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Practice 1

I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase in the colums below: had walked whom was used to mind fewer very would have met hadnt told whom tired of has been working twice as old as spend for had been won mine did not a few confess stop will have been working twice older than save with had won to me didnt do few apologise stand

walked who used to concern Lesser such met didnt tell whose bored in

1. We stopped for a rest after we..for two hours. 2. There were many scientists at the meeting, several of..were very young 3. She doesnt write to me as often as she. 4. Would you ..opening the windows now? 5. .. people go to the movies now than ten years ago. 6. It was .. a boring speech that felt asleep 7. If you had come to party, you ..her 8. She wishes sheyou the bad news yesterday 9. My uncle Tom, met the other day, is a well-known lawyer 10. We are.. listening to her advice 11. By the end of this year my father this company for 10 years 12. Her husband is ..she is 13. You will yourself a lot of time if you take the car 14. He sold his car .a thousand dollars 15. After the race , the celebration began 16. If a thing is not. he said I can not give it away 17. Frankly, I would rather you anything about it for the time being 18. A man whom people cant trust will have .friends. 19. The child was told to.for being rude to his uncle 20. My mother can notseeing me at home all day. II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentences printed before it. 1. Philippa asked Olive if she could remember where she had put the camera - Philippa said Olive,..? 2. It is a six-hour drive from London to Edinburgh - It takes. 3. Turn all the switches before leaving the workshop - All the switches.. 4. It is ages since Alan visited his parents - Alan.. 5. Mrs Taylor does not like living in such a small house

- Mrs Taylor wihes.. 6. Mr Mills lost his job because he was late every day - If Mr. Mills.. 7. James spoke to his layer before signing the contract - James did not.. 8. They travelled across India, and then flew to Japan - After.. 9. Youd better go to the doctor if youve got a pain in your back, Anna Henry said - Henry said 10. The police made the youth empty his pockets. - The youth III. Guided sentence building: 1. It/ difficult/ get/ there/ on time . 2. We/ glad/ see/ our friends/ after/ long time . 3. They/ finally/ find/ new house/ near/ river . 4. How/ far/ office/ from here? . 5. I/ not understand/ what/ you/ saying. . 6. She/ finish/ work/ very soon . 7. When/ we/ there/ train/ already/ leave/ station . 8. Why/ you/ not come/ meeting/ yesterday? . 9. This/ weather/ not suitable/ camping holiday . 10. How long/ it/ take/ you/ get/ your school/ bus? . IV. Translate into Vietnamese: 1. The Australia aborigines are a group of slender people with brown skin. They have brown eyes and dark wavy hair, and many of men have beard. When the first Europeans went to Australia to live, there were 300,000 aborigines there. They were divided into 500 tribes, each with its own language. Each tribe was a related family group and lived in its own area. 2. Many organizations are trying to find a solution to the problem of world hunger. Two of them are CARE and Oxfam. They both provide food to hungry people. However, they both believe that it is more important to help people produce their own food. Because of this belief, both organizations have programs to help people improve their lives.

3. Most problems of the environment come from population growth. In 1970 there were 625 million people in the world. In 1900 there were 1,6 billion, in 1952 2,5 billion and in 1980 4,4 billion. In the year 2000 the world population was over 7 billion. More people need more water, more food, more wood and more petroleum.

Practise 2
I. Reading comprehensive: A. Choose word or phrase below : Edition Plumber Foundation Carry out Discourage Unconscious Sentenced Basement Punished Carry on Contents Shortage Match Enclose Isolated Account Missing Inides Builder Lonely Losing Spread drawn Driven Disturb Adopt agree Decide Make Waste Spilt Peel News Strap Belt Coppy

1.The man who was taken to hospital had been..for 3 hours. 2.He slipped on a piece of orange.and broke his leg. 3.When replying to this Want-Ad,pleasea stamped addressed envelop. 4.Oh dear,there is a leak in my water-pipe,Ill have to call the. 5.As it had not rained for a long time,there is a ..of water. 6.This disease.widely all over the country. 7.If we..the plan you suggest,we are more likely to succeed. 8.After years of war ,the whole nation wanted topeace with their enemies. 9.She chose the hat that wouldher dress. 11. Jane opened the parcel to see what the ..were 12. He gave his listeners a vivid..of his journey through the jungle. 13. Do you mind if I .with my work while you are getting tea ready? 14. The carriage was.. by four horses 15. Paul looked rather untidy as there were two bottons ..from his coat 16. High interest rates people from borrowing money 17. Building a house, we must build a good first 18. The firstof a book is sometimes very valuable 19. The judge.the criminal to twenty years in prison 20. The house stood itself in the middle of a field and it was completely.. B. Reading the passage and answer the questions below: Opinion polls are now beginning to show a reluctant consensus that, whoever is to blame and whatever happens from now on, high unemployment is probably here to stay. This means we shall have to find ways to share tha available employment more widely. But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future of work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm? Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work ourselves, rather than for an employer? Should we not aim to revise the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factories and the offices, as the center of production and work? 1. Whats are opinion polls beginning to do? 2. What does this mean? . 3. Why do we need to go further? 4. What is your opinion about creating conditions for many of us to work ourselves?

. 5. How important is the household now as far as production is concerned? The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most peoples work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now becoming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reverved. This seemed a daughting thought. But, in fact, it could offer a prospect of a better future for work. Universal employment, as its history shows, has not meant economic freedom. Employment became widespread when the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of land, and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves. 1. What is special about the industrial age? 2. why may the changes in the patterns of work have to be reserved ? . 3. What does the history of universal employment show? .. 4. When did employment become widespread? . 5. What was the consequence then? .. *. Another newcomer was our lion, who went under the time-honoured name Leo. He was one of the famous Dublin Zoo lions and was probably about the 50th generation born in captivity. On his arrival, he was only about the size of a small dog, and so he was housed in a cage in the Mammal House, but he grew at such a pace that it was soon imperative that we find hime more spacious quarters. We had just finished construction of a large cage for the chimpanzees, and decided that we would put Leo there until we could get around to building him a cage of his own. So Leo was tranferred and settles down very happily. 1. Explain the phrase born in captivity 2. What tells us that the Dublin Zoo has kept lions in it for a long time? .. 3. Prove that Leo grew very fast. . 4. Where was Leo kept at first? And then? . 5. How did Leo settle down? . The person camp was entirely silent. Robert waited a moment, then, hearing nothing opend the door and went into the hut where he slept. The hut was divided into three connecting bedrooms, there was no corridor. The center room had been given to Robert, and the room nearest to the main building was normally occupied by two guards. Robert did not know who occupied the third. He had once tried to open the connecting door between it and his own room, but it was locked. He had only discovered it was a bedroom by looking quickly through a narrow gap in the curtains early one morning as he when for a walk, before the two guards, who followed him everywhere at fifty yards distance, had rounded the corner of the hut. 1. When did Robert open the door of the hut? 2. Describe the hut.

. 3. What was mysterious about the third room? 4. How did Robert discover the room was a bedroom? 5. Who do you think Robert was? .. C. Fill the text with one word in each blank. In different parts of Britain people call their meals.different names. Its very complicated. For mostthe main meal of the day is called dinner. But some families eat this..mid-day; others eat it in the evening. People who have dinner in the evening have a common meallunch at mid-day, and people who have dinner at mid-day usually have.meal (which they call tea) between five or six oclock, or they have supper a little later. For.people, breakfast is a bowl of cereal followed by toast and marmalade with a cup of coffee or tea. Some people have a cooked breakfast (often bacon and egg) but this is not it used to be. Lunch is usually a very quick meal: most people have a sanwich or a light snack. Dinner may have two or three ..First, a starter (e.g soup), then a main course with meat or fish and finally a desert. It is probably true that British food does not have a very good reputation among people fromThere are still two main problems: vegetables are usually overcooked and coffee is usually instant. If you want your coffee milk, you must ask specially for a black coffee. I. Writing A. Guided sentence building: 1. I/ be happy/ your letter/ today .. 2. You/ see/ this film/ before? .. 3. There/ be/ no rain/ the past few months .. 4. How long/ you/ live/ Hanoi? .. 5. Look/ it/ rain .. 6. At this time yesterday/ we/ have/ a party .. 7. She/ arrive/ a few minutes .. 8. What/ you/ do/ this weekend? .. 9. i/ not go/ work/ yesterday/ I/ be/ ill .. 10. We/ the football game/ half an hour/ light go out. .. B. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the printed: 1. Dont forget to go to the postoffice, she said She told him

2. The weather is much warmer than it was a few days ago. A few days ago, 3. The test is more difficult than last weeks test. Last week s test 4. Did you go out last night, John? his father asked Johns father wanted . 5. Why dont you come to our house-warming party this Saturday night? he said. He invited us 6. If you want to save your eye-sight, we must operate immediately Only by.. 7. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was late for work every morning If he .. 8. Attendances at the exlibition has been down this year The exhibition. 9. I am more interested in the people than in the job. Its not 10. We started working here twenty years ago. We have. C. Translate into English or Vietnamese: 1. For the past decade, in our country there has been great progress in every fields, especially in foreign trade. 2. I have told you many times not to come to work late but you keep coming late. 3. We wondered that they left without a word 4. Our capital city now looks much different from what it was ten years ago with high-rise built ain all corners of the city. 5. The time has certainly come to switch some effort and resoures away from the goal of creating jobs for all to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs. 6. Anh h vi chng ti rng mi vic s tt p c . 7. Khng ai c th hiu ni ti sao h li hnh ng mt cch v trch nhim nh vy. . 8. Ti thng t nh mun hc ting Anh tt th mnh phi mnh dn luyn tp ni v nghe, sau l c v vit. 9. Ngoi ng ngy cng ng vai tr quan trng trong mi lnh vc: kinh t, vn ho, khoa hc v k thut ..

