.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Central High School Booster Club

In order to raise money for the school, the Central High School Booster Club offered spirit items prepared by members for sale at the school store and at games. They sold stuffed teddy bears dressed in school colors, tote bags and tee shirts with specially sewn and decorated school insignias. The teddy bears, tote bags, and tee shirts were purchased from wholesale suppliers and decorations were cut, sewn and painted, and attached to the items by booster club parents. The wholesale cost for each teddy bear was $4.00, each tote bag was $3.50 and each tee shirt was $3.25. Materials for the decorations cost $1.25 for the bears, $0.90 for the tote bags and $1.05 for the tee shirts. Parents estimated the time necessary to complete a bear was 15 minutes to cut out the clothes, 20 minutes to sew the outfits, and 5 minutes to dress the bears. A tote bag required 10 minutes to cut the materials, 15 minutes to sew and 10 minutes to glue the designs on the bag. Tee shirts were made using computer generated transfer designs for each sport which took 5 minutes to print out, 6 minutes to iron on the shirts, and 20 minutes to paint on extra detailing. The booster club parents made spirit items at three different work meetings and produced 30 bears, 30 tote bags, and 45 tee shirts at the first session. 15 bears, 25 tote bags, and 30 tee shirts were made during the second meeting; and, 30 bears, 35 tote bags and 75 tee shirts were made at the third session. They sold the bears for $12.00 each, the tote bags for $10.00 each and the tee shirts for $10.00 each. In the first month of school, 10 bears, 15 tote bags, and 50 tee shirts were sold at the bookstore. During the same time period, Booster Club members sold 50 bears, 20 tote bags, and 100 tee shirts at the games.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

The following is a matrix, a rectangular array of values, showing the wholesale cost of each item as well as the cost of decorations. "wholesale" and "decorations" are labels for the matrix rows and "bears", "totes", and "shirts" are labels for the matrix columns. The dimensions of this matrix called A are 2 rows and 3 columns and matrix A is referred to as a [2 x 3] matrix. Each number in the matrix is called an entry.

Cost per Item bears totes shirts A= wholesale 4.00 3.50 3.25 decorations 1.25 .90 1.05

It is sometimes convenient to write matrices (plural of matrix) in a simplified format without labels for the rows and columns. Matrix A can be written as an array.

a11 a12 4.00 3.50 3.25 where the values can be identified as A = A = a 1.25 .90 1.05 21 a 22 system, the entry a22 = .90, which is the cost of decorations for tote bags.

a13 . In this a 23

1. Write and label matrices for the information given on the Central High School Booster Club's spirit project. a. Let matrix B show the information given on the time necessary to complete each task for each item. Labels for making the items should be cut/print, sew/paint, and attach/dress. b. Find matrix C to show the numbers of bears, totes, and shirts produced at each of the three meetings. c. Matrix D should contain the information on items sold at the bookstore and at the game. d. Let matrix E show the sales prices of the three items.

time required per item bears totes shirts cut / print 15 10 5 B = sew / paint 20 15 6 attach / dress 5 10 20

number produced by item bears totes shirts 1st 30 30 45 C = 2nd 15 25 30 3rd 30 35 75

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

items sold bkstore games bears 10 50 D = totes 15 20 shirts 50 100

bears totes shirts E = sales price [12.00 10.00 10.00 ]

2. Matrices are called square matrices when the number of rows = the number of columns. A matrix with only one row or only one column is called a row matrix or a column matrix. Are any of the matrices from 1. square matrices or row matrices or column matrices? If so, identify them. B and C are square matrices. E is a row matrix Since matrices are arrays containing sets of discrete data with dimensions, they have a particular set of rules, or algebra, governing operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. In order to add two matrices, the matrices must have the same dimensions. And, if the matrices have row and column labels, these labels must also match. Consider the following problem and matrices. Several local companies wish to donate spirit items which can be sold along with the items made by the Booster Club at games help raise money for Central High School. J J's Sporting Goods store donates 100 caps and 100 pennants in September and 125 caps and 75 pennants in October. Friendly Fred's Food store donates 105 caps and 125 pennants in September and 110 caps and 100 pennants in October. How many items are available each month from both sources?

