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Satisfaction suffices. But delight dazzles. The overage company will compete for the customer by conforming to her expectations consistently. But the winner will surpass them by constantly exceeding her expectations, delivering to her doorstep additional benefits which she would never have imagined possible. Such as, a wedding anniversary cake in midair, a newspaper at 5 am, anywhere in the world, A Personal loan from a salesman to a cash-strapped buyer. Sure, surpassing expectations every time to create delight wont be easy. For, Yesterdays delightdelivering device will be part of todays expectations, forcing constant improvements. Nor can customer delight be generated through codified procedures. But its critical to reward loyal consumers, to hold back the potential defector, to attract the fence-sister and to serve up unparallel value to your consumers.

The fulfillment of latent needs that the consumers is not yet aware A quality of service that he does not consider possible from marketers Complete personalization of a standardized product or service An unexpended benefit that does not result in profits for the company Solutions to problems offered by a companys personnel at personal initiative

Its a mind shift mantra for the marketer. It says the consumer is best satisfied when she least expects it. Todays highly competitive marketplace, where satisfaction does not endure loyalty, decrees this To take potential defectors by surprise, you have to move beyond consumer expectations by anticipating her needs and then surpassing them with constantly superior products or

service. Or, delighting the consumer, nor must delight be a one-off offering, which can be bartered for a lifetime of purchases.


The psychological appeal of delight its people touch is its most visible face, compelling consumer to look at products outside-in. In customer focused companies that treat customers as strategy assets, exceeding expectations has become almost a passion.

Just how do you find out whether your customer is delighted? The classic proxy: measure his satisfaction, A high score wont guarantee below score will warn you of your failure, Says Brain S. Kunde vice-president of the Arizona-based customer satisfaction Measurement agency CSM worldwide. Customer satisfaction measurement may not be predictor of customer behavior. But it can tell you what is going wrong. Most important, it identifies the areas that are pier for the kind of value- addition that leads to customer delight.

Only continuously rising satisfaction levels can hold back potential defectors. Everrising value strengthens the loyalists resolve to switch to the competition. The Promise of constant surprise turns experimenters into life-long customer. Entry barriers are raised for new competitors, who have to set new standards. The compulsion to innovate constantly to pay-offs in cost reductions and quality.


Delight today is expectation tomorrow. And expectation today is the basic need tomorrow. To squeeze delight out of this relentless to the customer spiral, only a high quality for listening to the customer and responding instantaneously will suffice.

Strive constantly to provide additional customer value in every transaction Use a Flexible service envelope around the core product to generate surprise benefits Constantly surpass the expectations that the customer has built around your product Treat every customer as though she is the only customer whom the company wants Look for expectation-performance gaps in order to identify opportunities to delight. Is delight the product of a moment of deliberation, or a moment of improvisation? Different organizations perceive it differently. Says Rajendra S. Pawar, 47, managing director, NIT: Delight is too subjective. The intentions are good, but implementation can be totally formalized. But neither then, nor can it be entirely improvised given the human element involved in all customer encounters. Alternatively, as surprises become expectations, Processes and procedures help companies to absorb them efficiently into their quality systems. Targeting delight adds a new dimension to quality by forcing the company to scale the heights that the customer cant. By anticipating needs, it helps companies realize their full potential by achieving dramatic break-through, not live-forever below their potential by progressing only

incrementally. That increases the exit barriers for customer and the entry barriers to competition. And it gives the value vendors a delightful target to gun for.


While undertaking any study one should have certain objectives. So as to attain the required results in a more systematic manner, without properly planned objectives unnecessary and irrelevant information may be collected and one cannot judge the adequacy of the information so gathered. In particular with sensitive industries like Hindustan coco-cola Beverages private Limited, the objective of the study is to determine the consumer delight. To study the brand awareness, preference and loyalty of consumers. To study the consumption pattern of soft drink in Hyd-bad marketing. To study the frequency of consumption. To study the personal factors influencing the buying behavior. To study the effectiveness of marketing mix.


Soft drinks are the thirst quenchers. They are nonalcoholic beverages. Soft drinks have come along way since their inception in 1972. There have been improvements in flavors. New flavors have been developed. The drinks entered in a competitive era with varied techniques and strategies, which are adopted by the marketers to create demand for their products. India, the soft drinks industry has expanded immensely since independence. There was just handful of bottling units in the year 1950s and today there are numerous units

established in various parts of country. Out of these, majority of the share is help by some multinational companies like coco-cola, Pepsi etc.There is a stiff competition to become the market leader and capture a major share of the market among these soft drinks manufacturing companies. People differ not only in the usual ways of age and bender, by and nationality by education, by marital status and living arrangements but also in their activities and interests, their preferences and opinions. Be it rich or poor the educated or uneducated, young or old, students or employees, there is hardly any segment, which is not a part of soft drink market. The main aim of coco-cola entering into joint venture with Parle is to meet around 25% of the market in its full utilization of the soft drink concentrate plant. Hence due to above reasons, there is a need for study of consumer delight of coco-cola products.


The scope of the study is confirmed in Sec-bad, Hyd-bad only The study is limited to consumer response

The study is included in given area only


The study Customer Delight towards COCOCOLA was conducted from 10 th May 2011 to 25th June 2011. So, the data considered for the project is up to April 2011.

This chapter includes various tools and techniques that are used by the investigation that the method followed in processing the research survey. Methodology includes a systematic way of collecting the data through sample design, analyzing it processing the data interpreting the data for requirement.

The methodology followed with regard to the collection of information relevant to the project work entitled consumer delight has mainly from two sources. primary secondary

Primary sources:
An intensive survey of 110 respondents has been conducted in the Hyderabad marketing to know the consumption patterns of soft drinks. A questionnaire consisting of 13 questions on information regarding: Demography, price, purchases frequency, preferred distribution channels, effectiveness of advertisement, brand awareness, product features. The sample chosen consisted of people from various social and educational groups.

Secondary Sources:

Information has been collected through magazines, advertisement. News papers, general profits of the company Annual reports, and house generals.

RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS:There are different types of questions which are used to find out the accurate quality, quantity, taste of coca cola products. In this investigator has used questionnaire as the research instruments. So, in this there are multi-ended questions from which respondents must choose any one from the given choices.

POPULATION AND SAMPLE:The total number of consumers is large in size in which 110 people are taken as sample.

SAMPLE TEHCHNIQUE:A convenience sampling method has been conducted for the study.

