Cursing Others Silent Observation

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Cursing OthersSilence is Diamonds and Talk is Tin..

It makes one want to howl: the people on Earth think that they can reach their goals by hypocrisy, stubbornness, egoism, etc. Ive had entirely different experiences. Sfath once told me that one does not attain any progress and insight if one blasphemes his fellow humans, searches for their mistakes, and blabs about them to others. He taught me that if one wants to learn something, then he must hold his tongue and that one must ensure that he only registers the faults of others if such faults fall directly into the eye, but one must never talk about these. One may only observe, hold his tongue, register, and carefully think about this. But this reflection is simply a matter of one seeing the error in another person for the sole purpose of looking within himself to see whether the same error can be seen in him and should be fixed. But whoever talks about the errors of others hurts and betrays them, revealing that he never learns anything. On the contrary, a person who sees errors in others and who speaks of these with third parties is never able to think about the truth and recognize his own errors. Such a person always tries to reshape his fellow man to his own stencil, so he blackmails him, harasses him, argues with him, talks about him behind his back, and all other sorts of evils. But all of this also influences the study of the true teachings, thus the spirit teachings, etc., because a person of this lifestyle is simply incapable of concentrating on a truly spiritual study. In addition, because the forces that he wastes with this are missing to him, he directs his attention towards the errors of his neighbor, by what means any power for and any progress towards his own insight and his own evolution are missing. The forces that would be necessary for self-study, the study of spirit teachings, and self-knowledge, etc., are eaten up by his wrong behavior, which consists of harming others, slandering others, falsely observing others, and searching for errors in others. Instead of that person wiping off his dirty feet in front of his own door, he always wipes them in front of the door of another. But of course, everyone maintains that it isnt like this and that someone had been noticeable - as well as defiant, aggressive, and incorrect - to such an extent that one simply couldnt have ignored it. But the fact is that this lame excuse can absolutely be no excuse because it only reveals ones own failure, but nobody ever thinks of that. Everyone always wants to be better than his neighbor because the delusion of self-praise and self-evaluation is greater than any honesty in people. Silence is diamonds and talking is tin. Schweigen ist Diamanten - und Reden ist Blech. Quetzal: Quetzal: 76. That is correct. 77. There never was a person and there will never be a person who attained a spiritual or material success according to consciousness and, thus, a true evolution by wrong talking. . 78. Talking is purely a communicative device, a means for understanding, so this should only be used for this purpose.

Billy: Billy: Yes, Sfath even said this, explaining that language serves only for communication, and the communication contains only everything that is of a harmonious nature, which is why there are human races that only communicate with each other in song/musical form. Quetzal: Quetzal: 79. That is correct. . 80. Language is actually harmonious in itself, and so, such a thing should also be expressed. 81. In your ranks, you should at least consider being active at times in this form, namely with singing. . 82. This should be a duty with you, and you should introduce this, under all circumstances, as soon as possible. Billy: Billy: You laugh, but I have already spoken about this several times at meetings and such, but so far, it hasnt borne any fruit yet. Quetzal: 83. It should be made a duty by an ordinal rule because without this harmony, what is required will never be reached. Billy: Thats what Ive often said in a similar manner, but it has been unsuccessful. There are simply group members who think that this is sectarian or unworthy for them or even childish : Quetzal: 84. Such words and thoughts are very sad because even we and still more highly developed humans cant help but be harmoniously active in this form, by what means also our feelings and thoughts, etc. become more peaceful, calmer, and also more affectionate. Billy: This, I can vividly imagine, especially since I have previously heard you singing rather often together with several others, as well as alone. Quetzal: 85. You should try hard to organize this, as well as the common and sole prayer of the group members in the form of the meditation. Contact Report 476 Translation 2012: What We Have Brought Upon Ourselves In the following transcript of Billy Meiers conversation with Ptaah, on February 3, 2009, information regarding the much publicized, and feared, catastrophic events now being associated with 2012 are discussed and clarified. Perhaps even more importantly, the truth about the actual depth of our climatic/environmental problems and the direct link to the role of the endlessly greedy corporations and multinational corporations in denying it is plainly stated. Also covered is how human thinking, especially the apocalyptic, fearful thinking prevalent among members of various fundamentalist groups, creates self-fulfilling prophecies, actually helping to bring about the negative events that they fearfully focus on. Meier is on record as far back as 1951 in his warnings about climate change and the threat to our survival contained therein. And of course he also clearly pointed to the thoughtlessness of human behavior that could lead, and now actually has

led, to our being on the brink of enormous, unprecedented upheavals and destruction. The latest news regarding warming in the Arctic can now only be ignored by the most foolish and deliberately blind of human beings. While the bought off scientists and others tow the corporate (and political) line and promote the lies and denial, incontrovertible information about the effect of the melting of the glaciers seeps through, just like the waters from those glaciers that will raise sea levels worldwide. In the process of the glacial melting, the everincreasing weight of the resulting great masses of water brings with it disastrous consequences, largely unforeseen and/or denied by most of our scientific experts This will take the form of both releasing long suppressed earthquakes, where glacial pressure once actually prevented them, and putting unprecedented pressure on the tectonic plates underneath the ocean floor, which also could lead to massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. (See scientific corroboration.) Additionally, the possible collapse of the Antarctic Ice Sheet would also lead to huge problems that would have a worldwide effect, including putting Washington, D.C. under water; millions of environmental refugees, predicted by Meier, would be made homeless right in the U.S. Routinely overlooked is the fact that we live on aball, a completely interconnected planet where, according also to the laws of cause and effect, the negative consequences of ill-considered actions eventually arrive, despite our ignorance or denial of the causal connections. Not surprisingly, Texas is experiencing the delayed effects of earlier, frequent drilling. Such appears to also be the case even in Oklahoma, where nine earthquakes occurred in a 24-hour period. It should be mentioned that oil extraction in Oklahoma first began around 1896. Meier also introduces us to other, very unexpected, global consequences of our neglect and abuse, which may even spread out into space itself. In addition to the following transcript, readers are advised to carefully study all of the warnings contained in Meiers prophetic writings and their ever increasing corroboration. Unfortunately, many of the specific things he forewarned about, with the hope that humanity would awaken and take positive action to prevent them from occurring, are said to have now crossed the point of no return and to be predictions, i.e. unpreventable, inevitable events.

Besides I would like to officially speak about the 21st of December 2012, because I am asked again and again about the meaning of this date with regard to the Mayan calendar. Admittedly I know from your explanation what will happen on that day and over the whole year, but I shall keep silent about this so as to not be causing fear and panic mongering. I was thinking, therefore, to write something about it in a Special-Bulletin. Perhaps it would be good that I am saying some things that I know from you, at least in some general way, perhaps as some minor probability or possibility. What do you think about it?

2009-9-17 4:2 Six volcanoes are currently erupting in Russia's remote Kamchatka region. Volcanologist Yaroslav Muraviyev says so much activity was last recorded 55 years ago. He says the number of eruptions is increasing all over the world. [Yaroslav Muraviyev, Deputy Director of Science, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Institute]: "We have seen two, three, up to five volcanoes erupting simultaneously, but we have six volcanoes erupting this year and it is not just happening here, this is a global trend." Despite the obvious dangers, there is mixed reaction among local people. Olga Shepetovskaya says the volcanic ash improves her vegetables. [Olga Shepetovskaya, Local Resident]: "Some people are saying that this ash brings natural mineral fertilizers. When we first came here the snow was grey and everything was melting in spring time, fertilizing the soil. Just take a look around and you will see that the plants are flourishing at the bottom of the volcano." Another villager sees the health hazards. [Alexander Shepetovski, Local Resident]: "This volcano was dangerous, we were breathing in the volcanic ash and it was harmful to our health but now the wind is blowing in the other direction." But Anatoly Molchanov has gotten used to the risks.

[Anatoly Molchanov, Local Resident]: "I don't worry too much about the volcano erupting or not, the main thing is to have time to run away." With any luck he won't have to run away from his home any time soon. This is a small excerpt of the entire contact. taah Ptaah ... Concerning the 21st of December 2012 and the entire year, you can mention some things openly, but withhold those things that you were advised to remain silent about. If you are using the forms of possibility or of a small probability, then that may be all right. Billy Then I would like to read this here to you, that I already wrote for a SpecialBulletin. Probably it would be good that when I go into it in our conversation you could interrupt me or stop me if I am telling something that should be kept a secret. Ptaah Your idea is good, and, therefore, let me hear what you want to explain. Billy Billy Good; what you did explain to me regarding the year 2012, I dont want to treat as a prophecy or prediction, but as a possibility and a minor probability. I want to begin with a question that was posed to me. Question What can you, Billy Meier, tell us about those things that are circulating everywhere regarding the Mayan calendar and especially the 21st of December 2012 when the world shall come to an end? W. Hiestand, Switzerland My answer to this: Regarding the question I will begin by saying that the entirely nonsensical claims by all fear- and panic-mongers, who are prophesying the worlds end or the end of the world, is absolute rubbish. Just as the end of the world, prophesied by astrologers, esoterics, know-it-alls and panic-mongers, did not happen on the turn of the century or millennium in the year 2000, the end of the world will also not happen on the date in question. Such panic-provoking erroneous claims are, just as all conspiracy theories, absolute nonsense and a common thing since calendar calculations and certain and rare astronomical and climate-related phenomena exist. Claims regarding an end of the world always occur with absolute certainty when there is a turn of a century or a millennium. But the same is happening also if special astronomical constellations or comets etc., as well as special terrestrial natural phenomena, appear. These are factors which are used by the panicmongers, seers, false knowing ones and all kinds of end-of-the-world prophets to disseminate their nonsense and to frighten masses of people. Regarding the Mayan calendar it must be said that the year 2012 will bring a whole

series of quite special events, to which the central star of our system, our sun, will contribute its share, because on the suns surface violent outbursts will occur and sun storms are caused, which will be very intense and will influence Earths geomagnetic balance. Through the very strong X-rays falling down on Earth, the magnetic field can suffer from very strong fluctuations. And through geomagnetic storms, power supplies and all electronic appliances can collapse, also those in the satellites, and the ISS may also suffer great damage or may even have a complete (power) failure. Such solar storms may lead to enormous natural catastrophes, and in a worst-case scenario, to a polarity reversal of the Earths magnetic field. What has to be said also is that such solar storms are forming up to a climax in an exact rhythm of eleven years, which is a normal occurrence, but in the year 2012 it may happen in an extraordinary magnitude. The Earth will fall victim to a very strong bombardment of hard radiation, which may have a very negative effect on the Earths ozone layer. Due to the entire resulting process, nitric oxides and acid rain can be formed worldwide, which may have evil and devastating effects on the entire plant life. The enormous solar eruptions can lead to further very strong climate changes and, with it, to immense droughts, bad weather, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, crop failure and, therefore, to even greater famines than have existed up to now. Besides all this, the year 2012 brings other unpleasant events, like e.g. an unknown, invisible, dark and huge space wanderer that is threatening from the fringe of our solar system and could wreak tremendous havoc regarding Earth. And if this should really occur, the fact of its existence would be openly proven starting with 2010 or 2011, if at all, because the possibility of a dark and, therefore, non-observable passage of the colossus is also possible. Besides, all kinds of unpleasant machinations regarding discord, worldwide heavy warlike actions, as well as increasing degeneracy and excessive human ways of behaviour are threatening for the year 2012, whereby all those things are especially evil. Which thereto ... Ptaah You should not say more, because what you explained should be enough. Billy Good, then its enough. But the human beings of Earth would be interested in what the Mayan calendar has to do regarding the 21st of December 2012. Ptaah That is possible, yes. Regarding the Mayan calendar, the 21st of December 2012 represents the culmination of a star constellation that occurs only every 26,000 years. The Mayan calculations are assuming that the Earth on the 21st of December 2012 shall lie on an imaginary line that fits together the star over the left side of the constellation Orion with the central sun, i.e. the centre of the Milky Way. The Sun meets the Milky Way at a location that is built by interstellar dust clouds, and is called dark cleft of the Milky Way by the human beings of Earth. On the 21st of December 2012, at nightfall of winter solstice, the Sun is directly in that cleft, and it is in such a position that the Milky Way covers the horizon in all