Sept Oct
To add two matrices, add corresponding entries. Let J =

caps 100 125 pennants 100 75 Sept Oct


Sept Oct
and F =

caps 105 110 pennants 125 100 Sept Oct

then J + F =

caps 100 + 105 125 + 110 pennants 100 + 125 75 + 100

J +F =

caps 205 235 pennants 225 175

Subtraction is handled like addition by subtracting corresponding entries.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

3. Construct a matrix G with dimensions [1 x 3] corresponding to production cost per item. Use this new matrix G and matrix E from #1 to find matrix P, the profit the Booster Club can expect from the sale of each bear, tote bag, and tee shirt.

bears totes shirts G = Cost [5.25 4.40 4.30]

bears totes shirts P = E G = profit [6.75 5.60 5.70]

Another type of matrix operation is known as scalar multiplication. A scalar is a single number such as 3 and matrix scalar multiplication is done by multiplying each entry in a matrix by the same scalar.

6 0 15 Let M = 2 0 5 , then 3M = . 1 3 4 3 9 4

4. Use scalar multiplication to change matrix B (problem #1) from minutes required per item to hours required per item.
time required per item( hours )

time required per item(minutes ) bears totes shirts cut / print 15 10 5 1 1 B = sew / paint 20 15 6 60 60 attach / dress 5 10 20

bears totes shirts 1 cut / print 4 1 = sew / paint 3 attach / dress 1 12 1 1 6 12 1 1 4 10 1 1 6 3

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Matrices can also be multiplied together. Since each matrix represents an array of data, rules for multiplying them together depends on the position of each entry. Consider the following example. At the beginning of November a stomach virus hits Central High School. Students in the Freshman and Sophomore classes are either well, a little sick, or really sick. The following tables show Freshmen and Sophomores according to their levels of sickness and their gender.
Student Population Categories Freshmen Sophomores Male 250 200 Female 300 275 Categories Well Little Sick Really Sick % of Sick Students Freshmen 20% 50% 30% Sophomores 25% 40% 35%

Suppose school personnel needed to prepare a report and include the total numbers of well and sick male Freshmen and Sophomores in the school.
well Freshmen males + well Sophomore males = well males (.2)(250) + (.25)(200) = 100

a little sick Freshmen males + a little sick Sophomore males = a little sick males (.5)(250) + (.4)(200) = 205

really sick Freshmen males + really sick Sophomore males = really sick males (.3)(250) + (.35)(200) = 145

Notice the positions of the values in these products. We are multiplying rows by columns to get the information we want. Translating the tables to matrices and using the rows by columns pattern of multiplication we get the following result

(.2)(250)+(.25)(200) = (.5)(250)+(.4)(200) (.3)(250)+(.35)(200) (.2)(300) + (.25)(275)

W .2 .25 F 250 300 L . 5 . 4 S 200 275 R .3 .35 F S

W 100 128.75 (.5)(300) + (.4)(275) = L 205 260 R 145 186.25 (.3)(300) + (.35)(275) M F

W .2 .25 F 250 300 L . 5 . 4 S 200 275 R .3 .35

W 100 128.75 L 205 260 R 145 186.25

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Unit 1

1st Edition

[level of sickness x class] * [class x gender] = [level of sickness x gender]

[3 x 2] * [2 x 2] = [3 x 2]

This procedure illustrates the multiplication of two matrices. In order to multiply two matrices, the number of columns of the matrix on the left must equal the number of rows of the matrix on the right. Also the labels of the columns of the left matrix must be the same as the labels of the rows of the right matrix. If the dimensions of two matrices are not appropriately matched, it is not possible to multiply them.