10. Vo nhng lc rnh ti thng c bo, xem TV hoc lm vn cng v ti. ...

Practise 3
I. Reading comprehensive: A. Choose the correct words or phrases in the list given to complete the following sentences: firstly for exams up love about to widen at first after tests in like lane broade n would have good-looking drunk see treatment on the point of on occasion had had appealing unconscious meet cure street reminding making manage delayed recipe dress in case doing chair postponed prescription costume mentioning

1. I couldnt understand her, but after a few weeks we became good friends 2. If I your address, I would have come to see you 3. My husband has beenbusiness with many foreign companies for a long time. 4. Could you look .my pets for three days while I am away? 5. The thought of having a two week holiday at Sam Son is. 6. We have to select someone to.our meeting on Friday 7. If you go to hospital, the doctor always gives you a number of. 8. She was hit in the head so hard that she fell on the ground and wasfor a few minutes. 9. Our pinic has been .because of bad weather. We all felt very disappointed 10. Time is over. You all have to hand your paper!, said the teacher 11. This morning I went to the airport a friend of mine 12. Im looking for a for a cake, said I 13. Sometimes I dont feel.doing anything. I only want to lie still thinking about my future 14. When I was younger, I always went to with my sister 15. Is there afor this disease? 16. When he came, I was..leave the house 17. I had to move into the outsideto overtake a lorry 18. Take this need it while Im not here with you 19. The local authority decided tosome roads in our town 20. Thanks a lot about meeting this Saturday. B. Reading passages and then answer the questions below: Passage 1: Every word on a label describing a food, a drug, a cosmetic, or a medical device is important in protecting you and your family from buying an inferior product,

from misusing a good one, from being tricked by dangerous quackery, or from unknowingly possessing an item harmful to health. First of all, the label on a can or package of food must be completely truthful. If a loaf of bread is made with soy flour, the loaf cannot be labeled as white bread. A label must not be misleading. This restriction is somewhat vague and therefore cannot prevent all violations. Although the government tries to eliminate all misleading labels, the consumer must nevertheless be always on guard. Just because a can os sardines has a fancy-sounding foreign name, do not take for granted the fish were imported. That is a law too that manufacturers must list their names and places of business on their labels. Manufacturers must use common names in identifying their products so that anyone can readily understand what he is buying. Synthetic foods must be prominently labeled as artificial. Food composed of two or more igredigents must bear labels listing all ingredigents in the order of predominance. 1. According to the article. What is the main purpose of a label? . 2. What will a careful reading of a label prevent? .. 3. What does the author suggest? 4. What may a foreign name on a label cause? . 5. Where must the most important ingredient of a product be listed? . Passage 2: Would you like a robot in your house? It is now generally accepted that in the future robots will take over many of your tasks, especially jobs of a repetiyive nature. But its doubt if robots will ever be able to do of the more creative types of work-or indeed if people would want them too. in the home robots would probably be used to do the cleaning, table-laying, scrubbing and washing up, but its considered unlikely so far that they will be used to do the cooking-at least not in the near future. robots in the home might not be creative enough to do the cooking, plan the meals and so on. Thay would be used as slaves, thereby freeing people to do more things they wanted. 1. How is a robot accepted now? . 2. What is a doubt about robots? . 3. What would robots be used for in the home? .. 4. Could robots do the cooking and plan the meals creatively? 5. Why would robots be used as slaves? .. Passage 3: The city with the highest temperature yesterday was Singapore. At noon the temperature in Singapore was 330 C and at midnight the temperature there was

250 C. Tokyo had the second highest temperature. It was only 20 C lower than in Singapore at noon. The temperature in Rome at noon was 300 C. The same as in New York, one degree higher than that in Athens and Hong Kong. The temperature at midnight was the same as the temperature at midnight in Paris, but its noon temperature was 240 C. The coolest city was London, with a temperature of only 220 C at noon and 130 C at midnight. The five cities with the highest temperature had a lot of sunshine throughout the day. Although it was cloudy in Athens and Paris, it did not rain. It was also cloudy and dry in Slockholm, but it rained heavily in both London and Hog Kong. 1. Whats is the highest temperature in Singapore? . 2. What city had the same temperature as in New York? . 3. What city was the coolest city on that day? . 4. Where didnt it rain? . 5. Where does the passage come from? . Passage 4: When the petroleum first comes out of the ground, it is called crude oil. This oil is impure. In other words, it is dirty, and people need to clean it. When they clean or refine it, they manufacture different products. They put the oi into the furnace to heat it. The lightest part of the oil becomes natural gas. We use the natural gas to heat our homes and to cook with. The heaviest part of the oil becomes asphalt. We use asphalt to pave roads and parking lots. In between the natural gas and the asphalt, this process produces gasoline, kerosene, heating oil, and lubricating oil. We use gasoline to operate our cars. We need lubricating oil to grease machines and other mental objects with moving parts, for example, sewing machine. 1. What is crude oil? . 2. What does of the lightest part of the oil become? . 3. What is a natural gas used for? . 4. What happens to the heaviest part of the oil? . 5. What do we use to operate our cars? Where does it come from? . C. Gap-filling by an appropriate word: Everyone agrees that modern cities areand something must be done about it. The air weis not pure, the water we drink has to be purified with chlorine, and our streets are often dirty because of..that has not been collected, paper bags and cans thrown away and pavements dog.

Factories are responsible for most of the pollution. Their..pour out smoke, contaminating the atmosphere, and also produce sulphur that are invisible and also dangerous. In many cases, they rivers with effluents, even though the factories themselves are outside the city. But private individuals are also responsible. Many citizens add to the smoke with coal fire .their chimneys; almost all of us have cars that fill the air with . exhaust fumes; a large number of us are guilty of throwing..away in the streets, or allowing our dogs to foul them. II. Writing A. Building sentenses as guided words: 1. If you/ study harder/ you pass/ the exam/ last year. . 2. I/ come/ see you/ unless/ I/ be kept/ late/ office . 3. I hear/ you/ leave home/ very early/ yesterday. . 4. You/ hear?/ their house/ break into/ last night. . 5. I/ wonder/ you/ mind/ close/ the windows. . 6. The man/ who/ stand by/ the door/ my teacher . 7. By this time tomorrow/ we/ finish/ our work . 8. What you/ do/ when I/ telephone/ last night? I/ watch T.V . 9. At this time next week/ we/ work/ in Ho Chi Minh city . 10. How often/ Olympic Games/ hold? . -Every four years B. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. Hed rather play golf than tennis He prefers 2. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there It is such 3. He could not afford to buy the car The car 4. The mechanic serviced my car last week I had 5. You cant visit the United States unless you get a visa. If you 6. Mary is a better cook than Tom Tom 7. The water was so cold that the children couldnt swim in it.

The water was not 8. His bank manager turned down his request for a loan His request 9. I advised you to put your money in the bank Youd 10. He didnt return to his native village until the war ended Not until C. Translate into Vietnamese or English: 1. It is the incredible speed of computers, along with their memory capacity, which makes them so useful and valuable. 2. Computers can solve problems in a fraction of the time it takes man. For this reason, business use them to keep their accounts, and airline, railway, and bus companies use them to control ticket sales. 3. As for memory, modern computers can store information with high accuracy and reliability. 4. A computer can put data into its memory and retreive it again in a few millionths of a second. It also has a storage capacity for as many as a million items. 5. The computer has changed the production of copy in the newspaper industry. There are three steps involved in the process: imput, correction and output. 6. Trc y em trai bn ti vn thng thc khuya hc ting Anh v n rt thch ting Anh. 7. D my tnh in t c tinh vi n th no chng na, n cng khng th thay th cho b c con ngi c. 8. Cho n nay ngi ta ni nhiu v ch li ca my tnh hin i 9. Ch khi no my tnh c dng rng ri th cc ngnh khoa hc v k thut mi c th pht trin nhanh c.

10. My tnh khng th t ngh c v n ch lm ci m ngi lp trnh bo n lm.

Practise 4
1. Fill in each blank with a suitable word: fundamental is campaign commensurable on suitable elementary at grounded associated was of cycling sight woke achieved would miss dull may wake blunt do up cast will miss chair related overhaul flung had told pitched view have told haul up lead make up managed lay about crowed to cycle lay-by policy

1. Accuracy the skill of typewriting. 2. It has always been theof this company to promote exciting products 3. Mr. Johnson has been asked to..the next meeting of the club committee 4. He has been unable to find a jobwith his ability as an accountant 5. Imy eyes around the room but could not see her 6. The police said that the man was killed by a .instrument 7. The camperstheir tent at the base of the mountain 8. Income tax rates are usuallyto ones annual income 9. As they watch the football match the huge crowdin unison 10. The car needs a complete 11. We thought across France, all three of us 12. I wish you about your plan earlier said Mary 13. They talked about the route through France and the date thay would go and finally decided.June 22nd 14. They all got off and waited ntil Johnready 15. After another few minutes they heard a strange noise from Stevens bike. They pull over into look at the damage 16. Theyto fix and rode on 17. We mustfor lost time they replied 18. And if we dont catch it we.the connection 19. John and Steven stopped at the top of the hill to admire the sight while Mary looked at the timetable. 20. Mary fell asleep and the other didnt move in case they..her. II.Read the following passages and answer the questions below: Passage 1: How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year. He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have toothache before they see a dentist. Secondly, we should brush our teeth wth a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal. Thirdly we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body; milk, cheese, fish, brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetable and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits and cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they stick to our teeth and cause decay. 1. Only when do a lot of people visit a dentist? 2. How often ought we to try to clean our teeth? 3. What should not we eat a lot? 4. What are sweets harmful? 5. What happens to our teeth when food and germs collect in small crack? Passage 2: For many years many people believed that the cleverest animals after man were Chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that Dolphins maybe even cleverer than these big apes. Although a

Dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. It is an animal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being. Dolphins have simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It maybe possible for man to learn how to talk to Dolphins. But this will not be easy because Dolphin can not hear the kind of sounds man can make. If the man wants to talk to Dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and Dolphins can understand. Dolphins are also very friendly towards man. They often follow ships. There are many stories of Dolphins guilding ships through difficult and dangerous water. 1. Which animals do people think may be the cleverest? 2. What other beings are Dolphins like in many ways? 3. What have scientists discovered about Dolphin? 4. Why is the third language necessary if man wants to talk to Dolphin? 5. In what way are Dolphins friendly to man? Passage 3: Fire was very important to man. He needed fire to keep himself warm at night. He used fire to cook his food. He used fire to frighten away enemies and wild animals. In some parts of the world he used fire to signal messages. Red Indians, for example, used fire to make signals. In some other countries people lit fires to warn their friends of the danger. Fire was also to give light. Before the invention of the oil lamp, men used burning sticks as torches. And before man discovered gas and electricity, he hung the small fires in wire baskets from posts to light the streets. One man even used fire to tell the time. He invented a candle clock. He made a candle that took exactly twelve hours to burn. Then he marked this candle in twelve equal parts. He lit the candle and could tell him the time by counting the number of parts left of the burning candle. But the candle clock did not always work well. If there was a wind blowing on the candle, the flame burned too quickly. 1. What did man probably first use fire for? 2. What purpose was fire used by Red Indians? 3. What were the first street lights? 4. How long did the candle clock take to burn? 5. What would happen if a wind blew on the candle clock? Passage 4: Uri Geller was born in 1946. When he was only three, he was aware that he had amazing ability, in 1969 he gave his first public performance in a school. He gently rubbed a spoon with his finger, and it began to bend. Three years later he drove car blindfolded through the crowed street of Munich. Later Uri Geller appeared on television in Britain in front of a small studio audience of scientists. He bent spoons and broke metal objects simply by touching them gently with his fingers. He also drew pictures of hidden objects. After the programme, however, there were hundreds of telephone calls, people reported that spoons in their homes bent during the programme. Metal objects broke and watches which had stopped many years ago suddenly started to go again. 1. When did Uri Geller have strange powers?