positions all around. From this is resulting the optical impression that the Milky Way would touch Earth all around and that the galaxy would lie directly on the Earth. On the whole thats the end product of the Mayan calendar recording. This should suffice, my friend. To say more would be too much of a good thing, because it would foster the fear of the human beings of Earth, which should not be, however. So keep silent regarding the further explanations that we gave you. Billy I will, but otherwise I would like to say something regarding the climatic change that shall not be allowed to be forgotten, but is deliberately disputed by irresponsible scientists as well by non-profit-making organisations. This is so because they are bribed by big oil and tobacco companies as well as by noted chemical multinational companies with great amounts going into the millions; as a result the venal experts construct false experts reports and are telling lies that there is no increase in climatic temperature and that no catastrophe is threatening. Groups of companies that are criminal regarding this are gathering scientists and organisations which they have bought or who are submissively dependent on them, because they (the companies) assume that the ignorant terrestrial population would rather believe in the lies of the bought-off scientists and organizations, than those scientists who are demonstrating the increase of the climatic temperature. They want to give the impression that there are a great number of good scientists and organisations who can prove that there is no increase in climatic temperature and, therefore, no related catastrophe may be expected. In fact, it is not only a case of amounts going into millions, but of billions and those who are greedy for profits do not care if the world and the life foundation of the entire humankind is destroyed. All those who are entangled in this are leading a conspiracy campaign through which the effective truth of the climatic change is disputed, and through it there shall be prevented that worldwide effective climate-protecting laws are enacted and implemented. If such laws were enacted and be effective, the groups of companies etc. would lose enormous amounts going into the billions just as profitable sources of income of the submissively dependent scientists and organisations would run dry. So they are vehemently working on their false experts reports which are full of lies, and with which they are trying to boycott the really serious research results of the honest and good scientists, and to insult them as figments of the imagination. As a result, measures for the protection of the climate have been delayed for decades, so the groups of companies, which are denying the climatic change, have earned many billions. But it is true that the climatic change takes place, however not alone through circumstances that have appeared since time immemorial in a natural way, but more than 75 percent because of factors caused by the human beings. But ultimately, the climatic change does not only have an effect on the Earth and its waters and nature, because it is already verifiable that the glaciers and poles are melting in a catastrophic way, and that the ocean currents are changing, through which still on a small scale new gravitation waves are built that are also running into space at very high speed. So the Earths gravitational field will also change by this, and not only through the threatening sun storms in the year

2012, and this will not be restricted to the planet alone, but will also have an effect out into space, as a gravitation-space-tsunami, so to speak. The climatic change does not change Earth alone, but it bears effects into the SOL system to the Kuiper Belt, and probably even much farther into space. If the ocean currents are intermingling, they create tremendous amounts of energy through their huge masses of water, which are influencing the gravitational field, besides the contraction and compression of the Earths atmosphere, which has already imperceptibly started. Through the whole thing of the already occurring climatic change, inevitably the first changes have arisen in the fauna and flora which are not yet been detected by the scientists, unfortunately, but from which sooner or later visible consequences will emerge. The time has already come that the climate change is moving around gigantic masses of ice and water through which dangerous pressure effects on the earths crust are created and tectonic shifts are provoked. This inevitably leads to more severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as is also the case with large reservoirs, which is still disputed by the bigoted scientists; not seldom because they dont want to admit the truth or are paid for their false calculations by the billions-worth companies. However, what is not heeded with the necessary care is the fact that through the melting of the inland-glaciers of all countries, as well as the melting of the glaciers of Greenland, the Antarctica and Arctic, the sea level rises, which finally leads to disastrous geological consequences. Greenland's gigantic ice-surfaces, the two poles and the inlandglaciers of all countries with many billion tons of weight on the underground, which is pressed deep into the earth's crust, by which great depressions have been formed. If the gigantic masses of ice now are melting, the pressure on the underground diminishes and, as a result, it is moving very quickly upwards, and the relaxation leads to the disappearance of the depression. This is not harmless, however, because tectonic movements are resulting through the relaxation, through which earthquakes of all strengths are increasingly released. In another way, through the emerging melt-water the sea level is rising, through which the coastal regions are plagued by new hydraulic pressure. As a result, the underground is changing, however at great depths, where great magma-masses are moved and driven into volcanoes, which leads to new and increased volcanic eruptions. But the total of the immense increase of the water-masses in the oceans leads to another evil effect, because they (the water-masses) are influencing the rotation of the earth, in a way that the planet starts turning faster, and a change in the time of day is caused. However, this is not all that results from climatewarming because, truthfully, the human being is also negatively influenced by it in a physical, psychic and mental way. Thus depressions arise that are spreading more and more among many people on earth and are turning into chronic conditions. Disorders of consciousness also appear more frequently, and so states of anxiety as well as thoughts and feelings of loss are spreading more and more, just as the cooling of thoughts and the resultant callousness. Brutality, violence and unscrupulousness become ever more blatant and lead to the murder of fellow human beings. All evils are increasingly getting out of hand, just as greed for enjoyment and the addiction to alcohol, medications,

drugs and the adrenaline-kick. This is happening because the human beings mental health is damaged by the climate change, and the anatomy of the brain is changing, even if this happens only imperceptibly for the time being and has not yet been recognised by the scientists and will probably be disputed, since I openly mention this fact and truth. Ptaah What you just said actually lies on the border of that which you may say openly. You should not disclose further explanations. Billy Understood. But something should also be said about the fact that the human beings of Earth are causing many evils and catastrophes themselves, not only with regard to the climate warming, but also because they collectively direct their thought and their sub-consciousness forces so powerfully on evils and catastrophes etc. A part of this is also the false claims and lies by fear- and panic-makers as well as end of the world-prophets, religions and their sects etc.; onto which susceptible human beings are focussing and through which the evils and catastrophes etc. then actually come true. Nowadays, through the internet, it is even worse than in the past, when evil news, fears and end of the world fables, as well as other absurdities, were spread alone by religions, sects, end of the world prophets, newspapers, journals and by the radio. A majority of human beings constantly occupy themselves with dreadful things that are prophesied by alarmists and conspiracy-theoreticians, who are terrifying those people who are susceptible to it. And the more people believe in this nonsense and are building it up to a delusion within themselves and in the environment, the more powerful becomes the force of the related common thoughts, until it becomes the decisive might and is triggering and causing the made-up catastrophe or evil. The power of thoughts brings about everything, so to speak, and in fact all the more certain, the more the thought forces of many people unite in the same cause. This means that what the human being nurtures and maintains in his thoughts, inevitably fulfils itself. And the that more people are directing themselves onto something certain with their forces of thought, onto something that could or should turn out, the more certainly it will actually come true. This refers to everything and everyone, respectively to everything that is imaginable, therefore also to factors of nature which, when influenced by the powerful human forces of thought, can trigger immense catastrophes. Ptaah Ptaah An indisputable fact. I would like to remind you now once again, that you should not announce any further details with reference to the year 2012. What will be necessary to be openly mentioned, I will explain to you in good time. Further Reading Contact Report 480 Translation Billy

It deals with the statement that gigantic masses of ice can melt away on Earth because of the climate change and the Suns influence, through which the tremendous pressure, caused by the ice, may have the effect that the earth is arching up and probably may increase its rotation. Obviously, certain people have taken it the wrong way, because they has gone through the wrong because they mock that the rotation speed slows through such a process. Of course once again it is a case of scientifically Angehauchte (no expression in English) who, on the one hand are understanding everything falsely, and, on the other hand, do not reach the point of that what is the issue, because they are lacking the necessary intelligence. Ptaah That claim is nonsenical, because if Earth would slow down its rotation speed through the melting process of the ice masses, the arching-up of the earth would have to reach above the height of the melting ice. This means, that the arching up of the earth in its mass, weight and scope would have to be greater than the melting ice mass. This will not be the case, however, if there will really be such a gigantic melting of ice world-wide, which does not correspond to a prediction, but to a possibility only. If the enormous melting of the ice should really become a reality in apocalyptical dimensions worldwide, the arching-up of earth will be very minimal and calculated within the range of a few metres, while the ice masses have to be measured hundreds and thousands of metres in thickness. This means that although the arching-up of the underground, on which the ice is melting away, Earths outer total circumfence is reduced, through which an increased rotation speed of the planet can result. But for the time being this is just a thesis and possibility and, therefore, nothing from which a prediction or probability calculation could be made. It is very clear though, that those people are thinking unrealistically and do not understand the whole thing in the meaning of the possible facts, who are

mocking about that which we have discussed as a thesis and possibility regarding the worldwide melting of the ice and the resulting effects. Even a human being who does not understand the matter can confront himself with that which we have discussed in his thoughts to the extent that he grasps that the arching-up of a surface can be only as great (high) as corresponds to the original extent/height, before something heavy lies on it and the surface is pushed in. If the pressure and the dent resp., that result from an enourmously heavy weight, disappear from a surface, then the pushed-in surface returns to its original state. Billy And then thats the arching-up through which Earth returns to its real circumfence which is somewhat shorter without the gigantic ice masses, which then can or could lead to an increased rotation movement. Ptaah Thats the meaning of that which has been explained. A PREDICTION What the future brings for the Earth humans in regard to the climatic catastrophe and environmental destruction All you humans of the Earth, you are responsible for your wellbeing and woes, for your Earth's climate, for your planet, and therefore you are responsible for your own life as well as for that of all creatures, for fauna and flora, for all of nature and everything which grows, creeps and flies. You are responsible as individuals, just as you are responsible as the entire mass of humanity, for everything; responsible also for all that you ever bring forth in the form of thoughts and feelings and what you affect through your actions. Your authorities and governments are standing at the very front along with you humans comprised of all peoples who are responsible for everything which ever occurs on the Earth in your existence; and to you all you individual humans of the Earth and you responsible ones of the authorities and governments the following words of warning should be announced: already in *1951, 1958 and 1964 and also at other times, authorities, governments, newspapers, organizations and radio stations had their attention drawn worldwide, through my

prophecies and predictions, to what unpleasant things will come about in the future on the Earth and among you humans. At that time there was still time to be able to change, in part, the announced threatening things while other parts, however, had to occur unalterably, because they could no longer be changed. In addition to that and to all that which was predicted and prophesied, the following should now be explained: the first eight years of the 21st Century have now passed, during which the prophecies and predictions of the 1950s, as well as of the 1960s, have been fulfilled as they have in all the decades since, and indeed, up to the current time. Nevertheless, in spite of the fulfillment of my prophecies and predictions, my warnings were given no heed, consequently, all over the Earth, the announced evil increasingly took the upper hand and now still continues to climb. There are actually only very few humans who took my earlier prophetic and predictive warnings seriously and who also take them seriously today, indeed the majority of you Earth humans has not concerned itself about it and today also does not care about it, rather it further tramples the truth under foot. So you do not want to know or understand that you yourself carry the blame for all evils and all catastrophes, which occur in your society and on your planet. Indeed there have always been earthquakes, sea quakes, avalanches, floods, storms, droughts, volcanic eruptions and other natural catastrophes on the Earth because nature has always operated in this way since the very beginning of time, yet it is your own fault that now all these evils have increased to such an enormous measure that they are no longer to be stopped. And the primary reason for all the evil which rolls over you humans - such as criminality, epidemics, wars, hunger, inhumanity, and climatic destruction, and so forth - lies in the enormous overpopulation which you do not check through rigorous birth control measures, rather you further irresponsibly raise it. And this mass of overpopulation is to blame for all emerging evils and catastrophes of all kinds, whereby also all evils, injustice, upheavals and all harm increases incessantly in relation to the increasing mass of humanity. So, for you Earth humans, the future brings yet many further disagreeable circumstances, strokes of fate as well as misery, need, disadvantage, shocks