5. Given the following matrices, find their products if possible.

3 2 1 3 1 2 7 1 5 N = L = M = 5 4 3 2 5 4 1 6

0 1 1 0 5 T = 0 1 2 3

male female S=

male female

well 60% 70% Jr 150 210 C = sick Sr 40% 30% 100 50

a. LM b. LN c. LT d. MN e. SC [Sometimes it is necessary to exchange the rows and columns of a matrix in order to make it possible to multiply. This process is called finding the transpose of a matrix and is most useful with labeled matrices.]

5 14 14 16 LM = 25 6 23 13

LN = dimension mismatch

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Unit 1

1st Edition

1 3 LT = L = (T is the identity matrix.) 5 4

MN = dimension mismatch

SC = dimension mismatch since the labels do not match. However you could multiply SCT and



get SCT = well 237 95 sick 123 55

6. Using the matrices you wrote in problems 1. and 3. and matrix multiplication, find matrices to show the a. the amount of profit made at the bookstore and at the games; and,

items sold

bears totes shirts P = profit [6.75 5.60 5.70]

bkstore games bears 10 50 D = totes 15 20 shirts 50 100

bkstore games PD = profit [436.50 1026.25]

b. the amount of time (in minutes) it took to perform each task at the three work sessions.

time required per item bears totes shirts

number produced by item bears totes shirts

cut / pr int 15 10 5 1st 30 30 45 B = sew / pa int C = 2nd 20 15 20 15 25 30 attach / dress 3rd 5 10 6 30 35 75

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition




c / pr 450 525 480 C B = s / pa 1125 1025 860 amount of time in minutes at each task at the work sessions a / dr 1650 1650 1275

REFERENCES: Crisler, N., Fisher, P., & Froelich, G. (1994). Discrete mathematics Through Applications. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. (2000). Contemporary Precalculus Through Applications, 2nd edition. Chicago: Everyday Learning Corporation.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Walk Like a Mathematician

Matrices allow us to perform many useful mathematical tasks which ordinarily require large number of computations. Some types of problems which can be done efficiently with matrices include solving systems of equations, finding the area of triangles given the coordinates of the vertices, finding equations for graphs given sets of ordered pairs, and determining information contained in vertex edge graphs. In order to address these types of problems, it is necessary to understand more about matrix operations and properties; and, to use technology to perform some of the computations. Matrix operations have many of the same properties as real numbers. There are more restrictions on matrices than on real numbers, however, because of the rules governing matrix addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Some of the real number properties which are more useful when considering matrix properties are listed below.
Let a, b, and c be real numbers


PROPERTIES COMMUTATIVE ASSOCIATIVE IDENTITY a+b=b+a (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) There exists a unique real number zero, 0, such that a+0=0+a=a INVERSE For each real number a, there is a unique real number - a such that

ab = ba (ab)c = a(bc) There exists a unique real number one, 1, such that a*1=1*a=a For each nonzero real number a, there is a unique real number

1 such that a

a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0


1 1 ) = ( )a = 1 a a

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

The following is a set of matrices without row and column labels. Use these matrices to complete the problems.

2 3 D = 1 0

2 4 1 E = 0 1 3 1 0 2 3 4 1 K = 0 2 3 2 5 1

5 F = 2

0 G = 1 3

1 2 3

3 H = 1 2

4 2 J = 1 3

5 2 L = 1 0

1. Are matrix addition and matrix multiplication commutative? What would matrices have to look like in order to be commutative under addition and multiplication? Matrices are commutative under addition but generally not under multiplication. In general, any two matrices that can be added will be commutative under addition. But, matrices that are not square are not commutative under multiplication. Looking at the dimensions of possible multiplication patterns quickly shows matrix multiplication is not commutative: [5x2] [2x3] [2x3] [5x2]. 2. Are matrix addition and matrix multiplication associative? Matrix addition and multiplication are associative. Dimensional patterns suggest why these operations are associative. ([5x2] + [5x2]) + [5x2] = [5x2] + ([5x2] + [5x2]) and ([5x2] [2x3]) [ 3x4] = [5x2] ([2x3]) [ 3x4] [5x3] [3x4] = [5x2] [2x4] [5x4] = [5x4] 3. Is there a zero or identity, 0, for addition in matrices? If so, what does a zero matrix look like? Is a zero matrix unique? A zero matrix is any matrix where all entries equal zero. The is no unique zero matrix. 4. Do matrices have a one or an identity, I, for multiplication? If so what does an identity matrix look like; is it unique; and, does it satisfy the property a * 1 = 1 * a = a?
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Unit 1

