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Special Features. -- The Lagna is Virgo or Kanya.

Virgo representing the virgin and thus is in conformity with the belief. Regarding the date of birth of Jesus. I have mostly relied upon the findings of Mr. Cyril Fagan, as given in the 1937 winter issue of American Journal of Astrology, wherein he has endeavoured to construct Christ's horoscope on the strength of the available evidence gathered from different reliable sources. The one important data which should guide an astrological student is the reference made to the remarkable conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces "which must have heralded the birth of the Messiah". The Magi or the Persian astrologers were mindful of these prophecies "and were expecting the birth of the long promised Messiah". The conjunction took place in 7 B.C. and this must be the year of Jesus' birth. The Magi or the Chaldean astrologers who had gathered their knowledge of the science from the Hindu sages were pastmasters in the art of divination and they were accustomed to wander to various countries and to interest themselves in renowned horoscopes. That the Magian astrologers should have been deeply interested in any sidereal phenomenon is in accordance with what we know of their studies and that planetary combination of the rarest kind, and one which by the recognized rules of astrology was of stupendous significance actually did occur at this very epoch, we know by the independent investigations of the great Kepler who found that the conjunction had occurred in Pisces in A.V.C. 747 or 7 B.C. Readers will note that similar Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions have produced great teachers, viz Zoroaster and the Buddha. B.V Raman; Notable Horoscopes pg 37.

Many astrologers agree with Dr. B.V. Raman and his reliable sources that 7 BCE is the actual birth year of Lord Jesus Christ. However, there is one day in that year which is quite interesting. Instead of the traditional 25th of December, theres the date of August 22nd. Some astrologers refer to that day as being the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ. Their understanding being -conforming to the belief - that the 25th of December is the traditional day for the celebration of Christ. However, the 22nd of August is the actual day that Christ took birth. The Chandra lagna chart below is for the 22nd of August 7 BCE Bethlehem - Latitude 31 N 43; Longitude 35 E 13

*Screen display From Jagannatha Hora software.

The amazing feature of this chart; each planet, except Saturn who is conjunct with Jupiter, is Swakshetra, identical to their own sign, and the Nodes, Rahu and Ketu are uchha or in their signs of exaltation - "one of the best points for the planet in the entire zodiac". The Moon is in Cancer, The Sun is in Leo, Mercury is in Virgo, Venus is in Libra, Mars is in Scorpio conjunct with exalted Ketu, Jupiter is in Pisces conjunct with Saturn and Rahu is exalted in Taurus. It's stated that a person born on this day, having such an extraordinary chart, "is destined to change the world". All the planetary rulers, the demigods, Chandra, Surya, Budha Shukra, Mangal and Guru are in their favorable environment, empowering that special personality who appeared on that day.

And as B.V. Raman states, "Readers will note that similar Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions have produced great teachers, viz Zoroaster and the Buddha". When a jiva tattva, a living entity, becomes specifically empowered by the Lord, he is a saktyavesa avatara. Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus Christ were empowered saktyavesa avataras. Over 2000 years have passed and Lord Jesus Christ is still worshipped by billions across the globe. Who would consider His revered teachings spoken in the scripture, the Holy Bible, statements belonging in the mythology department? No sane person would, nor would any right minded person tolerate hearing such. Scripture is sacred. The Gospel of God, His Messiah, His angels, and the godly men and women of scripture are all very sacred and have been for many, many years and will continue to be. The Vedic scriptures are the most ancient scriptures on the planet. And they are preserved by the dedicated and authorized sages of the bona fide disciplic successions. The disciplic succession holds that the Vedas were uttered by Lord Krishna to Brahma, by Brahma to Narada, and by Narada to Vyasadeva, and then by Vyasadeva to Sukadeva Gosvami and so forth, continuing to the present day by dedicated authorized spiritual masters. Just as you see today the authorized teachers of the ancient science of Jyotish Vedic astrology. They are considered authorized or why should so many students approach them to learn Vedic astrology? Similarly, there are four bona fide disciplic successions of the Vedas on the planet: one from Lord Brahma, one from Lord Siva, one from Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, and one from the Kumaras. The disciplic succession from Lord Brahma is called the Brahma-sampradaya, the succession from Lord Siva (Sambhu) is called the Rudra-sampradaya, the one from the goddess of fortune, Laksmiji, is called the Sri-sampradaya, and the one from the Kumaras is called the Kumara-sampradaya. One must take shelter of one of these four sampradayas in order to understand the most confidential Vedic system, which includes Jyotish. The professors and students of the western world have their mythological figures such as Zeus, Hercules and others to study. However, unlike their western mythology, within the Vedic texts, youll read narrations about the factual managers of the material world, the demigods - Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Surya, Chandra and many more. Many of these powerful demigods are included within the Vedic astrological chart readings.

Since Jyotish, Vedic astrology is one of the Vedangas, one of the limbs of the Vedas - then those who have heard that the Vedas are mythology can ask, "is Jyotish part of the mythical texts"? There are those who are now bringing up this question. Of course, the real benefits received from the extraordinary science of Jyotish is definitely not a myth, nor is Vedic astrology a part of mythology (mythology, myths are folklore composed by mortals, which can be proven to be false or busted.) Brahma, the first-born living being in this universe and the first speaker of the Vedas, is also the foremost sage. He is born directly from Lord Vishnu and from him appear the hosts of demigods, including both the controllers of earthly activities and the rulers of heaven. Vyasadeva, the transcendental son of Parashara Muni, is the literary Incarnation of God. Vyasadeva is the compiler of all the Vedas. There are verses on astrology in the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. The classic Puranas, also contain instructions of astrology. Vyasadevas contributions of the Vedanta-sutra, SrimadBhagavatam and the Mahabharata are very popular and beneficial readings. The astrologer should follow the important advice of Parashara Muni, in the very first chapter of his Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra; "Only good will follow the teaching of this science to the students who are peacefully disposed, who honor the preceptors (and elders), who speak only truth and who are God-fearing. Woeful for ever doubtlessly will it be to impart knowledge of this science to an unwilling student, to a heterodox, and to a crafty person." If one does not surrender to this ancient, but eternal wisdom, he or she will be inclined to disrespect the bona fide preceptors of the disciplic successions and thus the Vedas as well. With all of the excellent techniques of Vedic astrology, and provided with truthfulness by the dedicated Vedic astrologers, Jyotish is so very rewarding - Only good will follow the teaching of this science ... Om Tat Sat
Can Not Have The Kingdom of God Without God

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