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SPORTS NEWS Through Noble Profession up to Fair Sportsmanship: Education week 2013 -Mark Nathaniel G.

Pascual Lets go educ, lets go. Future educators lets go, fight, cheer and win,- shouted by the students which signals the opening remarks for the annual celebration of Education Department-English and Mathematics. The 2013 Education Week with the theme of todays learners, tomorrows teachers: we mold, we enhance, and we develop. Last 2oth day of February year 2013, all education students coming from English and Mathematics major celebrated the most awaited event for the department, The 2013 Education Week, a four days of luxury, fun and enjoyment. As the celebration started, the questions were Whose team will drag the 2013 volleyball championship title in the end of the game? Whose team color will stand in the brink of 1st place? And be the over-all winner for the team building activities. Each section selected abled players to compete, to conquer the pressure and the fight for the 2013 Volleyball events that was held last February 21 and 22, 2013. Lets the ball rolling As Prof. Kamile Legazpi, coordinator of English Department uttered, the pressure rose, the excitement aired and the eagerness to drag the 1st place appeared to the face of every players. It signaled that Math 1-1 vs. Math 1-2, Math 4-1 vs. Eng 4-1, Math 3-1 vs. Eng 1-2, Math 2-1 vs. Eng 2-2 and Math 2-2 vs. Eng 2-1 competition was begun. For the first series of Volleyball event was the Elimination portion wherein the team winners of every sets will proceed to semi-finals and the looser teams will given a chance to compete again for the wild card game. The Math 1-1, Math 2-1, Math 2-2, Math 3-1, Math 4-1, and Eng 3-1 qualified for the next series of the game while the Math 1-2, Eng 1-2, Eng 2-2, Eng 21, Eng 4-1 go on to the wild card game and the Eng 4-1 fortunate to continue for the semi-finals as they won as the wild card team. For the second series of Volleyball event was the Semi finals, only Eng 3-1, Math 31, Math 2-1 and Math 2-2 were groups qualified to pursue in the finals and when the Semi finals started Math 3-1 and Math 2-2 tossed and spiked the ball for the 3rd place and Math 2-2 made it. For the third series of Volleyball event was the finals, as the ball rolled for a long moment of time, this competition redounded to the most awaited part as team Eng 3-1 and team Math 2-1 compete for the 1st place and be the 2013 Volleyball champion and Eng 3-1 made it and dragged the 2013 Volleyball championship title while the Math 2-1 be the 2nd place.

The success of Eng 3-1 made possible as Jayson Batongbakal, Michael Suarez, Efraim Santiago, Rizaldy Mendoza, Renee Taduran, Perlita Aytona, Gazelle Marie Chiara Estrella and Almira Sarmiento mingled their individual skills and abilities as one. The hardship of the players relieved as Math 2-2 be the 3rd place, Math 2-1 be the 2nd place and the Eng 3-1 dragged the 1st place and be the 2013 Volleyball event champion. After the painstaking Volleyball competition was the team building event held in the third day, February 22, 2013 wherein the Association of Future Teachers (AFT) committee led by the President Jayson Batongbakal, and the whole team prepared different games that showcased the cooperation, team work and leadership of every student. Kahit rain or shine, matutuloy ang ating team building as Prof. Arman Santos, coordinator of Mathematics Department uttered, as he starts the opening remarks for the 2013 team building activities. The cold temperature became hot as the first game starts, each team executes their fun yell and the violet team fulfilled it by the yell of Go violet team, wire fire up, were sizzling were burning out the heat. When it comes to game, your team will be beat. that set the mood of everyone. The second game was row, row, row, your boat, the players blow the paper boat using the stick of sliding paper, the Violet team breathless but they blew the team into success. The third game was the chain handkerchiefs where the players connect one another feet by the used of big handkerchiefs and move and walk as one, by the coordination and well technique of Blue team they walked up to the fame. The fourth game was the run caterpillar, the players hold one another shoulders and run, curl and twist to secure the stamp at the back of every player not lost and the Violet Team holds one another until last. After the muscular and strength game, next series of games were the intervention of brain and memory power. First one the spelling bee, this game proved that Blue Team has enough mind power to spell the words. Second game was the dress me manila paper, by the used of 3 whole Manila papers and 1 tape the Red team made a creative and glamour dress. Third game was the painstaking game, the logic game, bleeding of memory and knees as the players walked by hands and knees to put all pieces of paper to appropriate place and Red Team conquered it. The fourth and last game, as a tradition for team building activities was the logo puzzle, the players run to get the pieces of puzzle and arrange it properly and Red team completed the logo of the organization, the Association of future teachers. As the team colors stand in the brink of success, Violet team got the 1st place, Red team got the 2nd place, Pink team got the 3rd place, Blue team got the 4th place, Orange and yellow got the 5th place, and Green team got

the 6th place the dark sky covered by the lights of happiness that the team building gave to one of them. Future educators proved that not only in teaching students, and making lesson plan and thesis they can subdue but also to give fair and justice battle for every sports and showcase their skills and abilities as well as the cooperation, teamwork and apathy in every activity for the 2013 Education Week.

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