1st Edition

1 0 0 1 0 Identity matrices are square matrices in the form or 0 1 0 . 0 1 0 0 1

5. Consider matrices D and G from the original set of matrices. D and G are inverse matrices.
In order for a matrix to have an inverse, it must satisfy two conditions. 1. The matrix must be a square matrix. 2. No row of the matrix can be a multiple of any other row. Both D and G are 2x2 matrices; and, the rows in D are not multiples of each other. The same is true of G. The notation normally used for a matrix and its inverse is D and D-1 or G and G-1.

The product of two inverse matrices should be the identity matrix, I. Find D*G and G*D.

2 3 0 D*G = 1 0 1 3

1 1 0 2 = 3 0 1

0 G*D = 1 3

1 2 3 1 0 = 2 1 0 0 1 3

6. The following formula can be used to find the inverse of a 2x2 matrix. Given matrix A where the rows of A are not multiples of each other:

1 a b d b -1 A = then A = ad bc c d c a For higher order matrices, we will use technology to find inverses.
Find the inverse of matrix J from the matrices listed above. Verify that J and J-1 are inverses.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

7. Another type of matrix operation is finding the determinant. Only square matrices have determinants. To find determinants of 2x2 matrices by hand use the following procedure. determinant(A) = det(A) = |A| =

a b = ad bc c d

a b c To find determinants of 3x3 matrices use the following procedure: given matrix B = d e f , g h i a b c a b rewrite the matrix and repeat columns 1 and 2 to get d e f d e . Now multiply and g h i g h
combine products according to the following patterns.

a b c a b d e f d e g h i g h


a b c a b d e f d e to give det(B) = aei + bfg + cdh ceg afh bdi. g h i g h

We will also use technology to find determinants of matrices.

The determinant of a matrix can be used to find the area of a triangle. If (x1, y1), (x2, y2), and (x3, y3) are vertices of a triangle, the area of the triangle is

x1 1 Area = x 2 2 x3

y1 1 y2 1 . y3 1

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Unit 1

1st Edition

a. Given a triangle with vertices (-1, 0), (1, 3), and (5, 0), find the area using the determinant formula. Verify that area you found is correct using geometric formulas.
1 * base* height. Since this 2 triangle's base is lined up on an axis, finding the area is 1 very straightforward. A = *6*3 = 9 square units. 2

Using geometry, Area =

Using matrices and a TI-84, the area is -9. Use +9 for the area.

b. Suppose you are finding the area of a triangle with vertices (-1, -1), (4, 7), and (9, -6). You find the area of the triangle to be -52.5 and your partner works the same problem and gets +52.5. After checking both solutions, you each have done your work correctly. How can you explain this discrepancy? If the points of the triangle are chosen in clockwise order, the value of the determinant is negative. If the points are chosen in a counterclockwise order the value is positive. c. Suppose another triangle with vertices (1, 1), (4, 2), and (7, 3) gives an area of 0. What do you know about the triangle and the points? If the area of the triangle formed by the given points is 0, the points are collinear.

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Unit 1

1st Edition

d. A gardener is trying to find a triangular area behind his house that encloses 1750 square feet. He has placed the first two fence posts at (0, 50) and at (40, 0). The final fence post is on the property line at y = 100. Find the point where the gardener can place the final fence post.

