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As water supplies become scarce and polluted, there is a need to irrigate more efficiently in order to minimize water use and chemical leaching. Recent advances in soil water sensoring make the commercial use of this technology possible to automate irrigation management for vegetable production. However, research indicates that different sensors types may not perform alike under all conditions. Reductions in water use range as high as 70% compared to farmer practices with no negative impact on crop yields. Due to the soil's natural variability, location and number of soil water sensors may be crucial and future work should include optimization of sensor placement. Additional research should also include techniques to overcome the limitation of requiring a soil specific calibration.



1. Power Supply:
Solar Panels can be installed in place of external power source so that it will not depend upon power supply and will be available 24X7 and uninterrupted irrigation can be done.

2. GSM Notification:
Using GSM module with the circuit farmers can be well notified with the sms about the irrigation.

3. Wireless Circuit:

The sensor can be operated wirelessly by applying RF module so that it can send the data of moisture through



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