Due to the constraints of time, the sample size had to be limited to 100. A majority of the respondents are students and the trend observed should predominantly be that of the students. Soft drinks have a seasonal demand and observations need not be consistent with all the seasons. The consumer could be bared in his opinions or could also have deliberately given incorrect answers.

The time available at disposal is less and so the research may not cover the entire area. This may result in some errors.


The function of marketing is broadly understood as a combination of those activities of a business that are concerned with identifying consumer demand and attempting to satisfy this in the most effective and profitable way And for effective marketing, knowing the consumer thoroughly is essential. The importance of providing the customers with solutions to their problems, maintaining a good rapport with them, consolidating the existing consumer base, satisfying them and delighting them to be stressed upon. Peter Drucker insightfully observed that a companys first task is to create customers. But todays customer face a vast array of product and brand choices, price and suppliers. This is the question: How do customers make their choice? The answer is customer chooses the product that will deliver the most value. Value, as defined in Oxford dictionary, is a things are value-maximizes, within the bounds of search cost and limited knowledge, mobility and income. They form an expectation of value and act on it. Then they lean whether the offer lived up to the value expectation. The value affects their satisfaction.

A firm should always try to maximize the value for the customers called customer delivered value. The customer delivered value is the difference between total customer value and total customer cost. Total customer cost is the total of monetary price, time, energy, and psychic cost which a customer incurs using the firms product. Thus, the buyer forms a judgment of value and acts on it. Whether the buyers satisfied after purchase depends upon the offers performance in relation to the buyers expectations. Satisfaction results from expectations. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION DEFINITION: Satisfaction is the level of a persons felt state resulting from comparing a products perceived performance in relation to the persons expectations. Thus it is a function of the difference between perceived performance and expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations, the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectations, the customer is satisfies. If the performance exceeds expectations, the customer is highly satisfied or delighted. Why must companies embark on an exercise that is more intuitive than logical, more abstract than tangible, more improvised than systematized, more subjective than objective? They have no choice an ounce of competitive advantage today. And while tangibles are easy to copy, its the difficult - to clone intangibles provided more often than through the human touch that generate customer satisfaction and finally customer delight. Indeed, delight is the final destination for companies that continually strive to serve the customer. For, the value that they generate turns into delight in the customers senses, thrilling him / her and winning allegiance make no mistake. Companies deliver value, but customer fell satisfied and delighted. In the process what the customer sees is a humanistic organization,

which treats her like an individual. Not a faceless, nameless parcel of preprogrammed consciousness trained to buy whatever products are put on sale. METHODS OF TRACKING AND MEASURING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A companys tools for tracking and measuring customers satisfaction range from the primitive to the sophisticated. Companies use the following methods to measure how much customer satisfaction they are creating.

COMPLAINT AND SUGGESTIONS SYSTEMS: A customer-centered organization would make it easy for its customer to deliver suggestion and complaints, the information flows provide companies with many good ideas and enable them to act more resolve problems. GHOST SHOPPING: Another useful way together picture of customer satisfaction is to hire persons to pose as potential buyers to report their findings on strong and weak points they experienced in buying the companys and competitors product. LOST CUSTOMER ANALYSIS: Companies should contact customers who have stopped buying or who have switched to another supplier. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEYS: Responsive companies obtain a direct measure of customer satisfaction by conducting surveys. They send questionnaires or make telephone calls to a random


sample of their recent customers to find out how they fell about various aspects of the companys performance. Customer satisfaction can be measured in a number of ways. It can be measured by asking direct questions. Another method is to ask respondents to list any problems they have had with the offer and to list any improvements they could suggest. Finally, companies could ask respondents to rate various elements of the offer in terms of the importance of each element and how well the organization performed each element.

The fulfillment of latent needs that the consumers is not yet aware A quality of service that he does not consider possible from marketers Complete personalization of a standardized product or service An unexpended benefit that does not result in profits for the company Solutions to problems offered by a companys personnel at personal initiative

Its a mind shift mantra for the marketer. It says the consumer is best satisfied when she least expects it. Todays highly competitive marketplace, where satisfaction does not endure loyalty, decrees this To take potential defectors by surprise, you have to move beyond consumer expectations by anticipating her needs and then surpassing them with constantly superior products or service. Or, delighting the consumer, nor must delight be a one-off offering, which can be bartered for a lifetime of purchases.



The psychological appeal of delight its people touch is its most visible face, compelling consumer to look at products outside-in. In customer focused companies that treat customers as strategy assets, exceeding expectations has become almost a passion.

Just how do you find out whether your customer is delighted? The classic proxy: measure his satisfaction, A high score wont guarantee below score will warn you of your failure, Says Brain S. Kunde vice-president of the Arizona-based customer satisfaction Measurement agency CSM worldwide. Customer satisfaction measurement may not be predictor of customer behavior. But it can tell you what is going wrong. Most important, it identifies the areas that are pier for the kind of value- addition that leads to customer delight.

Only continuously rising satisfaction levels can hold back potential defectors. Everrising value strengthens the loyalists resolve to switch to the competition. The Promise of constant surprise turns experimenters into life-long customer. Entry barriers are raised for new competitors, who have to set new standards. The compulsion to innovate constantly to pay-offs in cost reductions and quality.



Delight today is expectation tomorrow. And expectation today is the basic need tomorrow. To squeeze delight out of this relentless to the customer spiral, only a high quality for listening to the customer and responding instantaneously will suffice.

Strive constantly to provide additional customer value in every transaction Use a Flexible service envelope around the core product to generate surprise benefits Constantly surpass the expectations that the customer has built around your product Treat every customer as though she is the only customer whom the company wants Look for expectation-performance gaps in order to identify opportunities to delight. Is delight the product of a moment of deliberation, or a moment of improvisation? Different organizations perceive it differently. Says Rajendra S. Pawar, 47, managing director, NIT: Delight is too subjective. The intentions are good, but implementation can be totally formalized. But neither then, nor can it be entirely improvised given the human element involved in all customer encounters. Alternatively, as surprises become expectations, Processes and procedures help companies to absorb them efficiently into their quality systems. Targeting delight adds a new dimension to quality by forcing the company to scale the heights that the customer cant. By anticipating needs, it helps companies realize their full potential by achieving dramatic break-through, not live-forever below their potential by progressing only incrementally. That increases the exit barriers for customer and the entry barriers to competition. And it gives the value vendors a delightful target to gun for.