and disasters which spread out in various things and monstrous catastrophes, because from now on, this planet's nature strikes back with still greater rage than it ever has before at the insanity of your overpopulation and the connected destruction of the climate, of nature and many kinds of lives. Already the time has come that, in many places, your planet's nature forces you to flee; this having malignantly intensified in recent decades as a result of the destruction of the environment due to your influence, and therefore it is your fault. Already, today, entire peoples are fleeing from the consequences of the destroyed environment and climatic catastrophe, which is still always trivialized or even completely disputed by irresponsible scientists and know-it-alls. And there are many humans, and even entire peoples, fleeing from the dangerous effects relating to industrial accidents. Groups of humans and entire peoples also flee from the spreading desert areas, from the climbing sea levels, the destruction of fields and farmland and of mountains as a result of fun parks and sporting facilities of all kinds, but also because the air necessary for life is pregnant with poisonous exhaust fumes so that it is damaging to the health. Hunger also drives humans away, often because of the increasing infertility of the ground which, because of desolation, can no longer be farmed for the production of foods. Often, however, as a result of the irresponsible help from aid organizations from industrial countries, diverse peoples of Third World countries are flooded with provisions, consequently no more farming of foods is carried out by those receiving these foods or, if they do still grow their own foods, they can no longer sell their products because their own production is far more expensive than the foods which are brought in by aid organizations from industrial countries. It is not only the climbing sea level, as a consequence of the melting poles and glaciers, which again and again drives entire groups of humans and even entire peoples to seek refuge especially those who live on the oceans' islands which are increasingly, and ultimately completely, flooded by the climbing water but it is likewise also the increasing demolition of the oceans' shores, and the loss of ground.

The mass of humans, which flees as a consequence of all the evil and catastrophes caused by climatic and industrial factors who are truly environmental refugees and must also be so named climbs to over 35 million in the next few years. Yet the calculation applies only for the next few years because through the incessant population increase, which must be called criminal, the number further climbs so that in only 45 to 50 more years the Earth, all countries and humanity, will be confronted with 200 million environmental refugees. Along with that are still very many refugees who will be persecuted on political, racist, religious or social grounds, and so forth, and who will also increase to a number of around 30 million in the next few years. In relation to the insanity of the climbing overpopulation, the effects of environmental pollution take on forms, which become constantly worse and more devastating as well as more catastrophic. The reserves of drinking water become ever more poisoned as for example, in Asia through arsenic, from which, every year, many thousands of humans already die while in other countries the drinking water is always in shorter supply and is ultimately exhausted. In other locations the living space for many humans is endangered and destroyed because the rainforests are being felled, and, from that, devastating climatic changes and uninhabitable areas result, as through desertification, respectively, the advancing of deserts, right up to the areas inhabited by humans. Also, more and more, the waters are being fished out, animal species are being made extinct or the living space is taken from very many animals as, also, much fertile ground and farming land, and meadows and fields, are being concreted over and thereby nature is destroyed as is especially the case in the mountains as a result of hotels, holiday facilities, cable cars, ski slopes as well as military practice firing ranges; all that, along with the irresponsible building over of mountainsides as well as sea shores and river banks for human habitation and recuperation centers, and so forth. The atmosphere is poisoned with CO2 from exhaust fumes, principally as a result of too many cars which are used by all those who do not use any public transport

for travel, commuting and shopping, as well as for nonsensical pleasure trips, or who could easily go on foot. Still to mention are all the heaters and the industrial facilities which are powered with fossil fuels and, hourly -in spite of filters, which are inadequate -hurl tons of filth, dust particles and poisonous substances of all kind into the air. And that which flies out into the air as filth and poison also settles down again on the ground, in the soil as well as in the water, whereby the entire world of plants and animals including the human is contaminated by it, as are also the vegetables and fruits which are already contaminated anyway by poisonous sprays and fertilizers in order to increase the yield and profit. All the world's continents are affected by the destruction of nature and the environment as well as by the climatic catastrophe and the exploitation of the Earth's resources, yet that is only the beginning of the coming great evil, the ongoing catastrophe and terror, which still stands before you humans of the Earth. Truly everything becomes still much worse and indeed in every imaginable relationship, whereby, worldwide, the streams of fleeing environmental refugees ultimately degenerate and evoke ethnic collisions, as already occur in the industrial countries. And that is actually already the case even if there is still not a will to see it: already there exists more or less damage-bringing, undignified, racist, humandisdaining and religiously insulting behaviors from local inhabitants in nearly all countries of the Earth toward refugees and migrants of all kinds from foreign countries, whereby, however, the greatest evil in relation to this occurs in the rich industrial countries. And for a considerable time it has already reached the point where also freedom of belief is attacked and the faithful are restricted in their rights to freedom, whereby also the principal religions, respectively, their representatives of all kinds, interfere. The believers are thus denied their own meeting places and their peculiarities just as they are denied the wearing of certain pieces of clothing and faith-based symbols and amulets, and so forth, whereby, especially, in this regard, very

many followers of Christianity exercise terror and insult the faithful as well as the symbols of the faiths of other groups and peoples. And it is usual, quite especially in Christianity, to abuse groups which have any religious beliefs which they want nothing to do with, by calling them sects. Overpopulation: a term which all those stupid and idiotic ones among you Earth humans do not want to admit as being valid in regard to the world being overrun by humans and how they can no longer be nourished and borne by it. Stupid and idiotic ones with academic titles, popular scientists, newspaper men and know-it-alls of all kind do not want to admit to the truth and even claim that the entire economy, and life with it, will collapse if fewer humans are born and humanity is reduced by means of a rigorous and rationally-steered birth stoppage. But also many among you; you Earth humans; you who are simple citizens without academic title, and so forth, and who are in support of the further breeding up of Earth humanity; you are also no better and delude yourselves that a federally regulated birth stoppage will restrict you in your freedom. Yet your freedom will truly not be restricted if your intelligence and reason is appealed to so that you only still produce descendents in an amount such that the overpopulation is reduced and thereby life is preserved in all the environs of the Earth, which is not possible due to the mass of overpopulation because through this, slowly but surely, all life, nature and the climate will be irretrievably destroyed. How stupid and dimwitted those among you Earth humans would have to be who, bar any intelligence and bar any reason, do not recognize the truth and continue to carry on in the same way with your rabbit-like breeding up of your descendents! And how stupid and dimwitted are all you who carry academic titles, who are scientists or simply know-it-alls and who, in cowardly angst about your disappearing profit and image, put forward false claims and lies and take humanity for fools in that you deny the truth in regard to the worldwide catastrophic circumstances and events, are simply not able to see it or appraise that which is evoked by the overpopulation.

Academic or other titles are just as little use in regard to the truth as are all great words which are just as idiotic, stupid and dimwitted as the demonstrably insane assertion that the Earth is a flat disc. In 1951 I wrote: " World War II found its inglorious end, which lasted from 1939 to 1945 and cost the lives of approximately 62 million people. Atomic energy itself was implemented for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people and for the destruction of their cities - through the irresponsible and criminal action of the USA, when the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed through atomic bombs. All that would, unfortunately however, not be the end of all terrors, mass-murder, wars and acts of terror, if the peoples of all nations do not finally become clever enough to relieve their power-greedy government bosses of their offices and have them turn tail and run. Basically, it is the people in each country who choose those who govern normally, unfortunately, it is the insincere ones, who first make great promises, in order then, when they come into power, to let war and terror break out and drive the people under their command with lies and deceit, whereby they become dependant on their superiors and misjudge the real truth. That however, will bring evil consequences in the future if the people don't intervene against them - because world-wide, the executive powers will embroil the people ever more in wars, terror and hate, until the whole thing assumes uncontrollable forms world-wide." Now, what I openly pronounced at that time has since then come true many times over, and already for a long time the threatened monstrous things have developed to a worldwide conflagration and open fire. The time of transition has expired, in which the monster - which was predicted for the future of the entire terrestrial humanity, and for the Earth and its nature would still have been stoppable. No decisive countermeasures can change everything for the better anymore, rather everything can only be palliated over a long time. A change for the better and for the best namely requires a very long time which must be calculated in centuries.

To that end, however, it is necessary that you, humans of the Earth - as individuals and as peoples, as responsible ones of the governments, authorities, sciences and military, as well as all others who are responsible for the world, its security and for life - make a strong effort to fight, and to stop, all evils and catastrophes which have emerged as a result of your irrationally breeding-up overpopulation, and go in a positive direction. If you are not ready for that and do not do it then you evoke still further terrors which will become an evil scourge of terrestrial humanity. So your future will be further burdened by wars, terror, destruction and annihilation with deaths in the thousands, and millions of murdered and dead people, as a result of natural catastrophes, because your monstrously growing overpopulation allows no other possibility. Humans of the Earth, you are to blame that all laws of nature are out of order, so that all storms and natural catastrophes, hail storms, snow storms and deluges, monstrous floods, and so forth, are now the order of the day. Through your overpopulation you have converted the riverside forests, meadow plains, mountainsides and the shores of lakes, rivers and oceans into land for housing. Thereby the wild water of the deluges finds its way into your houses and brings death to many of you. You are to blame that, worldwide, the permafrost thaws and evokes avalanches and landslides while earthquakes, seaquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as mighty storms, bring death, destruction and ruin. And everything further increases; the gales and typhoons, the hurricanes and tornadoes, which become more and more powerful and destructive. And alone your overpopulation is to blame for everything because, through it and through its monstrous, negative outgrowths, all evil and all natural catastrophes, as well as all human catastrophes of every kind, are evoked. The unnatural climate change, further wars, crimes, illnesses, epidemics and all the worldwide terrorism and fanatical religious delusion, and so forth, are malignant consequences of overpopulation.

And all that has an extremely disadvantageous effect on your entire terrestrial humanity. The monstrous mass and weight of your cities, towns and villages torments the inner structures of the Earth in increasingly worse measure and presses the tectonic plates so that they shift which releases earthquakes and sea quakes which demand hundreds of thousands, and ultimately millions, of human lives. All quakes, however, also have influences on all terrestrial volcanism; on the volcanoes worldwide, which are often connected with each other at great depths and are more and more frequently and more and more destructively active. That also demands many human lives, especially in those areas where dwellings are built irrationally close to the volcanoes. Yet that is not enough because through the irresponsible, growing overpopulation many further, new, monstrous, as well as insoluble, problems emerge, also in relation to famines, which just increase more and more as the overpopulation grows. Old illnesses and those believed to have been exterminated return, together with new illnesses and epidemics to which many humans will fall victim. Through mass tourism the stream of economic refugees from all over the world also grows because the inhabitants of the poor tourist countries also want to have that which the tourists from the rich industrial countries show them. Consequently they flee their homeland and, as economic refugees, more and more seek the life of luxury in the rich countries. Also the problem of asylum seekers together with the stream of those fleeing as environmental refugees, and the stream of those who are persecuted increases ever more to the point of insolubility. It has come about, as was predicted in 1951, that the end of the 1980s would see the collapse of the economic boom and a worldwide, monstrous outbreak of unemployment, never experienced before, whereby criminality, at the hands of the unemployed, the drug-dependent and the work-shy people, climbed just as did criminality at the hands of criminals who do not even shy away from murder when they pursue their misdeeds and crimes. Also national debt climbed beyond measure in diverse countries, as did terrorist machinations.