2. What could he do during his first performance? 3. What did Geller do on television in Britain? 4. What happened after the performance? 5. What did a lot of people report in their homes? III. Fill in each blank with one suitable word and phrase: Buddhism comes from the word Buddha. Buddha is a person, he lived more than 2500 years ago in India. His family was rich. a beautiful house.. many servants. One day when he went out of his house. He saw many unhappy people? He looked at..He asked himself these questions: Why are people so unhappy? How can people be happy?. When he was 29 years old, he..his family and his beautiful home. He went out into the world to find the answer. He tried many ways. He studied with teachers but they did not his questions. He lived in the forest. He hurt his body. He did not eatmany days. He tried to get away from his body. But this did not give him the answers to his questions. Then he sat down.. a tree and he thought. He sat for 49.After this time he learned something from himself. He became the Buddha. His questions werePeople were unhappy because they want things. They are looking for food, money and other things. When a man does not want things, then he will be happy. When a .does not want things, he will be free. He does not think about himself. He does not think about tomorrow. He is kind to others. IV. Constructed the sentences as guided: 1. lost/ I/ my watch/ last week. 2. London/ do you know/ very well? 3. Did you buy/ in England/ that jacket? 4. We/ enjoyed/ very much/ the party. 5. every day/ do/ the same thing/ we 6. from my brother/ borrowed/ $ 50/ I 7. I/ this picture/ dont like/ very much 8. crossed/ the street/ they/ carefully 9. We/ at the concert/ some friends/ met 10. I/ want to speak/ fruently/ English V. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the one printed before it.

1. Have you ot a pale blue sweater? I askes the shop assistant. - I asked 2. She showed me one that was too small - The one she. 3. How much is the red sweater? He asked - How much does 4. The red sweater was more expensive than the blue one. - The blue sweater 5. So I bought neither! - So I didnt 6. On arrival at the airport, please, go straight to the check in desk - When 7. Remember to check your flight number. - Dont 8. Your passport will be checked in the immigration Hall - The immigration officials 9. Tax free goods can be bought before you get on the plane - You 10. Some tax free goods will be on sale during your flight - There VI. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese or English: 1. Some of Britains exports are: chemicals, which are produced all over the country; chocolate and sugar confectionery, which are made mostly in New York and in South West; drinks, which are produced in Scotland; and metals and metal products, which are manufactured in many regions including Yourshire, South Wales, the Midlands and the Northern Region. 2. Copper and tin were used before iron, they melt at a lower temperature, and can be mixed to form a useful metal called bronze 3. Iron was probably first extracted from meteorites, perhaps around 3000 BC (Iron ornaments dating from 5000 years ago have been found in the Middle East). Later, iron was extracted from iron ore (impure iron) by the Hittiles, around 2000 BC. The iron was first heated, then hammered to move the impurities, then cooled. Finally, the iron was heated again and shaped into tools or weapons. .. 4. We are all slowly destroyed the Earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in. There is too much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the worlds cities. In one well known

city, for example, poisonous gas from cars pollutes the air so that traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks. 5. The Seahorse is a very strange animal. It is a fish, but its head like a horse. The male takes care of the eggs until they hatch into baby fish. The Seahorse swims standing up. Its eyes can move seperately so it can see everywhere at once. Its mouth is at the end of its nose. 6. Tin hc ngy nay tr nn ph bin i vi khng ch ngi ln m cn c tr em na. 7. Cho n nay tim nng du kh ca Vit nam c nhiu ha hn, nhiu m du mi c pht hin v khai thc c hiu qu. 8. Hm nay gi vng v la u gim mnh trn khp th trng Vit nam.

Practise 5
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. For each question, 1 to 20 indicate on your answer A, B, C, D or b: against the question: 1. Manchester United..Liverpool in the E.A. Cup Final. A, beat B, won C, sailed D, lost

2. Oh, dear! My watch has..! A, ended B, stopped C, finished D, completed 3. I always try to..something each month for my holidays. A, save B, spare C, spend D, put 4. Hes always telling me what to do. Hes so A, cruel B, bossy C, helpful D, charming 5. My brother cant play tomorrow and A, either can I B, neither can I C, neither I can D, I cant too 6. He was pleased to have hear such a fine musican play his favourite piece of music A, occasion B, possibility C, late D, opportunity 7. You must have a reason for not attending classes. A medical certificate will be accepted. A, successful B, recent C, satisfactory D, secure 8. Freda came to the meeting but Charles. A. isnt B, hasnt C. didnt D, wasnt 9. A bed on board a ship is called a A, sleeper B. cabin C, bunk D, dormitory 10. I was very ..for all the advice she gave me. A, glad B, gradeful C, in debt D, please 11. inform you that your mother died ten minutes ago. A, sorry B, regret C, apologise D, pity 12. My sister doesnt like to go swimming, but she wishes she. A, likes B, did C, will like D, goes 13. The teacher says, The time is up. This means that the period of time has A, ended B, begun C, has interesting D, seemed belong 14. He looks tired of carrying that case..? A, isnt he B, doesnt he C, is he D, dont he 15. When I was a boy, I..tea to coffee A, has prefered B, prefer C, prefered D, preferred 16. I asked him. A, where he lived B, where does he live C, where did he live D, where he lives 17. The road A, at B, in C, for D, under 18. A child who hits smaller or weaker children is called A, an enemy B, a rascal C, a tyrant D, a bully 19. He lived on the.of the city A, boundary B, suburus C, outside D, outskirts 20, Im not very keenclassical music A, of B, on C, for D, to

II. Reading: How can we know that the birds we see in the South in the winter are the same ones that come north in the spring? Once John! Audubon a bird lover, wondered about this. Every year he watched a pair of little phoebes nesting in the same place. How wondered if they were the same birds. He decided to put tiny silver bands on their legs. The next spring back came the birds with the brands to very same place. Back same the young birds to build their nestson the walls of farm buildings in the neighbourhood. The phoebe, it was learned, in winter wherever it was warm enough to find flies. In summer, phoebes could be seen from Georgia to Canada in winter anywhere from Georgia to Flordia

and Mexico. The poebe was the first kind of bird to be branded, and Mr. Audubon was the first birdbander. Today there are hundreds of birdbanders all over America. These peoples band all kinds of birds. The government of the United States has a special birdbanding department which makes all the birdbands. The bands do not hurt the birds, as they are made of aluminum and are very light. They come in different sizes for different size birds. Each band has a special number. On each band are these words: Notify Fish and Wildfife service, Washington D.C. Anyone who finds a dead bird a band on as legs is asked to send the band to Washington with a note telling where and when the bird was found. In this way naturalists add to their knowledge of the habit and needs of birds. 1.The title below that best expresses the main them or subject of this selection is A. The work of John Audubon B. Studying birdlife through birdbanding C. The migration of birds D. The habits and needs of birds 2. According to the selection. Audubon proved his theory that A. the government should make a scientific study of birds B. birds prefer a diet of flies C. birds return to the same nesting place each spring D. silver is the best material for birdbands 3. Audubons purpose in banding the phobes was to A. notify the government B. satisfy his curiosity C. start a birdbanding department D. gain fame as the first birdbander 4. The migration habits of phoebes depend upon A. the available food supply B. nesting places C. the number of young birds D. the help of bird lovers 5. which statement is TRUE according to the selection? A. All young birds build their nests on the walls farm buildings B. Resident of Georgia may expect to see phoebes all year long C. The weight of a band causes a bird considerable discomfort D. The government offers a reward for information about dead birds.

III. Writing: A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word from the box. entertainment before listening run according after unemployment monasteries who democratic travels companies until country leader although which .to the world bank the Kingdom of Bhutan is the second poorest country in the world, but there is no., no begging and almost no crime.

Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Dragon King, is the worlds youngest hereditary .but he says that the country is more..than any other region. He round Bhutan, showing himself to the people and.. to their opinions. Although this is a very old.the monarchy is quite new, . this century it is was Buddhist priests. There is still a very strong religious feeling and there are 1.300. in a nation of only one million people. Bhutan allows only 2000 tourists a year, but no multinational even though it is very short of capital. It takes no help from the USD or Russia. Students .go aboard to study must spend 6 months when they return in remote villages to rediscover their roots..going back into Bhutanese society. Although the people are poor they are content. The atmosphere is relaxed and traditions have hardly changed since the Middle Ages. Archery is the countrys major sport and folk dances are the main forms of B. Building sentences as guided; 1. Thank you/ letter/ I receive/ last week. . 2. You say/ you see/ Angela/ recently/ you/not say/ how/ she be. . 3. Please/ let/ I/ know/ give/ she/ my/ regard. . 4. I/ be/ in Carolina/ six weeks/ already . 5. I/ enjoy/ life/ here/ very much . 6. I/ work/ hard/ since/ I/ arrive . 7. job/ be/ interesting/ everyone/ be/ very kind/ to me . 8. you/ say/ you/ come/ to see/ me/ this Christmas . 9. I hope/ you/ not change/ your mind . 10. If you/ come/ I/ show/ you around . C. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means excactly the same sent me printed before: 1. He couldnt afford to buy the car. The car 2. They havent cleaned the streets this week. The streets 3. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges. Apples are not 4. Bring your swimming things in case its sunny He told me 5. No one has signed this cheque This cheque 6. The exception is not in class

There is no 7. No one can solve the environment problem The problem

Practise 6
I. Circle the word or phrase which best completes each sentence: 1. An American siter for the accident. A. accused B. charged C. blamed D. sued 2. The road isrepair

A. under B. for C. at 3. It is not worth ..out now.It is too much late. A. it go B. going C. it going 4. My father had the telephone .out of his office A. take B. taken C. taking 5. We feel A. at home B. like home C. as home 6. Plesae let John A. go b. going C. to go 7. Look! There is a carto wards you! A. coming B. comes C. came 8. Although he shouted , his words the wind A. killed B. lost C. drowned 9. She refused to eat meat under any. A. circumstances B. occasion C. opportunity 10. She says he has been in town A. many B. every C. all

D. in D. to go D. to take D. home like D. goes D. come D. stopped D. reason D. most

II.Read the passage and answer the questions below: On thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke dressed for going out, took her handbag with her money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went to the Over 60s Club. She always went there on Thursday, it was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone. Atsix oclock she came home, let herself in and at once smell cigarette smoke, Cigarette smoke in her house ? How? Had somebody got in ? She checked the back door and the windows. All were licked or fastened, as usual. There was no sign of forced entry. Had anything been taken ? She went fromroom to room, checking. Yes, some things were missing- her small radio, her spare watch, a camera. That was all, she thought; but she couldnt be sure just yet. She was annoyed, of course, but rather glad nothing had been thrown about. Over a cup of tea she wondered whether someone might have a key that fitted her front door a master key perhaps. So she stayed at home the following Thursday. Nothing happened. Was anyone watching her movement ? On the Thursday after she went out at her usual time, dressed as usual, but she didnt go to the club, instead she took a short cut home again, letting herself through her garden ang the back door. She settled down to wait. It was just after four oclock when the front door bell rang. Mrs.Clarke was marking a cup of tea at time the bell rang again the she heard her letter -box being pushed open. With the kettle of boiling water in her hand , she moved quitly towards the front door. Along piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand . The wire turned and caught the knob on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over hand. There was a shout outside, and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove. The wire fell to the floor, the hand was pulled back, and Mrs. Clarke heard the sound of running feet. That evening she reported the matter to the police. They were not too pleased, but they came and took away the wire and the skin. It was only self-protection she told the officer. An old woman must try to look after herself. With the help of a doctor the police found the man and recovered Mrs. Clarkes things. She has become something of heroine at the Over 60s Club. 1. Mrs. Clarke looked forward to Thursdays because A. she worked at a club on that day B. she had visitors on Thursdays C. she visited a club on Thursday afternoons. D. a special visitor came on Thursday

2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. III.

