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A Technical Seminar Submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada in Partial fulfillments of Requirements for the Award of the Degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Submitted By K.UJWALA GANGA On BODY AREA NETWORKS Under the esteemed guidance of B.Srikanth M.Tech Assistant Professor Dept. of CSE (09KT1A1220)



(Approved by AICTE New Delhi,Affiliated to JNTU-Kakinada) RAGHAVAREDDY STREET, KOTHAPET,VIJAYAWADA-520001,A.P 2012-13

We owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported and suggested us in every step. We are glad for having the support of our principal Dr. R. ChandraSekharamwho inspired us with his words filled with dedication and discipline towards work. We express our gratitude towards Dr. R. ChandraSekharam, Head of the Departmentfor extending his support through training classes which had been the major source to carry out our project. We are very much thankful to Mr.B.Srikanth Asst.Prof, for guiding and correcting various documents of ours with attention and care. He has taken pain to go through the project and make necessary corrections as and when needed.

Submitted By



In recent years, wireless communications have gained greater relevance. They presently play an important role in our lifestyle and quality of home and work life. Ubiquity allows a person to seamlessly connect with anybody who is connected in the world. The expanded uses of wireless technologies have increased and new applications have been developed. Wireless networks have been classified according to their level of coverage. Consequently, there are wide area networks, metropolitan area networks, local area networks and personal area networks. In personal area networks, there is a lot of interest in body area networks, which are communication networks that are within, near and around a person. Body area networks are the subject of a new researchfield in communications. However, there are some existing technologies that are perfectly adapted to the requirements of body area networks, such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, Ultra Wide Band, etc.

Body Area Network is formally defined by IEEE 802.15 as, "a communication standard optimized for low power devices and operation on, in or around the human body (but
not limited to humans) to serve a variety of applications including medical, consumer electronics / personal entertainment and other" . In more common terms, a Body

Area Network is a system of devices in close proximity to a persons body that cooperate for the benefit of the user.

Transmissions of BANs have very specific characteristics Coverage is confined to distances of no more than 2 or 3 meters The power transmission levels are very low. Low power contributes to long battery life and reduces the levels of interference with other technologies. Equally important, operating with low power levels reduces health risks.


Implantable BANs have sensors that are located deeper in the body, in areas such as the heart, brain and spinal cord. Implantable BANs meld active stimulation and physiological monitoring, and represent a highly desirable proposition for some chronic conditions that until now have only been treatable using drugs. Examples of such treatments include deep-brain stimulation for Parkinsons disease, spinal stimulators for chronic pain and bladder stimulators for urinary incontinence.

Fig1: pace maker(implantable)

Wearable BANs usually comprise sensors that are attached to the surface of the body or implanted very close to the surface of the body for short periods of time (less than 14 days). They typically consist of inexpensive, lightweight and small sensors that allow unrestricted ambulatory health monitoring to provider near-real-time updates on the health status of the patient.

Fig2: Wearable


The BAN concept enables wireless communication between several miniaturized, intelligent Body Sensor Units (BSU) and a single Body Central Unit (BCU) worn at the human body. The BAN data can be accessed online through a separate wireless transmission link from the BCU to a network access point, using different technology, (e.g. WLAN, GPRS etc). This way a patient wearing a BAN can be monitored externally at all times. Measurement data can regularly be stored in a medical server, a physician can check up on a patient whenever needed, and in case of an emergency an immediate response unit will be alerted. Alerts can be triggered by the patient himself or by highly irregular measurement data. A caregiver can also be contacted in less dramatic circumstances. A patient can also receive information from a physician or even receive the weather forecast for the day. The core functionality of a BAN provides wireless interconnection between several BSU units and a single BCU via an air interface which is unlicensed . The air interface between the BSU and the BCU is characterized by the 2m maximum distance typical for human body dimensions. A BCU concentrates the data streams from multiple attached BSUs and performs the communication to the outside world. This is conducted by standard wireless communication technology like DECT, WLAN, Bluetooth, etc

5.1Medical Applications
BANs can provide interfaces for diagnostics, for remote monitoring of human physiological data, for administration of drugs in hospitals and as an aid to rehabilitation

In the future it will be possible to monitor patients continuously and give the necessary

medication whether they are at home, in a hospital or elsewhere. Patients will no longer need to be connected to large machines in order to be monitored.