Prostitution took on unbelievable forms of social acceptability and became so carried out into the public that today children are not even spared from it. Prostitution became an "honorable" profession, which became officially recognized by the authorities and also became taxable. In every family television became just as much a part of everyday life as did the technology of the computer. And both the television and the computer became the most important information media, as they also became the significant forms of public advertising of prostitution. You, humans of the Earth; very many of you became cold in your thoughts and feelings in the course of the last 60 years, whereby today your interpersonal relationships bring to light ever stranger effects because everything is still always only function-orientated even your relationship to your neighbor. True love has become a rarity with you, and you no longer join in marriage because of affection for each other, but only just in order to make a profit, to maintain your image and to be able to indulge in a certain status, which is dealt with by means of reputation and money. These marriages, so entered into, do not endure, consequently more and more families are destroyed and even the children are sexually abused while others become asocial and neglected because their parents do not concern themselves about them. Many among you humans of the Earth lead a life that is often only orientated towards drugs, addiction, vices and pleasures and is distinguished by destruction as well as disharmony. Often your psyches are thereby impaired and your whole behaviour has negatively deteriorated. You humans of the Earth; you yourselves are the initiators of all evil and catastrophes which are rampant on your world, whereby you have created the real cause in that you have driven your overpopulation into ever higher numbers and drive it higher still. Therefore you yourselves are responsible for everything and thereby you are, in your own person, also God, and as such you yourself determine your monstrous

problems and outgrowths; you who in your megalomania believe yourself to be the highest and mightiest being in the universe; far higher than Creation - from which everything has come forth - can ever be. Through your fault, through your overpopulation, through your megalomania, through your irrationality and tyranny you provoke all the powers of nature, which, together with the Earth, rebel and defend themselves against your degenerated machinations. Therefore, on the Earth the forces of nature overflow, together with the Earth itself, because you, Earth human, have disturbed and destroyed the entire natural course of the elements and of life. I have all that to say today; the truth, as it actually is. Now grasp all courage, you humans of the Earth, to contemplate that which is revealed, to draw the correct conclusions from it and to act correctly from now on. Yet there is very little time to avoid the greatest of all catastrophes, yet you will have to use this time because it runs through your fingers. Consider this truth and act in the understanding of what is right so that you carry out a change for the better. Make everything public that you have come to know through the given words, teach it to all humans of the Earth, teach it in all your media, in order to obtain an alteration and change in a positive sense. Only when you act rationally, just as you have been told, do you keep yourself from yet greater injustice, from yet greater evils, from further degenerations, many new deaths and destruction and from the step into ultimate annihilation. All you, humans of the Earth, who feel addressed by these words of truth, you have a good opportunity as was already given to you in 1951, 1958 and 1964 to responsibly use your power and to preserve the Earth and all of humanity from all that which is also now revealed to you with new words. Do not delay, rather act, and indeed quickly, because time is pressing. Act immediately, in order to prevent even worse things than those, which have already occurred, and which currently occur.

Act without delaying because otherwise you will be just as responsible for when the future brings still very much worse things for the Earth and your humanity than have already been evoked and become reality through your fault.

Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, July 20th, 2008, 7:14PM Billy Significant excerpts from the 476th contact conversation of February 3rd, 2009 Billy ... Besides, I would like to officially mention the 21st of December, 2012, because I am asked again and again what this date concerns according to the Mayan calendar. I certainly know, from private explanations from your side, all that which will take place then, also over the whole year 2012, about which I shall, however, remain silent in order not to trigger angst in the people and not to instigate panic-mongering. Therefore I thought that I would write something about it in a Special Bulletin. Perhaps it would be good if I just say something about it which I know from you; at least in a general way, perhaps as a small probability or possibility. What do you think of that? Ptaah ... Now, in regard to what the 21st of December, 2012, and this year, primarily concerns: you can indeed openly name certain things, however do not mention that about which you were advised to remain silent. If you use the form of a possibility or a small probability, then that is indeed good. Billy Then I would like to read this to you, which I have already written for a Special Bulletin. It would perhaps be good if I deal with it during our conversation, so you can interrupt me and stop me if I say something about which I should remain silent. Ptaah Your idea is good, so let's hear what you want to explain. Billy Good. I therefore do not want to treat that which you explained to me for the year 2012 as a prophecy or prediction, rather as a possibility and as a certain small probability I thereby want to begin with a question which was put to me.

Readers Question: The Mayan Calendar Question: What can you, Billy Meier, say about all the things which circulate in regard to the Mayan calendar and specifically concerning December 21st, 2012, because the world is supposed to end then.

W. Hiestand, Switzerland

My answer to that: In regard to the question, I want to say, right from the start, that the completely nonsensical assertions of all the angst and panic-mongers, who "prophesy" the end of the world, respectively, the downfall of the world, for the 21st of December, 2012, are absolute rubbish. The end of the world will no more occur on the named date than did the end of the world occurr, as "prophesised" by the astrologers, esotericists, knowit-alls and panic-generators, for the turn of the century and turn of the millennium, in the year 2000. Such panic-inducing, mad assertions are, like all the conspiracy theories, absolute nonsense and are already par for the course, ever since there have been calendar calculations and special and rare astronomical and climatic phenomena. Therefore, assertions in regard to an end of the world always, with absolute certainty, emerge when a turn of a century or turn of a millennium occurs. However, the same thing also happens to the same extent when special astronomical constellations or comets, and so forth, as well as special terrestrial natural phenomena, emerge. These are factors which the panic-mongers, "seers", false "knowers" and all kinds of other end-of-the-world prophets, use in order to spread their nonsense and to drive the humans en masse into angst and terror. This is what there is to say in regard to the Mayan calendar: that the year 2012 actually brings an entire series of quite special events, whereby, also the central star of our system, precisely, the Sun, will contribute to that, because enormous eruptions will occur on the surface of the Sun and will evoke solar storms which will be very intense and will also influence the Earth's geomagnetic equilibrium. As a result of the very strong X-ray radiation descending upon the Earth, the magnetic field can suffer very strong fluctuations. And electricity grids and all electronic devices, including the satellites' electronic devices, can break down as a result of geomagnetic storms, just as, however, great damage can also be inflicted on the International Space Station or it can completely break down. Such solar storms can lead to enormous natural catastrophes, just as, in the worst case, they can also lead to a reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles. But also to say is that the incidence of such solar storms arranges itself into an exact rhythm, peaking every eleven years, which is therefore normal, whereby this can turn out to be unusually intense in the year 2012. The Earth will thereby, indeed, be subjected to a heavy bombardment of hard radiation, which can also have a very detrimental effect on the Earth's ozone layer. Through the entire process which originates from that, nitrous oxide and,

world wide, acid rain can form which can have evil and destructive effects on the entire world of plants. The violent solar eruptions can lead to further very intense changes of climate on the Earth, and therewith also to monstrous droughts, storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, failed harvests and thereby to even greater famines than those which have existed up until now. In addition to all that, the year 2012 brings still other unpleasant things, as, for example, a previously unknown, invisible, dark and gigantic wanderer from outer space - threatening from the edge of our solar system - which could cause enormously great havoc regarding the Earth. And were that actually to occur, then the fact of its existence would, at the earliest, be openly proven in about 2010 or 2011, if at all, because, namely, also the possibility exists of a "dark" - and therefore not detectable - passing of the colossus. Besides that, in the year 2012, all kinds of unpleasant machinations threaten in regard to strife, to serious actions pertaining to war worldwide, as well as to further increasing degenerations and exaggeration of human ways of behaving, whereby all these things are especially evil. In addition to that ...

Ptaah You should say nothing in addition to that, as that which you have explained should suffice. Billy Good. Then no more. What the 21st of December, 2012, in relation to the Mayan calendar, is all about, would however, be interesting for the humans of Earth. If you can say something about that? Ptaah Yes, that is possible. In the Mayan calendar, the 21st of December, 2012, describes a constellation's zenith, which only appears about every 26,000 years. From that, the Mayan calculations thereby conclude that, on December 21st, 2012, the Earth should lie on an imaginary line which joins the star which is above the left side of the constellation of Orion, with the Central Sun, respectively, the centre of the Milky Way. The Sun encounters the Milky Way in a region which is formed by clouds of interstellar dust, and is called "the Great Rift of the Milky Way" by Earth humans. At the time of its setting, on the winter solstice on December 21st, 2012, the Sun appears directly in this rift, whereby it is positioned in such a way that the Milky May, in all positions, right around, grasps the horizon. This thereby evokes the optical illusion that the Milky Way touches the

Earth all around at all points, and the galaxy lies directly on the Earth. That is, on the whole, the end product of the recordings of the Mayan calendar. That should suffice, my friend. To say more would be too much of a good thing, as it would only promote the angst of the Earth humans, which, however, should not happen. Therefore remain silent about all the further explanations which we have given to you. Billy Will do. But on the other hand, I still would like to say something regarding climate change, which also must certainly not be forgotten, which, however, will be deliberately disputed by the irresponsible scientists as well as by charitable organisations. This is because their palms are greased with amounts of money in the millions from big petroleum and tobacco companies as well as from notable multinational chemical companies and other companies, whereby, false experts' reports are constructed by these purchasable "experts" and they tell lies to the effect that there is no climatic warming and no catastrophe threatens. The criminal companies, which relate to this, gather behind them many of the scientists and organisations they have purchased and which are dependent on them, because they act on the premise that the population of the Earth, which is ignorant in the matters - and those scientists who point out climatic warming - would prefer to grant their belief to the lies of the purchasable scientists and organisations. It is therefore intended that the impression is thereby aroused that there is a very large number of good scientists and organisations which could prove that there is no climatic warming and, consequently, also no catastrophe is to be expected in relation to this. Truthfully, it does not only involve amounts of millions, rather high amounts in the billions, whereby the profit-greedy do not care if the world and the fundamentals of life for the entirety of humanity are destroyed. Everyone who is involved leads a conspiracy campaign through which the effective truth of climate change is disputed and thereby the enacting and implementing of worldwide, effective climate protection laws is meant to be prevented. Were such laws namely enacted and put into effect, then enormous amounts in the billions would be lost by the companies, and so forth, just as would the profitable sources of money dry up for their dependent scientists and organisations. So they are vehemently at work with the false expert reports, which are pregnant with lies, with which they make an effort to boycott the really serious results of research by honest and good scientists and revile them as constructions of fantasy. Thereby a delay of decades has resulted in relation to measures to protect the

climate, whereby the companies, and so forth, which disputed climate change, have earned many billions. But the truth is that climate change is taking place, and, actually, not alone through circumstances which, since time immemorial, have been emerging in natural ways, rather, more than 75 percent is taking place through humanevoked factors. And, ultimately, climate change will not only have effects on the Earth and its waters and on nature, because it is already demonstrable that the glaciers and poles are also melting in a catastrophic manner and that the ocean currents are also changing, as a result of which new gravity waves although slight to begin with - are already forming, and also rush out into outer space with very great speed. Therefore, the gravitational field of the Earth will also thereby change, not only through the threatening solar storms in the year 2012, which is, however, not only confined to the planet alone, rather it also has an effect out into outer space, that is to say, as an outer space gravitational tsunami. Climate change therefore does not change only the Earth, rather the effects are also carried into the solar system as far as the Kupier Belt, and perhaps still very much further out into outer space. Therefore if the ocean currents are muddled up, then they create enormous quantities of energy through their gigantic masses of water, which influences the gravitational field. Additionally, as a result of climate change, the Earth's atmosphere also contracts and becomes more dense, which is already starting to happen unnoticeably. As a result of the entirety of the climate change which is already occurring, the inevitable first changes in the fauna and flora have also come about, which are unfortunately not yet recognised by the scientists, but, from which, in the short or long term, visible consequences will emerge. It has already gone so far that the climate change is shifting gigantic masses of ice and water, whereby dangerous effects of pressure on the crust of the Earth occur, and tectonic displacements are evoked. That inevitably increasingly leads to severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as is also the case as a result of big dams, which the narrow minded scientists still, always, dispute, and, not seldom also because they do not want to admit the truth, or they are paid for their false calculations by billion dollar companies. But what is not heeded with the necessary care is the fact that - as a result of the melting of the inland glaciers of all the countries as well as the melting of the glaciers of Greenland, the Antarctic and Arctic - the sea level is caused to rise and ultimately leads to catastrophic geological consequences. The gigantic ice expanses of Greenland, of both poles and of the inland glaciers of all countries, press, with many billions of tonnes of weight, on the lower stratum which is pressed deep into the crust of the Earth and in which powerful consolidation results. If the gigantic masses of ice now melt, then the pressure on the lower