The smell of cigarette smoke surprise her because She had taken cigarette with her she never left a cigarette burning she didnt smoke she did not allow smoking at home On the third Thursday Mrs. Clarke went out because she didnt want to miss the club again to see if the thief was hanging about outside to the club but then changed her mind in attempt to trick the thief The wire fell to the floor because Mrs. Clarke refused to open the door when the mans glove dropped off because the man just wanted to get away because it was too hot to hold The thief was arrested after Mrs. Clarke described him to the police He complained to the police he went to a doctor about his hand the police found his finger-printes on the wire

Writing: A. Fill in the gap with one suitable word: One Wenesday morning I went to to the Department Store to.some shopping and to meet a friend.lunch. In the Ladies Fashion Department I bought a belt and a bag and paid.them. As I was waiting for the lift..go up to the coffee floor, I saw a silk shirt that I liked. I try it.And decided to buy it. I looked..for an assistant to pay but couldnt see anybody. The lift came and as was late for my appointment, I.the shirt in my pocket intending to pay for it later on my way.. ., I forgot to pay and . Stopped at the door by the store detective to go to the managers office where I was of stealing the shirt. It is quite embarrassing. I simply forgot to pay. B. Use one of the verbs in this box to fill each gap: fell found spent lost needed hurt welcome laughed took left saved celebrated was smiled couldnt brought moved look helped travelled saw Grey Smith yesterday .his 18th birthday, but hes lucky to be alive. In March this year, heclimbing Ben Nevis Britains highest mountain, when hehis way and three days in sub-zero temperature. My friendsat me for having so much survival equipment, but it my life! On the first night the weather so bad that it tore his new mountain tent to pieces, so he ..into a Youth Hostel for a night. He .the hostel at 10.00 the next morning, but he was soon in trouble. a rock, knees, Imove. Mountain rescue teams went out to ..for Gary, and . him at 1.00 in the morning. A helicopter..him to hospital, where heseveral perations. Next time Ill go with my friends, not on my own, he joked.

C. Buiding sentences as guided: 1. Walk/ along/ street/ he meet/ petty girl . 2. A man/ London come/ see/ you in this morning . 3. Friday/ be/ last time I/ see/ her . 4. I/ pleased/ see/ you/ stop/ smoke . 5. She/ ask/ John/ how he/ like/ new dress . 6. The shops/ be/ always/ full/ people/ Christmas . 7. I/ arrive/ Paris/ but/ I/ not be able/ find/ your house . 8. There/ be/ no rain/ last month . 9. At first/ I think/ English/ easy/ but/ I find/ very difficult . 10. If you/ study harder/ you pass/ the exams/ last year . D. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first: 1. He failed to win the race He did not 2. When I heard the telephone ring, I answered it immediately On .. 3. He never has enough money Hes always 4. Where is the nearest tube? she asked She enquired .. 5. I am sure he was having a bath when I called He must .. 6. There was never any answer when I rang Everytime 7. Thats an insulting name to use for him Dont call 8. John asked if it was the blue one or the green one she wanted Which.. 9. She likes Paris very little, and Rome less She thought Rome.. 10. They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight. All the prisoners..

Practise 7
I. Reading: A, Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase taken from the box below:

cross already cost index help

by across charge have had stop

is getting apart from to had had on

would write eating sight by will write

gets have up with sensitive

almost will have directory aware

1. Go on, finish the dessert. It needsup because it wont stay fresh until tomorrow. 2. Most people prefer flyinggoing by sea because it is so much cheaper 3. Before he left on his trip to America, the young man promised his parents them regularly. 4. Andrew couldnt ..laughing at the expression on Maggies face. 5. Of course I did not break it ..purpose. It was an accident 6. In the hotel lobby the detective caughtof a man he had been hired to follow 7. If only we ...more time, we could have seen more of the country 8. They search for the number in the phone 9. When they could putthe noise no longer, they banged on their neighbours door. 10. That hotel is so expensive. 60 pounds for bed and breakfast. 11. As long as we.enough rain, I think there will be a good harvest. 12. She came to live here a month ago. 13. Could you wait for a few moments unti the manager..back? 14. The journey took so long that ..the time we got there all the seats had been sold 15. If you make a mistake when you are writing, just out with your pen B. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below each passage: Passage 1: Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the nineteenth century and later came to the United States. Several members of his family did a great deal to encourage him in the field of science. His father was most instrumental in supervising his work with the deaf. While he dealt with the deaf and investigated the science of acoustics, his studies eventually led to the invention of the multiple telegraph and his greatest invention the telephone. The last quarter of a century of his life was dedicated to advances in aviation. 1. What was considered to be Alexander Graham Bells greatest achievement? 2. To what di Bell dedicate the last years of his life? 3. What did he eventually invent when he worked with the deaf? 4. How many years did Bell dedicate to aviation? 5. What can we conclude about Alexander Graham Bell? Passage 2: Adaption is the process by wich living things adjust to changes in their environment always of finding food, protecting themselves from their enemies, and reproducing. The protective adaptations vary with each species of animal, depending on its individual needs and environment. Many animals possess colors that help them blend in with their surroundings. Polars bears and Arctic foxes can easily move undetected amidst the winter snows. Many butterflies colors make it

difficult to find them among the trees. Chameleons can change colors to disguise themselves on rocks, trees, and wood chips. Snakes bite, wasps and bees sting; skunks emit a pungent odor; and porcupines release painful quills into their attackers. 1. Is the way animals protect themselves from dangers considered adaptation? 2. What do animals protective adaptations depend on? 3. How can Chameleons adapt themselves to the environment? 4. How do bees behave when they are attacked? 5. What is adaptation? Passage 3: Language, the way we express ourselves, is vital part of learning. A baby learns his native tongue naturally by hearing speecharound him. If the speech he hears is rapid, not clear and never directed at him then he learns slowly and speaks badly. A child of two or three years who cant make he desires known or put his thoughts into words will usually become angry. His relationships with others will get worse. If the speech a baby hears around him is clear, and his family talk to him, he will gain a satisfactory command of language directly, by his mother, his language ability will be greater. By the time he is two it is quite possible for him to have a vocabulary of two thousand words and by the time he is three he will be able to read. Once ahead he will stay ahead. 1. How is language delined by the writer? 2. How does a baby learn his mother tongue? 3. How does the child usually react when he cant express himself? 4. What is the role of the mother in the education of her child? 5. What are the ideas expressed by the writer on how a child should be taught his native language? Passage 4: Since the world became indstrialized, the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that extinction will have been caused amost entirely by poachers, who, according to some sources, are not always interested in in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to the problem of extinction. Animal such as Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are valuable parts of the worlds ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival and the survival of our planet. 1. According to the passage, what is the most serious prblem with animal species? 2. Give an example of an animal species in the danger of extinction? 3. By whom will the extinction of Bengal tiger have been caused by the year 2025?

4. What must be done to protect these endangered species? 5. What is the main idea of the passage? C. II. Fill in the blank with one suitable word: Keeping fit Bodies are made to move! THey are not designed for sitting around in front of television or reading magazines. Keeping fit doesnt mean you have to a super athlete and even a little exercise can give you a lot of fun. When youre fit and healthy, youll find you look better and feel better. Youll more energy and self-confidence. Every time you move youexercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and climb. The more it does, the stronger and fitter it will become. Best of., exercise is fun. Its what your body likes doing most-keeping on the move. Physical exercise is not only goodfor your body. People who take regular exercise are usually happier, more relaxed and more alert.people who sit around all day. Try an experiment-next time youre in a bad mood, go..a walk or play a ball game in the park. See how much better you feel after an hour. A sense of achievement is yet another benefit of exercise. People feel good . themselves when they know they have improved fitness. People .. exercise regularly will tell you that they find they have more energy to enjoy life. So have a go-youll soon see and feel the benefits! II. Writing: A. Construct the sentences as guided: 1. What/ most interesting film/ you/ ever/ see/ recently? 2. I wish/ you/ net make me/ get up so early/ this morning 3. He/ try/ give up/ smoking/ many times/ but/ he/ never/ succeed 4. If/ I/ you/ I / never/ apply/ that job. 5. Id rather/ stay/ home/ watch/ TV/ go out 6. I/used/ smoke/ but now/ do not/ any more 7. You/ catch/ cold/ if/ you/ not keep/ feet/ dry 8. This/ most delicious cake/ I/ ever/ taste/ my life 9. Gate/ be closed/ stop/ children/ run/ road 10. I/ look forward/ see/ both/ you/ my brothers wedding/ next December B. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that ir means the same as the one printed before it. 1. She bought that house in 1980

She has . 2. Youd better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth said John John advised Elizabeth 3. I started work for the company a year ago. Ive been 4. Susan felt sick, because she ate four cream cakes If Susan 5. My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview. I must 6. You stole my best cassette, Amanda! said William William accused 7. Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldnt sail The rough sea 8. Please check for damage before signing the delivery note Dont . 9. Roses cant possibly grow in such poor ground It is impossible 10. Your car might break down on the rough mountain road, so take plenty of spare parts In case C. Translate these sentences into English or Vietnamese: 1. Khi chng ti n sn bay th my bay ct cnh c5 pht ri. Nu chng ti khng b tc nghn giao thng, chng ti khng b l chuyn bay. 2. Ngn ng l phng tin giao tip ca con ngi. Theo c tnh hin nay c khong 4.000 ngn ng c s dng trn th gii. 3. Nhiu ngn ng ch c mt vi trm hoc mt vi nghn ngi s dng, trong khi nhiu ngn ng khc, chng hn nh ting Ty Ba Nha, ting Anh, ting Trung quc li c ti hng triu ngi s dng. 4. Cng cuc i mi Vit Nam trong mi nm nm qua t c nhng thnh cng ng k, mang li nhng thay i ln lao cho cuc sng ca ngi dn 5. Nhiu bc cha m cho rng phim nh phng Ty c nh hng xu n con ci ca h v c qu nhi cnh bo lc trong phim. 6. Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers to be an important factor in the development of cancer of lungs and cancer of the throat.

7. Television is one of mans most important means of communication in modern society. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. 8. Hardly a week goes by without some advances in technology that would have seemed incredible 50 years ago. Over the past 20 years computers have revotionalized our lives. 9. Statistics shows beyond doubt that cigarette smoking can damage health, yet a surprisingly large number of people continue to smoke in spite of all warnings. 10. Indias population will be near one billion by the next year, population growth is high, at 2.3 percent. Consequently, the Indian government encourages families to have only two children.