The entire soft drink industry can broadly be classified into two heads viz; organized and Un-organized. The organized sector can further divided into carbonated (bottled soft drink) and non-carbonated (tetra packs, concentrates and other squashes). The Unorganized sector can be identified with goli soda, lassie, fruit juices etc. Out of the above the bottled carbonated soft drink industry is a fast growing market which includes all type of nonalcoholic carbonated flavored and sweetened beverages. In the recent times, the introduction of 200ml tetra packs. The carbonated soft drinks are mostly available in glass bottles, give-away bottles, cans, pets, dispensers and are available in a variety of flavors, under different brand names, in different quantities. The turnover of India soft drink industry in value terms has been estimated to be around Rs.1, 800crores with 3lakh retailers all over the country. The soft drink industry has been undergoing many transformations with changing consumer demands, governments policies and package innovations.


Entry of Multi-nationals into Indian Soft Drink Market:

The entry of multi-nationals has changed the scenario of the soft drink industry with a lot of revolutionary changes in quantity, packages, prices and other product mixes and with entry of soft drink giants, coke and Pepsi, into India market the industry is going on a stiff competition Among the others, Pepsi was the first to enter the Indian soft drink market in may 1990 with a initial investment of Rs.500crores. It reentered market [Pepsi had its marketing operations in India during early 60s] in the name of Pepsi Foods ltd, a joint venture between Pepsi Incorporation of U.S., which is holding 40% of the equity, Voltas and the Punjab Agra Industries corporation [PAIC], each with an equity of 24% and 36% respectively. It launched its activities in a phased manner and Introduced its brands in accepted flavors [Thumps up in cola flavor, Limca with leman flavor, Maaza with mango flavor, Fanta with orange flavor, Coco-Cola with cola flavor and sprite with clear lime flavor are widely accepted flavors in the market] under its own brand names viz; Pepsi, 7-up, mirinda, slice etc [more clearly shown in the form of a table in the following pages) in different packages to attract the different consumer segments. After its launch, Pepsi Company has established 11 own bottling plants and 15 franchises backed by 1,500 independent sales, distribution serving over 3lakhs retailers. Pepsi has a 265 of equity in the overall soft drink market. Coco-Cola on the other hand, had re-entered into India in 1993, by signing a strategic agreements with Parle Exports Ltd, the then leading indigenous soft drink company. With this tie-up Coco-Cola overnight penetrated into the market, controlling a major part investment of Rs.250crores. Until Coco-Cola entered the scene the business was growing at fairly sedate pace of 5%. But after the entry of coke growth rate was hiked up to 15%. With the growth rate zooming in to double digits bottlers have been propelled into expanding capacities. Coco-Cola reaches the consumer in a whole new range of packages, such as 250ml. Cans, 1ltr.breturnable glass bottles and 1.5ltr PET bottles. The new packages also include 200ml.Tumber which is a new pack to the market.


Coco-Cola recently, had obtained a clearance from the cabinet to invest $700 million [Rs.2, 400crores] [which is three times of Pepsis investment] to set up two new subsidiaries. The new investments will also be channel zed mainly beeping up the bottling system, and distributing and marketing. To those who criticize the company for being slow moving the difference is that they want to get the strategy right first. Build a strong foundation before moving ahead. The supply side infrastructure has also to be strengthened with volumes reaching a critical mass, it could well be worth while of Coco-Cola international suppliers set up facilities in India. Coco-Cola is thinking BIG and want to sell 1 million cases in ten years. How high their target can be judged from the fact that. This is the figure that the entire industry is expected to achieve by 2005A.D. Cadbury Schweppes Beverages private Limited is the 3rd soft drink company that entered in the India market. It is a British conglomerate and the biggest non-cola company in the world which recently entered the cola segment with a new brand called sport cola in 300ml. Pack which was launched for the 1 st time in Chandigarh and was priced 20% cheaper than other aerated soft drinks . Cadbury Schweppes has nineteen bottlers in India. It has tied on all the bottlers coke left behind in India years ago, and did not take back after its return. Cadbury had entered into a agreement with pure drink in November 1994 by which pure drinks has given exclusive right to manufacture and sell crush, Canada-dry, Schweppes tonic water in Haryana and Ghaziabad. It contributes 4.5% to the total soft drink market while the individual share of crush is 20%. Schweppes claims 3 rd position in Indian softy drinks industry and it is continuously striving to retain its position through its vast marketing activities. Two foreign companies, i.e., Coca-Cola and Pepsi, control the Indian soft drink market for all practical purpose today in India. One is not sure whether it is good or bad, but it is interesting that, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, because of their huge investment in India subsequently expanded the India soft drink market.



It has entered in to the Indian market by singing an agreement with Parle exports Limited. Its brands are Coca Cola, Fanta, and Sprite etc. The Chanman brothers signed an agreement with Coca Cola and sold their best brands like Thums-up, Limca, Maaza and Gold Spot.

It is the international giant to enter India soft drink market; it is a Britain conglomerate and biggest non-cola company in the world. Its brands launched in

India are Crush, Canada dry, Lemonade and now recently Sort Cola.


It came in to India in 1956 but could not succeed and had to leave in 1961. In the year 1990 it reentered Indian market in collaboration with Punjab Agro Industry Corporation.



Besides these established manufactures there are more than 200 units 4% percent of the entire drink industry.

of independent

manufactures of soft-drink industry. They constitute a very small market share around


According to government estimate soft drinks marketed in India were 6540 million bottles in March 2001. The market growth rate, which was around 2-3% in 80s, increased to 5-6% in the early 90s and is drinks take place total during presently 7-8% per annum. Most of the sales of soft while just 5-6%of total sales in winters. In summers

summers the high season lasts for 70-75 days, which contribution more than 50% of the yearly sales. In terms of regional distribution cola drinks have main markets in UP, Punjab, Haryana etc. Orange flavored drinks states. Western markets have preference towards southern metro cities and northern states of and sodas are popular in mango-flavored drinks.

According to NCAER survey 91% of the total consumption of soft drinks in the country is by lower, lower middle and upper middle class people. Per capita consumption in India is among the lowest in the world at 6 bottles per annum compared to 80 bottles in Thailand and 800 bottles in USA. Delhi market has highest per capita consumption in the country with 50 bottles per annum.