stratum diminishes, consequently this very quickly moves again towards the surface and the reduction of tension thereby leads to the disappearance of the consolidation. That is not, however, without danger, because, through the release of tension, tectonic movements likewise occur, whereby earthquakes of all magnitudes are increasingly triggered. As a result of the melt-water, the sea level rises elsewhere, whereby, in turn, the coastal regions are plagued by new pressures of water. Thereby, in turn, the lower stratum changes, however at great depths, where great masses of magma move and become driven into volcanoes, which leads to new and increased volcanic eruptions. The entirety of the enormous increase of the masses of water in the seas still leads, however, to a further evil effect, because they influence the Earth's rotation, and indeed such that the planet begins to turn faster and an alteration of the length of the days is evoked. All that is, however, not the only result of climatic warming, because, truthfully, through this the human is also negatively influenced in physical, psychic and mental ways. So depression occurs, which takes hold more and more with many humans on the Earth and becomes a chronic state. Also disturbances of consciousness emerge more and more often and, so, states of angst, and states comprising thoughts and feelings of loss, take hold more and more, as does the cooling of thoughts and the numbness which results from it. Brutality, violence and absence of conscience become more and more stark and lead to the murder of one's fellow humans. All evils get more and more out of hand, as does greed for pleasures and addiction to alcohol, medications, drugs and adrenaline kicks. That therefore happens because, as a result of climate change, the humans' mental health is damaged and the anatomy of the brain is altered, even if that initially only happens unnoticeably and has not yet been recognised by scientists - and is also now indeed disputed, as I openly name the facts and the truth. That is essentially what I still wanted to say in accordance with that which you explained to me privately, among other things, about two years ago. Ptaah That which you have just said actually lies on the boundary of that which you are permitted to say openly. You should not betray anything further by way of expositions and explanations. Billy Understood. However, something should indeed also just be said about the fact that the humans of Earth themselves bring about many evils and catastrophes, not only in regard to the warming of the climate, rather also in that they

collectively direct the powers of their thoughts and powers of their subconscious so strongly towards evils and catastrophes, and so forth. Included in that are also false assertions and lies from peddlers of angst and panic, as well as from end-of-the-world prophets, religions and their sects, and so forth - assertions and lies upon which susceptible humans focus, whereby the evil and catastrophes, and so forth, then actually come true. Nowadays, because of the Internet, it is even worse than before when bad news, anxieties and myths about the end of the world, as well as other absurdities were only spread by religions, sects, end-of-the-world prophets, newspapers, journals, and over the radio. A large part of humanity constantly occupies itself with terrible things which panic-mongers and conspiracy theorists "prophesy", and through which the panic-mongers and conspiracy theorists drive those susceptible humans into angst and terror. And the more humans who believe the nonsense - and build it up in themselves and the environment to the point of delusion - the more powerful becomes the strength of the collective thoughts which relate to this, and indeed, until it becomes a determining power and triggers and brings about the imagined catastrophe or evil. The power of thoughts brings, so to speak, everything about and, indeed, all the more surely the more powers of thought many humans unify in the same matter. That means that all that the human fosters and preserves in his thoughts is inevitably actualised. And the more humans who direct the power of their thoughts at something definite, which could or is supposed to occur, the more certain is its actual occurrence. That correlates to everything and anything, respectively, to everything imaginable, therefore also to factors of nature, which, influenced by the enormous powers of human thought, can trigger monstrous catastrophes. Ptaah An indisputable fact. I would like to advise you once more that you should offer no further details in regard to the year 2012. I will explain to you in good time that which will be necessary in order to openly name it.

Readers Questions: Swine Flu Reader's Question What is it with swine flu? Is it spreading out further? U. Hugentobler, Switzerland

Answer: A short excerpt about that from the 478th official contact conversation: Billy ... And what is with swine flu? Does it proceed further? Ptaah ... There is this to say in response to your question regarding swine flu: Yes, this quickly takes greater hold because now the epidemic is being passed from human to human in many countries, and indeed million-fold. On my last visit I already said that the danger of a pandemic exists and that every human who played everything down is to blame for the fact that this state could come about. The true blame for that goes to the irresponsible carelessness of the governments and the health officials who did not stop world tourism at the outbreak of the epidemic, but instead even declared it to be harmless. Naturally they reject the assertion that they are to blame.

FIGU Special Bulletin Nr. 49, August, 2009 - Addendum Swine Flu (inquiry after editorial closing time) Question: Belatedly, still one further question has occurred to me. What is your opinion about swine flu? Because I have a problem with conspiracy theorists as well as with profitgreedy pharmaceutical companies, I am not sure what I should make of these mass inoculations. Is there information about this from your side? July 29th, 2009, Bernd Johann, Germany

Answer: Billy An excerpt from the 478th contact conversation of June 14th, 2009, can answer this question for you. But once more to swine flu: there already exists conspiracy theories again and they claim that this can degenerate in a similar manner to the Spanish flu in 1918. Can you just say something about this? Ptaah There is this to say regarding the swine-flu/epidemic/pandemic, about which you ask: this has nothing to do with one of the stupid conspiracy theories, which are invented, again and again, by panic-mongers, know-it-alls and the

pathologically deluded, who suspect malicious conspiracies behind any and all events. However, there is something more precise to say about that. In 1918, an influenza/epidemic already raged with the pathogen H1N1, which, within two years, demanded around 50 million human lives. Swine flu also stems from this strain of virus. As a result of the Spanish flu, in the year 1919 a virus dynasty, so to speak, arose which has remained in existence up to the current time. That which is done by the pharmaceutical companies in regard to today's epidemic, respectively, swine flu, is enormous profiteering because anti-flu remedies are, worldwide, sold by them - through the governments, health organisations and private persons, as well as through the black market - for amounts in the billions. With these remedies - primarily Tamiflu, but others as well - a gigantic business is made and safety is promised, however this is only based on angst and panic-mongering. This criminal business idea is based on the evil, angst-producing scenarios which - one does not believe it - are constantly publicised by the WHO, respectively, the World Health Organisation and by health officials and selfstyled experts. So, already in the month of April, swine flu was declared the first pandemic in decades and thereby angst was stirred up. Naturally, the entire pandemic could have been avoided if the governments and the health officials, as well as the actual qualified employees, had immediately prohibited global tourism, and so forth, but that just did not happen. Since the outbreak of the epidemic/flu around six months ago, to the end of the month of August, over 1,200 humans died worldwide, which, however, is very much fewer than is demanded by a normal flu. If it is considered that the Earth's population now amounts to over 7.5 billion humans, then the number of those who became ill, those still becoming ill and the dead, stands in absolutely no comparison to the insane mass of Earth's population. At least up to the month of August, 2009, the course of the disease will still provide no effective indications that swine flu - we designate every influenza as a epidemic - distinguishes itself from a quite normal flu. But the possibility absolutely exists that swine flu is still further enormously exaggerated by the irresponsible ones and is misused for a deal worth billions through which all those financially powerful ones, who profit as a result of this deal, want to, and also can, "grow fat", as you are wont to say. They are not only the pharmaceutical companies, rather also governors and health representatives of many irresponsible profit-seekers who, through shares, participation and turnovers, as well as through the black market, and so forth, earn enormous amounts of money with the flu remedies and mass inoculations.

Readers Question: Death of Michael Jackson and the Election Fraud in Iran Reader's Question: Dear Billy As discussed, I am sending you my questions regarding the death of Michael Jackson and the election fraud in Iran. Perhaps you can use them for the new Special Bulletin? Sincere thanks for your efforts. 1. Question: Of what did Michael Jackson die? And has his untimely death perhaps something to do with him suffering from the pressure of success, or even under the accusation of child molestation, which, however, could never be proven against him in court. Did he have a nervous breakdown? Do you know something more dependable than that which comes through the media? 2. Question: What do you know about the election fraud by Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad in Iran? Is the extent and the significance of this election fraud bigger than is generally depicted from the official side? And would Mr. Ahmadi Nejad have again been democratically elected by the people even without election fraud? And why, actually, does the highest Iranian religious leader, Khamenei, and other state dignitaries, stand behind Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad? With a hearty Salome Pius Keller, Switzerland

Answer: Both questions can be answered with the following contact conversation excerpt of June 14th, 2009: Billy ... But how does it stand with the election in Persia, respectively, in Iran? Is everything being done properly there? And do you still have significant predictions to mention? Ptaah I also have information about that. The entire thing is based on an unparalleled election fraud to the advantage of Ahmadi Nejad. Several million returned ballots must be designated as false and manipulated, which triggers great unrest and even exacts death. The election results had already been falsified some months prior to the election, whereby the so-called Guardian Council, as well as the authoritative religious dignitary, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei certainly are not involved.

Khamenei will, however, declare the massively falsified election process as being legitimate and endorse Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad in his office, won through deception, because Ahmadi Nejad, in a false manner, demonstrates solidarity with the religious system. There is certainly something to mention of significance in terms of predictions. For example, the "King of Pop", Michael Jackson - in eleven days calculated from today, respectively, on June 25th - will suffer a cardiac arrest and pass away as a consequence of an irresponsibly negligent overdose of a cocktail of narcotic medications. Billy Poor bloke. In spite of his success, and his acquired fortune, he has had a difficult life. But what was it actually with the assertion that he has been a paedophile and has molested children? With the best will, I simply cannot imagine that. Ptaah That corresponds to nothing other than infamous lies, which were invented by parents who had allowed their children to go to Michael Jackson, to then mendaciously accuse him in the courts, in an infamous manner, and to financially exploit him. Due to my own interest, I have, at that time, made an effort about these things and determined that none of the assertions corresponded to the truth, rather, on the contrary, everything was only mendacious inventions in order to draw a financial gain out of it. The allegedly molested children were drilled for so long by their parents, in regard to their mendacious stories, until they finally deluded themselves that the lies were true and asserted that they had been sexually abused. But such abuses have never occurred, as I was able to unequivocally clear up, because, above all, Michael Jackson loved children and would have never done anything to them like that. He himself had never experienced a real childhood, rather he was irresponsibly forced to give it up by his father on account of music, singing and success. But the lad had never coped with that and, because of that, in his essence, he has always remained a boy, consequently he also surrounded himself with children and engaged in all kinds of games, and so forth, with them, which, however, were, in every manner, clean and correct as well as loving, and in no way showed any kind of sexual abusiveness at all. The man, Jackson, has, in his essence, remained a boy - very sensitive, kind and, additionally, living dreamily in his own strange world, which did not - respectively, only in a few small parts - coincide with reality. Unfortunately, his funeral will be made into a monstrous spectacle, which corresponds to a glorification. Billy Your explanation pleases me, even if, in its entirety, it deals with a sad case and also arouses grief in relation to his death.

