Assignment of Human Value: Topic: Trust

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Assignment Of Human Value

Topic : Trust

Submitted To:Lect. Pooja Kapoor

Submitted By:Jimmy Saini Roll No. 1275333 MBA 2nd Sem

Why Study Myself?

Its surprising how many people function in everyday life without truly knowing who they are and why they exist? Have you ever wondered, "Why Am I Here?" If you have, don't be dismayed because you are not alone There are many people in various social circles who relate to others on a daily basis but do not know much about the core of who they are?

Knowing yourself is extremely important

Knowing yourself and being comfortable with who you are is important in building relationships How can you expect for someone else to like and accept who you are when you are clueless yourself? If you find yourself in group settings and notice that you are often uncomfortable in these situations it may be because you are not comfortable in "your own skin" Being comfortable in your own skin is what comes along with having your own identity Do you find yourself eating certain foods, going certain places, saying certain things, and entertaining certain friendships all because someone else says you should? Are you willing to stand up for who you are at all cost even if it means you have to be alone sometimes?

"Who am I?" This question is not static. It should be one you continue to ask yourself throughout your life. A healthy person continues to reinvent themselves throughout their life. By asking this question regularly, it updates your understanding of who you are and how you change. Instead of answering who you think you ought to be, keep it focused on who you actually are, because in all likelihood that's a very good answer, warts and all.

Why do I need to know myself?

1. To understand myself and therefore appreciate myself, therefore live in harmony with myself 2. Being at peace with myself will enable me to live at peace with others 3. To be able to respect myself- I will be able to respect others then and hence build a better relationship with God, my parents, my teachers, my peers and the entire community 4. To know my talents and gifts- therefore be able to develop full potential and be useful to others hence I will be a good

person, worker, mother, father, brother, sister e.t.c 5. To know my limitations and weaknesses. Then I will make efforts to overcome them or to accept what I cannot overcome. 6. With knowing myself, I will be able to plan my life (knowing where I came from, where I am going). I will then take charge of my life thus plan my studies, my work, my relationship e.t.c. I will give the person I am today the chance to look at the person which I want to become in future. Do you know yourself? Can you put more effort to know yourself even better? Ensure that you know yourself from all possible angles. Finding the real you is an enlightening experience. You become selfsufficient and do things for yourself, for once. You are no longer needy and become utterly grateful for all the things people have done for you in the past. Finding yourself is a time of harmony because you develop the philosophy or belief system that will carry you throughout the rest of your life. How do you know you have found yourself? It is when you are able to help others find themselves. Finding yourself is not easy, but here are a few tips for how to start the process. 1. Create your own life timeline. Write down all of your major goals in your life that you feel you want to achieve. In turn, write down the events in your life that have already happened that you believe have affected you. When life hits with problems or misfortunes it shapes our belief system and makes us think differently. When you believe in something or see beauty in something, you should do it no matter what anyone else thinks. If you have found something that is worthy of your best efforts, sacrifice, and tears, then you have found the most important pursuit of your life. 2. Prepare to begin again with a clean slate. Develop your own moral conduct and practice sticking to it. Remove vice from your life; vices are any actions or habits that tie up your true self and let you escape having to think about the harder questions. Stop smoking, over-eating, and abusive drinking. These are examples of lapses or habits that will prevent you from functioning at your peak. They also let you "off the hook" by sidestepping the analysis of why you use these crutches instead of finding better ways to brighten your life.


Learn to rely on yourself. Confidence and reliance are at the heart of finding yourself. If you don't have a solid sense of self-worth, you'll listen to what others have to say all the time and to be swayed by their insistence on what is wrong, right, and appropriate. Learn to believe in yourself and trust your own feelings. a) If you have been victimized in the past, confront these issues. They're not going to go away on their own. They might be coloring your approach to daily life, causing you to live up to other people's expectations instead of your own. b) Start trusting your own judgment and decision-making processes. Sure, you're going to make mistakes from time to time, but so does everyone else. It's through mistakes that you'll find yourself growing, learning, and reaching into your real sense of self.


Keep a written record of your answers to the questions in the last step. Beyond your time spent in solitude, it's easy for these purposeful thoughts to slip to the back of your mind and be forgotten. If you have them written down, then every time you reflect, you can review your notes and take it a step further, instead of answering the same questions all over again. Keep them in a notebook that's both easy to access and update wherever you happen to be; it will be a source of sustenance for you, by which you can continue to measure your growth through life.


Serve others. Mahatma Gandhi once said that "the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others". All introspection and no reaching out to others can cause you to navelgaze and shut yourself off from others. Service to other people and to the community is the ultimate way to find purpose and a sense of your place in the world. When you get to see how hard life can be for those in greater need than you, it's often a wake-up call that puts your own worries, concerns, and issues into perspective. It helps you to see what you do have and the opportunities you've been able to seize through life. That can fuel a great sense of self because suddenly everything can fall into place for you and you realize what matters most. Try it. You'll like it.

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