Calculus: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Sections 3.1-3.6

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(Front Matter) 0.1 COLOR CODING WARNINGS are in red. TIPS are in purple. TECHNOLOGY USED This work was produced on Macs with Microsoft Word, MathType, Mathematica (for most graphs) and Calculus WIZ, Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe Illustrator. CONTACT INFORMATION Ken Kuniyuki: Email: or (San Diego Mesa College) Website: You may download these and other course notes, exercises, and exams. Feel free to send emails with suggestions, improvements, tricks, etc. LICENSING This work may be freely copied and distributed without permission under the specifications of the Creative Commons License at: PARTIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY / SOURCES Algebra: Blitzer, Lial, Tussy and Gustafson Trigonometry: Lial Precalculus: Axler, Larson, Stewart, Sullivan Calculus: Larson, Stewart, Swokowski, Tan Complex Variables: Churchill and Brown, Schaums Outlines Discrete Mathematics: Rosen Online: Britannica Online Encyclopedia:, Wikipedia:, Wolfram MathWorld: Other: Harper Collins Dictionary of Mathematics People: Larry Foster, Laleh Howard, Terrie Teegarden, Tom Teegarden (especially for the Frame Method for graphing trigonometric functions), and many more.

(Front Matter) 0.2

In Swokowski (Classic / 5th ed.) 1.2 1.3 1.3

Topic 1: Functions Topic 2: Trigonometry I Topic 3: Trigonometry II


In Swokowski (Classic / 5th ed.) 2.1, 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.5

2.1: An Introduction to Limits 2.2: Properties of Limits 2.3: Limits and Infinity I 2.4: Limits and Infinity II 2.5: The Indeterminate Forms 0/0 and  /  2.6: The Squeeze (Sandwich) Theorem 2.7: Precise Definitions of Limits 2.8: Continuity

In Swokowski (Classic / 5th ed.) 3.1, 3.2 3.1, 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

3.1: Derivatives, Tangent Lines, and Rates of Change 3.2: Derivative Functions and Differentiability 3.3: Techniques of Differentiation 3.4: Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 3.5: Differentials and Linearization of Functions 3.6: Chain Rule 3.7: Implicit Differentiation (online only) 3.8: Related Rates (online only) See the website for more:

(Front Matter) 0.3


Unless otherwise specified, we assume that: f and g denote functions. g sometimes denotes Earths gravitational constant. h may denote a function, or it may denote the run in some difference quotients in Chapter 3. a, b, c, k, and n denote real constants (or simply real numbers). c sometimes denotes the speed of light in a vacuum. d may denote a constant or a distance function. e denotes a mathematical constant defined in Chapter 7. e  2.718 . n might be restricted to be an integer ( n   ) . The domain of a function, which we will denote by Dom ( f ) for a function f (though this is nonstandard), is its implied (or mathematical) domain. This might not be the case in applied word problems. In single variable calculus (in which a function is of only one variable), we assume that the domain and the range of a function only consist of real numbers, as opposed to imaginary numbers. That is, Dom ( f )   , and Range ( f )   . (  means is a subset of.) Graphs extend beyond the scope of a figure in an expected manner, unless endpoints are clearly shown. Arrowheads may help to make this clearer. In single variable calculus, real constants are real constant scalars, as opposed to vectors. This will change in multivariable calculus and linear algebra.

(Front Matter) 0.4

Sets of Numbers
Notation Meaning the set of positive integers Comments This is the set (collection) {1, 2, 3, ...} .

+ , Z +

, Z

, Q

, R , C

Zahlen is a related German word.  is in blackboard bold typeface; it is more commonly used than Z. This set consists of the positive integers, the the set of integers negative integers (  1,  2,  3, ), and 0. This set includes the integers and numbers 1 9 the set of rational numbers such as ,  , 7.13, and 14.3587 . 3 4  comes from Quotient. This set includes the rational numbers and the set of real numbers irrational numbers such as 2 ,  , e, and 0.1010010001. This set includes the real numbers and the set of complex numbers imaginary numbers such as i and 2 + 3i . The Venn diagram below indicates the (proper) subset relations:        . For example, every integer is a rational number, so    . (  permits equality.) Each disk is contained within each larger disk.

(Front Matter) 0.5

Set Notation
Notation Meaning in, is in not in, is not in such that such that (in set-builder form) for all, for any there is, there exists there exists a unique, there is one and only one

| or :   !

