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Central heating Task 1 How can you heat a house in cold weather? Closed the windows completely before cold weather hits Cover the windows with plastics Stay with a bonfire

Task 2 Functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The pilot light ----- small flame The heat exchanger fins--- transfer heat between two middles The flue----- a tube that takes hot air away The thermostat --- It controls the temperature The pump----- It is used to force hot liquid out of the central heating

Task 4 Put these statements in the correct sequence. The first and last have been done for you. a. Water is circulated through a heat exchanger.----------------1 b. The loop returns to the boiler for re-heating.----------------------------5 c. One loop passes through the inside of the hot water storage cylinder in a coil of pipes. -----------------------------------------------------------3 d. Water is heated by gas burners--------------------------------2 e. The hot water is pumped through a diverter valve.------------------------6 f. The other loop of the circuit passes to the radiators.----------------------------- 4 g. Cold water from the radiators returns to the boiler.-----------7

Task 6 1. When the system is switched on, Cold water passes through a heat exchanger in the boiler.

2. After the water passes through the heat exchanger, the water becomes hotter and hotter until the water reaches a pre-set level. 3. After the water temperature reaches the pre-set level, a thermostat causes the gas control valve to shut off. 4. The water is pumped to a diverter valve until it goes to the hot water cylinder or the radiators. 5. When hot water passes through the inside of the hot water storage cylinder in a coil arrangement, the heat is transferred to the surrounding water. 6. As The hot water flows through the radiators, it loses heat. 7. After the water passes through the radiators, it returns to the boiler. Task 7 Solids Liquids Gases Carried x x x Circulated x x Conveyed x x x Distributed x x Fed x x Piped x x Pumped x x Supplied x x x

Safety at work Task 1

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Highly flammable-----3 Harmful------------------5 Explosive--------------4 Corrosive--------------2 Oxidizing--------------6 Toxic-------------------1

Task 3 a. Who are the instructions for? Answer: the instructions are for employees and workers of a factory b. Who wrote them? Answer: they were wrote by a head leader or a supervisor c. What was the writer's purpose? Answer: the writers purpose was to keep you safety while you are working at the lab, and to have a good working environment. Task 4 1 Who is this document for? a. machine operatives b. managers c. all employees d. injured employees 2 Who wrote this document? a. trade union representative b. technician c. manager d. medical staff 3 What is the writer's intention? a. to prevent accidents b. to ensure speedy help for injured employees c. to protect the company d. to warn about danger Task 5 Study this brief report of an accident. In which points does it not meet company policy on reporting accidents?

The points where the report not meets company policy on reporting accidents are: 1. Name, occupation, and sex of injured worker 2. Description of how the accident happened 3. Contributing causes - manager safety performance, level of worker baking, inadequate job procedure, poor protective maintenance, etc. 4. Witness(es) - name and department. 5. Corrective action taken- when. There is no witnesss interview and it doesnt explain de accident clearly. Task 7 1 Many accidents happen because of workers carelessness. 2 Education can reduce accidents moreover It is important that all workers receive training in basic safety. 3 Eye injuries can be serious. for instance Goggles must be worn for grinding and cutting. 4 Safety gloves provide protection for the hands. Because of They prevent burns. In addition They reduce the danger of cuts. 5 Safety shoes protect the feet against falling objects. Because of They prevent the feet getting caught in machinery. 6 Respirators should be worn in dusty conditions. Because of Dust can damage the lungs. 7 Safety gear exists for every danger. For xample Each year people are injured. Because of They refuse or forget to wear the right gear.

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