Non-alcoholic soft drink beverage market can divided into fruit drinks and soft drinks. Soft drinks are available in glass bottles, aluminum cans, PET bottles or disposal containers can be divided into carbonated and non-carbonated drinks .Cola, Lemon and oranges are carbonated drinks and .Soft drinks can also be divided into non-carbonated drinks include mango drinks Cola products and non-cola products. Cola

products like Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Thumps Up, and Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi etc. Account for nearly 61-62% of the total soft drinks market. Non-Cola products constitute 36%, and based on the types Clear Lime and Mango. of flavors available can be divided into Orange, Cloudy Lime,


The major ingredients of soft drinks include the following:

The major ingredient of soft drinks is water and it accounts for 86%-90% of the soft drink consumption.

Aromatic substances are added to soft drinks to give a pleasant taste and better to from a variety of leaves; seeds obtained more than plant raw and fruits material .Identical aromatic stability the taste. These could be natural aromatic substances like caffeine obtainable substances can be and have characteristics which correspond

exactly with their natural equivalent.

SWEETENERS There are many different types of sweeteners like sugar (sacharose), ingredient in soft drinks as it is highly nutritious and is the invaluable another major carrier of the


fruit aromas. It is made from sugar beet or

sugarcane or sweeteners found naturally in like

many fruits and vegetables. Two simple type of sugar are found in fruits fructose (fruitsugar) and glucose (grap-sugar). There are also low-calorie artificial sweeteners saccharin and aspartame (neutral-sweet). Saccharin is a non-nutritious sweetener

that is extremely sweet, stable gives no energy (no calories). Aspartame is a nutrientsweetener built up of two amino acids, asparagus acid and phenylalanine (200 times sweeter than saccharin).

Carbon dioxide is another important ingredient added to the soft form. It mucous membranes adding a sensation that the soft drinks in liquid makes the drink more refreshing through its stimulation of the mouths drink is colder than it actually

is. The carbon dioxide also brings out the aroma since the carbon dioxide bubbles drag with them the aromatic components. It also checks microbiological growth.

The most common acids used in soft drinks are citric acid, phosphoric acid and malic acid. The function of acidity in the drink is to drink fresh and thirsty quenching. balance the sweetness , make the

Color is added to soft drinks to make them presentable and appetizing .Brown drinks are colored with caramel (when sugar is heated, its co lour dominate colorings agent in carrots and oranges. changes to brown, also it the becomes less sweet and acquires a burnt taste) or betakarotin, which is

Preservative like natrium benzoate and are added to increase the life of the product. Sulphur dioxide can be used as a preservative.


Antioxidants are substances, which prevent reactions that destroy Vitamin C. aromatic substances in soft drinks .The most common antioxidant used is ascorbic acid, i.e.




Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

Every person who drinks a Coca-Cola enjoys a moment of refreshment and shares an experience that millions of others have savored. All of those individual experiences combined have created a worldwide phenomenona truly global brand.


The Coca-Cola Company, nourishing the global community with the worlds largest selling soft drink since 1886, returned to India in 1993 after a gap of 16 years giving a new thumbs-up to the Indian Soft Drink Market. In the same year, the Company took over ownership of the nation's top soft-drink brands and bottling network. No wonder, our brands have assumed an iconic status in the minds of the consumers. Coca-Cola serves in India some of the most recalled brands across the world including names such as Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Thums Up, Limca, Maaza and Kinley (packaged drinking water). The business system of the Company in India directly employs approximately 6,000 people, and indirectly creates employment for many more in related industries through our vast procurement, supply and distribution system .

The vast Indian operations comprise 25 company-owned bottling operations and 24 franchisee-owned bottling operations. That apart, a network of contract-packers also manufactures a range of product for the company.

On the distribution front, 10-tonne trucks, open-bay three-wheelers that can navigate the narrow alleyways of Indian cities, ensure availability of our brands in every nook and corner of the country. The company-owned Bottling arm of the Indian Operations, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited is responsible for the manufacture, sale and distribution of beverages across the country. A career at Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Come taste life at Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Thumps Up, Limca, Maaza and Kinley are Trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company It started in the year 1967 when the great visionary Sri.M.V.V.S.Murthy has started his small business of a selling the soft drinks in Hyderabad. It was started as a small unit in 24

the industrial estate with as many as of employees. They are his partners. As the day went by the same plant was made into big plant with the help of Government and it was called the Hyderabad bottling company . This constituted a small number of employees who were the loyalists of the great visionary. All this as further improved with the help of them taking of the task of becoming the sole franchise of the Parle products. Then it came to be called as the Gold Spot Company. They were manufacturing all products of the Parle and they were the sole of the greatest brands like Thumps up, Limca, Citra, and Gold Spot etc. Then came there of the take overs and in the year 1996 Coke can in touch with the VBC. The deal was struck and it was acquired by the Coca Cola in the year 1998. From then it was operating as a fully owned company. This plant operates with around 200 permanent employees and 100 laborers. The plant is at the picturesque location of manchukonds gardens and it runs to around 20 acres of land. The plant lay out is given below which depicts the extent of care taken by the management. The entire plant is divided into 4 segments. They are 1. Water treatment plant 2. Syrup preparation plant 3. Carbon dioxide preparation plant 4. Administration

The company has installed a semi automatic plant layout. The present capacity of the plant is 600 crate/ hr i.e., 4800 crates per shift of 8 hr. During the months of March to June due to peak demand, the plant is full capacity i.e., 5,500 crates per shift, with an extended shift of 12 hr. During the other months of production per shift are 3,000 crates per shift.



The production schedule fixed daily by considering: the market demand, the availability of empty bottles and the inventory position of filled bottles. The storage capacity of the go down is at present 90,000 crates, which also limits the production schedule. The production is generally carried out in 2 shifts. In summer the demand reached its peak and production will be extended 12 hr shifts.


Raw materials are the flavors essence concentrate supplied by Parle, Sugar and Water. Sugar is purchased in bulk from the wholesale sugar market. The requirement of sugar for 20-25 production days is kept in stock and requirements for a month is indented in advance. Water required is met by municipal supply. Water is further treated with chemicals. Purified water is then sent through steel pipes to a large container when co 2 is directed to some extent 20 liters to 200 liters. This is further directed where it is mixed with sugar and heated up to 80o c is in heat exchange r. In the immediate process it looses heat. Then this syrup is directed to syrup tanks where it mixes parleys essence at their proportion. This liquid is filled in bottles which are first washed with soap, later with a dilute solution of soap in a bottle washer. Then they are filled and capped at filler and crowing units. Capacity of filler and crowing units is 280 bottled per minute Bottle and caps are supplied by specialized firms like L&T and metal box India Ltd.,

The layout of bottling plant installed by the company is confirmed to produce on line layout. The machines and equipment are arranged according to the sequence of operations. The machines and workers are specialized in the performance of specific operations such as preparation of syrup filling the bottles, aerating and sealing the bottles with liquid. All those operations are continuous movement. Volume of production is adequate for reasonable equipment utilization. Demand for the production brands are reasonable stable


All brands are standardized products Supply of material in continuous This type of layout is more advantageous when compared to other layout.