Fig3.medical applications

Fig4:diabetes nano tattoo Diabetics who hate their daily blood test will soon have another option. A team of scientists at MIT have created a new iPhone glucose monitor that can test blood glucose levels by illuminating an otherwise invisible nano tattoo.

5.2:Sports Applications
In the sporting arena is will be possible to take many different readings from an athlete without having them on a treadmill in a laboratory. The ability to measure various levels during real life competition, a race for example, would give coaches a more accurate picture of their athletes strengths and weaknesses. Another application of using BANs in sport to monitor athletes closely.

Fig6: sports applications


applications for entertainment and information exchange focus on multimedia, audio, video, and data transfer between two or more users, as well as applications for office, industry and home automation. Positioning and Internet connectivity are also offered by BANs

Finger implant: Optical character recognition system, Body Area Network transmitter

Singapores Touch-Hear system uses finger implants so readers can gain additional information about a word theyre confused with. By touching a word or phrase. the reader can listen to its proper pronunciation, or find its translation or definition.

Fig7:touch and hear Person demonstrating the Touch Hear system to read books using its own unique word recognition system This ear attachment, devised for the Text-to-Speech system, employs a Body Area Network receiver
5.3.2 WeatherMood mood WeatherMood is a personal weather armband worn on a jacket. People can use it to feel the weather at a certain location, or adjust the display of their weather settings to reflect their present mood.
4.3.3 Thimble

The finger-glove named Thimble was developed as part of a collaboration between Artefact and the Industrial Design Department at the University of Washington

Fig 9:Thimble Thimble is a wearable finger glove that gives the visually impaired access to ambient as well as surrounding information.


When constructing BANthere are many factors that need to be taken under consideration. In this project the following are considered essential.

6.1 Battery Capacity

Power consumption in a WSN is important since most or all devices are battery powered. Replacing or recharging in short intervals will be impractical, so power consumption is of significant concern .

6.2 Scalability
The capability of a system to increase performance under an increased load when nodes are added needs to be considered.

6.3 Data Rate Capacity

How much it is possible to transfer per a unit of time between the nodes in a sensor network is of importance.

6.4 Fail-Safety
Different mechanisms to ensure robustness needs to be in place. This to make sure the data frames gets through to the correct receiver without collisions or other errors.

6.5Real Time Synchronization

The ability of the network to transmit data in real time, without error, is important in this project. Time synchronization between two sensors in one BAN needs to work seamlessly .

6.6 Association
The service used to establish a devices membership in a WPAN. How a WPAN adds a new node is of interest in this project . As well as how one sensor is associated with the correct output at the monitor side.

The security in wireless networks is always of great importance. In sensor networks it is especially important to have integrity and authentication. Integrity means that it is critical that the data at the receiver is the same as at the sender and has not been accidentally or maliciously modified, altered, or destroyed. Authentication is a concept within computer security that means to make absolute sure that the sender really is who it claims to be.

6.8 Cost
To be able to compete in the international market it is essential that the components are at lowest possible price. This is very important when the product shall be mass-produced.

This paper shows that WBANs can be widely used in medical applications. It has surveyed a number of systems and applications for healthcare, mainly wearable and implantable sensors, and describes the major challenges and open research problems of WBANs. As nanotechnology provides smaller and multiple-functional sensor nodes, the further these new small body networks may evolve, making their use as natural as wearing cloth in the near future. the role of WBANs in medicine can be further enlarged. In the near future, the use of WBANs will increase because smart spaces will be enabled with wireless sensor networks which can sense environmental conditions and take preventive actions based on the presence of humans is those spaces. The system can therefore reach ubiquity, where each individual would have a computational module able to seamlessly interact with the smart spaces system and prevent health problems.

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