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INTRODUCTION The financial liability of a hospital is on essential aspect of going concerning of the institution. One of the major roles of accounting is to record all financial transaction to the hospitals. Therefore, it is important that prepare book of accounting such as statement of affairs, journals, assets, inventory statement Balance sheets and ledger are well kept. 2. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objective of this workshop is to educate and sharpen the knowledge of the participant on book keeping and accounting in the health sector. 3 LEARNING CONTENT - Journals - Cash and Accrual basis of accounting - Cost accounting - Bill fillings - income statement - Cash budgets - Financial Statement - Profitability ratio - Balance sheet and other accounting books. 4 COURSE INFORMATION VENUE: Enugu, Nigeria Nov15-19, Dec6-10 N55,000 Health Care Consultant


WORKSHOP ON PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN THE HSPITAL 1 INTRODUCTION A hospital needs good human resources management, this includes Human Resources Planning, Record keeping, Staff placement and Distribution based on their services as well as in and out patient records management. Managing people is more complex than managing things and working with people demands effective communication skills. People are the most reliable asset in any organization. 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participant will gain knowledge of: - Management in the health sector - Understand organization structure in the hospital environment - Haw to communicate effectively and interpersonally. - Assertiveness and interpersonal skills 3 LEARNING CONTENTS - Operational management in the health sector - Doctors/ Nurses Management - Human Resources Planning - Effective Communication skills in an organization - Time Management and interpersonal skills 4 COURSE INFORMATION VENUE: Lagos, Nigeria Nov15-19, Dec6-10 N55,000 Health Care Consultant


WORKSHOP IMPROVING CLINICAL AND RISK MANAGEMENT PERFRORMANCE IN THE HOSPITAL This workshop addresses several topics related to the changes implementation and improvement of clinical and risk management system. Survival of a hospital ultimately depends on the understanding the complexity of management functions and improved clinical performance at all level. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of: - Identifying and analyzing problems relate to management and risks in the hospital. - How to monitor and evaluate clinical performances. - Risk management in the Health Care Sector. LEARNING CONTENTS - Microsystems in health sector (a) Management (b) Services (c) Risk - Clinical Governance (a) Clinical Performance and Evaluation (b) Clinical Audit - Strategies and Steps of Sustaining Improvement - Hospital Risk Management. - COURSE INFORMATION - VENUE: Ibadan, Nigeria Nov15-19, Dec6-10 N55,000 Health Care Consultant


WORKSHOP ON MANAGERING OF HOSPITAL PHYSICAL ASSETS INTRODUCTION Hospital assets can be categorized into physical and non physical assets. The Physical assets include: Building, plant and compound, equipments and medical equipment. Medical equipment is a key hospital asset that the hospital users use to prevent and care for sickness and injury. Hospital medical equipments need to be accurate, safe economical and available. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Among others participants will gain: - Identifying Challenges of Hospital Equipment Maintenance. - How to Maintain Hospital Equipment LEARNING CONTENTS - Pro-active approach - Planning and purchasing - User trainings - Planned Maintenance and Repairs; - General Administration of Assets - Leadership and Culture on Physical Assets Management. - Inventory Management - Continuous Renewing Approach; COURSE INFORMATION VENUE: Kano, Nigeria Nov15-19, Dec6-10 N55,000 Health Care Consultant


WORKSHOP ON MARKETING FOR HOSPITAL Hospital marketing is a new concept in Health Care Sector. Most of the personnel do not know they are concluding marketing activities in their dealing with patients on their daily activities. Marketing is more than advertising, the concept of marketing applies to all organization whether delivering producing or services. Retainership of Patients in Health Sector predominantly depends on effectiveness of marketing. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Among others, participants will learn; - How important is marketing to retain ship of patient or client or the hospital. - Basics rudiment of marketing - Some marketing strategies to grow hospital. - Quality improvement in hospital services. LEARNING MODULES - Definition of Marketing - Segmentation of Hospital Care Services - Quality Improvement in the Hospital Services - Development Quality Improvement Services

(a) Diagnosing for action (b) Taking action (c) Evaluating action - Marketing Mix. COURSE INFORMATION VENUE: Aba, Nigeria Nov15-19, Dec6-10 N55,000 Health Care Consultant


WORKSHOP ON STRATEGICS MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP IN HEALTH SECTOR INTRODUCTION Why are some hospitals successful while others struggle just to stay in operation? Why can a leading hospital dropped unexpectedly from the top list. Change is the only constant. Hospital personnel should be aware of it and be able to strategically manage turbulent from both internally and externally. Understanding change, managing it and leveraging it will keep any hospital going at any time. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this workshop, participant should be able to; - Identify governance and its functions - Identify organization structure and the way it works. - Describes the strategies management concept and its components. LEARNING CONTENTS - Corporate governance - Strategies of strategic management in Health Care Sector - Tasks of strategies management - Organization structure and cultures - Leadership in Hospital Management - Referral system COURSE INFORMATION VENUE: Port Harcourt, Nigeria Nov15-19, Dec6-10 N55,000 Health Care Consultant


WORKSHOP ON TEAM WORK FOR SERVICE EXCELLENCE IN THE HOSPITAL INTRODUCTION Health care by its very nature, it is a multi disciplinary work. Imagine if a surgeon work on patient on his/her own without any assistant from other! Patient care involves interdependent processes carried out by teams of skilled individual with varying clinical background roles and responsibilities. Therefore, it is important that teamwork is practices in the hospital for excellence services

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon the completion, participants should be able to: - Have good understanding of team and their structure - Know that diversity and difference are natural complement of a good team. - Appreciate the major element in teamwork.

LEARNING CONTENTS - Hospital team and their structure - Building High Performance Team in the Hospital - Maintaining a Team / Team effectiveness - Team management - Team players and team leadership - Creating team synergy - Interpersonal communication skills and effectiveness. COURSE INFORMATION VENUE: Abuja, Nigeria Nov15-19, Dec6-10 N55,000 Health Care Consultant


WORKSHOP ON ANATOMY OF HOSPITAL SECURITY INTRODUCTION Hospital cannot afford a weak link in their security. Patient not only evaluate a hospital base on their clinical care but also interested in the quality of security and safety provided.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Among others participants would be able to: - Understanding why security is needed in the hospital - Know what constitute hospital assets. - Know concepts and principles for effective security management in the hospital - How to plan for security. LEARNING MOLDULS - Definition of Hospital - Assets of Hospital - Principles involves in Hospital security management - Planning for Hospital Security (a) Internal Disasters Plans (b) External Disasters Plans (c) Lock Down Plans - Basic requirement for Hospital security (a) RFID (b) CCTV (c) Electronic alarm (d) Access control

(e) Physical Human Security - Personnel Sensitization about Security

COURSE INFORMATION VENUE: Akwanga, Nigeria Nov15-19, Dec6-10 N55,000 Health Care Consultant


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