0 50 1 1 1750 = 40 0 1 2 x 100 1
1750 = (25x 1000) 25x = 750

0 1 40 1 40 0 1 = 1 0 = (50x 2000 + 4000) 50 + 1 2 x 1 x 100 2 100 1

x = 30 The third fence post should be placed at (30, 100) so that the garden area = 1750 ft2. 8. The distributive law for real numbers a, b, and c states that a (b + c) = ab + ac Does the equivalent law hold for 2 2 matrices? The expansion of (a + b )2 for real numbers is ( a + b )2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 Which properties of real numbers are needed to get this result? If A and B are 2 2 matrices find a counterexample to show that

( A + B)

A2 + 2 AB + B2

Explain why the properties you used for real numbers do not transfer to matrices, hence write down the correct expansion for

( A + B)

Prove that multiplication of 2 2 matrices is associative. Distributive Law A ( B + C ) = AB + AC holds, however the order of multiplication must be strictly held.

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Unit 1

1st Edition

a Proof: Let A = 11 a21

a12 b11 b12 c11 c12 , B = , C = a22 b21 b22 c21 c22

a c a b b c A ( B + C ) = 11 12 11 12 + 11 12 a21 a22 b21 b22 c21 c22 a b + c b + c a = 11 12 11 11 12 12 a21 a22 b21 + c21 b22 + c22 a ( b + c ) + a12 ( b21 + c21 ) a11 ( b12 + c12 ) + a12 ( b22 + c22 ) = 11 11 11 a21 ( b11 + c11 ) + a22 ( b21 + c21 ) a21 ( b12 + c12 ) + a22 ( b22 + c22 ) a11b12 + a11c12 + a12b22 + a12c22 a b + a c + a b + a c = 11 11 11 11 12 21 12 21 a21b11 + a21c11 + a22b21 + a22 c21 a21b12 + a21c12 + a22b22 + a22c22 a b b a a c c a AB + AC = 11 12 11 12 + 11 12 11 12 a21 a22 b21 b22 a21 a22 c21 c22 a11b12 + a12b22 a11c11 + a12c21 a11c12 + a12c22 a b + a b = 11 11 12 21 + a21b11 + a22b21 a21b12 + a22b22 a21c11 + a22c21 a21c12 + a22c22 a11b12 + a12b22 + a11c12 + a12c22 a b + a b + a c + a c = 11 11 12 21 11 11 12 21 a21b11 + a22b21 + a21c11 + a22 c21 a21b12 + a22b22 + a21c12 + a22c22 a11b12 + a11c12 + a12b22 + a12c22 a b + a c + a b + a c = 11 11 11 11 12 21 12 21 a21b11 + a21c11 + a22b21 + a22 c21 a21b12 + a21c12 + a22b22 + a22c22 = A( B + C )

(a + b)

= ( a + b )( a + b ) definition of a square = ( a + b ) a + ( a + b ) b distributive law = a 2 + ba + ab + b 2 distributive property = a 2 + ab + ab + b 2 commutative property = a 2 + 2ab + b 2

Verify that counterexample shows that ( A + B ) A2 + 2 AB + B2

( A + B)

= ( A + B )( A + B ) definition of a square = ( A + B ) A + ( A + B ) B distributive law = A2 + BA + AB + B 2 distributive property

As there is no commutative law for matrix multiplication this is correct expansion.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Candy? What Candy? Do We Get to Eat It?

Suppose you walked into class one day and found a big stack of sealed lunch bags full of candy on a table just waiting for you to rip them open and devour their chocolaty contents. But, you could not even touch them until you figured out how many pieces of each brand of candy was contained in each bag. Well, today is the day. Each group of three gets one bag which must remain unopened until you can tell how many pieces of each type of candy W, X, Y, or Z. Each bag holds 3 different types of candy and a total of 9 pieces of candy. Your task is to determine exactly what is in your bag by writing a system of equations and solving that system using matrices.

ax + by = c A system of equations such as can be written as a matrix equation where dx + ey = f a b x c d e y = f or CV = A where C is the coefficient matrix, V is the variables matrix, and A is the answers matrix. The variables matrix can be isolated by multiplying each side of the equation by the inverse of C.
CV = A C CV = C-1A V = C-1A

5x y = 7 To solve a system of equations such as 2x + 3y = 1 5 - 1 x 7 2 3 y = - 1 1 3 1 5 1 x 1 3 1 7 = 17 2 5 2 3 y 17 2 5 1 x 1 3 1 7 y = 17 2 5 1

write the matrix equation.


