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Running strong Readers Choice

The Lincoln-Sudbury girls track team ballot inside

returns to Dual County League action. Page 4
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L INCOLN , M ASS . • V OL . 28, N O . 14 • THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 20 09 • WWW. WICKEDLOCAL . COM / LINCOLN • $1.00


A midwinter night’s dream L-S to hire

interim head
Housemaster interviewed
By Carole LaMond
Staff Writer
The Lincoln-Sudbury Re-
gional District School Commit-
tee will look to hire an internal
candidate as an interim super-
intendent/principal for the high
school, an effort the board says
will provide stability during a
time when the district is facing
a $1.1 million budget shortfall
and the possible reorganization
of the school district.
“In this time of deep uncer-
tainty and anxiety, we feel that Courtesy photo
it is critical to act quickly — but Scott Carpenter is a
not precipitously — in choosing candidate to serve as
the best possible person to work interim superintendent-
with all of us in leading the principal at L-S.
school,” the School Committee
wrote in a memo. “To have that On Dec. 16, the School Com-
matter resolved satisfactorily in mittee announced that con-
the near future would allow us sultant Jackie Roy, of J.A. Roy
all to devote our full attention Associates, was hired to aid in
to the other pressing issues con- the search for a new head ad-
fronting the school.” ministrator. The announcement
The formal search for a new came just a day after the Sud-
superintendent/principal for bury Budget Review Task
The Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School chorus performs during the Renaissance Madrigal Dinner at Bemis Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High Force (BRTF) released a report
Hall. Students, clad in period garb, played in two dinner shows last week. School was essentially over be- recommending the consolida-
fore the ink had dried on the tion of L-S and Sudbury Public
search consultant’s contract. Carpenter, Page 7
L-S chorus A real princess
Jamie Faulkner motions during vocal

celebrates exercises prior to the start of the show at

Bemis Hall last Wednesday. Performing at
the Madrigal Dinner, in addition to the cho-
rus, were the Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Coro
de Chicas, Women’s Chorale, Chamber
Officials talk
at, drink and be merry!” the king bade
his guests in a royal wassail toast.
Parents, siblings, friends and com-
Singers, and Collegium Musicum, directed
by Dave McLellan. consolidation
munity members sat around long banquet tables Meal fit for a king By Carole LaMond study of the financial and edu-
inside a festooned Bemis Hall, which was trans- Staff Writer cational impacts.
formed into a medieval castle for the first annual Michael Merullo sings as he presents A proposal to consolidate The School Committee did
Renaissance Madrigal Dinner. the boar’s head to the court. Before Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High agree to appoint an interim su-
The Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School the feast could begin, the royal taster School and Sudbury Public perintendent/principal rather
chorus presented two dinner performances in was called up “so that our king may Schools into a single school dis- than hiring a permanent re-
Lincoln last week. Dressed in period costumes eat without fear.” The taster timidly trict is a long way from real- placement for John Ritchie,
and led by Choral Director Ruth Hartt, students sampled the cuisine before giving an ity, according to officials from who will retire at the end of the
sang, danced and served up a catered feast. All enthusiastic thumbs up. both towns. current school year. Mostue said
proceeds from the dinner will benefit the cho- The Lincoln and Sudbury fi- the School Committee hopes
rus trip to Carnegie Hall in New York City. nance committees held a joint to hire an internal candidate “to
Last Wednesday evening, students, clad in bil- Ladies in waiting meeting last week to discuss the make sure there was stability
lowy robes and flowing gowns, put on their best proposal as well as the current in the school leadership.”
old English as they bid guests “good morrow” and Sophie Sagan and Sherie Ouellet wait state of the high school’s budget. In December, the Sudbury
invited the “lords and ladies” to enter the court. As for the dinner to get underway. Students “The first opportunity to im- Budget Review Task Force
they entered, each guest was formally introduced donned a variety of colorful costumes be- plement this would be in July (BRTF) issued a report that ad-
to the court by their name and place of residence. fitting the style of the Renaissance era. 2011,” said Lincoln Selectman dressed cost-cutting measures
A dramatic drum roll and spirited fanfare an- Women in the royal court wore long gowns Gary Taylor, who added that at the high school and in other
nounced the arrival of the king and queen, fol- and garlands, while the men sported tu- might even be optimistic if both town departments. The BRTF
lowed by their court, and all eyes turned to the nics and large floppy hats. towns were required to approve recommendations include com-
royal couple as they welcomed their guests to the change at Town Meeting. bining the high school and Sud-
the feast. L-S School Committee Chair- bury Public School system un-
“So let us banish all care and strife and hate, Watch the man and Lincoln resident Pa- der one superintendent in a Su-
and join our hearts to gladly celebrate,” the queen Staff photos VIDEO tricia Mostue said she doubted perintendency Union, and ex-
proclaimed. by Holly Redmond on the Web any change to the 55-year old ploring other options, such as
With a final flourish, the king declared, “And regional high school agreement merging the Lincoln and Sudbury
now, my queen, let the carousing begin!” would occur after a thorough Consolidate, Page 7

