Research Methods Case 1 Atlanta Caves: Krutik Patel AM 1412

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Krutik Patel AM 1412

Research Methods Case 1 Atlanta Caves

Highlights of the case: o Providing customers with Baseball theme park of world class facilities and amenities.

It all started with identifying problem and finding out for a solution of it. The Atlanta Braves was the brain child of the Stan Kasten, President of Braves. Main marketing objective was to build new generation of baseball fans. The salient features of the theme park were: o Braves Museum and Hall of Fame o Interactive gaming consoles, kiosks o TV monitors for live broadcasting round the globe o Skyline seats o ATMs located throughout the ballpark Stages of Business Research: o o o o Identifying Problems or Opportunities Diagnosing and assessing Problems or Opportunities Selecting and implementing a course of action Evaluating the course of action

Factors affecting need of Business Research: o o o o Time Constraints Availability of data Nature of the Decision Benefits v/s Costs

Components of Marketing Mix: o o o o Product Price Promotion Place

Krutik Patel AM 1412

Case 3 Tulsas Central Business District (A) Developing a Research Project

Highlights of the case: Revitalization of Central Business District (CBD). Phases of Research Process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Problem Discovery Selection of Research Techniques Selection of Basic Research Method Selection of Sample Design Data Gathering, Processing and Analysing Drawing Conclusions and Preparing Report

In case of Tulsas (CBD), its declination with the time was the main problem.

Objectives of research were: o o o o Quantity and nature of downtown population Commercial enterprise inventory Business opinions about CBD Shopper opinions about CBD

Research Design Phase In this case one can use three different methods which are as follows1. Survey Method a. Interview b. Questionnaire They can perform sample survey method to test the factors relevant to study. They can do interview mainly for gathering information on potential investors and some demographic study like income etc. They can also make a questionnaire. Questionnaire will include questions regarding age, income, employment etc. 2: Observation: This method is very useful for collecting first hand data as it gives researcher a chance to evaluate and interpret the result. This method can mainly be useful for gathering information on consumer and their spending behaviour.

Krutik Patel AM 1412 3: Secondary data study: Secondary data is a cheap and one of the most easily accessible methods. This type of data collection can be used for gathering information on the factors such as infrastructure facilities, potential customers etc. Sampling phase In this phase one decides on selection of exploratory research technique. They decide on the sample size and how to get the sample, whether to use probability or non-probability sampling technique. While first technique is objective i.e. there is more emphasis on chance and other technique is subjective i.e. it is biased.

Data gathering phase This phase is mainly a fieldwork in which one go and collect data on the factors given using pre defined techniques and tools. This is an important phase as all the research is based on the data collected in this phase. The other two phases in research are Data processing and analysis phase. Conclusions and Reporting phase.

The other two phases in research are Data processing and analysis phase. Conclusions and Reporting phase

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