20 - 19 and y = 17 17

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Solving systems of equations of higher order can be accomplished using a similar format and a TI-84 graphing calculator to find the inverse of the coefficient matrix and find the necessary products.

x 2 y + 3z = 3 To solve the system 2x + y + 5z = 8 write the coefficient matrix C = 3x y 3z = 22 3 answers matrix A = 8 . Enter C and A into the TI-84. 22

1 2 3 2 1 and the 5 3 1 3

1. For the following systems of equations, write the matrix equation and solve for the variables. a. 2x + 3y = 2 4x 9y = -1 b. 9x 7y = 5 10x + 3y = -16 {-1, -2} c. 5x 4y + 3z = 15 6x + 2y + 9z = 13 7x + 6y 6z = 6 1 2, 1, 3

1 1 , 2 3

2. Systems of equations can be used to write an equation for a graph given coordinates of points on the graph. Suppose you are asked to find an equation of a line passing through the points (2, -5) and ( -1, -4). Knowing the graphing form of the equation of a line is y = mx + b, you can

5 = 2m + b 1 1 form a system of equations . Solving this system gives m = and b = 4 3 3 4 = 1m + b and

an equation of y =

1 1 x 4 . 3 3
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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Consider the following graph. The parabola passes through the points (-3, 5), (1, 1), and (2, 10). Write a system of equations for this graph. Solve the system and write an equation for the parabola. Justify your answer.

Use the point values in y = ax2 + bx +c.

1 = 1a + 1b + 1c Solve the system: 5 = 9a 3b + 1c 10 = 4a + 2b + 1c

y = 2x2 + 3x 4

3. Now, to find out about your bag of candy . Bag Number ____10_____________ Types of Snacks ___X Y Z______________ Total Number of Snacks Inside___9_____ Total Number of Calories____819.9__________ Total Fat Grams_______43.1__________ Total Weight______152___________ Total Carbohydrates______97___________ Total Protein______13___________

The card attached to each bag given to a group of students should look like this card. It gives information about the contents of each bag. Using this information and the information from the Nutrition Table, students should write a system of equations for their bag of candy.

Choose values from the Nutrition Chart and the totals given on the card attached to your bag and write a system of equations that describes the information regarding the snacks in your groups
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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

paper bag. List your equations below. Solve this system of equations using matrices. Explain how you determined how many pieces of each type of candy are in your bag. 1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ Using the values from the Nutrition Chart below, the possible equations for Bag #10 would be number: x + y + z = 9 fat: 3.7x + 4y + 6z = 43.1 carbohydrates: 9x + 11y + 12z = 97 protein: x + y + 2z = 13 calories: 73.3x + 80y + 110z = 819.9 weight: 14x + 13y + 21z = 152 Students can use any three of the equations to form their system of equations. They should find that Bag #10 would contain x = 3, y = 2, and z = 4 pieces of candy. Each bag should contain a different assortment of candies. Depending on particular school restrictions, it may not be possible to use candy or any food items for this lab. Any set of small items will do to put in the bags. (However, food items are particularly appealing to students and they will work diligently to solve this type of problem). Identify some characteristic measurements for the student to use to write their equations. A higher level problem would be to let students set up this activity for other classes as well as solving for their own bags of unknown items. Suppose you are working with a younger group of students and want to do this activity using two types of candy instead of three. Explain how you could use the nutrition information and matrix multiplication to label your bags of candy for other students.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Sample Nutrition Chart for Halloween sized Snickers, MM's, Twix, and Peanut Butter Cups. Students have 9 bars of 3 types of candy. Students use these values and the total values from their bags to write the equations. These values will vary according to the type of candy you select. A table of values like this should accompany each bag of candy. SNACK FAT GRAMS CARBOHYDRATE GRAMS PROTEIN GRAMS CALORIES WEIGHT GRAMS





