Practise 8
I. Reading A. From the list below, choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences.

by waiting told however explain melt out

times expecting directed despite show dissolve down

crowed what suggest avoided As in case refused

full so advise prevented being if thought

sleeping quite interesting turned valueless list

sleeper too attracting went invaluable form

1. The room measures four metres ..five metres. 2. When he telephoned from the airport Mr. Smith was told that the hotel was .. 3. Andrew and his men walked silently past the.guards. 4. Mrs. Miller is.her first baby at the end of the month. 5. a lovely present! Thank you so much. 6. He is..intelligent to be taken in by such a trick. 7. The policemanme the way. 8. What do to do about my lost luggage? 9. Children will work hard if the lesson are. 10. his illness, he managed to finish the project on time. 11. His prompt telephone call to the Gas Boarda disaster from occuring 12. Unexpectedly the lights....out and we were left in darkness. 13. Could youme how to use this new washing machine? 14. Deborah works.a speech writer for the Prime Minister. 15. During my time as chairman of this company Ive found their advises very. 16. When spring came the ice and snow began to.. 17. We have bought a lot of food and drink.our friends saty to dinner 18. At the beginning of the class, the teacher called out the names on the 19. The police have warned tourists to look ..for pickpockets in the town center 20. Heto sign the statement the police put in front of him. B. Reading the paragraphs and answer the questions below: Paragraph 1: A tiny village school is soon to celebrate its 110th birthday. Five years ago it seemed certain to close but parents and other villagers fought the local education authority and raised funds to keep it open. It is now endingits first term as a school run by the village community and the villagers are justly proud of their achievement. They were angry when education chiefs tried to make them send the village children to other schools further away because the number of pupils at the village school was too small. The villagers started a huge campaign to raise money. They collected enough to hire a teacher and bagan to help with school cleaning, lunch supervision and lessons. Now the school is doing well and it seems as if it will continue to run in the future. 1. What is a tiny village school going to do soon? 2. Where did the parents get the money they needed to keep the school open? 3. Who is the school run by? 4. What did the villagers collect enough money for?

5. Do you think the school is doing well? Paragraph 2: Recently the World Health Organization announced that the disease of smallpox had almost been wiped out in most part of the world, thanks to the widespread vaccination. Most people are vaccinated at least once in their lives and if they wish to travel from one country to another they must be able to show a certificate proving that they have had a recent vaccination. In this way the disease has been prevented from spreading and today one seldom hears of it at all. This mainly due to remarkable discovery made by a country doctor, Edward Jenner, in about 1798 when he published an account of his axperiments in a new method called vaccination (from the Latin word vacca meaning a cow). 1. What did the World Health Organization announce recently? 2. How amny times are most people vaccinated in their lives? 3. What do you have to do if you want to travel to other countries? 4. Whom was this remarkable discovery made by? 5. What is his new method of experiments called? Paragraph 3: While radio broadcasting was still in its infancy the marvel of television was already being developed. The first step towards its invention was taken in 1873 but the person responsible for developing it was John Logie Baird. In 1926 he gave the first demonstration of a television picture. As a home entertainment, television rapidly became more popular than any other form. A news broadcast became more immedicate when people could actually see the scenein question and movements of the figures. Films could be viewed in the comfortof the home and variety shows were also available. One of the advantages of travel programs was the glimpse of far-away places which many viewers would not otherwise have seen. 1. What happened while radio broadcasting was still in its infancy? 2. When was the first demonstration of a TV picture given? 3. Why did television rapidly become more popular than any other form? 4. What programs on television could be viewed? 5. What is one of the advantages of travel programs? Paragraph 4: A diet is a plan for eating. The purpose of most diets is to lose weight, but following diets is not always easy. Many people find them difficult for a number of reasons. They must avoid foods that are high in calories and fats, and this often means giving up some of their favourite dishes and substituting other foods that are nutritious but not fattening. Body-builders and fitness enthusiasts try to gain weight and go onspecial diets. They eat food high inprotein in order to build muscle, increase their body weight and improve their appearance. Health-conscious diets pay careful attention to the nutritional value os the food they eat.

1. Is it difficult to follow diets? Why? 2. Why do many people go on diets? 3. What kind of food do the body-builders and fitness enthusiasts eat? 4. What are the advantages of food high in protein? 5. What do health-conscious diets pay attention to? C, Find a suitable word to fill the blanks in the passage below: Many children have accidents in their homes. As the result, some children die. The most commonare with fire and hot water. Small children often touch pots of boiling water on the stove. The pots fall over and the water fall on the children and burns Some children like to It is very .to play with matches. When achild strikes a match, the flame soon burns near .fingers. Then he drops the match.the floor. Many house catch fire in this ...Some kind of clothing burn very Many children have been badly...because they have stood near a fire and their clothing has suddendly caught fire. II. Writing: A, Construct the sentences as guided: 1. Last summer/ my friend/ invite/ I/ stay/ him 2. Since/ his wife/ die/ 1995/ he/ live/ alone 3. When/ he/ be/ a boy/ he/ be/ fond of/ chocolate 4. She/ not/ like/ travel/ car/ bacause/ she/ be/ often/ carsick 5. I/ look/ forward/ see/ you/ soon 6. I/ wish/ the teacher/ give us/ less homework. 7. This box/ be/ too heavy/ send/ post 8. There/ be/ good film/ TV/ tonight 9. It/ important/ us/ learn/ English 10. She/ come/ home late/ she/ have/ plenty/ work/ to do. B. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it: 1. Paul didnt lend me any money so I was unable to buy the car If 2. We arrived too late to see him off at the airport.

We didnt 3. Though he was poor, he wasnt always unhappy Despite 4. May I borrow your newspapers for a moment? Would you mind 5. Id rather not invite him to the cinema tomorrow. I dont 6. Fossil fuel will be more expensive if scientists dont get energy from the wind and the sun Unless 7. They are going to paint the house for us next week. We are going 8. He couldnt come because of his serious illness Because 9. We were not allowed to touch the piano He did not allow 10. I often do morning exercises every day I am used C. Translate these sentences into Englsih or Vietnamese: 1. The show would have started an hour ago. I dont know what could have caused the delay 2. I sometimes take Johns coat instead of my own because the two of them look so similar .. 3. All the workers complained that the price of food had increased so that their standard of living had fallen. 4. The house we have rented is unfurnished, so we shall have to buy more beds, chairs, tables. 5. She was a famous actress. Whenever she went, the fan surrounded her and asked her for her autograph. 6. Ti trng thy anh y i khi nh rt sm. 7. Ti yu m nhc cho d ti khng th chi c mt loi nhc c no c 8. Anh y khng nhng hc ting anh m cn hc ting Php na 9. Khi ti ga Tim thy cc bn ca mnh ti y . 10. Nu khng c s gip ca bn th ti khng th thi .

Practise 9
I. Reading section: A. Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase in the colums below:

since we were while traffic memory moment such annoying laughed hadnt used

until would we when transport brain present a such arguing shouted didnt use

think if until broke both of them transmitted from give since news

wonder that then have broken neither of them trasported with break when information

1. ..he joined the army my brother had never been aboard. 2. The police officer asked us what.doing 3. you get to the Red Lion pub you will have to stop and ask for direction 4. Buses and trains are the most important form of this country 5. He cant remember anything about himself because he lost his.. 6. I am studying for my exams at the.. 7. The firm couldnt pay..large salary 8. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson are always..with each other about money. 9. He was amused. He must have. 10. If she..spices, her food wouldnt have tasted so good. 11. I..what the weather is going to be like tomorrow 12. Ask him.hes married 13. I hadnt understood the problem.he explained it. 14. If you.this window, you would have to pay for it. 15. Tom and Billy were badly injured in the last match, so . ..can play today 16. The pieces of wood are a paper then. 17. Glass is made..sand and lime 18. Dont .up yet, you will soon be able to play the trmpet well 19. It is over a yearI visited the dentist. 20. If you require any moreabout the holiday, please telephone us B. Read the passages and answer the questions below: Passage 1: Smoking causes lung cancer. Lung cancer is the number one cancer among men. Ninety percent of the people who get lung cancer die. Smoker have six times as much cancer of mouth, tongue, and throat as nonsmokers. smokers have twice as much heart disease. Smoking gives people breathing problems. It harms the stomach. Smoking causes one million early deaths in the world every year. Throughout the world, women live longer than men. Why? Because men smoke more. Nonsmoking men live just as long as women. Smokers pollute the air. They breathe out 100 times as much pollution as nonsmokers. They breathe out on their children and on their wives or husbands. Children whose parents smoke have more breathing and lung problems than other children. Among nonsmoking women married to smokers, there are twice as many deaths from lung cancer as there are among women married to nonsmokers. Men have the right to kill themselves by smoking if they want to. They dont have the right to kill their wives and children by smoking. 1. What kinds of cancer does smoking cause to smokers? 2. How many people are killed by smoking annualy?

3. Does smoking pollute the environment? Why? 4. What kinds of problem do smokers children have more than nonsmokers? 5. What do men have the right to do and not to do? Passage 2 (answer Tor F) Whether or not a person has a happy life is largely a question of health and fitness. If we are not both physically and mentally healthy, we are not happy. A few people are lucky enough to have perfect health, but most of us get sick once in a while. The most common illness is a cold or the flu. Of course, there are many other kinds of illness. Diseases like chicken pox are usually common childhood diseases along with the measles and mumps, while malaria is found only in tropical countries. Also, people in areas with poor santitation get diseases such as cholera, diphtheria and typhoid. Cancer and AIDS are both in the news lately but neither has a known cure. AIDS is a new disease, and prevention is extremely important. Individuals are responsible for making sure they understand the nature of this disease and for taking precautions not to get it. Cancer, which is widespread, is possible caused at least in part by stress. Other likely causes of cancer are exposures to food additives, nicotine, and other toxic chemicals. Effective handlingof stress and good self-awareness are necessary to be spychologically healthy. Alcohol dependency and drug dependency are diseases of both mental and physical nature and are associated with the inability to deal with life and its problems. Modern urban life presents many health challenges. Large cities often have smog which seriously harms the lungs. We often have little control over the quality of the air we breathe or the water we drink. Therefore, it is even more important for us to take care of ourselves in order to live in a healthier and better life. 1. There is a cure for cancer T F 2. A healthy person is usually a happy person T F 3. Stress is one possible cause of cancer T F 4. Good health means that a person is only physically healthy T F 5. Alcohol dependency has both physical and mental health T F 6. Malaria is a common childhood disease T F C. Complete the following passage by writing one suitable word in each space: There was a bank robbery..central London yesterday. Just before closing .Yesterday, a manthe Butcher Street Banch.the National Westminster Bank. He .wearing shortgun, and .. a stocking mask over his haed. Therea few customers in the .at that time. He made them.on the floor and force put money..a sack. As he was leaving, the security tried to ring the alarm. The robber shot him.the guard is now..St. Patricks Hospital. Surgeons are tryingsave his life. Last night the police.a man in South London. Henow helping the police.their enquiries. II. Writing: A, Construct the sentences as guided: 1. Things/ change/ London/ since/ you/ girl 2. He/ sell/ bicycle/ $ 50

3. How long/ you/ know/ each other? 4. I/ sorry/ hear/ another/ sudden death 5. It/ most dangerous/ corner/ I/ see 6. When/ I/ your age/ I/ use/ talk/ father/ respect 7. I/ wish/ reserve/ single room/ Sunday 8. She/ one/ daughter/ work/ us 9. It/ nice/ you/ to/ come 10. Bus/ crowed/ passengers B. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it: 1. I started to work for the company a year ago Ive been 2. Youd better not lend him any more money, Paul said John John advised Paul 3. Mary did not apply for the job in the library and regrets it now Mary wishes 4. Weve got lost because we did not have a map If we 5. If I were you, I would not choose that blue shirt Were I 6. Unless you water these plants every day, they will die If. 7. The fire has destroyed many houses Many houses 8. She wont visit me again I wish 9. He wrote the letter in two hours. It took 10. It was such hot tea that I couldnt drink it The tea

C, Translate these sentences: 1. Young people start smoking because everyone is doing it. They feel grown up and independent. It helps them relax. Then it became a habit. So its important for parents not to smoke cigarettes.