The company takes great care to maintain the quality of the products of their factory. The bottles are critically examined for impurities continuously as the bottled move out. Random samples are taken every half an hour and subjected to chemical analysis in the laboratory. The flavor concept, sugar percentage, smell, appearance and taste of the product are checked.

The entire route system has been designed in such away that entire city is covered and sales are up to the expected levels. The route system has been one of the best practices by the coco cola as it has many benefits of the direct selling. The coco cola routes have been divided on the basis of the geographical spread of the city and the regions near vizag. The entire city has been divided into 22 AMCS. The upcountry has been divided into three districts and they may be VIZIANAGARAM, SRIKAKULAM, ANAKAPALLI regions. The sales of the city has been thought the following routes which have a very big say in the achievement of the greatest market share (72%) to that of the competitor. It is due to the existence of the large scales force and the system it carries. The world's favorite drink, the world's most valuable brand, the most recognizable word across the world after OK. Coca-Cola has a truly remarkable heritage. From a humble beginning in 1886, it is now the flagship brand of the largest manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages in the world.


In India, Coca-Cola was the leading soft-drink till 1977 when govt. policies
necessitated its departure. Coca-Cola made its return to the country in 1993 and made significant investments to ensure that the beverage is available to more and more people, even nation. Coca-Cola returned to India in 1993 and over the past ten years has captured the imagination of the nation, building strong associations with cricket, the thriving cinema industry, music etc. Coca-Cola has been very strongly associated with cricket, sponsoring the World Cup in 1996 and various other tournaments including the Coca-Cola Cup in Sharjah in the late nineties. Coca-Cola's advertising campaigns Jo Chaho Ho Jaye and Life ho to Aisi were very popular and had entered the youth's vocabulary. In 2002, Coca-Cola launched the campaign "Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola" which sky-rocketed the brand to make it India's favorite soft-drink brand. In 2003, Coke was available for just Rs. 5 across the country and this pricing initiative together with improved distribution ensured that all brands in the portfolio grew leaps and bounds. Coca-Cola had signed on various celebrities including movie stars such as Karishma Kapoor, cricketers such as Srinath, SouravGanguly, southern celebrities like Vijay in the past and today, its brand ambassadors are Aamir Khan and Hrithik Roshan. in the remote and inaccessible parts of the

The company has a balanced portfolio
of marketsCoca-Cola HBC's Established Countries

provide a consistent revenue and cash flow stream, while its Developing and Emerging Countries represent significant growth opportunities. Revenues in 2005 were over 4.7 billion. Coca-Cola HBC is strategically positioned to profit from European Union


enlargement. Eight Coca-Cola HBC countries--the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia -joined the EU on May 1, 2004. Two other Coca-Cola HBC countries -- Romania and Bulgaria -- joined in January 2007.

EU enlargement, with its reduction of trade barriers, the normalization

of food legislation,

environmental policy and marketing legislation, and the anticipated increase in income of the residents in these new EU countries, will enhance the company's already substantial scale benefits in procurement savings, knowledge sharing, investment planning and best practices from its operations in 28 countries.

Coca-Cola HBC's product portfolio offers consumers an extensive choice of non-alcoholic beverages that satisfy a variety of preferences and needs. With nearly 30% of its volume comprising non-carbonated soft drinks, the company is positioned to capitalize on future growth in fast growing beverage categories.

Coca-Cola HBC continues to expand the reach of the established brands of The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) - Coca-Cola, diet (or light) Coke, Fanta and Sprite - to its consumers through new brand extensions and continued package innovation. At the same time, the company is jointly investing with TCCC to expand its non-CSD range, both through local brand acquisitions, such as Multon juice in Russia, and new product innovation, such as entering into a new category by launching Amita Smoothies in Greece.

To continue increasing its presence in these growing beverage categories, Coca-Cola HBC acquired, jointly with TCCC, the leading juice brand in Serbia, Fresh & Co in early 2006, as well as a high-quality mineral water provider in Italy. Further, as a result of a recent territorial expansion into Cyprus, the company is gaining ready entry into the dairy category. As part of its product innovation strategy, Coca-Cola HBC launched a range of flavored waters, enhanced with vitamins, under the Rmerquelle Emotion brand in Austria. Following the success of this product, the company has also launched a similar range of flavored waters under the Valser Viva brand in Switzerland.


Coca-Cola HBC is also responding to growing consumer concerns over obesity and increased focus on better nutrition and a healthier lifestyle by increasing its investment in light/diet carbonated soft drinks and non-carbonated soft drink beverage categories.

The Coca-Cola HBC water portfolio now includes 25 water brands. The Coca-Cola Company is always looking for new beverages to bring enjoyment to consumers. Here are some of the most recent additions to our refreshment portfolio.

April, 2007

Minute Maid Introduces Enhanced Orange Juices For Health-Conscious Consumers - New varieties include Minute Maid Multi-Vitamin and Minute Maid Active...

Coca-Cola classic12-oz can

Coca-Cola classic logo

"Coca-Cola" in red Spenserian script


"The Coca-Cola Company" in black Spenserian script

BACARDI Mixers Mojito

Barq's Root Beer

Bitte MareRosso (Spain)

BPM energy drink (Ireland)


CAFE ZU (Thailand)

caffeine free Coca-Cola Classic

cherry Coke


Coca-Cola Blk 8-ounce bottle (United States)

Coca-Cola Blk 4-pack (United States)

Coca-Cola Blk (France)

Coca-Cola C2 12-oz can (spritz)

Coca-Cola C2 12-oz can (dry)

Coca-Cola C2 20-oz bottle (spritz)

Coca-Cola C2 20-oz bottle (dry)

Coca-Cola C2 8-can packaging

Coca-Cola C2 18-can packaging

Coca-Cola with Lime 20-oz bottle

Coca-Cola with Lime 12-oz can


Coca-Cola Zero 12-oz can

DASANI bottle


DASANI NutriWater (Singapore)

Diet Coke lineup

Diet Coke 12-oz can

Diet Coke Plus

Diet Coke with Lemon

Coca-Cola light with Lemon (Germany)

