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Vines with many thorns Below the root grow deep and wide Above the vines push through bushes And entwine themselves around trees and poles And window lades, to get rid of them would cost Such toil and blood, unimagined. Looking backward in time we should rationalize now how far educational streams have taken tough challenges to flow through drought and flood or have been ceased for its sluggish water to create green landscape of character, imagination and creativity. When snake is alive snake eats ants. When snake is dead ants eat snake. Time can change everything. Shakespeares character Richard II laments in his old age Oh! I wasted time, now doth time wastes me time respects those who respects it, this is the inexorable law of education in life. The greatest gift of god is the education in man to discover life in a stipulated canvas of his existence. Education tends to be lauded in all cultures; it is often viewed as the stream leading one to the great ocean of wisdom. It leaves you calm, makes you able to think before acting upon your thoughts and passions and not to be easily someone to be caught by the persuasion and decisions of others, not to be caught up by the myriad fads and craze pulsing you to do something against society and God the degenerating forces of life. . Education includes an ability for self control and help to grow deeper in ideas to foster love and happiness in the world. Education creates pure

consciousness; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. True education comes from our pure knowledge, infinite silence, perfect balance, invincibility, simplicity and bliss. The world will have a race of Buddha and Christ, Gandhi and Mother Teresa if we make our future generation truly educated. If we are really eager to find true education and live by it, our life will be eventually the means of our spirituality and the means of rooting out evils from the world. As we come to realize how intimately we are connected with the farthest and innermost reaches of the universe, we begin to realize that we are merely symbols of the cosmos to contribute fruits and flowers to the world tree. The terrible uncertainties of the time are forcing all of us to reexamine our thinking and prepare our children for the world they are inheriting when scientific discoveries have marveled us with unprecedented power and materialistic rise but the sun of our life is growing dim, our mind and brain is under untiring attack of despair, we are moving towards a stony darkness of immorality and shamelessness. But we cant claim that it is a bad time but the culture of discipline is highly essential to protect us from all In spite of the degeneration we have under gone in moral life, the roads to more freedom of mind and body has already been achieved to come out from the claustrophobic atmosphere of orthodox life which suffocates us with lot of social and religious taboos curtailing a breathing of life under the open sky. New educational facilities, job opportunities wait for our children if they really aspire to fit themselves in the present changing scenario of the world. There is hardly any difference between man and woman in the social context if they educate themselves properly and prove their ability to do works almost with potentiality. There is a great responsibility on the shoulders of the new generation to nourish libertarianism fostering education on the principles of equality and human freedom but keeping an eye to our social system which is not radical and the future lies in

our hand. It is through education we have to discover our own powers to procreate a civilization of wisdom, order, charity, piety, temperance and all the treasures of this world nourishing them, enlightening them for peace, prosperity, beauty and joys of

the world. we are the harbingers of a techno-savvy age to think global with all your strategy for the changing scenario of the world .The greater avenues of scholastic education keeps waiting for, the multifarious and multiple streams of learning have already been expanded, they keep us ready for boosting our system of education, greater opportunities keep waiting for us. In this context of education it is high time to think about the true perspectives of Higher Education as how far it has achieved in developing humanitarian virtues like love, justice, courage, prudence, and honesty. At the same time it is also questionable about the need of a system for monitoring a syllabus which shall be both humanitarian as well as quality based to contribute to the National Development, Global Competencies and become a means for mass communication simultaneously fostering academic excellences for professionalism. The quality and accountability should be based on academic achievements through strategic vision catering to the interest of the nation as well as the students. Development of IQA (Internal Quality Assurance), QA (Quality Assurance) should be made through the scholastic achievements of both students and teachers who should contribute for innovative feedback of ideas, plan and policies for a network of grass root development leading to the phenomenal expansion of Higher Education sector by the help of a good governance system as per the globalization, privatization and liberalization. Creative, effective, innovative examination system to foster knowledge, interpretational skill, based on the research of regulatory bodies like universities, UGC, AICTE, NCERT, DERTS, should be introduced so as to deviate from that knowledge by a vast

traditional system that have crippled the higher education in many states of India

mostly Odisa. Reorientation through a new course structure based upon the advanced system adopted by IIIT, IACS, IISC, TIFR, HR, AIIMS and many more institutions of world as well as a challenging curriculum for the culture of human values will definitely usher a new dawn, a new vision for Higher Education in India. Let us take our stand upon an unassailable truism that the object of education is to educate character, proficiency and imagination not to be at the mercy of

demagogues and fanatics who lack humanity as well as sweet milk human kindness leading us to the dark alleys of life. We have the largest educational system in the world as of 22nd June, 2012 we have 567 universities and more than 22000 educational institutions catering to the

genuine need of 600 million students in higher education, by 2022 we will have 1500 universities and more50,000 colleges. Recently students agitated against the arbitrary evaluation by teachers in the plus three second examination of sambalpur university because many students who had secured first class marks in other subjects secured very poor marks even failed in English, some students also got Zero mark though they had very good performance in other subjects that was greatly shocking for the students and parents .The

students protested by closing down the educational institutions , met the concerned authorities , met the Governor of odisha universities and sought the Xerox copies from the appear another

but finally the desirous students are asked to

examination in a month or so. Moreover the most spine chilling news about the arrest of four persons including an Assistant teacher on charges of sexually exploiting the female inmates of an orphanage at Rourkela and engaging them in immoral activities has raised questions on moral and ethical fairness in the educational institutions which is an implied mandatory requirement to protect students against arbitrary action and behavior of the teachers .This is contrary to the