Comments This denotes set membership. Example: 7   . Example: 1.7   . Example: { x   x > 3} , or

{ x   : x > 3} , is the set of all real


for every real number (denoted by x) for every pair of real numbers (denoted by x and y)

numbers greater than 3. This is called the universal quantifier. This is called the existential quantifier. This is called the unique quantifier. Example: ! x    x = 3 , which states that there exists a unique real number equal to 3. More precisely: for any arbitrary element of the set of real numbers; this element will be denoted by x. Example: x  , x < x + 1 ; that is, every real number is less than one added to itself. More precise notation:  ( x, y )   2 . This is the set consisting of no elements. Example: The solution set of the equation x = x + 1 is  . The symbol  is not to be confused with the Greek letter phi (  ). Example: If f ( x ) = csc x , then

x, y  

 or {}

empty set (or null set)

set union

Dom ( f ) = (  ,  1]  [1,  ) .

\ or 

set intersection set difference, set complement

 is used to indicate that one or more number(s) is/are being skipped over. Example: [ 4, 6 ]  [ 5, 7 ] = [ 5, 6 ] .
Think: overlap. Example: If f ( x ) =

1 , then x Dom ( f ) =  \ {0} , or   {0} .

(Front Matter) 0.6

Logical Operators
Notation Meaning or, disjunction


Comments Example: If f ( x ) = csc x , then Example: If f ( x ) =

Dom ( f ) = { x   x   1  x  1} .

and, conjunction


not, negation implies if and only if (iff)

Example: The statement  ( x = 3) is equivalent to the statement x  3 . Example: x = 2  x 2 = 4 . Example: x + 1 = 3  x = 2 .

x3 , then x4 Dom ( f ) = { x   x  3  x  4 } .

Greek Letters
The lowercase Greek letters below (especially  ) often denote angle measures. Notation  Name alpha beta gamma theta Comments This is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. This is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. This is the third letter of the Greek alphabet. This is frequently used to denote angle measures. This is not to be confused with  , which denotes the empty set (or null set).



1+ 5 , 2 which is about 1.618. Tau ( ) is also used.

 also denotes the golden ratio,

The lowercase Greek letters below often denote (perhaps infinitesimally) small positive quantities in calculus, particularly when defining limits. Notation Name delta epsilon

Comments This is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. This is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet. This is not be confused with , which denotes set membership.

(Front Matter) 0.7 Some other Greek letters of interest: Notation Name Comments This denotes change in or increment. y Example: slope is often written as . x It also denotes the discriminant, b 2  4 ac , from the Quadratic Formula. This denotes the curvature of a curve. This denotes an eigenvalue (in linear algebra), a Lagrange multiplier (in multivariable optimization), and a wavelength (in physics). This is a famous mathematical constant. It is the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter.   3.14159 . It is irrational. This is the product operator. This denotes mass density and also the distance between a point in 3-space and the origin (  is a spherical coordinate). This is the summation operator. This denotes the golden ratio, though phi ( ) is more commonly used. This is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. It denotes angular velocity. This denotes ohm, a unit of electrical resistance.

(uppercase) delta

(lowercase) kappa (lowercase) lambda

(lowercase) pi

(uppercase) pi (lowercase) rho (uppercase) sigma (lowercase) tau (lowercase) omega (uppercase) omega

More lowercase Greek letters: upsilon ( ) , chi (  ) , psi ( ) zeta ( ) , eta ( ) , iota ( ) , mu ( ) , nu ( ) , xi ( ) , omicron ( ) , sigma ( ) ,

(Front Matter) 0.8

Notation    Meaning angle is parallel to is perpendicular to, is orthogonal to, is normal to Comments

Vector Operators

Meaning dot product, Euclidean inner product cross product, vector product

Comments See Precalculus notes, Section 6.4. See Precalculus notes, Section 8.4.

Other Notations
Notation Meaning therefore

Q.E.D., or 

end of proof is approximately


Comments This is placed before a concluding statement. Q.E.D. stands for quod erat demonstrandum, which is Latin for which was to be demonstrated / proven / shown. Think: round down.

floor, greatest integer infinity minimum maximum domain of a function f degree of a polynomial f ( x) composition of functions

 min max Dom ( f )

deg ( f ( x ))

Examples:   = 2,   2.9    2.9   = 3 The least of The greatest of The set of legal (real) input values for f Example: ( f  g ) ( x ) = f ( g ( x )) .

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