Moving to the front of the bus POLL RESULTS:

Should the town grant a
liquor license for a wine and
cheese shop?
METCO program has deep roots in Lincoln
By Ben Aaronson On Sept. 6, 1966, nearly nine in the METCO program at 33 Yes
Staff Writer years after Rosa Parks refused school districts in metropoli- 76%
Editor’s note: This is the first to give up her seat on a bus tan Boston and at four school
in the Journal’s series explor- in Montgomery, Ala., another districts outside Springfield.
ing the history of the METCO bus — a school bus — arrived Foundation for change
program in Lincoln. The first in Lincoln carrying 10 children After years of protest about No
installment details the origins from Roxbury to their first day racial segregation in Boston’s 24%%
of the desegregation program. of kindergarten at Lincoln Pub- public schools, in 1965, an ex- Courtesy photo by Diane Koules
Subsequent articles will ex- lic Schools. On that day, the tension to the Racial Imbalance Lincoln and Boston children became fast friends after SOURCE: WWW.WICKEDLOCAL.COM/LINCOLN

amine the early years of METCO program bussed a to- Act, commonly referred to as Lincoln Public Schools implemented the METCO Source:
METCO in Lincoln as well as tal of 220 students, from the “METCO Enabling Bill,” cre- program in 1966.
the current state of the program. kindergarten to 11th-grade, ated the framework to allow chil-
There was a time when rid- from Boston to attend school dren attending any school with participating in the program, White-McLaughlin wrote that Index
ing the bus was a daily humil- in seven suburban school dis- a “racial imbalance” to attend and that fall at the start of the Lincoln has a long history of Perspectives, 6
iation for African Americans tricts, including Lincoln. school in another municipality. following school year, the involvement in civil rights Public meetings, 2
in this country — a time when The program has grown dra- The Metropolitan Council METCO program was incor- causes. Her thesis, entitled, “A Religion, 11
a rider could be denied a seat matically since that historic day for Educational Opportunity, porated in Lincoln, Arlington, Qualitative Examination of De- Travel, 14
based solely on the color of and is now one of the largest or METCO, was established to Lexington, Newton, Wellesley, segregated Education Through
one’s skin. But over the past continually running voluntary provide opportunities for chil- Brookline and Braintree. the METCO Program,” in-
43 years, the METCO program desegregation programs in the dren from the city to enroll But in Lincoln the founda- cludes a case study of the 44 Pages • 4 Sections
has turned bussing into a pos- nation. According to the Mass- in participating school districts tion for implementing such a implementation of the METCO
itive not only for African Amer- achusetts Department of Ele- in the suburbs. program was laid much earlier. program in Lincoln.
icans, but also for people of all mentary and Secondary Edu- By the spring of 1966, seven In her 1996 dissertation for According to White-
races in the Boston area, both cation, there are currently about suburban school districts the Lesley College School of McLaughlin, Lincoln residents
in the city and the suburbs. 3,300 students participating had expressed interest in Education, Kahris Dianne METCO, Page 7

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