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Huawei Communicate

Making WLAN work

Operators are finding WLAN deployment for 3G offload necessary to stay afloat amidst a deluge of data, but the process of constructing a carrier-class WLAN is no easy task. China Mobile Shandong, however, has made remarkable progress in this regard, making it a model for others to follow, both at home and abroad.
By Qiao Ruole

WLAN A mobile Internet breakthrough

urrently, broadband access over 3G cellular networks is rather limited thanks to spectrum scarcities and high network rollout and expansion costs. According to the UMTS Forum, mobile traffic will exceed 2011 levels by 32 fold in 2020, totaling over 127 exabytes. This level will overwhelm 3G networks as they are now, even with the help of a more mature LTE ecosystem. WLAN can provide high-speed data services at minimal cost, as its estimated construction costs per gigabit are one-

fortieth to one-sixtieth of those for 3G. With the widespread application of Wi-Fi, mobile operators can employ WLAN as an economical supplement for 3G networks. China Telecom put forward a strategy of developing CDMA in concert with WLAN in May 2011. In 2012, the operator earmarked about RMB1.67 billion (USD270 million) for WLAN, deploying 400,000 access points (APs). China Mobile has also prioritized WLAN as it looks to synergize its GSM/TDSCDMA/LTE TDD technologies. For 2012, it has planned to deploy more than two million APs nationwide and replace wired access with WLAN in certain pilot areas, including eastern Chinas Shandong Province.
JAN 2013 . ISSUE 68


Strategic Operations
Making WLAN work

Hindrances to WLAN
Construction of carrier-class WLAN requires the overcoming of a raft of challenges. One is ease of use, as users need to be aware of WLAN coverage and availability. Operators are expected to record WLAN service coverage data in their OSS during WLAN deployment, and to disclose the relevant information online. A simple authentication process is also needed, as smooth coordination between WLAN and the macro network will not happen without it, nor will seamless roaming (another major issue here). WLAN configuration should support various device access methods and authentication modes, such as Portal, MAC address binding, EAP-PEAK, and EAP-SIM. Charging is also a major concern. Operators must provide uniform service packaging with precise charging mechanisms for WLAN users, irrespective of terminal brand or category. Flexible charging modes will vary by duration, interval (unlimited duration but limited volume), or volume, while monthly packages can be bundled with other value-added service offerings. However, WLAN users need to be crystal-clear about their traffic volume usage; SMS reminders can come in handy here. Sophisticated carrier-class networks entail meticulous planning, design, and maintenance, as WLAN coverage typically has a limited range, requiring a rather large number of APs, all of which must be managed, powered, monitored, and maintained.

WLAN in Shandong
China Mobile Shandong (Shandong Mobile) is a pioneer in WLAN substitution. From 2002 to August 2010, the operator deployed roughly 60 thousand APs around Shangdong province, serving a very large number of data card users and heralding the era of commercial WLAN in China. As of mid-2011, Shandong Mobile had deployed up to 14 thousand hotspots for areas such as colleges, traffic hubs, hotels, resorts, commercial buildings, and residential complexes, for which the operator releases information regularly regarding coverage and provides flexible web-based customer services. Shandong Mobile employs Huaweis SIM-based authentication solution, which enables integration 53
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of its 3G network with WLAN, streamlining the handset authentication process, from the terminal to the WLAN, GPON, BRAS, and Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) protocols. Account names and passwords are required for first-time users only. Thanks to MAC address binding, Shandong Mobile subscribers enjoy simplified authentication courtesy of BRAS redevelopment and Portal/AAA programming, the latter of which enables users to roam via WLAN in other provinces seamlessly. For visitors to Shandong, access controllers (ACs) for ward authentication requests to Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) servers, and the subsequent web authentication process is followed in the same manner. Shandong Mobile also provides assorted tariff packages. If users choose duration-based charging, users are charged according to total service time, regardless of the terminal, by registering their mobile phone number. Users can also subscribe to separate WLAN services or packages with a free capped WLAN duration. This had led to a boom in Shandong Mobiles data services, as well as synergy between the operators GSM/TD-SCDMA/WLAN/LTE TDD technologies, which have combined to keep its profits healthy. Pr e v i o u s l y, t h e W L A N b e a r e r n e t w o r k had consisted of switches from multiple vendors, meaning high OPEX and a protracted troubleshooting process that drew customer ire. This motivated the operator to use GPONs for WLAN traffic. Through its utilization of ONUs with Power over Ethernet (POE) for APs, GPON supports Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) simulation, automatic fault diagnostics, and precise location, leading to construction cost reductions of 30 to 40% when compared to switches. Shandong Mobile has successfully converged WLAN with its legacy network technology, reducing construction costs per gigabit and relieving the burden on the macro network, while making expansion easier to achieve. The operator currently boasts five million WLAN users, while its commercial applications enjoy wide coverage, simple authentication, user experience excellence, service package flexibility, and easy maintenance, making the operator a model for others to follow into the realm of commercial WLAN. Editor: Xu Shenglan

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