Foreign Trade in India Includes All Imports and Exports To and From India. at The Level

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INTRODUCTION Foreign trade in India includes all imports and exports to and from India.

At the level of Central Government it is administered by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry India Exim Policy - Foreign Trade Policy Exim Policy Foreign Trade Policy is a set of guidelines and instructions established by the DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade)in matters related to the import and export of goods in India. The Foreign Trade of India is guided by the Export Import Policy in short EXIM Policy of the Indian GovernmentandisregulatedbytheForeignTrade Development and Regulation Act, 1992.D GFT is the main governing body in matters related to Exim Policy. The main objective of the foreign trade (Development and Regulation) Act is to provide thedevelopment and regulation of foreign trade by facilitating imports into, andaugmenting exports from India. Foreign Trade Act has replaced the earlier law known as the imports and Exports (Control) Act 1947. Indian EXIM Policy contains various policy related decisions taken bythe government in the sphere of Forei gn Trade, i.e., with respecttoimportsand exports from the country and more, especially export promotionmeasures, policies and procedures. In the year 1962, the Government of India appointed a special EximPolicy Committee to review the government previous export import policies.The committee was later on approved by the Government of India. Mr. V. P.Singh, the then Commerce Minister had announced the Exim Policy on the12th of April, 1985. Initially the EXIM Policy was introduced for the periodof three years with main objective to boost the export business in India.

Indias Foreign Trade: October, 2012 Oil imports during October, 2012 were valued at US $ 14785.3mn which was 31.61 % higher than oil imports valued at US $ 11234.3mn in the corresponding period last year.

EXPORTS (including re-exports) Indias exports during October, 2012 were valued at US $ 23246.91mn (Rs. 123264.20 crore ) which was 1.63% lower in Dollar terms (5.89% higher in Rupee terms) than the level of US $ 23632.02mn (Rs. 116406.37 crore) during October, 2011. Cumulative value of exports for the period April-October 2012 -13 was US $ 166922.57 mn (Rs 908340.19 crore) as against US $ 177915.69mn (Rs 814708.35 crore) registering a negative growth of 6.18% in Dollar terms and growth of 11.49% in Rupee terms over the same period last year. IMPORTS Indias imports during October, 2012 were valued at US $ 44208.35mn (Rs.234409.93 crore) representing a growth of 7.37% in Dollar terms and 15.58% in Rupee terms over the level of imports valued at US $ 41175.06mn ( Rs. 202819.70 crore) in October, 2011. Cumulative value of imports for the period AprilOctober, 2012-13 was US 277135.48mn (Rs. 1507202.58 crore) as against US $ 284721.27mn (Rs. 1304631.60 crore) registering a negative growth of 2.66% in Dollar terms and growth of 15.53% in Rupee terms over the same period last year. CRUDE OIL AND NON-OIL IMPORTS: Oil imports during October, 2012 were valued at US $ 14785.3mn which was 31.61 % higher than oil imports valued at US $ 11234.3mn in the corresponding period last year. Oil imports during April-October, 2012-13 were valued at US$ 95569.0mn which was 9.99% higher than the oil imports of US $ 86887.7mn in the corresponding period last year. Non-oil imports during October, 2012 were estimated at US $ 29423.1mn which was 1.73% lower than nonoil imports of US $ 29940.8mn in October, 2011. Non-oil imports during April - October, 2012-13 were valued at US$ 181566.5mn which was 8.22% lower than the level of such imports valued at US$ 197833.6mn in April - October, 2011-12. TRADE BALANCE The trade deficit for April - October, 2012-13 was estimated at US $ 110212.91mn which was higher than the deficit of US $ 106805.58mn during April -October, 2011-12.

EXPORTS & IMPORTS : (US $ Million) (PROVISIONAL) OCTOBER EXPORTS(including exports) 2011-12 2012-13 %Growth2012-13/ 2011-2012 IMPORTS 2011-12 2012-13 %Growth2012-13/ 2011-2012 TRADE BALANCE 2011-12 2012-13 -17543.04 -20961.44 -106805.58 -110212.91 41175.06 44208.35 7.37 284721.27 277135.48 -2.66 reAPRIL-OCTOBER

23632.02 23246.91 -1.63

177915.69 166922.57 -6.18





EXPORTS(including re-exports) 2011-12 2012-13 %Growth2012-13/ 2011-2012 IMPORTS 2011-12 2012-13 %Growth2012-13/ 2011-2012 202819.7 234409.93 15.58 1304631.6 1507202.58 15.53 116406.37 123264.2 5.89 814708.35 908340.19 11.49

TRADE BALANCE 2011-12 2012-13 -86413.33 -111145.73 -489923.25 -598862.39

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