2. Greenland is the largest island in the world. It covers over two billion square kilometres. Most of it lies inside the Arctic Circle, and a huge sheet of ice covers 85% of it. Image that a map of Greenland is on top of a map of Europe. Greenland stretches from London to the middle of the Sahara Desert. 3. In the decade of the 1970s, the United States organized several important meetings on the human environment to study a very serious problem. We humans are destroying the world around us. We are using up all of our natural resources. We must learn to conserve them, or life will be very bad for our children and our grandchildren. 4. Trung Quc l ch nhn ca bn pht minh v i nht ca nn vn minh th gii. Nhng pht minh v i l: thuc n, in n, la bn v giy. Ngi Trung Quc pht minh ra giy vo nm 105 trc Cng nguyn. Giy c lm t la, bng, ng, ma v nhng loi thc vt khc. C ti 7000 loi giy. 5. Ngy nay con ngi lun b e do bi nhng th v kh git ngi hng lot. Chng ta hy ly bom ht nhn lm v d. Vic xy dng cc l phn ng ht nhn v vic th nghim bom ht nhn hin nay ang l mt mi lo ngi ln nhtca c th gii. iu ny tht d hiu v c th gii c th b hu dit bt c lc no bi nhng th v kh ht nhn ny.

Practise 10
2. Fill in each blank with a suitable word: fundamental is campaign will miss pitched managed

commensurable elementary associated sight would miss blunt

on at was woke dull do up

suitable grounded of cycling achieved may wake cast

chair related overhaul flung had told

view have told haul up lead make up

lay about crowed to cycle lay-by policy

21. Accuracy the skill of typewriting. 22. It has always been theof this company to promote exciting products 23. Mr. Johnson has been asked to..the next meeting of the club committee 24. He has been unable to find a jobwith his ability as an accountant 25. Imy eyes around the room but could not see her 26. The police said that the man was killed by a .instrument 27. The camperstheir tent at the base of the mountain 28. Income tax rates are usuallyto ones annual income 29. As they watch the football match the huge crowdin unison 30. The car needs a complete 31. We thought across France, all three of us 32. I wish you about your plan earlier said Mary 33. They talked about the route through France and the date thay would go and finally decided.June 22nd 34. They all got off and waited ntil Johnready 35. After another few minutes they heard a strange noise from Stevens bike. They pull over into look at the damage 36. Theyto fix and rode on 37. We mustfor lost time they replied 38. And if we dont catch it we.the connection 39. John and Steven stopped at the top of the hill to admire the sight while Mary looked at the timetable. 40. Mary fell asleep and the other didnt move in case they..her. II.Read the following passages and answer the questions below: Passage 1: How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year. He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have toothache before they see a dentist. Secondly, we should brush our teeth wth a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal. Thirdly we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body; milk, cheese, fish, brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetable and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits and cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they stick to our teeth and cause decay. 6. Only when do a lot of people visit a dentist? 2. How often ought we to try to clean our teeth? 3. What should not we eat a lot? 4. What are sweets harmful?

5. What happens to our teeth when food and germs collect in small crack? Passage 2: For many years many people believed that the cleverest animals after man were Chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that Dolphins maybe even cleverer than these big apes. Although a Dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. It is an animal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being. Dolphins have simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It maybe possible for man to learn how to talk to Dolphins. But this will not be easy because Dolphin can not hear the kind of sounds man can make. If the man wants to talk to Dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and Dolphins can understand. Dolphins are also very friendly towards man. They often follow ships. There are many stories of Dolphins guilding ships through difficult and dangerous water. 6. Which animals do people think may be the cleverest? 7. What other beings are Dolphins like in many ways? 8. What have scientists discovered about Dolphin? 9. Why is the third language necessary if man wants to talk to Dolphin? 10. In what way are Dolphins friendly to man? Passage 3: Fire was very important to man. He needed fire to keep himself warm at night. He used fire to cook his food. He used fire to frighten away enemies and wild animals. In some parts of the world he used fire to signal messages. Red Indians, for example, used fire to make signals. In some other countries people lit fires to warn their friends of the danger. Fire was also to give light. Before the invention of the oil lamp, men used burning sticks as torches. And before man discovered gas and electricity, he hung the small fires in wire baskets from posts to light the streets. One man even used fire to tell the time. He invented a candle clock. He made a candle that took exactly twelve hours to burn. Then he marked this candle in twelve equal parts. He lit the candle and could tell him the time by counting the number of parts left of the burning candle. But the candle clock did not always work well. If there was a wind blowing on the candle, the flame burned too quickly. 6. What did man probably first use fire for? 7. What purpose was fire used by Red Indians? 8. What were the first street lights? 9. How long did the candle clock take to burn? 10. What would happen if a wind blew on the candle clock? Passage 4: Uri Geller was born in 1946. When he was only three, he was aware that he had amazing ability, in 1969 he gave his first public performance in a school. He gently rubbed a spoon with his finger, and it began to bend. Three years later he drove car blindfolded through the crowed street of Munich. Later Uri Geller appeared on television in Britain in front of a small studio audience of

scientists. He bent spoons and broke metal objects simply by touching them gently with his fingers. He also drew pictures of hidden objects. After the programme, however, there were hundreds of telephone calls, people reported that spoons in their homes bent during the programme. Metal objects broke and watches which had stopped many years ago suddenly started to go again. 6. When did Uri Geller have strange powers? 7. What could he do during his first performance? 8. What did Geller do on television in Britain? 9. What happened after the performance? 10. What did a lot of people report in their homes? III. Fill in each blank with one suitable word and phrase: Buddhism comes from the word Buddha. Buddha is a person, he lived more than 2500 years ago in India. His family was rich. a beautiful house.. many servants. One day when he went out of his house. He saw many unhappy people? He looked at..He asked himself these questions: Why are people so unhappy? How can people be happy?. When he was 29 years old, he..his family and his beautiful home. He went out into the world to find the answer. He tried many ways. He studied with teachers but they did not his questions. He lived in the forest. He hurt his body. He did not eatmany days. He tried to get away from his body. But this did not give him the answers to his questions. Then he sat down.. a tree and he thought. He sat for 49.After this time he learned something from himself. He became the Buddha. His questions werePeople were unhappy because they want things. They are looking for food, money and other things. When a man does not want things, then he will be happy. When a .does not want things, he will be free. He does not think about himself. He does not think about tomorrow. He is kind to others. IV. Constructed the sentences as guided: 11. lost/ I/ my watch/ last week. 12. London/ do you know/ very well? 13. Did you buy/ in England/ that jacket? 14. We/ enjoyed/ very much/ the party. 15. every day/ do/ the same thing/ we 16. from my brother/ borrowed/ $ 50/ I 17. I/ this picture/ dont like/ very much 18. crossed/ the street/ they/ carefully 19. We/ at the concert/ some friends/ met

20. I/ want to speak/ fruently/ English V. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the one printed before it. 11. Have you ot a pale blue sweater? I askes the shop assistant. - I asked 12. She showed me one that was too small - The one she. 13. How much is the red sweater? He asked - How much does 14. The red sweater was more expensive than the blue one. - The blue sweater 15. So I bought neither! - So I didnt 16. On arrival at the airport, please, go straight to the check in desk - When 17. Remember to check your flight number. - Dont 18. Your passport will be checked in the immigration Hall - The immigration officials 19. Tax free goods can be bought before you get on the plane - You 20. Some tax free goods will be on sale during your flight - There VI. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese or English: 9. Some of Britains exports are: chemicals, which are produced all over the country; chocolate and sugar confectionery, which are made mostly in New York and in South West; drinks, which are produced in Scotland; and metals and metal products, which are manufactured in many regions including Yourshire, South Wales, the Midlands and the Northern Region. 10. Copper and tin were used before iron, they melt at a lower temperature, and can be mixed to form a useful metal called bronze 11. Iron was probably first extracted from meteorites, perhaps around 3000 BC (Iron ornaments dating from 5000 years ago have been found in the Middle East). Later, iron was extracted from iron ore (impure iron) by the Hittiles, around 2000 BC. The iron was first heated, then hammered to move the impurities, then cooled. Finally, the iron was heated again and shaped into tools or weapons.

.. 12. We are all slowly destroyed the Earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in. There is too much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the worlds cities. In one well known city, for example, poisonous gas from cars pollutes the air so that traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks. 13. The Seahorse is a very strange animal. It is a fish, but its head like a horse. The male takes care of the eggs until they hatch into baby fish. The Seahorse swims standing up. Its eyes can move seperately so it can see everywhere at once. Its mouth is at the end of its nose. 14. Tin hc ngy nay tr nn ph bin i vi khng ch ngi ln m cn c tr em na. 15. Cho n nay tim nng du kh ca Vit nam c nhiu ha hn, nhiu m du mi c pht hin v khai thc c hiu qu. 16. Hm nay gi vng v la u gim mnh trn khp th trng Vit nam.