Diet Coke with Lime 12-oz can

Diet Coke with Lime 20-oz bottle

Diet Coke with Lime Fridge Pack

Diet Coke with Lime lineup

Diet Coke Sweetened with Splenda lineup

diet NESTEA Green Tea (peach flavored)

diet NESTEA Lemon Enviga lineup

Enviga Berry 12-ounce can

Enviga Green Tea 12-ounce can

Enviga Peach 12-ounce can

Fanta Berry


Fanta Grape

Fanta Lemon

Fanta Orange

Fanta Pineapple

Fanta Strawberry

Fanta Greenz (France)

Fanta Orange Fun promotional poster

Fanta Mango Magentas (Thailand)

Fanta NeoTrio (Thailand)

Flavor Rage

Fresca Sparkling Citrus 12-oz can

Fresca Sparkling Peach Citrus 12-oz can

Fresca Sparkling Black Cherry Citrus 12-oz can

Full Throttle energy drink

Full Throttle Blue Demon energy drink (English)

Full Throttle Blue Demon energy drink (Spanish)

Godiva Belgian Blends

Gold Peak lineup

Gold Peak Lemon

Gold Peak Sweetened

Heaven and Earth (Tian Yu Di) Calamansi Lime (Singapore)


Kiwi Blue (New Zealand)

KMX energy drink

Mello Yello

Mello Yello Cherry

Mello Yello Melon

Minute Maid Active

Minute Maid Enhanced Juices lineup

Minute Maid Cereales (Spain)

Minute Maid Fruit Falls Berry 10-pack

Minute Maid Fruit Falls Tropical 10-pack

Minute Maid Heart Wise

Minute Maid Juices to Go 10-fl. oz. bottle

Minute Maid Just 10 pouch

Minute Maid Just 10 10-pack

Minute Maid Lemonade line

Minute Maid Light line

Chilled Minute Maid Light

Minute Maid Light Cherry Limeade

Minute Maid Multi-Vitamin

Minute Maid Orangeade 20-oz. bottle

Minute Maid Orangeade 1.5-liter bottle


Minute Maid Orangeade 2-liter bottle

Minute Maid Orangeade fridge pack

Minute Maid Orangeade 12-pack

Minute Maid Premium Light

Minute Maid Premium with Vitamin D


NaturAqua (Hungary)

NESTEA Green Tea (peach)


NESTEA Lemon (Thailand)

NESTEA ICE with Lemon

NESTEA ICE with Lime

Odwalla juice beverages. Blueberry Smoothie, Protein Tropicale, Passionate "C" and Organic Orange Juice.

Odwalla B-liscious Blueberry B Monster juice

Pibb Xtra

POWERADE High-Performance bottle


POWERADE OPTION Black cherry 20-oz bottle


POWERADE OPTION Grape 20-oz bottle

POWERADE OPTION Lemon 20-oz bottle

POWERADE OPTION Strawberry 20-oz bottle

Schweppes Sala Soda (Thailand)

Seagram's Mixer family

Simply Orange

Splash (Thailand)

Sprite 10-oz can

Sprite 20-oz bottle

Sprite Ice (Canada, Belgium)

Sprite Ice (Singapore)

Sprite Remix Berry clear





CHAPTER-5 Data analysis and Interpretation


1) How do you rate the pricing of our products?

TABLE NO.1 S NO PARTICULARS NO OF PERCENTAGES RESPONDENTS 1 Good value 40 36.36% 2 Neutral 61 55.45% 3 Poor value 5 4.54% 4 Awful value 4 3.63% TOTAL 110 100%

Fig .No.1


From the above table we can conclude that the major numbers of respondents felt that the PRICING IS NEUTRAL 55% of 61 respondents, GOOD VALUE that is 36.36% of 40 respondents, 61&40 which comprises of 55.45%VALUE that is 5&4 which comprises of 2% respectively

2) How fast the quotations offers are provided by us

TABLE NO.2 S NO PARTICULARS NO OF PERCENTAGES RESPONDENTS 1 Very fast 24 21.81% 2 Fast 75 68.18% 3 Slow 7 6.36% 4 Very slow 4 3.65% TOTAL 110 100%



From the above we can conclude that the major numbers of respondents felt that Quotation offered by Hindustan is FAST that is, 75 which comprises of 68.18%of the total. Some respondents VERY FAST that is 24 which comprises of 21.81% respectively. OnlyFew have respond for SLOW & VERY SLOW that is 7&4 which comprises of 6.36%&3.65%of the total.

3) Over all how do you think we are doing

Table No.3 S PARTICULARS NO OF NO RESPONDENTS 1 excellent 14 2 Very good 31 3 good 53 4 average 10 5 poor 2 110 PERCENTAGES 12.72% 28.18% 48.18% 9.09% 1.81% 100%


poor average good Very good excellent 0 20 40 60 Series2 Series1

Fig .No.3

From the above table we infer that the major number of respondents feel that the Work of Hindustan coco cola beverages ltd .48.18% of 53 respondents said GOOD ,28.18% of 31 respondents said VERY GOOD, 9.09% of 10 respondents said average, and remaining of 1.81% of 2 respondents said that poor

Table 4: preference of soft drink


Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45Years & above TOTAL

20 35 15 10 80

6 2 4 18 30

GRAND TOTAL 26 37 19 28 110

23.63% 33.63% 17.27% 25.45% 100%

INTERPRETATION:From the above graph 33.63% or 37 people whose age is between 15 to 29 years preferred soft drinks. 23.63% or 26 people whose age below 15 preferred soft drinks.17.27% or 19 people whose age in between 33 to 44 preferred soft drinks and remaining 25.45% or 28 people whose age is above 45 preferred soft drinks.

Table 5: awareness of soft drinks brands


Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above TOTAL




Fa 2 0 0 0 2

L 2 0 0 1 3

Ma 0 2 0 3 5

KS 0 3 4 5 12

P 4 3 1 0 8

7UP 0 3 2 0 5

MO 2 0 0 0 2

ML 2 1 0 0 3

SL 3 2 0 0 5

Md 2 5 3 0 10

GRAND TOTAL 30 46 23 11 110

8 14 8 0 30

2 8 3 2 1 5

3 5 2 0 1 0

Awareness of Soft drinks

12 10 8 6 C-c Tu Sp Fa L Ma 4 2 0 Ks P 7UP

n p s e r f o N

Below 15 Years

15 to 29 Years

30 to 44 Years

45 Years & above




C-c= Coca-cola Tu= Thums up Sp=Sprite Fa=Fanta

L=Limca Ma=Maaza Ks=Kinley Soda P=Pepsi

7UP=7UP Mo=Mirinda Orange ML=Mirinda Lemon SL=Slice

Md=mountain Dew


The awareness of all soft drinks can be well known in the age group of above 15 to 29 years. In that information we can say that most of the people aware of Coca-Cola brand.