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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

AN OKEFENOKEE FOOD WEB Recent weather conditions have caused a dramatic increase in the insect population of the Okefenokee Swamp area. The insects are annoying to people and animals and health officials are concerned there will be an increase in disease. Local authorities want to use an insecticide that would literally wipe out the entire insect population of the area. You, as an employee of the Environmental Protection Agency, must determine how detrimental this would be to the environment. Specifically, you are concerned on the effects on the food web of six animals known to populate the swamp. Consider the following digraph of a food web for the six animals and the insects that are causing the problem.

A digraph is a directed vertex edge graph. Here each vertex represents an animal or insects. The direction of the edges indicates whether an animal preys on the linked animal. For example, raccoons eat fish. (Note: the food web shown is simplified. Initial producers of nutrients, plants, have not been included.)

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Adjacency matrices can be used in conjunction with digraphs. If we consider just the relationships between raccoons, fish, and frogs in the food web shown, an adjacency matrix would be

R FT F R 0 1 1 FT 0 0 0 F 0 1 1

1. Construct the associated matrix F to represent this web. What does a row containing a single one indicate? What does a column of zeros indicate? A row containing a single one indicates that predator has only one direct food source. A column of zeros indicates that prey animal has no predators in this food web.
B M I C FT F R B 0 M 0 I 0 C 0 FT 0 F 0 R 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


2. Which animals have the most direct sources of food? How can this be determined from the matrix? Find the number of direct food sources for each animal. Frogs and raccoons have the highest number of direct food sources. To find the number of direct food sources, add the entries in each row. Bears = 2; Mice = 1; Insects = 1; Crayfish = 1; Frogs/Tadpoles = 2; Fish = 4; Raccoons = 3 3. The insect column has the most ones. What does this suggest about the food web? The insect column has 6 ones indicating insects are prey (a direct food source) for 6 members of this food web. This suggests insects are very important in this ecosystem. 4. The matrix F2 denotes indirect (through one intermediary) sources of food. For example, the fish relies on insects for food, and the bear relies on the fish for food, so the insect is an indirect source of food for the bear. Find F2. Notice that insect column contains all nonzero numbers. What does this indicate?
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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Since the insect column in F2 contains all nonzero numbers, insects an important indirect food source for all animals, including other insects, in the food web. B M I C FT F R
B 0 M 0 2 F = I 0 C 0 FT 0 F 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5. Compute additional powers of the food web matrix to represent the number of direct and indirect sources of food for each animal. Which animal has the most food sources? Fish have the most food sources. If an insecticide is introduced into the food web, killing the entire insect population, several animals will lose a source of food.
B M I C FT F R B 0 M 0 I 0 C 0 FT 0 F 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 2 8 7 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B M I C FT F R B 0 M 0 I 0 C 0 FT 0 F 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

F3 =

F4 =

0 12 0 11

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

6. Construct a new matrix G to represent the food web with no insects. What effect does this have on the overall animal population? What has happened to the row sums? Compare these with those of the original matrix. What does a row sum of zero indicate? Eliminating insects reduces the number of direct food sources for all animals. Some animals, mice and crayfish, no longer have a direct food source. B M C FT F R
0 0 G = C 0 FT 0 F 0 R 0 B M 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0

7. Will all the animals be affected by the insecticide? Which animal(s) will be least affected? Mice, crayfish, and frogs and tadpoles have lost an important source of food. If these animals die off, and are taken out of the food web, then bears, fish, and raccoons are only left with fish as a primary food source. G2 =

B M C FT F R B 0 M 0 C 0 FT 0 F 0 R 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 1

8. Organize and summarize your findings in a brief report to the health officials. Take and support a position on whether using an insecticide to destroy the insect population is harmful to the environment.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Extension Problem: Because digraph problems are not as available as other types of matrix problems, a second problem is included. Within a small group of associates, different people are willing to share secrets selectively. Allen will share with Elyse. Brett will share with Chloe and Allen. Chloe will share with Elyse and Dora. Dora will share with Fiona and Elyse. Elyse will share with Allen and Brett. Fiona will share with Allen and Brett.