Practise 11

I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. For each question, 1 to 20 indicate on your answer A, B, C, D or b: against the question: 20. Manchester United..Liverpool in the E.A. Cup Final. A, beat B, won C, sailed D, lost 21. Oh, dear! My watch has..! A, ended B, stopped C, finished D, completed 22. I always try to..something each month for my holidays. A, save B, spare C, spend D, put 23. Hes always telling me what to do. Hes so A, cruel B, bossy C, helpful D, charming 24. My brother cant play tomorrow and A, either can I B, neither can I C, neither I can D, I cant too 25. He was pleased to have hear such a fine musican play his favourite piece of music A, occasion B, possibility C, late D, opportunity 26. You must have a reason for not attending classes. A medical certificate will be accepted. A, successful B, recent C, satisfactory D, secure 27. Freda came to the meeting but Charles. A. isnt B, hasnt C. didnt D, wasnt 28. A bed on board a ship is called a A, sleeper B. cabin C, bunk D, dormitory 29. I was very ..for all the advice she gave me. A, glad B, gradeful C, in debt D, please 30. inform you that your mother died ten minutes ago. A, sorry B, regret C, apologise D, pity 31. My sister doesnt like to go swimming, but she wishes she. A, likes B, did C, will like D, goes 32. The teacher says, The time is up. This means that the period of time has A, ended B, begun C, has interesting D, seemed belong 33. He looks tired of carrying that case..? A, isnt he B, doesnt he C, is he D, dont he 34. When I was a boy, I..tea to coffee A, has prefered B, prefer C, prefered D, preferred 35. I asked him. A, where he lived B, where does he live C, where did he live D, where he lives 36. The road A, at B, in C, for D, under 37. A child who hits smaller or weaker children is called A, an enemy B, a rascal C, a tyrant D, a bully 38. He lived on the.of the city A, boundary B, suburus C, outside D, outskirts 20, Im not very keenclassical music A, of B, on C, for D, to

II. Reading: How can we know that the birds we see in the South in the winter are the same ones that come north in the spring? Once John! Audubon a bird lover, wondered about this. Every year he watched a

pair of little phoebes nesting in the same place. How wondered if they were the same birds. He decided to put tiny silver bands on their legs. The next spring back came the birds with the brands to very same place. Back same the young birds to build their nestson the walls of farm buildings in the neighbourhood. The phoebe, it was learned, in winter wherever it was warm enough to find flies. In summer, phoebes could be seen from Georgia to Canada in winter anywhere from Georgia to Flordia and Mexico. The poebe was the first kind of bird to be branded, and Mr. Audubon was the first birdbander. Today there are hundreds of birdbanders all over America. These peoples band all kinds of birds. The government of the United States has a special birdbanding department which makes all the birdbands. The bands do not hurt the birds, as they are made of aluminum and are very light. They come in different sizes for different size birds. Each band has a special number. On each band are these words: Notify Fish and Wildfife service, Washington D.C. Anyone who finds a dead bird a band on as legs is asked to send the band to Washington with a note telling where and when the bird was found. In this way naturalists add to their knowledge of the habit and needs of birds. 1.The title below that best expresses the main them or subject of this selection is E. The work of John Audubon F. Studying birdlife through birdbanding G. The migration of birds H. The habits and needs of birds 7. According to the selection. Audubon proved his theory that E. the government should make a scientific study of birds F. birds prefer a diet of flies G. birds return to the same nesting place each spring H. silver is the best material for birdbands 8. Audubons purpose in banding the phobes was to E. notify the government F. satisfy his curiosity G. start a birdbanding department H. gain fame as the first birdbander 9. The migration habits of phoebes depend upon E. the available food supply F. nesting places G. the number of young birds H. the help of bird lovers 10. which statement is TRUE according to the selection? E. All young birds build their nests on the walls farm buildings F. Resident of Georgia may expect to see phoebes all year long G. The weight of a band causes a bird considerable discomfort H. The government offers a reward for information about dead birds.

III. Writing: D. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word from the box. entertainment before listening run according


unemployment monasteries who democratic travels companies until country leader although which .to the world bank the Kingdom of Bhutan is the second poorest country in the world, but there is no., no begging and almost no crime. Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Dragon King, is the worlds youngest hereditary .but he says that the country is more..than any other region. He round Bhutan, showing himself to the people and.. to their opinions. Although this is a very old.the monarchy is quite new, . this century it is was Buddhist priests. There is still a very strong religious feeling and there are 1.300. in a nation of only one million people. Bhutan allows only 2000 tourists a year, but no multinational even though it is very short of capital. It takes no help from the USD or Russia. Students .go aboard to study must spend 6 months when they return in remote villages to rediscover their roots..going back into Bhutanese society. Although the people are poor they are content. The atmosphere is relaxed and traditions have hardly changed since the Middle Ages. Archery is the countrys major sport and folk dances are the main forms of E. Building sentences as guided; 10. Thank you/ letter/ I receive/ last week. . 11. You say/ you see/ Angela/ recently/ you/not say/ how/ she be. . 12. Please/ let/ I/ know/ give/ she/ my/ regard. . 13. I/ be/ in Carolina/ six weeks/ already . 14. I/ enjoy/ life/ here/ very much . 15. I/ work/ hard/ since/ I/ arrive . 16. job/ be/ interesting/ everyone/ be/ very kind/ to me . 17. you/ say/ you/ come/ to see/ me/ this Christmas . 18. I hope/ you/ not change/ your mind . 10. If you/ come/ I/ show/ you around . F. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means excactly the same sent me printed before: 11. He couldnt afford to buy the car. The car 12. They havent cleaned the streets this week. The streets 13. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges. Apples are not 14. Bring your swimming things in case its sunny

He told me 15. No one has signed this cheque This cheque 16. The exception is not in class There is no 17. No one can solve the environment problem The problem

Practise 12

II. Circle the word or phrase which best completes each sentence: 7. An American siter for the accident. A. accused B. charged C. blamed 8. The road isrepair A. under B. for C. at 9. It is not worth ..out now.It is too much late. A. it go B. going C. it going 10. My father had the telephone .out of his office A. take B. taken C. taking 11. We feel A. at home B. like home C. as home 12. Plesae let John A. go b. going C. to go 7. Look! There is a carto wards you! A. coming B. comes C. came 18. Although he shouted , his words the wind A. killed B. lost C. drowned 19. She refused to eat meat under any. A. circumstances B. occasion C. opportunity 20. She says he has been in town A. many B. every C. all

D. sued D. in D. to go D. to take D. home like D. goes D. come D. stopped D. reason D. most

II.Read the passage and answer the questions below: On thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke dressed for going out, took her handbag with her money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went to the Over 60s Club. She always went there on Thursday, it was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone. Atsix oclock she came home, let herself in and at once smell cigarette smoke, Cigarette smoke in her house ? How? Had somebody got in ? She checked the back door and the windows. All were licked or fastened, as usual. There was no sign of forced entry. Had anything been taken ? She went fromroom to room, checking. Yes, some things were missing- her small radio, her spare watch, a camera. That was all, she thought; but she couldnt be sure just yet. She was annoyed, of course, but rather glad nothing had been thrown about. Over a cup of tea she wondered whether someone might have a key that fitted her front door a master key perhaps. So she stayed at home the following Thursday. Nothing happened. Was anyone watching her movement ? On the Thursday after she went out at her usual time, dressed as usual, but she didnt go to the club, instead she took a short cut home again, letting herself through her garden ang the back door. She settled down to wait. It was just after four oclock when the front door bell rang. Mrs.Clarke was marking a cup of tea at time the bell rang again the she heard her letter -box being pushed open. With the kettle of boiling water in her hand , she moved quitly towards the front door. Along piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand . The wire turned and caught the knob on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over hand. There was a shout outside, and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove. The wire fell to the floor, the hand was pulled back, and Mrs. Clarke heard the sound of running feet. That evening she reported the matter to the police. They were not too pleased, but they came and took away the wire and the skin. It was only self-protection she told the officer. An old woman must try to look after herself. With the help of a doctor the police found the man and recovered Mrs. Clarkes things. She has become something of heroine at the Over 60s Club. 6. Mrs. Clarke looked forward to Thursdays because

E. she worked at a club on that day F. she had visitors on Thursdays G. she visited a club on Thursday afternoons. H. a special visitor came on Thursday 7. The smell of cigarette smoke surprise her because E. She had taken cigarette with her F. she never left a cigarette burning G. she didnt smoke H. she did not allow smoking at home 8. On the third Thursday Mrs. Clarke went out E. because she didnt want to miss the club again F. to see if the thief was hanging about outside G. to the club but then changed her mind H. in attempt to trick the thief 9. The wire fell to the floor E. because Mrs. Clarke refused to open the door F. when the mans glove dropped off G. because the man just wanted to get away H. because it was too hot to hold 10. The thief was arrested after E. Mrs. Clarke described him to the police F. He complained to the police G. he went to a doctor about his hand H. the police found his finger-printes on the wire IV. Writing: E. Fill in the gap with one suitable word: One Wenesday morning I went to to the Department Store to.some shopping and to meet a friend.lunch. In the Ladies Fashion Department I bought a belt and a bag and paid.them. As I was waiting for the lift..go up to the coffee floor, I saw a silk shirt that I liked. I try it.And decided to buy it. I looked..for an assistant to pay but couldnt see anybody. The lift came and as was late for my appointment, I.the shirt in my pocket intending to pay for it later on my way.. ., I forgot to pay and . Stopped at the door by the store detective to go to the managers office where I was of stealing the shirt. It is quite embarrassing. I simply forgot to pay. F. Use one of the verbs in this box to fill each gap: fell found spent lost needed hurt welcome laughed took left saved celebrated was smiled couldnt brought moved look helped travelled saw Grey Smith yesterday .his 18th birthday, but hes lucky to be alive. In March this year, heclimbing Ben Nevis Britains highest mountain, when hehis way and three days in sub-zero temperature. My friendsat me for having so much survival equipment, but it my life! On the first night the weather so bad that it tore his new mountain tent to pieces, so he ..into a Youth Hostel for a night. He .the hostel at 10.00 the next morning, but he was soon in trouble. a rock, knees, Imove.

Mountain rescue teams went out to ..for Gary, and . him at 1.00 in the morning. A helicopter..him to hospital, where heseveral perations. Next time Ill go with my friends, not on my own, he joked. G. Buiding sentences as guided: 11. Walk/ along/ street/ he meet/ petty girl . 12. A man/ London come/ see/ you in this morning . 13. Friday/ be/ last time I/ see/ her . 14. I/ pleased/ see/ you/ stop/ smoke . 15. She/ ask/ John/ how he/ like/ new dress . 16. The shops/ be/ always/ full/ people/ Christmas . 17. I/ arrive/ Paris/ but/ I/ not be able/ find/ your house . 18. There/ be/ no rain/ last month . 19. At first/ I think/ English/ easy/ but/ I find/ very difficult . 20. If you/ study harder/ you pass/ the exams/ last year . H. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first: 11. He failed to win the race He did not 12. When I heard the telephone ring, I answered it immediately On .. 13. He never has enough money Hes always 14. Where is the nearest tube? she asked She enquired .. 15. I am sure he was having a bath when I called He must .. 16. There was never any answer when I rang Everytime 17. Thats an insulting name to use for him Dont call 18. John asked if it was the blue one or the green one she wanted Which.. 19. She likes Paris very little, and Rome less She thought Rome.. 20. They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight. All the prisoners..

