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International Mathematical Forum, 3, 2008, no.

3, 115 - 123

Intuitionistic (T, S )-Normed Fuzzy Ideals of -Rings

Kyung Ho Kim and Jong Geol Lee Department of Mathematics, Chungju National University Chungju 380-702, Korea Sang Moon Lee Department of Computer Science, Chungju National University Chungju 380-702, Korea
Abstract We consider the generalization of the notion of fuzzy ideals of rings. In this paper, using t-norm T and s-norm S , we introduce the notion of intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideals in -rings, and some related properties are investigated.

Mathematics Subject Classication: 06F35, 03G25, 03E72 Keywords: -ring, t-norm (resp. s-norm), intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal, intuitionistic idempotent (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal


N. Nobusawa ([8]) introduced the notion of a -ring, as more general than a ring. W. E. Barnes ([4]) weakened slightly the conditions in the denition of the -ring in the sense of Nobusawa. After the introduction of the concept of fuzzy sets by Zadeh [12], several researches were conducted on the generalization of the notion of fuzzy sets. The idea of intuitionistic fuzzy set was rst published by Atanassov [2, 3], as a generalization of the notion of fuzzy set. In this paper, using t-norm T and s-norm S , we introduce the notion of intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideals in -ring, and some related properties are investigated.


Kyung Ho Kim, Jong Geol Lee and Sang Moon Lee


In this section we include some elementary aspects that are necessary for this paper. If M = {x, y, z, } and = {, , , } are additive abelian groups, and for all x, y, z in M and all , in , the following conditions are satised xy is an element of M, (x + y )z = xz + yz, x( + )y = xy + xy, x(y + z ) = xy + xz, (xy )z = x(yz ), then M is called a -ring. A subset A of the -ring M is a left (resp. right ) ideal of M if A is an additive subgroup of M and M A = {xy | x M, , y A}(AM ) is contained in A. If A is both a left and a right ideal, then A is a two-sided ideal, or simply an ideal of M. A fuzzy set in M is a function : M [0, 1]. Let be a fuzzy set in M. For [0, 1], the set U (, ) = {x M | (x)) } is called level set of . A fuzzy set in a -ring M is called a left (resp. right) ideal of M if it satises: (x y ) min{(x), (y )}, (xy ) (y ) (resp. (xy )) (x)), for all x, y M and all . A fuzzy set in a -ring M is called a fuzzy ideal of M if is a both a fuzzy left and a fuzzy right ideal of M. Denition 2.1. [1] By a t-norm T , we mean a function T : [0, 1] [0, 1] [0, 1] satisfying the following conditions: (T1) T (x, 1) = x, (T2) T (x, y ) T (x, z ) if y z , (T3) T (x, y ) = T (y, x), (T4) T (x, T (y, z )) = T (T (x, y ), z ), for all x, y, z [0, 1]. Proposition 2.2. Every t-norm T has a useful property: T (, ) min(, ) for all , [0, 1]. Denition 2.3. [11] By a s-norm S , we mean a function S : [0, 1] [0, 1] [0, 1] satisfying the following conditions: (S1) S (x, 0) = x,

Intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideals of -rings


(S2) S (x, y ) S (x, z ) if y z , (S3) S (x, y ) = S (y, x), (S4) S (x, S (y, z )) = S (S (x, y ), z ), for all x, y, z [0, 1]. Proposition 2.4. Every s-norm S has a useful property: max(, ) S (, ) for all , [0, 1]. For a t-norm (or s-norm) P on [0, 1], denote by P the set of element [0, 1] such that P (, ) = , i.e., P := { [0, 1] | P (, ) = }. Denition 2.5. Let P be a t-norm (or s-norm). A fuzzy set in X is said to satisfy idempotent property with respect to P if Im() P . Let M denote a -ring. An intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS for short) A is an object having the form A = {(x, A (x), A (x)) : x M } where the functions A : M [0, 1] and A : M [0, 1] denote the degree of membership (namely A (x)) and the degree of nonmembership (namely A (x)) of each element x M to the set A, respectively, and 0 A (x) + A (x) 1 for all x M. For the sake of simplicity, we shall use the symbol A = (A , A ) for the IFS A = {(x, A (x), A (x)) : x M }.

Intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideals

In what follows, let M denote a -ring-algebra unless otherwise specied. All proofs are going to proceed the only left cases, because the right cases are obtained from similar method. In what follows, the term fuzzy ideal means fuzzy left ideal. Denition 3.1. Let T be a t-norm and S be a s-norm on [0, 1]. An IFS A = (A , A ) in M is called an intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy left (resp. right) ideal of -ring M if (F1) A (xy ) T (A (x), A (y )) and A (xy ) A (y ) (resp. A (xy )) A (x)), (F2) A (x y ) S (A (x), A (y )) and A (xy ) A (y ) (resp. A (xy )) A (x)), for all x, y M and all .


