Synopsis Comfed

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SESSION : 2012-13

Guided by:

Submitted by:

Dr. Arun Kumar Singh

Coordinator PGD/HRD Deptt. of Psychology Patna University Patna

Shubhendu Prateek
Roll No. 15 PGD/HRD Deptt. of Psychology Patna University Patna i

INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC Employee Training and Development has become a very important component of organization throughout the world, especially in the work of development and change in technologies taking place at a very fast rate. For the effective and efficient performance of work in the changing scenario, an organization needs to have well trained and experienced people. Training is the process of learning a sequence of programmed behaviour and application of knowledge. Its provided to an employee either to improve his performance on the current job or to upgrade his skills and to prepare him for another intended job. Today, in a fast changing scenario, it is suggested that an organization must commit adequate resources for proper and effective training and development of its employees. The proposed study would be conducted in The Bihar State Co-operative Milk Producers Federation Ltd. (COMFED). COMFED is a dairy cooperative established in 1983 is an enterprise of the government of Bihar. It markets its products under the label "Sudha Dairy". There are six district level Milk Producers' Cooperative Unions affiliated to the Milk Federation. These milk unions are covering twenty-six districts and in addition five districts are being covered by the Federation. COMFED works as a rural milk producers organisation having strength of 6.29 lakh members, spread across thirty five districts of Bihar. The present proposed work would be focussed on how COMFED imparts training and development to its employees by making them learn new skills and competencies needed for them to grow and perform better at workplace, eventually leading them to organizational and personal effectiveness. The concept of the study would be to know about the training programmes run by COMFED for its employees and to ascertain its viability in HR norms and what employees, both subordinates and superiors, feel about it.

OBJECTIVES OF STUDY 1. To study about the procedure for providing training at COMFED. 2. To know the type and method of training and development programme conducted by COMFED. 3. To find out the opinion of employees about training in COMFED. 4. Critical analysis of training programme and its effectiveness. 5. The purpose of study is also the partial fulfilment of the requirement of PGD/HRD.

METHODOLOGY The present study would be carried out by collecting both primary data as well as secondary data. Scope of Study : The study would be limited to employees of COMFED. Research Design : The research would be descriptive in nature. In descriptive research we require sufficient data on the concept and research material. I will be using questionnaire method for collecting the primary data formulated for workers & staff members of corporate employees.



Instrument Used : Questionnaire. Sample Technique : Random Sampling.

Sources of Data

Primary data:

Primary data is the new or fresh data which would be collected from the respondents (employees of COMFED) through structured scheduled questionnaire. Questionnaire will be designed; field tests would be conducted then distributed to the selected samples.

Secondary data:

The secondary data will be collected through Files, Record Books, Manuals, COMFEDs procedure and policy, and staff statistic of the organization, websites and theoretical review of training and development practices at COMFED.

LIMITATIONS The limitation is considered in relation to the natural explanation to which the researcher limits the study and the active choices to limit the study area. Even though, I have decided to conduct the research sincerely, the research would be subjected to a few limitations, due to few practical difficulties which might be encountered in the course of conducting the research. Anticipations can be made and possibly precautions would be taken to minimise errors and flaw. Following difficulties, enumerated below, might constraint the study to some certain extent: a) b) The study would be conducted in only one office, so, the analysis and interpretation of data might not be valid for other regions. The study will have to be carried out with limited fund and resources to meet out expenses to be incurred in the study.

c) d) e)

Respondents can be biased in expressing their views which might affect the ultimate findings and end results. The study has to be completed within assigned time period. The same questionnaire would be used for interviewing all the classes of workers.

PROPOSED CHAPTERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction Organizational Profile Training and Development A conceptual Study Practices Of Training and Development at COMFED Analysis and Interpretation. Conclusion and Suggestions Annexure a) Bibliography b) Questionnaire

Submitted by:

Shubhendu Prateek
Roll No. 15 Session : 2012-13 PGD/HRD Deptt. of Psychology Patna University Patna


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