I can imagine that very many humans will honestly grieve for him, because his music and his singing were good, even if it did deal with pop. This is in opposition to other types of pop, which, for years and up to the present day, are quite the usual thing and are truly nothing other than a monstrous disharmonic screeching, wailing and howling, compared to which the howling of wolves sounds positively harmonic. Ptaah You have said that very well, because, as a rule, nowadays, that which the young Earth humans designate as music and singing, and to which the youth are frenetically devoted, no longer contains any kind of harmony. As you say, it deals thereby still only with screeching, wailing and howling, which no longer contains any kind of harmony, rather only aggression, to which the youth succumb and become dangerously asocial. In that way certain youth become furious destroyers of human acquisitions as well as degenerates, who - unscrupulously, and full of hate and as a result of naked lust and wilfulness, and so forth - endanger their fellow men, or even seriously injure them, bash them to the point of making them handicapped, or kill them. Actually, in this regard, a very great part is based in the forms which are called singing and music, whereby the discordant pop and similar forms, basically promote in the youth, aggression, asocial behaviour, a lack of responsibility, a lack of virtue, and hate, and so forth. Through these forms of screeching, wailing and howling, as you say, which today is called singing and music, the Earth humans - especially the children and youth - lose, more and more, the respect for societal norms, virtues and that which is upright. Principally, many youth - who have not enjoyed an appropriate upbringing, and are thereby already inclined towards asocial degenerations - allow themselves thereby, more than ever, to be reshaped into that which is evil and bad, out of which arises contempt for humans, for the law and for order. Factors, out of which also racism, extremism, radicalism and terrorism arise. Arising, on the other hand, from the aforementioned so-called music and the unmelodic screeching, however, is also the opposite, namely, that the youth are misled, by religious people and other sectarians, into becoming believers in religion and God as a result of the delight which has overcome them. Consequently they become believers in the God delusion, as you pointedly mention in your new book. Truly harmonic singing and harmonic music is created only very rarely, and if so, then only by older humans and interpreters who are still devoted to the truly harmonic sounds and consequently also have a corresponding life-style. xcerpt from a conversation between Ptaah and Billy in regard to conspiracy theories 236th Contact report of Thursday, February 3rd, 2005, 10:57PM FIGU-Bulletin No. 52, June 2005 Billy ... Look here, this is a brochure of books in which many books are offered, whereby many among them are those which concern themselves with conspiracies which are supposed to exist on the Earth through diverse organizations, through banks and governments as well as through associations and religious sects and so forth.

If one were to believe all the conspiracy theories in relation to these then the entire world would have to teem with nothing but conspiracies. Book titles like: "The Nutrition Lie", "The Soup Lies", "From the Devil's Pot", "The Medicine Mafia", "The Iodine-Lie", "Healing Forbidden - Dying Allowed", "Remote Viewing", "Falsified Science", "Skull Bones", "A World of Evil", "The Insider", "Secret Politics", "Banks, Bread and Bombs", "Hands off this Book", "The Invisible Power", "Detecting Forbidden", "Shadows of Power", "The Learned Elders of Zion", "AIDS - Means for the Containment of Overpopulation", and much further nonsense is spread by books, so that angst is incited and false information is spread and the readers believe the entire nonsense. Look here, this is one such advertising brochure for such nonsensical book works... Ptaah ... Many of these unbelievable, stupid conspiracy theories which are spread through books are known to me. Actually it deals thereby only with absolute absurdities, which are put out into the world by irresponsible book writers and thereby make the humans who read this silliness insecure. Yet the Earth humans do not have much regard for the actual truth, because, in their lack of understanding they will be deceived through untruths, through lies and defamations because, to them, the truth appears too banal or too fantastic. Billy The whole thing is a gigantic profit making scheme, whereby business flourishes with the angst. Clever and irresponsible book writers with not seldom very well known names incite, through their insane conspiracy theories, immeasurable angst in humans. On the contrary, nothing worthwhile is written by these irresponsible elements in regard to how wars and illnesses can be hindered. It does not occur to any of them to write about the truth of this; that overpopulation has the main blame for all today's existing harm in the world, that wrong and incompetent governing ones are at the national rudders, that they drive the countries into financial ruin, and allow their armies to militaristically invade foreign countries in order to murder and destroy umpteen thousands. Also they write nothing about the fact that AIDS rages ever more and assumes ever more deadly forms, as you recently said; on the contrary, in relation to that, however, such scribblers assert that the UN or secret services, and so forth, have invented this epidemic in order to reduce the numbers of humanity, and so forth. Also they write nothing about the fact that the human's sense of living is based on evolution as it pertains to consciousness, that he learns in this regard and should follow the creational-natural laws in order to create love, peace, freedom and harmony among all peoples and humans. Ptaah But unfortunately that is not the case, because no financial profits are to be made with it and because the actual truth will not be heard. Answer in regard to "Chemtrails" To say about that is, that it deals with a new and completely idiotic conspiracy theory

which has already been circulating for around seven years, which is based on this: that condensation stripes (English: contrails, for example, sublimation stripes), evoked by chemical means, are supposed to be poisoning the atmosphere and life on Earth. The inventors and followers of the "chemtrail" conspiracy theory assert that the condensed aircraft exhaust would contain yet further, and indeed chemical, additives, whereby the added chemistry is supposed to fulfill quite certain purposes. The entire nonsense of the conspiracy theory is primarily based on the following: "Chemtrails" are supposed to distinguish themselves from "classic" contrails by their persistence as well as their extensive spreading out. Therefore it is not supposed to deal with normal contrails, rather with those altered with poisonous chemicals, for which reason they stretch out so widely and are so long-lived. Allegedly, before the year 1995, or still earlier, such had not been observed, and, consequently, no pictures would exist from earlier times which would show these kind of stripes. In contrast to the normal aircraft-exhaust contrails, the chemtrails are not supposed to consist of ice crystals, rather of various chemical substances which, in the atmosphere, would evoke conspicuous, exactly parallel and checkerboard patterns which allegedly do not occur with normal contrails and therefore with normal air traffic. The assertions of the conspiracy theorists extend to the idea that the substances are being sprayed very extensively in order to evoke an influence for the improvement of the climate. To that end, predominantly aluminum compounds and barium compounds are supposed to be launched and sprayed by the airplanes, which contributes to the reduction of the Sun's irradiation, whereby the greenhouse effect, released through the CFCs, respectively the greenhouse gasses, is supposed to be rectified on the Earth. The conspiracy theories demonstrate different variations which could not be more stupid and dim-witted and which the conspiracy theorists attempt to prove in the manner that they name "well-known specialists and scientists" who allegedly could deliver "scientific" analyses and explanations for it all. But thereby, the rule is that, after these are investigated in order to test the established evidence, they suddenly dissolve into thin air. Or then it is so that these turn out to be delusional esotericists, seedy pseudo-scientists and pseudo-specialists or otherwise deadbeats who want to be smarter than they really are. As with the conspiracy theory that, in secret laboratories, the secret services and governments, and so forth, artificially engendered the AIDS epidemic in order to put a most extensive halt to overpopulation and exterminate at least two-thirds of the terrestrial humanity, so it is asserted through the theses of conspiracy theorists that, among other purposes, the purposes of the alleged "chemtrails" measures are based on a "spraying" of the Earth's population. The purpose of this "spraying" is thereby, on one hand, that medical experiments would be carried out with genetically altered bacteria, as well, however, as that the entirety is constructed on a worldwide birth control in such a way that women and men are supposed to be made infertile through the spraying of the chemicals.

What a further conspiracy thesis is based on is that, through the "spraying" of the population via airplanes, the brain and consciousness of the Earth population is so impaired that it succumbs to a total thought-control by the governments, authorities, secret societies and secret services as well as by the Jews, and so forth, and so it can be manipulated and steered as desired. In this regard, with the Jews, the completely idiotic "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" will also be referred to again, whereby this dimwittedness delivers new material for new conspiracy theories in regard to world rule in the form of a world monarchy through Jews in general, and specifically through the Zionists, who are always especially named because they are confronted with great hatred, although the haters do not know what is actually concealed behind Zionism (Zionism and so forth see Bulletin Nrs. 14, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 as well as Special Bulletin No. 34.) Were the alleged initiators put under the magnifying glass, then the palette is very wide-ranging. At the start of the "chemtrails" conspiracy theory, which leads back to the Twentieth Century, the USA is considered to be in the front line as the criminal creator of "chemtrails". Then shortly thereafter the UN was also considered extremely guilty, after which the circle of putative "chemtrails" originators then broadened out further and further. Today it has already even gone so far that the classic opponents of conspiracy theories are themselves presumed to be guilty, and naturally FIGU also belongs to that, because whoever fulminates against the conspiracy theorists and their conspiracy nonsense is automatically guilty and is involved in the alleged conspiracy. But the Freemasons and the Illuminati also belong to the alleged evil "conspiracy", as however also the already mentioned alleged Jewish world conspiracy, and so forth, about which an enormous amount of nonsense is repeated by all the conspiracy theorists who, with their dimwittedness which they record in their books, earn a lot of money and shift their readers into angst and terror. The main criticism in regard to the "chemtrails" conspiracy theory is based on this; that the composition of a contrail cannot be determined from the ground. Already, from this basis alone, the alleged altered nature of the contrails is extremely speculative. The truth of the nature and form, and so forth, of the contrails, as these appear in the current time, is based singly and alone on the fact that, through the greenhouse effect, changes are present which did not previously exist. So, therefore, it is not maliciously or calculatingly the chemicals associated with aircraft exhaust which determine the form of expansion and speed of expansion as well as the persistence of the contrails, rather the changed atmospheric conditions in regard to the temperature, humidity and the wind velocity. For humans imbued with reason and powers of deduction and somewhat educated in physics it is recognized that particles of aircraft exhaust function as crystallization nuclei in high humidity, and bind further water vapor, and are spread out very far by corresponding wind currents. According to the Plejaren, neither barium nor aluminum is found in the contrails which are called "chemtrails" from airplanes, nor in the aircraft fuel.

And, were the assertions from conspiracy theorists true, then in recent years, as a result of the alleged "chemtrails", the irradiation of the Sun on the Earth would have diminished and not strongly increased as is verifiable. Therefore, the nonsense of the conspiracy is thereby also proven, because a successful application of the greenhouse-effect-cleaning chemical supplements in airplane fuels, and so forth, in all the years, would have had to cause a compensating effect. But the fact of the matter is that the so-called albedo value, respectively, the radiation reflected back into outer space, has diminished, which means that the greenhouse effect is not diminished, rather it climbs higher. The conspiracy theory in regard to "chemtrails" is not only extremely dubious, rather absolutely dim-witted, on which the book-writing conspiracy theorists, however, come by their financial health, because lowbrows buy the hogwash books and, through the praised nonsense, are shifted into angst and terror which once again induces them to buy more books. But this truth, as it is announced here, as however with also many other reasonable, advanced opinions, leads the lowbrow believers even more to conclude that the entire nonsense and hogwash serves even more as proof that the respective secret services, organizations, secret societies and governments and so forth actually sit behind conspiracies and would drive them. So only few truly reasonable humans take the effective truth as actual fact, that namely the entire dimwittedness is only based in conspiracy theories while the lowbrows and those who have succumbed to conspiracy theories feel even more vindicated in their conspiracy theories. Faithful stupidity and dimwittedness are the fertile ground and the distinguishing feature of all conspiracy theories; and stupidity and dimwittedness, indeed, as is known, know no bounds. And what is further to say in regard to the alleged "chemtrails" is this, that the ability of the adult and cross-section humans on Earth to remember is quite weak, then how else is it that it is asserted that such kind of instable contrails, as indeed the alleged "chemtrails", have not existed earlier, since no chemicals have been added to the aircraft fuels to compensate for the greenhouse effect, to undertake the thoughtcontrol of the humans of the Earth or to poison humanity, make them infertile or even exterminate at least two-thirds of them? Whoever occupies himself somewhat with physics and meteorology knows that contrails are a kind of artificial cirrus clouds which have already always existed since airplanes have cruised around in the terrestrial atmosphere. But that already leads so far back that indeed no human is any longer able to remember when the first time was that the first airplane contrail came into appearance. Indeed, clearly, it is certain that, at that time, no alleged organized alteration of the climate existed in regard to "chemtrails", such as were invented by the money-greedy, human-stupefying and insane conspiracy theorists. The fact is that, according to meteorology, contrails which stay in the sky are definite signs that a change in the weather is impending. So also the contrails which - formed like long, thin swords, checkerboards, or stripes, and so forth - spread out, have nothing to do with alleged "chemtrails", rather singly