Table 6: most of the soft drink preferred


Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above TOTAL



Sp Fa L 2 Ma 2 KS 0 P 4 7UP 0 MO 3 ML 2 SL 4 Md 2


1 0 8 2

5 3 0

5 2 0




2 5

1 0

1 0


1 0




50 45

Md SL ML Mo 7UP P Ks Ma L Fa
Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above

No of response

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Sp Tu C-c


From the above information we say that most of the soft drinks preferred whose age is above 15 to 29 years. In that most of the respondents preferred like coco cola, thums up and sprite respectively.

Table 7: frequency of consumption

Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above TOTAL

5 6 6 3 20

Weekly once
15 10 16 4 45

Weekly twice 8 10 4 3 25

Rarely 0 4 6 10 20

Grand Total 28 30 32 20 110


From the above graph we can say that the 45 respondents can buy weekly once, 25 respondents can buy weekly twice, and 20 respondents can buy regularly and rarely

Table 8: opinion about existing price of soft drinks

Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above TOTAL

1 5 4 35 45

5 10 5 2 22

Affordabl e 4 15 9 2 30

Low 0 4 8 1 13

Grand Total 10 34 26 40 110


45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 4
5 1 2

1 2



Affordable Average High

10 5 5 4

45 Below 15 to 29 30 to 44 Years & 15 Years Years Years above 0 4 5 1 4 15 10 5 8 9 5 4 1 2 2 35

Low Affordable Average High

Age group

From the above information we can say that 45 respondents say that the existing price of soft drinks is high, 30 respondents say that the existing price of soft drinks is affordable, 22 respondents say that the existing price of soft drinks is average,, and 13 respondents say that.Existing price of soft drinks is low.

Table 9: quantity of soft drink mostly preferred

Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years

1.5 liters
18 10 4

1 liters
5 6 4

500 ml 7 3 3

300 ml 3 4 6

200 ml 15 5 5

Grand Total 48 28 22


45 Years & above TOTAL

8 40

0 15

1 14

2 15

1 26

12 110

From the above diagram we can say that the 40 respondents quantity preferred 1.5 liter, 26 respondents quantity preferred that 200ml, 15 respondents quantity preferred of 1 liter and 300ml frequently, and remaining 14 respondents quantity preferred is 500ml.

Table 10: attraction of brands through advertisement

Below 15 Yrs 15 to 29 Yrs

16 6

Thums up
8 10

Sprit e 4 7

Fanta Limca Maaza Kinely Soda 5 10 4 5 3 4 0 2

Grand Total 40 44


30 to 44 Yrs 45 Yrs & > TOTAL

7 1 30

2 3 23

3 1 15

2 0 17

1 0 10

2 0 9

3 1 6

20 6 110

From we can say that whose age is above 15 to29 years can attract through advertisement are very effective. In that we can say most of that 30 people can aware of coco cola advertisement.

Table 11: preference of media for advertisement

Below 15 Yrs 15 to 29 Yrs 30 to 44 Yrs

14 16 10

Print Media
0 4 10

Film Print 10 10 7

Hoardings 0 5 8

Point of Purchase 0 0 1

Grand Total 24 35 36


45 Years & > TOTAL 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

14 0 10 0

5 45

1 15

3 30

2 15

4 5

15 110

0 5

1 8

10 4

point of purchase

hoardings film print print media

4 2 3 1 5

10 16 10


Below 15 15 to 29 Yrs Yrs

30 to 44 45 Years Yrs & >

From the above graph we can say that most of them prefer advertisement whose age or between 30 to 44 years. In this we can say most of the 45 respondents can choose television media for advertisement.

Table 12: suggestion of scheme for a product

Below 15 Years

Cash Product Benefit Coupons Discount Discount Schemes 0 0 3 12

Grand Total 15


15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above TOTAL

3 10 5 18

8 12 5 25

9 10 13 35

6 10 4 32

26 42 27 110

From the above graph we can say that whose age between 30 to 44 yrs of 42 respondents suggest that they buy products under schemes like cash discount, product discount, benefit scheme, coupons. So they suggest product discount are some what more benefit than other.

Table 13: purchase of soft drink

AGES Pan Shop s 0 Bakerie s 20 parlour s 0 Department al Stores 0 Theater s 12 Hotel s 0 Pushcart s 0 Gran d Total 32

Belo w 15 Yrs 15 to




29 Yrs 30 to 44 Yrs 45 Yrs & > TOTA L








20 pan Shop 15 B akeries parlours departmental stores 10 theaters hotels pushcarts 5

0 B elow 15 Y rs 15 to 29 Y rs 30 to 44 Y rs 45 Y rs & >

From the above graph we can say that most of the 45 respondents purchase soft drink at bakeries, 25 respondents at theaters, 15 respondents at hotels, parlours, pan shops respectively

Table 14: perception of soft drink in above segment

Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years

It is Convenient
8 11

Beta chilling
0 10

7 8


30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above TOTAL

17 2 38

9 8 27

18 12 45

From the graph most of them purchase soft drinks more at availability

Table 15: changes in the present distribution system to ensure more availability with more convenience and frequency


Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above TOTAL

4 16 15 35 70

3 15 12 10 40

From the above graph we can say that most of them 70 respondents recommend present Distribution system to ensure more availability with more convenience and frequency, and 40 respondents say there is no convenience and frequency to change the present distribution system

Table 16: suggestion for improvement of coca-cola brands


Below 15 Years 15 to 29 Years 30 to 44 Years 45 Years & above TOTAL

More Taste
3 14 3 0 20

More Quantity
5 6 4 9 27

More Quality 4 9 7 11 28

Reasonable Price 5 9 5 13 35

Grand Total 17 38 22 33 110

From the above graph above 15to29 years of the respondents suggest that improve the coco cola brands and must improve more in taste and quality.

17) How does delivery schedule match up to your expectation

Table No.17


S NO 1 2 3 Total

PARTICULARS Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectation

NO OF RESPONDENTS 12 78 20 110

PERCENTAGES 10.90% 70.90% 18.18 100%

FIG.17 INTERPRETATION: From the above table we infer that the major number of respondents 78 people feel that the Delivery schedule at coco Cola Company MEETS EXPECTATION, and 20 people feel that delivery schedule at the coco cola company BELOW EXPECTATION and 12 people feel that delivery schedule at the coco cola company Exceeds Expectations.