1. Show this information with a digraph and an adjacency matrix named S.

A B C D E F Allen 0 Brett 1 S = Chloe 0 Dora 0 Elyse 1 Fiona 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

2. What do the zeros on the diagonal of the adjacency matrix indicate? No person shares a secret with themselves. 3. Find S2 and S3.

A B C D E F A 1 B 0 2 S = C 1 D 2 E 1 F 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0

A B C D E F A 1 B 2 3 S = C 3 D 2 E 1 F 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 0

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

4. Is it possible for Fiona to share a secret and that secret reach Chloe? What is the minimum number of times the secret is shared when Charles knows the secret? The first time a nonzero entry appears in the S Fiona, Charles position is in S2. So the minimum number of secret sharing is 2. 5. How many ways is it possible for a secret to get from Brett to Elyse in 3 or fewer secret sharing episodes? In S, the S Brett, Elyse value is 0 so there is no direct secret sharing between Brett and Elyse. In S2, however, there are 2 two-person sharing events, and in S3 there is 1 three-person sharing event. It is possible for a secret to get from Brett to Elyse in 0 + 2 + 1 = 3 ways.

REFERENCES: Crisler, N., Fisher, P., & Froelich, G. (1994). Discrete mathematics Through Applications. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company. Peressini, Dominic; Project Director. The Discrete Mathematics Project (1997). Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado through an Eisenhower Professional Development Grant.

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

Culminating Task Georgia Air-Taxi

Dalton Augusta Atlanta




Network of Georgia Air-Taxi (flights between towns go in both directions) The diagram above shows a map of the routes taken by Georgia Air-Taxi airline. On this diagram lengths and directions are irrelevant, all that matters is the connections between airports. 1. Construct a route matrix for this network in which 1 indicates that there is a direct route between two airports (nodes) and a 0 indicates that there is no direct flight between airports. Dalton Atlanta Augusta Macon Albany Waycross

Dalton Atlanta Augusta Macon Albany Waycross

0 1 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 1 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 1

0 1 1 0 0 1

0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 0 0

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Accelerated Mathematics II

Unit 1

1st Edition

2. Use Technology to find the square of the route matrix found in 1. Dalton Atlanta Augusta Macon Albany Waycross

Dalton Atlanta Augusta Macon Albany Waycross

1 0 1 1 1 0

0 4 1 1 0 2

1 1 3 2 1 1

1 1 2 3 1 1

1 0 1 1 1 0

0 2 1 1 0 2

3. By multiplying a route matrix by itself the resulting matrix shows the number of two-stage routes connecting the airports. For example, the 1 route shown for Dalton to Dalton arises because it is possible to fly from Dalton to Atlanta back to Dalton. Your square matrix should have one element with a value of 4 and two with a value of 3. Describe all the two stage routes these numbers represent. 4. Atlanta

Birmingham Columbia Construct a route matrix for the network shown in the diagram. Lines with only one arrow indicate that the flow of traffic is in one direction only. Note that it is possible to take a route from Columbia back to itself and that the journey can be taken in two directions. Find the square of the route matrix and describe the two stage routes that the new matrix indicates. Find the cube of the route matrix, what do you think this represents? Take any non-zero element of the cubed matrix and describe all the routes its represents.

To A B C A 0 1 1 From B 1 0 1 C 0 1 1 Route Matrix R

To A B C A 1 1 2 From B 0 2 2 C 1 1 2 R

To A B C A 1 3 4 From B 2 2 4 C 1 3 4 R represents 3 stage routes.

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