ERP 3 - Emergency Action For Bomb Threats Rev 0

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Emergency Actions For Threats

ERP-3 Rev. 0

[Insert Facility Name Here]

Emergency Procedure ERP-3 Emergency Actions for Threats
Effective Date: Reason for Change: New Procedure

Approved By: [Enter Name Here] [Enter Title Here]


Responsible Department: [Enter Department Here] This entire document shall be in the field during procedure performance. The following portions of this procedure shall be in the field during procedure performance: Checklist from this procedure shall be in the field during procedure performance. No part of this procedure is required to be in the field during procedure performance.

Printed on 05/23/2009 Void after 7 days

Emergency Actions For Threats

ERP-3 Rev. 0

Table of Contents Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Page Number

Purpose ...........................................................................................................................1 Scope................................................................................................................................1 Responsibilities ...........................................................................................................1 Instructions...................................................................................................................1 Definitions .....................................................................................................................3 Records............................................................................................................................3 References......................................................................................................................3 Attachments ..................................................................................................................3 Incident Commanders Emergency Actions for Threats Checklist....4 Bomb/Threat Checklist E-D-831-13-ER...5

Printed on 05/23/2009 Void after 7 days

Emergency Actions For Threats

ERP-3 Rev. 0

1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.1 4.0

Purpose This procedure provides instruction in the receipt of a threat received by personnel or contractors. Scope This procedure is applicable all threats to people or property received by any employee or contractors working. Responsibilities Responsibilities common to all events are covered in ERP. Instructions Note 1.0

The information the receiver of a threat obtains will be very important in helping to determine what kind action will be required; including evacuation of the facility. It will also be very important to the Law Enforcement Authoritys during the investigation of the threat. 4.1.1 The person receiving a threat call should: Be familiar with Attachment 2- Bomb/Threat Call Checklist (this list is also located in the back of the Ameren Phone Directory) and listen carefully to the caller for the checklist items. IF the threat in any way pertains to the facility THEN immediately report the threat to the station Control Room Operator. Immediately report the information concerning all threats to immediate supervisor and the Security Alarm Center. IF the threat in any way pertains a Nuclear Plant, THEN immediately report it to the Security Department.

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Printed on 05/23/2009 Void after 7 days

Emergency Actions For Threats

ERP-3 Rev. 0

As soon as possible complete a Bomb/Threat Call Checklist. A. IF the threat was received at the facility THEN promptly take the completed checklist to immediate supervisor or Shift Supervisor. B. IF the call was received at a location other than the facility THEN call the Shift Supervisor and communicate the checklist information.


The Control Room Operator shall immediately inform the Shift Supervisor of the report of any threat. Note 2.0

Attachment 1 - Incident Commanders Emergency Action for Threats Checklist is provided as a quick reference guide for actions detailed in this procedure. 4.1.3 IF the threat is against personnel, property or facilities THEN the Shift Supervisor shall immediately go to the Control Room and assume the role of Incident Commander and perform the following: Note 3.0 Following a facility evacuation, only employees designated by the Incident Commander shall re-enter the station buildings before the All Clear is announced over the PA System. Inform the station Security Guards of the threat by calling [Enter phone number here] or by facility radio. Ensure that the Security Alarm Center has all known details regarding the threat. IF the call was a Bomb Threat THEN evacuate nonessential personnel from the facility to a designated safe area in accordance with ERP-16, Personnel Evacuation procedure. Take additional appropriate action(s) concerning the threat as directed by Security Alarm Center, Station Manager and appropriate law enforcement authorities.

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Printed on 05/23/2009 Void after 7 days

Emergency Actions For Threats

ERP-3 Rev. 0

5.0 5.1 6.0 6.1 7.0 7.1 8.0 8.1 8.2

Definitions Definitions are provided in ERP-0, Emergency Action Plan. Records None References ERP-0, Emergency Action Plan Attachments Attachment 1, Incident Commanders Emergency Actions for Threats Checklist Attachment 2, Bomb/Threat Checklist

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Printed on 05/23/2009 Void after 7 days

Emergency Actions For Threats

ERP-3 Rev. 0

Attachment 1 Incident Commanders Emergency Action for Threats Checklist

Emergency Response 1. Inform the station Security Guards of the threat by calling [Enter phone number here] or by facility radio. 2. Ensure that the Security Alarm Center at has all known details regarding the threat. 3. IF the call was a Bomb Threat THEN evacuate non-essential personnel from the facility to a designated safe area in accordance with ERP-16, Personnel Evacuation procedure. 4. Take additional appropriate action(s) concerning the threat as directed by the Security Alarm Center, Station Manager and appropriate law enforcement authorities.

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Printed on 05/23/2009 Void after 7 days

Emergency Actions For Threats

ERP-3 Rev. 0

Attachment 2 Bomb/Threat Checklist Date and Exact Time of Call: Exact words of caller: Questions to Ask What is the nature of the threat; bomb, hostage, or extortion? (circle one) When is the bomb going to explode? Where is the bomb? What does it look like? What kind of bomb is it? What will cause it to explode? Did you place the bomb? Why? What are your demands? Where are you calling from? What is your address? What is your name? Callers Voice (circle) Calm Disguised Nasal Angry Broken Stutter Slow Sincere Lisp Rapid Giggling Deep Crying Squeaky Excited Stressed Accent Lout Slurred Normal If the voice is familiar, whom did it sound like? Were there any background noises? Remarks: Person receiving the call: Telephone number call received at: Report the call or threat promptly to your immediate supervisor and to the Security Alarm Center. If the threat in any way pertains to a Nuclear Plant, you must also report it immediately to the Security Department at. (Refer to bomb incident plan held by Security and Building Service Departments.)

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Printed on 05/23/2009 Void after 7 days

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