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WAJ 3102 English Language Proficiency

1.0 Task 1: Essay Writing Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter as well as Blogging have destroyed communication between friends and family It is no doubt that everyone in this world, even the youngest ones, acknowledged the existence of the internet. It began on 1962 where the word internet was not even coined into our lives. Since then, a lot of changes had happened and the primitive computers were changed into the most modern ones and because of the development of the technology, right now, the internet can be accessed through smartphones, thus making it accessible onthe-go. Since the invention of the smartphones, there are currently 1.08 billion of users of smartphones in the world and 89% of the smartphones users used the smartphones to access to the internet throughout their daily lives (Go, 2012). We can see here how much most people relied on the internet in their daily lives. Technology helped people in the terms getting work to be done faster and make their lives easier as everything is at their fingertips. The existence of the internet has made communication become easier. No more letters to say Hi to people from all around the world. With the existence of Facebook, Twitter and Blog, you can say goodbye to writing letters. Facebook is no longer an alien word in Malaysia. Even if the question what is Facebook? was being asked to primary schools students, they would find no problems in answering the questions and in fact, most of the primary schools students have their own Facebook accounts. According to, there are 13085000 Facebook users in the Malaysia and the number is increasing each year. People started to communicate through social networking and forget real life communication. Susan Tardanico, as what she wrote in Forbes, ironically, social networking was meant to close the communication gap from one another, however, with the existing of social networking, people started to forget one-to-one communication. They prefer writing everything down everything in social network rather than meeting with people. Naturally, we need one-to-one conversation so that when someone speaks to us, we would be able to detect their way of speaking, thus giving us information through the body language to detect either they are okay or not. Friends usually hang out together at restaurants or at Mamak stall which is a common situation in Malaysia. But, we can see that sometimes, even if they are hanging out together, spending times with one another, their hands would not let their smartphones go.

WAJ 3102 English Language Proficiency

They would type something, replying comments at Facebook, tweeting their activities with their virtual friends, posting picture on Instagram and many more. It is no longer a weird view to see sometimes, when they hang out together, their table would be quiet and in fact, more quiet than the library! Even worse, sometimes, they would just comment on one another status rather than speaking about it face-to-face. Other than that, social networking sites was said to be one the main reason behind one out of five divorces in the US(Das, 2009). Lets say, a married woman update her status to single just for fun, and then everyone else is commenting on that status. Her husband would be mad if he find out about that. Besides that, some married people like to have sexual chat while they are on Facebook which would definitely cause chaos in their married life if their spouse found out about it. It is the same as relationship with family as well. If an issues was brought up in the family and you do not agree with it, and then you posted it on Facebook, your family members would read it, and next thing you know, you are no longer talk to them, simply because your action of writing it down on social networking sites. Although, social networking sites was said had given quite a lot disadvantages, but we must not forget that social networking also helps to strengthen the bond between family and friends who live far from each other. As for example, Malaysian students who are currently furthering their study in overseas would not find it difficult to connect with their families and friends. If previously, they have to send letters and wait for weeks just to receive the answers form the family, now, no more waiting. They can video chat online through Facebook, Yahoo Messenger or any kinds of software that allow them to do so. Mothers and fathers have no more worry about their kids as they can get fast update to their kids life. This benefit will surely put a smile on their face. In conclusion, although social networking sites gave possibilities to be able to destroy communication between friends and family, the advantages that they gave in our life must not be forgotten. Living in this new era where everything must be done fast, social networking sites help a lot. Proper education must be given to the uses of social networking sites. Just like guns, they help to protect people but if people used it for wrong purposes, guns would be the most ultimate weapons to kill other people. Therefore, proper education on how to use the social networking sites is a good idea. (874 Words)

WAJ 3102 English Language Proficiency

2.0 Task 2: Reflection 2.1 (Mohd Syahrul Adha Bin Mohd Fouat) First of all, I would like gratitude to Allah for the mercy and grace, I am able to to progress my studies to the next level. I would like to thank to my parents who always support and give encouragement to me while studying here. In addition, I also want to thank the lecturers,Mrs Lim for her guidance and tutoring to me during the process of implementation of this task. Last but not least, to my assignment partner, Mazly Tius who is always together with me indirectly. A good work starts from excellent time management. That phrase become my motivation to me when I want to start something on my work. I know there are five tasks that need to be sent along with this assignment, I had take judicious actions by not delay any work and give 100 percent of my attention when doing any task. I know this subject is very important because it can help me understand a second language better. Beside thats, as a future teacher, I must be prepare to learn something that can make me be more efficient in my job. No doubt, my partner and I face a lot of problems while completing this task. Among them is the poor knowledge of English and a lack of understanding about the assignment title given to us. however, this problem has been solved by us. since, I have poor knowledge in English, I had to refer to the dictionary always to learn some new word meanings and that can be used in this task correctly. So, by referring to dictionary always, the first problem is solved in blink of an eyes. for the second problem related to the confusion of assignment question, this problem has been solved with the help from our own lecturer Ms Lim who are always concerned about her students weakness. Although in the first, this problem is a alittle difficult for us, but from the help of the lecturers, we are able to handle it well. So many lessons I have gained from this assignment. One of it is i was able to know well how my essay writing skills in English. Beside that, I also able to know what is the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking sites to society, and to ourselves. I hope from performing these tasks, my english writing skills can be improved well. In addition, I also hope, the lecturer can give a good marks for my efforts that I have given during the this task. The end. (437 Words) struggling to complete this task as well as all those participate directly and

WAJ 3102 English Language Proficiency

2.2 Reflection (Mazly Tius) Hey there, nice meeting you. What is your Facebook account? Nowadays, this question certainly is normal to us. We once have been shocked by news of newlywed couple that neglect their baby to death because of Farmville, Facebooks game. Social networking such as Facebook, twitter and blogging obviously has make huge changes in our daily life not only to teenagers but also most of us, married or not. One of the most serious problems faced by those who are addicted to this social networking is time management. Generally, these people will having issue on time management since there are spending most of their time on Facebook, etc. When there are starting to blogging for instance, they will put aside other things or worse they will forget about other things that they should do. There are many ways to solve this situation. Before start blogging for example, we have to ensure that all importance and things which need our attention have been done. List things to do are one of the most effective ways to curb this problem. List all the things have to be done according to their priority and plan when to do them. This also will train us to be discipline. One of the lessons that I have learnt throughout the process of writing is selfdiscipline. Self-discipline is crucial in order to have good time management. Other than that, we should not forget our responsibility as student and son. Every action we take and every decision we make today will impact our life. For self-improvement, first thing to do is set own goals. Setting goals is important so that we will not deviate from our goals. Next is set daily practice activities. To reach the goals, it is important to establish daily practice. Rewarding ourselves is also one of the ways to motivate ourselves. Sometimes we will face rough road, by rewarding ourselves, our motivation will not down. (320 Words)

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