and alone with atmospheric factors, as with temperature, the local wind speed and humidity, and so forth. So all alleged "chemtrails" phenomena can be explained as meteorological appearances, but also as inadequate interpretations from good and exact research information which is highly stylized by conspiracy theorists into specters of angst and fear. That is, thereby, not to dispute that such conspiracy theories, as in the case of the alleged "chemtrails", receive an impetus through scientific proposals in regards to a halt to the greenhouse effect and the warming of the Earth. Contrails, and thereby also the alleged "chemtrails" are worldwide only to be observed regionally, whereby they especially appear at airports and at the airplanes' holding patterns, where they are naturally extremely strongly concentrated, and indeed more and more because air traffic constantly increases. Logically the contrails, respectively the airplanes' "chemtrails", are consequently not as spread worldwide as the conspiracy theorists assert, rather they confine themselves to the airspace over the airports and the adjacent areas as well as the airplanes' flight paths. This fact, however, is given no attention, because thereby no money is to be earned, rather singly and alone only through an idiotic conspiracy theory. That naturally also the esoteric, and the like, must thereby involve themselves with it, may be clear to every reasonable human, because, in these circles, in a similar context, the conspiracy theater occurred about the alleged "photon ring" and to do with the comet "Hale-Bopp" towards the turn of the millennium, whereby a whole series of humans were driven to suicide by the conspiracy's dimwittedness. The deeds of the profit-greedy conspiracy theorists, who spread their horrendous dimwittedness and nonsense, are irresponsible and criminal, because, with their boundless hogwash, they drive the weak in regard to understanding, or otherwise lowbrow or gullible humans, into angst and terror, hounding them through a thousand hells and, under certain circumstances, even to suicide. And that a horrendous business is made with it belongs to the order of the day, for which reason idiotic descriptions of books are not seldom, through which conspiracy theories are spread, as is rendered in the following sample: "Patterns in the sky - circumstantial evidence of a global threat?" - Sometimes things are not as they appear to be. And then, hidden behind an impressive cloud formation is possibly no natural spectacle, rather a chemical bomb. For several months many humans have been struck with an oppressive feeling when they view the sky. Mysterious contrails are to blame which do not dissolve after a few minutes, rather become wider, are visible for hours or even make the sky overcast with a gray veil.

These "chemtrails" (derived from the English designation for vapor trails) are, in the view of several experts, visible traces of secret tests with which the climate change, which has been engendered by humans, is supposed to be arrested or decreased. Are the chemicals, thereby launched, really safe? Are humans taken into account at all with such a gigantic experiment? Are there possibly still much more devious machinations behind this conspiracy in the sky? The first book on this theme answers several of these questions - out of which many new ones arise. Because: everything good does not come from above!" Now, conspiracy theories are well thought out and targeted manipulations, under which the humans begin to suffer and succumb to angst and terror. Public opinion is also manipulated through conspiracy theories, whereby the bookwriting conspiracy theorists earn very much money. But the humans, who are influenced through the entire thing, no longer feel well, become insecure and then depend even more on the entire nonsense of the book writers, and so forth, to - like the conspiracy theorists - become conspiracy paranoiacs themselves, which not seldom leads to schizophrenic delusional experiences and therefore things and phenomena are seen and experienced which are not real and do not stand up to any examination for reality. he human already storms out into space, just as he pleases - with thundering and howling rockets. Exploding, they burst into the structure of the heavens and tear up the harmony of the spheres. At breakneck speed the Moon will be conquered, and then quickly the neighbouring planets, in order to prepare the way for the coming star travellers who want to steer through the primeval vastness in order to fathom the secrets of the enigmatic universe and stars. Often friendly and often cold, they shine down from the firmament when the night has descended over the Earth and has spread its dark, secretive veil out over the world. A world which already smoulders in high technology and further develops it at breakneck speed, always further and further, in order to achieve the best possible perfection. And this technology is created by humans - by humans who are indeed capable of perfecting the technology, controlling it and driving it towards its peak - but who, on the other hand, do not contain within them sufficient cognizance in order to generally guide the thoughts of the entire humanity along progressive paths by teaching that which is good and positive, in order to thereby create ultimate peace on the world and among the humans in accord with the sense of the laws of Creation. But they are not even in a position to create a peaceful co-existence among the

peoples. And why not? Because they only know the way of mammon, of pleasure, of selfishness, of progress and, with that, technology, and for that reason they cast the laws of Creation out into the realm of fantasy. Self-evidently the taskmasters thereby function first and foremost because they embody the power and politics, as well as the religion, of their countries. And it is exactly these powers and politicians as well as bigwigs of religion who continually make wrong decisions and carry them out. Thus anybody who is manifestly in the right is continually oppressed and discriminated against. Three short examples can serve for this which, however, have sufficient affect worldwide to make all humans contemplative. 1) Cyprus Turkey can look back at a nearly eight thousand year-old culture - on a culture of which every Turk may be rightly proud because it has not only produced very much, rather it is additionally also still the oldest culture in Europe and Eurasia. This fact shows that already the ancient ancestors of the current Turkish people were the owners of the island of Cyprus because it is situated offshore not too distant from the Turkish mainland. For that reason it is absolutely not to be rejected out of hand that the Turkish ancestors had already populated the island. That many thousands of years later the English, with their more than doubtful politics, then allowed the Greeks to establish themselves on this island, represents more than just an evil misadventure and an intrigue. This is the case even though the Greeks had been in possession of Cyprus at various times, because they were illegitimate owners each time because they seized the land in conquering campaigns and actual predatory wars. They thereby committed full-blown theft because they never had a right to the island; just the facts alone can prove that, because the Greeks can only look back at a 3,400 year-old culture which never arose from their own "spirit". The Greek culture is thereby therefore about 4,500 years younger than that of Turkey. How, therefore, could Cyprus have ever belonged to Greece in ancient times, since the Greeks first came to Turkey in the times of the [Island of] Evia King Odysseus (Ulysses-Odyssean) and indeed also as a result of a predatory war, as Troy was overtaken. Yet it was a long way up to the time of Odysseus; 3,400 years ago the wild Hellenistic descendents, who were still not capable of a shimmer of a real culture, still occupied Greece without pause. However, on the island of Crete, situated off the mainland, a people with a highly developed culture were settled the Minoans, also called the Atlantians. One day, far in the north, in the open ocean north of Crete, the volcanic island Santorini [modern Thira] exploded and sank into the ocean. Consequently a giant tsunami devastated the island of Crete, from which the Minoans fled to the Greek mainland. There they encountered the wild, uncultured and primitive Hellenist descendents who were instructed by the Minoans in all arts and trades as well as in written and spoken language. Thus the Greeks got to know culture. However, since that time, the text, the alphabet and the language were Minoan. This remains so up to the current day - with an insignificant change.

Since the original Minoans were in a stark minority in relation to the Hellenists, they interbred and after a few hundred years no Minoans of pure race existed anymore. In their level of consciousness the Hellenists themselves had never been on even footing with the Minoans and so, over further centuries, they remained on the same level of consciousness to which the Minoans had brought them. They lived in accord with that and made no progress. And until around two thousand years ago they glorified their half-gods whose highest god was Zeus, who allegedly is supposed to have lived with his sub-gods on Mount Olympus. Then came the Jewish prophet Jmmanuel's (Jesus') Galilean disciples, who preached Christianity. The Greeks promptly fell away from their belief in their half-gods and turned towards the new teaching. In later times the Greek Orthodox faith was constructed from that and essentially represents the true origin of the entire current Christianity in Europe: a religious false teaching, which indeed finds no equal in the civilised world. But now what would be the solution to the Cyprus conflict? If everything is correctly viewed then there is only the solution of peaceful co-existence because, whether Turks or Greeks, both peoples consist of humans, and as such it is only possible to live together in peaceful co-existence if peace, freedom, love and harmony come into being, and rule. 2) Israel; Judaism The so-called culture of Judaism is only several hundred years older than that of the Greeks. Its actual history, however, begins at approximately the same point in time as that of the Greeks; 3,500 years ago, namely, at that time when Moses tore the Jewish people away from Egyptian servitude and led them to Palestine. The Jews were therefore foreigners in this country which they acquired through conquering campaigns and predatory wars, because the original inhabitants of Palestine were not Jews, rather they had been heathen Arabic worshippers of Baal and other idols. Around 3,500 years ago, however, the old Hebrews invaded this Arabic land and subordinated it - some years after Moses had died, respectively, had been murdered. These Hebrews were disloyal to Jehovah because again and again they trampled Moses's teaching in the dirt in order to serve golden calves and other idols. In later times the Hebraic tribes feuded with each other, consequently ten tribes emigrated out of Palestine and formed other peoples. Only the two lineages, Judea and Israel, remained behind, which had likewise split into two different kingdoms and fought bitterly - and who, from then on, named themselves Jews. Centuries and more than three thousand years rolled over these people until fate put them in their place. Yet again there were also world powers here, especially Russia and England, who, through their politics, discriminated against the Arabic peoples, who rightfully existed, and awarded the ownership of the land of Palestine to the Jews in 1948 although it had never belonged to them - since how can stolen goods ever belong to thieves? Thus the machinations of the world powers established the Jewish believers in Palestine in 1948 and named the country Israel since then, although they could not have the slightest right to name it their own because their forefathers, the ancient Hebrews, were foreigners who had invaded the country, who had overtaken the Arabic country and robbed the people. First the old Hebrews acted as friends and drank to the new friendship in feasts with Arabs, however only in order to then kill these when they were drunk. And so the previously Arabic land is today called the land of Israel. And the Palestinians, whose ancient forefathers already inhabited the land, are oppressed and fought, and the question really is: what will come of that?

Not only did the ancient Hebrews make themselves guilty of land theft and of umpteen thousand murders of Arabic inhabitants, no, because many settlers of the new state of Israel, founded in 1948, have fallen upon the Arabs and, together with the world powers, have led war against the inhabitants, whereby very many of these have been killed. They have carried this out as blasphemers of the Creational laws and as barbarians who have trampled the fundamental teaching of the spirit into the dirt with their feet, and so they will do it in the same way into the distant future because the Jewish religion absolutely disputes the truthfulness of the effective teaching of Creation and religiously follows an imaginary god and a messiah who will never appear. The Jewish religion charges the truthful truth of the teaching of Creation and of the laws of Creation with being lies - as also Christianity - and raises its believers into the status of a chosen people of God, who does not exist. The problem would indeed be soluble if the Palestinians as well as the Israelis allowed understanding and reason to rule and would strike a peaceful co-existence in order to enable their living together in peace, freedom and harmony. But up until today exactly that has been impossible for four reasons, and indeed, on one hand, because of the reciprocal hatred and, secondly, as a result of the different religions of the two peoples. And further, thirdly, what acts as an insurmountable barrier is the fact that, on one hand, in ancient times, the forefathers of the current Israelis - the ancient Hebrews - snatched the land with war actions, and fourthly, that in 1948 Palestine was newly wrested from the Arabs and made into the state of Israel with the help of world powers. Yet how is peace, freedom, love and harmony supposed to be created today if both parties, out of hatred and unreason, remain stubborn and hold tightly to old customs and to long past things, and when the world and its responsible ones, as well as the entire humanity, simply allow everything to happen and only worry about their own profit which is also made by providing weapons to the quarrelling parties? 3) Kashmir The culture of Kashmir is the actual culture of India, yet for around 800 years it has possessed a separate culture a Muslim culture. At about that time the Muslims advanced in the near East and brought their religion, Islam, Allah's religion, there. Quite specifically Kashmir, high in the north of India, was Islamised as a result because the humans there allowed themselves to be persuaded by the teaching of Islam. And also there the centuries elapsed before a foreign power interfered in a political manner and brought hate and corruption among these peaceful Muslim people. For many long years India was a British colony which was then dissolved in 1948. The English gave India back its independence yet they divided the country according to the two main religions: Hinduism and Islam. The parts of India inhabited by Muslims became East and West Pakistan whereby the Hindu land remained India. However, Kashmir, the Muslim part which is situated high in the north and bordering West Pakistan and China, was allocated to India, resulting in the two adjoining Muslim countries being separated. Consequently, brother and brother became the citizens of two different states. Clearly, since then, the two brother-countries have made the effort to alter this injustice and to unite as one country. But since Kashmir does not stand under its own government, rather under the Indian government, this continuously leads to bellicose skirmishes. Every attempt to unite West Pakistan and Kashmir has, however, up until now, run aground against the exceedingly stubborn position from the side of India. The result of that: war, which India also disgracefully lost in 1965, because, as it was written in an Islamic

