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Acknowledgement Introduction Art 1.

The organization is known as Diocese of Central Tanganyika Holy Trinity Staff Union Fund, in short DCT-HTPSUF (DHSUF) created on 29th july, 2009 at DCT-HTPS. Art 2. The contact information is as follows: DHSUF P.O. Box 1096, Dodoma. Email: Telephone: 2351600/;;; Art 3. The headquarter of DHSUF is located at DCT-Holy Trinity Primary School Ward: Makole Street: Ipagala A\ Art 4: The bank account of DHSUF is: Bank/Branch: Account Holder: DHSUF Account Number: Art 5 The Goal of Union Fund is to solve members difficulties/problems where possible in time of need. The vision is to have a strong and reliable and prosperous SACCO. Article 6 Through the creation of this strong unity and cooperation, the teachers and other workers who are members of the union at DCT Holy Trinity School will work in harmony, peace, happiness and cooperation that will result the school, family, community and individual development. Art 7 The mission of this Union s to have mass participation in solving members problems through solidarity, soliciting and fundraising, valuing ones life and difficulties as ours hence taking prompt action to make a member feel as someone valuable in a community by assistance in time of need indeed. Art 8. The union sources of fund will be:a. Registration of new members b. Monthly fees from members

c. Profit from loans d. Fundraising events e. Loans and donations from institutions, organizations and Government. The 8.1. The new members shall fill a Membership form which must be attached with Tsh. 1000/= 8.2. The entry fee for a new member shall be 50,000/= which must be paid in three (3) consecutive months. 8.3. Each member shall contribute 5,000/= per month, deducted directly from his/her salary. 8.4. A loan (other than an emergency loan) shall be returned with 2% interest. Art 9 The General objectives of the Union fund are contributing the money to have the staff fund, which will be helpful to help the member who is in need. Art 10 The specific objectives are as follows. 10.1. To offer loan services to members 10.2. To help members heir/family when a member dies. 10.3. To help a member who key immediate family member has passed away (Husband or wife or a parent or a parent-in-law or a child) 10.4. To help a member whose relative has died (Brother or Sister) 10.5. To help a member who marries 10.6. To give farewell to a member who leaves work. Art 11 11.1 The Union will be led by leaders who will be elected by all members in the General meeting. 11.2 The structure of the organization is:-


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