spirit of education; teaching is the profession of all professions concerned with the moral developments in social life. It is really awful to find educational institutions as the slaughter-house for innocent children and students. The accountability and quality are strongly recommended but it has not been properly monitored to emphasize on creative and caring attitudes of the teachers and is in dock for a very long time. Arbitrary evaluation is frightening and stresscausing for which lot of suicide cases have been in the news. The question papers are leaked, examinations are delayed which disappoints and remains largely elusive for the career and future of the students causing stress and fear in their minds. Many children have recently died because of the breaking down of the walls of the schools, many more are hospitalized for the rotten food served in the mid-day meals, they are ill- behaved and tortured, beaten and molested which has aroused great disappointments and frustration to the enlightened mass. Do we have a concerted effort to abide by the rule of law for education not to

inhabit arbitrary action that hinders in maintaining fundamental fairness in imparting education, giving justice to the students in the examinations, create morality among the teachers and establishing a procedural fairness of the established ethos of education by flipping flop favoritism and nepotism, corruptible practices and immorality, to substitute the old syllabus and course structure that has been like junk food . The most spine chilling news about the arrest of teachers on charges of sexually exploiting the female students and engaging them in immoral activities have raised questions on moral and ethical fairness in the educational institutions which is an implied mandatory requirement to protect students against arbitrary action and behavior of the teachers .The lack of accountability to interest of higher education safe guard the greater

by its employees , by the educationists , by the

teachers and people in general is awful . The scenario is more scary and spine chilling than a horror story. The accountability and quality are strongly recommended but
it has not been properly monitored to emphasize on creative and caring attitudes of the teachers and is in dock for a very long time. Arbitrary evaluation is frightening and stresscausing for which lot of suicide cases have been in the news. The question papers are leaked, examinations are delayed which disappoints and remains largely elusive for the career and future of the students causing stress and fear in their minds. Many children

have recently died because of the breaking down of the walls of the schools, many more are hospitalized for the rotten food served in the mid-day meals, they are illbehaved and tortured, beaten and molested which has aroused great disappointments and frustration to the enlightened mass. Many ministers, bureaucrats and teachers of the
education department have been charged for their illegal activities, injustice and inhuman attitudes on the questionable responsibilities of the post they hold. The poor infrastructure erected for school buildings, the poor food served to the students, the poor evaluation done speaks of a poor power of judgment. The power of judgments envisaged is like water running up the hill, water cant go beyond its own level and the power of judgment cant go beyond humanitarian responsibilities. The government has allocated crores of rupees for Mass Education and crores for Higher Education Department in the last budget, the government spends crores of rupees in literacy programmes but to the utter dismay the results are quite shocking. The UNESCO commission on education has rightly emphasized that there is the need to update education in India to be an international knowledge- hub. Odisha will be able to compete nationally and internationally only when a true vision of

education is developed through multifarious research in building up knowledge, proficiency and character among the teachers and bureaucrats who govern and shoulder the education of our state. The government does not fill -up vacancies through meritorious teachers the recruitment of

and depends on contractual teachers , part- time teachers, Paraby the innovation of a new

teachers , sikhya sahayaka and so many other varieties nomenclature for teaching- community and burden

itself by burdening the society.

Promoting education without a solid base in infrastructure, teachers and ultra-modern

technology would be waste in this age. The implementation of the policies and decisions without intellectual foresight and immediate political gain has resulted in creating despondency and distress for the intellectual milieu of the state. The nonchalant, frugal and ostensive attitude of the educationist and policy makers has led the people to run to the

court of law as such there are more than 10,000 cases of Higher Education Department pending in the High Court of odisha. Policies, rules and laws cant be exercised by treating it to be an implied and incidental one through the violation of the statutory provisions as these are to be exercised with care and caution with reasonable means in conformity with law. Educational institutions are man-making industry, more humanely, more noble to produce good human beings. So, the teachers should be free from psychosomatic problems, criminal attitude, sadism and misanthropic ideas to create a better environment in the educational institutions. Formal education may give us a living but self education can give us the fortune of becoming a good citizen for our motherland. The present scenario of education speaks of a debacle unimagined, we have to redefine ourselves and opt for radical changes to reform, restructure it by ensuring true quality and accountability to those speak of an

avoid such disheartening, stress- causing and frightening incidents

unhealthy educational system. We should promote and monitor survey -agencies in both private and government sectors to judge correctly the short comings and keep the

streams of education flowing to contribute to its tributaries to generate love , knowledge and justice in building up a new brave world free from vices. The illegal practices, injustice and inhuman attitudes practiced by the teachers community have raised questions on the questionable responsibilities of the post they hold. The poor infrastructure erected, the poor evaluation speaks of a poor power of judgment. The power of judgments envisaged is like water running up the hill, water cant go beyond its own level and the power of judgment cant go beyond humanitarian responsibilities. The government has allocated 1462.55 crores of rupees for Mass Education and 263.50 crores for Higher Education department in the last budget, the government spends crores of rupees in literacy programmes but to the utter dismay the results are quite shocking.

Odisha will be able to compete nationally and internationally only when a true vision of education is developed through multifarious research in building up knowledge, proficiency and character among the people who govern and shoulder the education of our state.If the education of the state is not handled by responsible persons, disciplined authorities, there is always danger of its of extinction. Indiscipline in moral aspect is a

serious drawback beginning from the leaders to teachers, one leads the people; the other teaches them to take the country towards progress. People are twisted around their fingers; they dont want to turn the table that might rot in one place, what do you teach? How do you teach? It does not matter, what matters are the daily going to the college and dilly-dally with the students. The authority warns you- better let sleeping dogs lie and not mess the work, dont cry over spilled milk. A teacher can never teach unless he is still learning himself, a lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to its own flame.

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