newspaper: "Allah was with his people, and he led them to victory against the idolaters who worship no fewer than 3,340 different gods and die of hunger, although the nourishment which is necessary for life literally walks around in front of their noses - in the form of 159,000,000 holy cows which eat the vegetables and fruit off the market stalls." Also there is only one solution in this conflict: peaceful co-existence among Indians, Pakistanis and Kashmiris and indeed in regard to the political, cultural as well as religious, as has to be the case in general, and indeed not only when compromise and peaceful co-existence are resolved upon, rather also generally in relation to when humans live together. Race, religion, sects, culture, development, as well as politics, commerce and profit, and so forth, may never be permitted to play a role in a humankind in regard to the treatment and respect of humans as such, because all are equal before the laws of Creation, and have the same rights and obligations. These are only three examples, since still many others could be mentioned, yet these three alone show that the human indeed has sufficient understanding for the development of technology as well as for his financial profit, his selfishness, power-greed, conquering rage, wars, hate, revenge, retribution and pleasures, and so forth, but that he quite drastically lacks a sense for love, for peace, freedom and harmony, as well as for justice and righteousness. Racial hatred, religious hatred and xenophobia, false religious belief, profit, pleasures, selfishness, high-handedness, power lust, sexual and other degenerations, as well as war, jealousy, murder, and killing are more important to the human of the Earth than humanity, love, honesty, peace, freedom, harmony and true happiness. Quite especially the humans who are distinguished by Christian fanaticism, as well as the Islamic fanatics, arrogantly prize themselves in regard to those of other beliefs, and consequently the world of those who honestly pursue peace and love is quite especially discriminated against. The Muslim world is especially brought into disrepute today by the Christian sectarians and is bombarded with threats and war. And the Muslim peoples are insulted, cheated and discriminated against - especially by Christians - because, as Muslims, they live strictly according to the laws of the Koran and accept existence not only as such, rather they regard it as a preliminary step towards the "Magnificence of Paradise", and correspondingly live according to the given guidelines of the Koran. Naturally, also with Islam not everything that glitters is gold, consequently many matters of the religious guidelines and laws, and so forth, must be modernised, adapted to the new time and be formed in a manner worthy of being called human. But this does not contrast with the Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu world as well as all their religions and sects, because all these also have their own, and not seldom wrong and inhumane, as well as religious laws, cults and things, which are unworthy of being called human, which are basically built on erroneous ideas and delusional imaginings, invented by humans and based on the cults of humans and gods. Therefore, these are religions and sects which serve the idolisation, the idolatry and deification of humans - religions and sects which are disloyal to the truthful teachings of Creation and to the laws of Creation, for which reason only badness, prohibitions, dissent, jealousy, murder and killing, as well as war, strife, bondage, lovelessness and

disharmony and everything evil comes forth from it all. And all that, although they all hypocritically preach love, humanity, peace, freedom and harmony - however only to carry out war against each other at the next opportunity, to stir up religious hatred and racial hatred and to bless armies and weapons in order to pitifully slaughter other humans and peoples, with God's help. On the whole, the humans of the Earth live without preserving some sort of respect for the creational laws and directives or without even only observing them in the slightest manner. Only a few of them steer along the true creational guidelines. Thus the religions, sects and many of their faithful sow murder, death, theft, robbery, jealousy, criminality, felony, as well as corruption, hate, revenge and war and they oppress, discriminate against and murder the poor and those of other beliefs as well as any who live true to the laws and directives of Creation and follow the spiritual teaching and loyally build and yearningly await so that, on the Earth and among the humans, truth, true peace, true love, freedom and harmony, as well as righteousness and equality of all humans, finally come about. Yet, as the world of many Earth humans appears, with their deeds which are turned away from Creation, that is to say, which are foreign to Creation, and are criminal, it will still be a long wait until finally reason and understanding are victorious. But nevertheless: as the human wants, he may - as one who is unrighteous and disloyal to Creation and its laws and directives - allow himself a better, good and positive instruction, and come to understand it so that he finds the way back to the creational laws and directives and to a true life as a human, and indeed before the world is destroyed and humanity is exterminated. Billy Karachi/West-Pakistan, 1964 Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, 26. November 2006 Translators' note: Naturally, since 1964, there have been significant developments in the three dynamic examples mentioned by Billy above, and, to bring these important topics up to date, we recommend an independent study of those instructive geopolitical events. READERS QUESTIONS English Regarding the founding of the state of Israel: is it possible to simply show us truthfully which landowners were burdened, respectively, whose land it was? Franco Chellini, Switzerland Answer My entire following explanation has nothing to do with racism, rather, singly and alone, with a description of the effective facts, which can be German

disputed neither through prettying it up, through lies, nor through deceit and slander: In the new age, more precisely in 1948, the Russian and English powers robbed the Jordanians of their land in order to found Israel and establish the Israelis there as kings and emperors. So it came about that, on the 15th of May, 1948, the British mandate over Palestine expired after, on the 14th of May 1948, the Jewish National Council proclaimed the independent state of Israel, which included 77% of the Palestinian territory. On the 24th of April, 1950, Jordanians annexed East Palestine as West Jordan. On the 15th of May 1948, one day after the founding of the state, the Israeli/Arab war, respectively, the "Palestinian War" flared up, which Israel won with the help of the world powers. The Israelis and their helpers thereby dislodged around 850,000 Arabs, respectively, Palestinians, which led to large refugee camps in the neighbouring states, as well as to the Near-East conflict. The state of tension between Israel and the Arab states grew constantly, because the existence of Israel was put in question, and so, in this Near-East conflict, in 1956, it came to the Suez war which, however, was to be only the beginning of further wars up into the distant future. Originally, at the time when the Hebrews - who originally descended from the old Hebraons - fled from Egypt, from the Pharaonic servitude and slavery, the current land of Israel was still native Arab land, which was, however, conquered through the Hebrew refugees' brutal acts of war and was incorporated by them as, allegedly, "God's promised land". In the Christian Bible - which, in essence, conforms to a chronicle which was thoroughly distorted in Israel's favour and contains many untruths - the history of conquest of the "promised land" can, with much reservation, be read about just as it can be in many history books, and so forth, whose descriptions, however, are to likewise be read with reservation because, since ancient times, in every single case, everything has been orientated to the advantage, and to a glorification, of Israel and is cobbled together in its "traditional handing down". Truthfully, the history of Israel has been written with human blood since ancient times and indeed in regard to the religious as well as the political, as is likewise, in essence, the case with every other country on Earth. Consequently Israel is not an exception to that and exhibits no divinely peaceful existence whatsoever and no god-given promise and indeed neither a religious nor a worldly one, as is the case with every state and people on the Earth because also, in these relationships, everything is based alone on the product of human thoughts and human machinations - because there is no deity whatsoever who could

interfere in human affairs. And if, in spite of that, there are deities who do that then they are hidden behind humans who are without conscience, who portray themselves as divine. Billy

English German Reader question Can one come to know something more precise about the foreign extraterrestrials who are on the Earth and with whom the Plejaren can take up no contact? Gerald Ellion, USA Answer I had to first ask Plejaren Ptaah in regard to your question, consequently an extract from the 438th contact conversation should be brought up as an answer: Billy Then another question which was put to me from the USA on the 2nd of January, and for which I have copied out the following from the 424th contact report, from Saturday the 17th of June, 2006, because I knew no answer: Ptaah That is right - for a long time, we were not able to watch altogether everything pertaining to flights of beings foreign to earth. But now through our newest technology, we could investigate the whole of the 19th and the 20th century, and the first years of the 21st century. The result of this investigation is that it is how I told you on my last visit on June 10th, and how I have said it now. The fact is, that since 1800 until now 2006 the flying objects observed from outer space solely belonged to us Plejarens and the five others mentioned who joined our federation and those we could not contact and have remained foreign to us. The thing about Roswell is another and special case, because back then bioorganic androids were found. And one also has to say now, that when flying machines as well as telemeter discs originating from outer space are seen, then these belong only to us Plejarens and our federation. Contacts with earthlings do not take place, and apart from the contact with you, no other contacts exist. That will only change when other beings foreign to earth land openly and take up contacts, which will only happen then when we have left. You have therefore said that in regard to extraterrestrial flying objects in the terrestrial air space, there are still, to observe, only those from you Plejaren as well as from your confederates and from the unidentified foreigners. Is the situation still the same, that you can therefore still never identify the foreigners and that they still always cruise around in Earth's airspace and can be observed?

Ptaah Actually the situation is still the same regarding the unidentified ones whereby, however, we also no longer make an effort for a clarification because we have gained cognitions to the effect that these foreigners pose no danger for us and the Earth humans. Therefore we do not make an effort to disturb their own maintenance of secrecy and to make ourselves recognisable to them whereby we can also safely assume that these foreigners have no knowledge of our existence at all because, in relation to them, we always screen ourselves from sight, or location, in every regard, therefore only we know of their existence. The foreigners' flying objects can frequently be observed worldwide by Earth humans because they quite obviously have no screening technology at their disposal - as we do. However, what we have also clarified is the fact that these foreigners posses various kinds of models of flying devices as well as that they maintain no kind of contact at all with Earth humans and also have still never come into contact with such, directly or indirectly, consequently also no reports of experiences about it could exist, from some Earth human or other. Billy Therefore the unidentified flying objects observed in the last months, insofar as they were of an extraterrestrial nature, belong only to you Plejaren, your confederates and the unidentified foreigners, but not to further foreigners from space? Ptaah No, that is not correct because, since the 1st of July, 2006, we have comprehensively screened our flying devices in order to achieve surveillance over how often the unidentified foreigners allow themselves to be observed on average in the entire terrestrial airspace during one year. It deals with a particular clarification which still continues until the 30th of June, 2007. Billy Aha, then, since the 1st of July, 2006, all observations of unidentified flying objects, which were probably of extraterrestrial origin, were flying devices of the unidentified foreigners. But yet still a question in regard to that: since when have these been on the Earth and cruised around in the air? Ptaah Looking back into the past indicates that these foreigners have appeared again and again in the terrestrial air space for several centuries. Billy Important note from gaiaguys: The exactly worded question was, "Can one come to know something more precise about the foreign extraterrestrials who are on the Earth and with whom the Plejaren can take up no contact?"

It is very important to remember that this is solely, "... in regard to extraterrestrial flying objects in the terrestrial air space ...", not the increasingly ubiquitous terrestrial UFO's which belong to the multinational corporate militaryindustrial complexes' grossly illegal Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs), as described in detail by the heroic Disclosure Project whistleblowers, and recently acknowledged by Ptaah in the April 2007 FIGU Special Bulletin #34. "They (being "... a worldwide branching from governments, the military, industrial groups, secret services, paramilitary and powerful ones of finance ...") even have back-engineered beamships at their disposal, whereby, in certain contexts, even antigravity finds application." Please click on the link to SB34 and follow the links and inform yourself, then inform others!

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