Nanotechnology in Medicine Application

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Stephanie Flores Lpez

Nanotechnology in Medicine Application: Drug Delivery

One application of nanotechnology in medicine currently being developed involves employing nanoparticles to deliver drugs, heat, light or other substances to specific types of cells (such as cancer cells). Particles are engineered so that they are attracted to diseased cells, which allows direct treatment of those cells. This technique reduces damage to healthy cells in the body and allows for earlier detection of disease. For example, nanoparticles that deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells are under development. Tests are in progress for targeted delivery of chemotherapy drugs and their final approval for their use with cancer patients is pending. One company, CytImmune has published the preliminary results of a Phase 1 Clinical Trial of their first targeted chemotherapy drug and another company, BIND Biosciences, has published preliminary results of a Phase 1 Clinical Trial for their first targeted chemotherapy drug. Another technique delivers chemotherapy drugs to cancer cells and also applies heat to the cell. Researchers are using gold nanorods (morphology of nanoscale objects) to which DNA strands are attached. The DNA strands act as a scaffold, holding together the nanorod and the chemotherapy drug. When Infrared light illuminates the cancer tumor the gold nanorod absorbs the infrared light, turning it into heat. The heat both releases the chemotherapy drug and helps destroy the cancer cells. Researchers are also developing a nanoparticle to defeat viruses. The nanoparticle does not actually destroy viruses molecules, but delivers an enzyme that prevents the reproduction of viruses molecules in the patients bloodstream. Other researchers are developing nanoparticles that can delivery drugs across the brain barrier to tackle neurologic disorders. Researchers are developing a method to increase the immune response generated by vaccines by attaching the vaccine molecules to a DNA nanostructure that delivers the vaccine molecules to specific cells that are key in triggering white blood cells to an immune response.

Words deliver drugs: Administrar frmacos be engineered: diseados be attracted= sentir atrado targeted delivery : ejecucin selectiva be pending: estar pendiente de algo defeat: vencer, derrotar the brain barrier to tackle neurological disorders: la barrera del cerebro para hacer frente a los trastornos neurolgicos DNA strands: cadena de AND
morphology of nanoscale objects: morfologa de los objetos a nanoescala

turning it into: convertirlo Release it : lo liberar scaffold: andamio patients bloodstream: torrente sanguneo del paciente
vaccine: vacuna be key in triggering: ser clave en la activacin

Stephanie Flores Lpez

Nanotechnology in Medicine Application: Drug Delivery
The technology is advancing at exponential speed and it is being been smaller every time, the nanotecnology with their applications. So that the scientist and researches try to create something that solves the peoples life, specially cancer in people, one application of nanotechnology in medicine currently being developed involves employing nanoparticles to deliver drugs, heat, light or other substances to specific types of cells. Some companies are working hard in the nanoparticles, like CytImmune and BIND Biosciences. The principal action of this particles are: Nanoparticles deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells Applies heat to the cell. Researchers are using gold nanorods, when Infrared light illuminates the cancer tumor the gold nanorod absorbs the infrared light, turning it into heat. The heat both releases the chemotherapy drug and helps destroy the cancer cells. Researchers are developing a method to increase the immune response generated by vaccines and also they are developing a nanoparticle to defeat viruses. The nanoparticle does not actually destroy viruses molecules, but delivers an enzyme that prevents the reproduction of viruses molecules in the patients bloodstream.

Stephanie Flores Lpez

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