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Installing Oracle Applications E-Business Suite R12 (12.1.

1) on Windows XP / Windows 2003 Server Minimum Hardware Requirements:

1. Windows XP (professional or Home) Service Pack 2 / Windows 2003 Server with 2 GB RAM and make sure you have NTFS file system. 2. Hard Disk 250 GB where 233 GB space is required for vision installation (excluding media pack; which needs around 37 GB space). You can use external hard drive too. Dont listen to those who advise you to install EBS R12 without vision database. I know you are installing all this for learning etc. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Very Important Note: 1. Make sure there is no oracle product installed on your system. No entry of oracle should be in windows registry except system default by windows itself. So it is recommended to use fresh system for this purpose. If you tried a failed installation before on your PC then reinstall the Operating System again otherwise you will waste your time. 2. There should be !!!!NO!!! JDK installed on your machine. EBS will install JDK version on your machine otherwise you will get errors I dont want to discuss all this here. Just NO JDK on your machine. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pre-requisites; Utilities: 1. Microsoft VC++ Make sure that it must be VC 8 or above because VC 6 was valid up to 11i. If you do it with VC 6 then utilities check will not give error but you will stuck at 13% or 66% installation. While installing VC++ make sure it is done in C:\MSVS\VC. No spaces in any directory structure of any software you install as pre-requisite for Oracle Apps. Copy cl.exe from C:\MSVS\VC\bin to C:\WINDOWS\System32 2. Perl Version 5.8 or more and use MSI package type. Perl is only needed if you are using Oracle Media Pack. If you are downloading from oracle site then you can skip this installation. 3. CYGWIN Download setup.exe to your machine. Run setup.exe and click Next, which will bring up the Choose Installation Type screen. Select ; Install from Internet and Click Next Select ; Root Directory C:\cygwin and select radio button Install for ; All Users and Default Text File Type ; DOS / text ; Next Local Package Directory can be any but C:\cygwin is recommended. ; Next Direct Connection. Click on Next again to get to the Select Packages screen, and select the following packages (click on to toggle): a. All Default b. Archive Default, plus manually select the zip package c. Base Default, plus manually select the following extra packages: ash, coreutils, diffutils, findutils, gawk, grep, sed, tar and which

d. mktemp

Devel Default, plus manually select binutils, gcc, gcc-core, gcc-g++, make and

e. Doc Default, plus manually select cygwin-doc and man f. Editors Default, plus manually select vim g. Interpreters Default, plus manually select gawk h. Shells Default, plus manually select ash and tcsh i. Utils Default, plus manually select cygutils and file Click on Next again to download the selected files. It will take some time depending upon mirror site you selected and after download cygwin setup will be automatically starts. After installation completed, Open folder C:\cygwin\bin and rename followings: gawk.exe to awk.exe grep.exe to egrep.exe make.exe to gnumake.exe gcc.exe to cc.exe You can override the name if system says that awk or egrep or cc already exits just remove or move to some other place. 4. Set the Path to include the C:\cygwin\bin C:\> set PATH = %PATH%;c:\cygwin\bin And then check your PATH to see that it include C:\cygwin\bin C:\> echo %PATH% //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Oracle Media: You should be having Lasted available Oracle media pack (recommended) or Software download from oracle site and follow the unzipping instruction as per oracle documentation. I have downloaded it from: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Domain Name Configuration: 1. Open file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. Enter a domain next to localhost entry you will be using this domain while installing Oracle Applications. I used mydomain so you can replace what ever you want. is IP Address of my PC you should enter your machines IP. If you dont know it you can find it. C:\>ipconfig Example localhost 2. Go to Control Panel > Systems > Computer Name Tab > Click on Change > Click on More > Enter Primary DNS Suffix as mydomain.

3. Open Network connections, Select your Connection on which your machine is connected (You will find Wireless or LAN) and right click and select properties. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on to properties. Click on Advanced button and go to DNS tab. Enter DNS suffix for this connection as mydomain. 4. Restart the PC. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Staging the Oracle: If you have Oracle Media Pack then: Insert the Start Here DVD in DVD Rom and go to folder: StageR12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz in DOS Prompt and type: D:\StageR12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\ And follow the wizard. Finally you must have these five folders in StageR12 Directory: 1. oraAppDB 2. oraApps 3. oraAS 4. oraDB 5. startCD Note: If you have downloaded the media from oracle site, then you just need to put the downloaded and extracted folders in the proper directories No need to do staging. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Recommended (Not necessary): There steps are only if your installation fails due to any reason so you can restore your registry and system to pre-installation state: 1. When Staging is done successfully then export the registry and save it on a file. Start > Run > regedit > File > Export and select the location where you want to store it . 2. Take a Computer Restore Point. Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore > Create a Restore Point > Enter name of restore point for example PreOra and Press the Create.

3. Restart the PC. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Installing the the EBS R12 So far you have done a great job. Now time to get the job done. 1. Go to folder E:\StageR12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz or where you have done your staging on hard drive or external hard drive and just click RapidWiz 2. On welcome screen > Next and Select Install Oracle Applications E-Bussiness R12 Check on Use Express Installation > Next 3. In Express Configuration Information screen change the following (Leave all to default): a. MKS directory = C:\cygwin\bin or where cygwin\bin is b. MSDEV directory = C:\MSVS\VC\bin or where VC++ was installed c. Oracle Base directory =E:\oracle or where ever you want to install oracle applications 4. Follow the wizard and you should pass all the Pre-Install Checks. If not then you did not follow instructions above and help yourself. 5. If you passed all the checks then just Click Next and follow the Wizard and installation will be done in 5 steps and take about 2-3 hrs depends upon the system. 6. After the installation is completed successfully (it should be) then Post-Installation Checks will be preformed. If you passed all the checks It is really a Wonderful and You Rocks 7. If your system dont pass the Post-Installation Checks even then dont worry just smile coz installation is successful you need to restart your PC and Open Command Prompt open to staging directory: d:\StageR12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz And now just type rapidwiz restart 8. Follow the Wizard and Enter all the info as you enter before Now This time it will take few minutes and you should pass Post-Installation Checks 9. If still a problem just repeat above step again you will get to it . Restart the PC and enter the URL in web browser 10. E-Bussiness Login Username = operations Password = welcome

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