18) How would you place us for customer & business response?
Table No.18 S NO PARTICULARS NO OF PERCENTAGES RESPONDENTS 1 Fast 20 18.18% 2 Friendly 77 70% 3 slow 13 11.81% 4 Curt 0 0% TOTAL 110 100%



From the above table we infer that the major number of respondents feel that the Customer & Business response at coco cola company .Is FRIENDLY and this is followed By VERY GOOD. And only one respondent feel that it is poor.

The most preferred brands of Hindustan Coca Cola Company are Coca Cola, Thums up. The preference rates of these drinks high or more than other brands of Coca Cola Company. The Customers mostly purchasing soft drinks from bakeries and pan shop. Thus sales rate of bakeries and pan shop are more than other sales points. The customers are not giving preference to the brands Fanta, Kinley soda, Limca, etc., are preferring Thumps up and Coca Cola. The sales 200ml quantity is more than all other quantities. The customers are feeling that the price is reasonable. Ads in television are attracting customers very well than ads in other Medias.

Advertisement coverage in news papers is very low.

Consumers pointed out that price is high and cash discounts will increase the sales.


It was found that the customers are expecting more taste and quality.

Strive constantly to provide additional customer value in very transaction.

Use a flexible service envelope around the core product to generate surprise benefits.

Constantly surpass the expectations that the customer has built around your product.

Treat every customer as though s/he is the only customer whom the company wants.

Look for expectations-performance gaps in order to identify opportunities to delight.

Making all the brands available every where.

Attending to the complaints of the consumers immediately.


Increasing the service frequency.

Improving the quality.

Reasonable pricing.

Suggestions is given on basis of consumers perceptions and also preference of the persons who consume soft drinks Strive constantly to provide additional customer value is very essential

I suggest using a flexible service envelope around the core product to generate surprise benefits.

I suggest that organization must have to see quality before distribution

I suggest to attending to the complaints of the consumers immediately.

I also suggest to increasing the service frequency.

Organization must price products reasonably


The company should try to encourage customers by offering credit Facilities and proper sales calls to motivate the customers. The company must go for some more promotional activities rather Than T.V advertisements, hoardings, Bill boards, News papers etc. The company has to conduct the periodical meetings with the customers And take their valuable suggestions. Though all dealers are satisfied with terms and conditions of Dealership. The

authorities of the company should go for assessment Of satisfaction level of dealers periodically to return the same image The company may adopt policy of appraising the dealers with highest Turnover by providing incentives such as quantity, discounts, gifts etc.


Questionnaire for study of consumer Delight in Hindustan Coca-Cola beverages Private Ltd.
Name: Sex: Age: Male/Female a. below 15 years C.30 to 44 years ( ) ( ) b.15 to 29 years d.45 years & above ( ) ( )

1. Do you prefer soft drink? 2. If yes ( ) how many brands of soft drink you are aware of: a. Coca-Coal d. Fanta g. Kinley soda j. Mirinda Orange m. Mountain dew ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) b. Thums up e. Limca h. Pepsi k. Mirinda Lemon ( ) c. Sprite ( ) i. 7up ( ) l. Slice ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) f. Mazza ( )

3. Which soft drinks do you like most? 62

a. Coca-Coal d. Fanta g. Kinley soda j. Mirinda Orange m. Mountain dew

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

b. Thums up e. Limca h. Pepsi

( ) ( ) ( )

c. Sprite ( ) f. Maaza ( ) i. 7up l. Slice ( ) ( )

k. Mirinda Lemon ( )

4. Frequency of your consumption? a) Daily ( ) ) b) Weekly once d) rarely ( ) ( ) c) Weekly twice (

5. What is your opinion about the existing price of soft drinks? a) High b) Affordable ( ) ( ) b) Average d) Low ( ) ( )

6. What Quantity of soft drink do you mostly prefer? a) 1.5 liters c) 500 ml ( ) ( ) b) 1 Liters d) 300 ml ( ) ( ) e) 200 ml ( )

7. Which brand of advertisement do you feel effective? a. Coca-Coal d. Fanta g. Kinely soda ( ) ( ) ( ) b. Thums up e. Limca ( ) ( ) c. Sprite f. Maaza ( ) ( )

8. Which media of advertisement do you feel more effective? a) Television c) Film print e) Point of purchase ( ( ( ) ) ) b) Print media d) Hoardings ( ( ) )

9. Which scheme do you suggest for a product to like? a) Cash discount ( ) b) Product discount ( )


c) Benefit Schemes

d) Coupons

10. Where do you purchase soft drink mostly? a) Pan shops c) Parlours e) Theaters g) Pushcarts ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) b) Bakeries d) Departmental stores f) Hotels ( ( ( ) ) )

11. Why do you purchase soft drinks mostly in the above segments? a) It is convenient c) Availability ( ( ) ) b) Beta chilling ( )

12. Do you recommend any other change in the present distribution system to ensure more availability with more convenience and frequency? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

13. Kindly please suggest improving your preferred Coca- Cola brands? a) More taste c) More quality ( ( ) ) b) More quantity d) Reasonable price ( ( ) )

14) How do you rate our relationship with our customers? a) Excellent e) Poor b) Very good c) Good d) Average

15) What do you think of the useful drinks supplied by us? a) Really useful b) Quit good c) Average d) No use

16) Over all how do you think we are doing? 64

a) Excellent e) Poor 17)

b) Very good

c) Good

d) Average

On what reason have you preferred the coco cola? b)Brand c) quality of product d) Others.


18) Have you heard about coco cola? (YES/NO) 19) Do you know about coco cola? (YES/NO) 20) Would you like to satisfied with the existing company drinks? (YES/NO) 21) Any suggestions to improve our customer care and relationship? If any:


Area Operational Director

Plant manager

Assistant Manager Production

Energy Coordinator

WRM Coordinator

SLP Coordinator

Sr. Executive Maintenance

Environmental Coordinator







Team Members

Team Members

Team Members

Team Members

Team Members










SUP. (P.A)



NAME OF THE BOOKS 1. Business Today 2. Research methodology 3. Marketing Management Cola Web Sites. WEBSITES 1. 2. C.R. Kothari (1986). Philip Kotler.

4. Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages private Ltd Journals, Annual reports & Coca-



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