Kyung Ho Kim, Jong Geol Lee and Sang Moon Lee

Example 3.2. If G and H are additive abelian groups and M = Hom(G, H ), = Hom(H, G), then M is a -ring with the operations pointwise addition and composition of homomorphisms. Dene a fuzzy set : M [0, 1] by (0M ) = 0.5, (f ) = 0.3 and A : M [0, 1] by A (0M ) = 0.3, (f ) = 0.5 where f is any member of M with f = 0M . Let T : [0, 1] [0, 1] [0, 1] be a function dened by T (, ) = max( + 1, 0) and and S : [0, 1] [0, 1] [0, 1] be a function dened by S (, ) = min( + , 1) for all , [0, 1]. Then T is a t-norm and S is a s-norm. By routine calculations, we know that IFS A = (A , A ) is an intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal of -ring M.

= (XI , X I ) is Theorem 3.3. If I is an ideal of an -ring M, then the IFS I an intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal of M. Proof. Let x, y M. If x, y I and , then x y I and xy I since I is an ideal of M. Hence XI (x y ) = 1 T (XI (x), XI (y )) and XI (xy ) = 1 XI (y ). Also, we have I (x y ) S (X I (x), X I (y )) 0 = 1 XI (x y ) = X and I (xy ) X I (y ). 0 = 1 XI (xy ) = X If x / I, or y / I, then XI (x) = 0, or XI (y ) = 0. Thus we have XI (x y ) T (XI (x), XI (y )) by Proposition 2.2 and XI (xy ) XI (y ) for all . Next we have I (x y ) S (X I (x), X I (y )) = S (1 XI (x), 1 XI (y )) = 1 X I (y ). This I (xy ) = 1 XI (xy ) 1 XI (y ) = X by Proposition 2.4 and X proves the theorem. = (XI , X I ) satises Theorem 3.4. Let I be a nonempty subset of M. If I (F1) or (F2), then I is an ideal of an -ring M.

Intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideals of -rings


= (XI , X I ) satisfy (F1). Let x, y I. Then it follows Proof. Suppose that I from (F1) that XI (x y ) T (XI (x), XI (y )) = T (1, 1) = 1 so that XI (x y ) = 1, i.e., x y I. Now let x M, y I and . Then XI (xy ) XI (y ) = 1, and so XI (xy ) = 1, that is., xy I. Hence I is an = (XI , X I ) satisfy (F2). Let x, y I. Then ideal of M. Now suppose that I from (F2), we have I (x), X I (y )) = S (1 XI (x), 1 XI (y )) = S (0, 0) = 0, I (x y ) S (X X I (x y ) = 1 XI (x y ) = 0, i.e., XI (x y ) = 1. Hence x y I. and thus X I (xy ) X I (y ) = 1 and so For all x M, y I and , we have X XI (xy ) = 1. Hence xy I. This proves the theorem. Denition 3.5. Let T be a t-norm and S be a s-norm on [0, 1]. An intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideals A = (A , A ) is called an intuitionistic idempotent (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal of M if A and A satisfy the idempotent property with respect to T and S respectively. Proposition 3.6. Let T be a t-norm and S be a s-norm on [0, 1]. If IFS A = (A , A ) is an intuitionistic idempotent (T, S )-fuzzy ideal of M, then we have A (0) A (x)and A (0) A (x) for all x M. Proof. For every x M, we have A (0) = A (x x) T (A (x), A (x)) = A (x), and A (0) = A (x x) S (A (x), A (x)) = A (x). This completes the proof. Proposition 3.7. Let T be a t-norm and S be a s-norm. If IFS A = (A , A ) is an intuitionistic idempotent (T, S )-fuzzy ideal of M, then the set MA = {x M | A (x) = A (0), A (x) = A (0)} is an ideal of -ring M.


Kyung Ho Kim, Jong Geol Lee and Sang Moon Lee

Proof. Let T be a t-norm and S be a s-norm. Let x, y MA . Then A (x) = A (y ) = A (0) and A (x) = A (y ) = A (0). Since A = (A , A ) is an intuitionistic idempotent (T, S )-fuzzy ideal of M, it follows that A (x y ) T (A (x), A (y )) = T (A (0), A (0)) = A (0), and A (x y ) S (A (x), A (y )) = S (A (0), A (0)) = A (0) so that A (x y ) = A (0) and A (x y ) = A (0). Thus x y MA . Now let x M, and y MA . Then we have A (xy ) A (y ) = A (0) and A (xy ) A (y ) = A (0). Hence A (xy ) = A (0) and A (xy ) = A (0) by Proposition 3.6, and so xy MA . This completes the proof. Let A = (A , A ) be an IFS in M and let [0, 1]. Then the sets U (A ; ) := {x M : A (x) } and L(A ; ) := {x M : A (x) } are called a -level -cut and a -level -cut of A, respectively. Theorem 3.8. Let T be a t-norm and S be a s-norm and let IFS A = (A , A ) be an intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal of M and [0, 1]. then we have (i) if = 1, then the upper level set U (A ; ) is either empty or an ideal of M. (ii) if = 0, then the lower level set L(A ; ) is either empty or an ideal of M. (iii) if T = min, then the upper level set U (A ; ) is either empty or an ideal of M. (iv) if S = max, then the lower level set L(A ; ) is either empty or an ideal of M. Proof. (i) Suppose that = 1 and let x, y U (A ; ). Then A (x) = 1 and A (y ) = 1. It follows that A (x y ) T (A (x), A (y )) T (1, 1) = 1 so that x y U (A ; ). Now let x M, and y U (A ; ). Then we have A (xy ) A (y ) = 1, and so xy U (A ; ). Hence U (A ; ) is an ideal of M when = 1. (ii) Suppose that = 0 and let x, y L(A ; ). Then A (x) = 0 and A (y ) = 0. It follows that A (x y ) S (A (x), A (y )) S (0, 0) = 0, so that x y L(A ; ). Now let x M, and y L(A ; ). Then we get

Intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideals of -rings


A (xy ) A (y ) = 0, and so xy L(A ; ). Hence L(A ; ) is an ideal of M when = 0. (iii) Assume that T = min and let x, y U (A ; ). Then A (x y ) T (A (x), A (y )) = min(A (x), A (y )) min(, ) = for all [0, 1]. Hence x y U (A ; ). Now let x M, and y U (A ; ). Then A (xy ) A (y ) , and so xy U (A ; ). Hence U (A ; ) is an ideal of M. (iv) Assume that S = max and let x, y L(A ; ). Then A (x y ) S (A (x), A (y )) = max(A (x), A (y )) max(, ) = for all [0, 1]. Hence x y L(A ; ). Now let x M, and y L(A ; ). Then A (xy ) A (y ) , and so xy L(A ; ). Therefore L(A ; ) is an ideal of M. If is a fuzzy set in M and is a mapping from M into itself, we dene a mapping [] : M [0, 1] by [](x) = ((x)) for all x M. Theorem 3.9. Let T be a t-norm and S be a s-norm. Let be an endomorphism of M. If A = (A , A ) is an intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal of M, then B = (A [], A []) is an intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal of M. Proof. For any x, y M, we have A [](x y ) = A ((x y )) = A ((x) (y )) T (A ((x)), A ((y ))) = T (A [](x), A [](y )). Now let x, y M, . Then we have A [](xy ) = A ((xy )) = A ((x)(y ) A [](y ). Similarly, we have for any x, y M, we have A [](x y ) = A ((x y )) = A ((x) (y )) S (A ((x)), A ((y ))) = S (A [](x), A [](y )). Now let x, y M, . Then we have A [](xy ) = A ((xy )) = A ((x)(y ) A [](y ). This completes the proof.


Kyung Ho Kim, Jong Geol Lee and Sang Moon Lee

Theorem 3.10. Let T be a t-norm and S be a s-norm let A = (A , A ) be an IFS in M such that the non-empty sets U (A ; ) and L(A ; ) are ideals of M for all [0, 1]. Then A = (A , A ) is an intuitioinistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideal of M . Proof. Suppose that there exists x0 , y0 M such that A (x0 y0 ) < T (A (x0 ), A (y0 )). (A (x0 y0 ) + T (A (x0 ), A (y0 ))), then Taking 0 := 1 2 min(A (x0 ), A (y0 )) T (A (x0 ), A (y0 )) 0 > A (x0 y0 ). It follows that x0 , y0 U (A ; 0 ) and x0 y0 / U (A ; 0 ). Hence A satises the inequality A (x y ) T (A (x), A (y )) for all x, y M. Now let x0 , y0 M (A (x0 y0) + A (y )), and such that A (x0 y0 ) A (y0 ). Taking 0 : 1 2 then we obtain A (x0 y0 ) 0 A (y0 ). It follows that y0 U (A ; 0 ) and / U (A ; 0 ). This is a contraction. Similarly, suppose that there exists x0 y0 x0 , y0 X such that A (x0 y0 ) > S (A (x0 ), A (y0 )). ( (x y0 ) + S (A (x0 ), A (y0 ))), then Taking 0 := 1 2 A 0 max(A (x0 ), A (y0 )) S (A (x0 ), A (y0 )) 0 < A (x0 y0 ). It follows that x0 , y0 L(A ; 0 ) and x0 y0 / L(A ; 0 ). This is a contradiction and hence A satises the inequality A (x y ) S (A (x), A (y )) for all x, y M. Now let x0 , y0 M and such that A (x0 y0 ) A (y0 ). Taking 0 : 1 ( (x y0) + A (y )), then we obtain A (x0 y0 ) 0 A (y0 ). It follows 2 A 0 / L(A ; 0 ). This is a contraction. This proves that y0 L(A ; 0 ) and x0 y0 the theorem.

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Intuitionistic (T, S )-normed fuzzy ideals of -rings


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