Practise 13

III. Reading: A, Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase taken from the box below: cross already cost index help by across charge have had stop is getting apart from to had had on would write eating sight by will write gets have up with sensitive almost will have directory aware

16. Go on, finish the dessert. It needsup because it wont stay fresh until tomorrow. 17. Most people prefer flyinggoing by sea because it is so much cheaper 18. Before he left on his trip to America, the young man promised his parents them regularly. 19. Andrew couldnt ..laughing at the expression on Maggies face. 20. Of course I did not break it ..purpose. It was an accident 21. In the hotel lobby the detective caughtof a man he had been hired to follow 22. If only we ...more time, we could have seen more of the country 23. They search for the number in the phone 24. When they could putthe noise no longer, they banged on their neighbours door. 25. That hotel is so expensive. 60 pounds for bed and breakfast. 26. As long as we.enough rain, I think there will be a good harvest. 27. She came to live here a month ago. 28. Could you wait for a few moments unti the manager..back? 29. The journey took so long that ..the time we got there all the seats had been sold 30. If you make a mistake when you are writing, just out with your pen B. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below each passage: Passage 1: Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the nineteenth century and later came to the United States. Several members of his family did a great deal to encourage him in the field of science. His father was most instrumental in supervising his work with the deaf. While he dealt with the deaf and investigated the science of acoustics, his studies eventually led to the invention of the multiple telegraph and his greatest invention the telephone. The last quarter of a century of his life was dedicated to advances in aviation. 6. What was considered to be Alexander Graham Bells greatest achievement? 7. To what di Bell dedicate the last years of his life? 8. What did he eventually invent when he worked with the deaf? 9. How many years did Bell dedicate to aviation? 10. What can we conclude about Alexander Graham Bell? Passage 2:

Adaption is the process by wich living things adjust to changes in their environment always of finding food, protecting themselves from their enemies, and reproducing. The protective adaptations vary with each species of animal, depending on its individual needs and environment. Many animals possess colors that help them blend in with their surroundings. Polars bears and Arctic foxes can easily move undetected amidst the winter snows. Many butterflies colors make it difficult to find them among the trees. Chameleons can change colors to disguise themselves on rocks, trees, and wood chips. Snakes bite, wasps and bees sting; skunks emit a pungent odor; and porcupines release painful quills into their attackers. 6. Is the way animals protect themselves from dangers considered adaptation? 7. What do animals protective adaptations depend on? 8. How can Chameleons adapt themselves to the environment? 9. How do bees behave when they are attacked? 10. What is adaptation? Passage 3: Language, the way we express ourselves, is vital part of learning. A baby learns his native tongue naturally by hearing speecharound him. If the speech he hears is rapid, not clear and never directed at him then he learns slowly and speaks badly. A child of two or three years who cant make he desires known or put his thoughts into words will usually become angry. His relationships with others will get worse. If the speech a baby hears around him is clear, and his family talk to him, he will gain a satisfactory command of language directly, by his mother, his language ability will be greater. By the time he is two it is quite possible for him to have a vocabulary of two thousand words and by the time he is three he will be able to read. Once ahead he will stay ahead. 6. How is language delined by the writer? 7. How does a baby learn his mother tongue? 8. How does the child usually react when he cant express himself? 9. What is the role of the mother in the education of her child? 10. What are the ideas expressed by the writer on how a child should be taught his native language? Passage 4: Since the world became indstrialized, the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that extinction will have been caused amost entirely by poachers, who, according to some sources, are not always interested in in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to the problem of extinction. Animal such as Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are valuable parts of the worlds ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival and the survival of our planet. 6. According to the passage, what is the most serious prblem with animal species?

7. Give an example of an animal species in the danger of extinction? 8. By whom will the extinction of Bengal tiger have been caused by the year 2025? 9. What must be done to protect these endangered species? 10. What is the main idea of the passage? CI. III. Fill in the blank with one suitable word: Keeping fit Bodies are made to move! THey are not designed for sitting around in front of television or reading magazines. Keeping fit doesnt mean you have to a super athlete and even a little exercise can give you a lot of fun. When youre fit and healthy, youll find you look better and feel better. Youll more energy and self-confidence. Every time you move youexercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and climb. The more it does, the stronger and fitter it will become. Best of., exercise is fun. Its what your body likes doing most-keeping on the move. Physical exercise is not only goodfor your body. People who take regular exercise are usually happier, more relaxed and more alert.people who sit around all day. Try an experiment-next time youre in a bad mood, go..a walk or play a ball game in the park. See how much better you feel after an hour. A sense of achievement is yet another benefit of exercise. People feel good . themselves when they know they have improved fitness. People .. exercise regularly will tell you that they find they have more energy to enjoy life. So have a go-youll soon see and feel the benefits! IV. Writing: D. Construct the sentences as guided: 11. What/ most interesting film/ you/ ever/ see/ recently? 12. I wish/ you/ net make me/ get up so early/ this morning 13. He/ try/ give up/ smoking/ many times/ but/ he/ never/ succeed 14. If/ I/ you/ I / never/ apply/ that job. 15. Id rather/ stay/ home/ watch/ TV/ go out 16. I/used/ smoke/ but now/ do not/ any more 17. You/ catch/ cold/ if/ you/ not keep/ feet/ dry 18. This/ most delicious cake/ I/ ever/ taste/ my life 19. Gate/ be closed/ stop/ children/ run/ road 20. I/ look forward/ see/ both/ you/ my brothers wedding/ next December

E. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that ir means the same as the one printed before it. 11. She bought that house in 1980 She has . 12. Youd better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth said John John advised Elizabeth 13. I started work for the company a year ago. Ive been 14. Susan felt sick, because she ate four cream cakes If Susan 15. My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview. I must 16. You stole my best cassette, Amanda! said William William accused 17. Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldnt sail The rough sea 18. Please check for damage before signing the delivery note Dont . 19. Roses cant possibly grow in such poor ground It is impossible 20. Your car might break down on the rough mountain road, so take plenty of spare parts In case F. Translate these sentences into English or Vietnamese: 11. Khi chng ti n sn bay th my bay ct cnh c5 pht ri. Nu chng ti khng b tc nghn giao thng, chng ti khng b l chuyn bay. 12. Ngn ng l phng tin giao tip ca con ngi. Theo c tnh hin nay c khong 4.000 ngn ng c s dng trn th gii. 13. Nhiu ngn ng ch c mt vi trm hoc mt vi nghn ngi s dng, trong khi nhiu ngn ng khc, chng hn nh ting Ty Ba Nha, ting Anh, ting Trung quc li c ti hng triu ngi s dng. 14. Cng cuc i mi Vit Nam trong mi nm nm qua t c nhng thnh cng ng k, mang li nhng thay i ln lao cho cuc sng ca ngi dn

15. Nhiu bc cha m cho rng phim nh phng Ty c nh hng xu n con ci ca h v c qu nhi cnh bo lc trong phim. 16. Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers to be an important factor in the development of cancer of lungs and cancer of the throat. 17. Television is one of mans most important means of communication in modern society. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. 18. Hardly a week goes by without some advances in technology that would have seemed incredible 50 years ago. Over the past 20 years computers have revotionalized our lives. 19. Statistics shows beyond doubt that cigarette smoking can damage health, yet a surprisingly large number of people continue to smoke in spite of all warnings. 20. Indias population will be near one billion by the next year, population growth is high, at 2.3 percent. Consequently, the Indian government encourages families to have only two children.

Practise 14
III. Reading D. From the list below, choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. by waiting told however explain melt out times expecting directed despite show dissolve down crowed what suggest avoided As in case refused full so advise prevented being if thought sleeping quite interesting turned valueless list sleeper too attracting went invaluable form

21. The room measures four metres ..five metres. 22. When he telephoned from the airport Mr. Smith was told that the hotel was .. 23. Andrew and his men walked silently past the.guards. 24. Mrs. Miller is.her first baby at the end of the month. 25. a lovely present! Thank you so much. 26. He is..intelligent to be taken in by such a trick. 27. The policemanme the way. 28. What do to do about my lost luggage? 29. Children will work hard if the lesson are. 30. his illness, he managed to finish the project on time. 31. His prompt telephone call to the Gas Boarda disaster from occuring 32. Unexpectedly the lights....out and we were left in darkness. 33. Could youme how to use this new washing machine? 34. Deborah works.a speech writer for the Prime Minister. 35. During my time as chairman of this company Ive found their advises very. 36. When spring came the ice and snow began to.. 37. We have bought a lot of food and drink.our friends saty to dinner 38. At the beginning of the class, the teacher called out the names on the 39. The police have warned tourists to look ..for pickpockets in the town center 40. Heto sign the statement the police put in front of him. B. Reading the paragraphs and answer the questions below: Paragraph 1: A tiny village school is soon to celebrate its 110th birthday. Five years ago it seemed certain to close but parents and other villagers fought the local education authority and raised funds to keep it open. It is now endingits first term as a school run by the village community and the villagers are justly proud of their achievement. They were angry when education chiefs tried to make them send the village children to other schools further away because the number of pupils at the village school was too small. The villagers started a huge campaign to raise money. They collected enough to hire a teacher and bagan to help with school cleaning, lunch supervision and lessons. Now the school is doing well and it seems as if it will continue to run in the future. 6. What is a tiny village school going to do soon?

7. Where did the parents get the money they needed to keep the school open? 8. Who is the school run by? 9. What did the villagers collect enough money for? 10. Do you think the school is doing well? Paragraph 2: Recently the World Health Organization announced that the disease of smallpox had almost been wiped out in most part of the world, thanks to the widespread vaccination. Most people are vaccinated at least once in their lives and if they wish to travel from one country to another they must be able to show a certificate proving that they have had a recent vaccination. In this way the disease has been prevented from spreading and today one seldom hears of it at all. This mainly due to remarkable discovery made by a country doctor, Edward Jenner, in about 1798 when he published an account of his axperiments in a new method called vaccination (from the Latin word vacca meaning a cow). 6. What did the World Health Organization announce recently? 7. How amny times are most people vaccinated in their lives? 8. What do you have to do if you want to travel to other countries? 9. Whom was this remarkable discovery made by? 10. What is his new method of experiments called? Paragraph 3: While radio broadcasting was still in its infancy the marvel of television was already being developed. The first step towards its invention was taken in 1873 but the person responsible for developing it was John Logie Baird. In 1926 he gave the first demonstration of a television picture. As a home entertainment, television rapidly became more popular than any other form. A news broadcast became more immedicate when people could actually see the scenein question and movements of the figures. Films could be viewed in the comfortof the home and variety shows were also available. One of the advantages of travel programs was the glimpse of far-away places which many viewers would not otherwise have seen. 6. What happened while radio broadcasting was still in its infancy? 7. When was the first demonstration of a TV picture given? 8. Why did television rapidly become more popular than any other form? 9. What programs on television could be viewed? 10. What is one of the advantages of travel programs? Paragraph 4:

A diet is a plan for eating. The purpose of most diets is to lose weight, but following diets is not always easy. Many people find them difficult for a number of reasons. They must avoid foods that are high in calories and fats, and this often means giving up some of their favourite dishes and substituting other foods that are nutritious but not fattening. Body-builders and fitness enthusiasts try to gain weight and go onspecial diets. They eat food high inprotein in order to build muscle, increase their body weight and improve their appearance. Health-conscious diets pay careful attention to the nutritional value os the food they eat. 6. Is it difficult to follow diets? Why? 7. Why do many people go on diets? 8. What kind of food do the body-builders and fitness enthusiasts eat? 9. What are the advantages of food high in protein? 10. What do health-conscious diets pay attention to? C, Find a suitable word to fill the blanks in the passage below: Many children have accidents in their homes. As the result, some children die. The most commonare with fire and hot water. Small children often touch pots of boiling water on the stove. The pots fall over and the water fall on the children and burns Some children like to It is very .to play with matches. When achild strikes a match, the flame soon burns near .fingers. Then he drops the match.the floor. Many house catch fire in this ...Some kind of clothing burn very Many children have been badly...because they have stood near a fire and their clothing has suddendly caught fire. IV. Writing: A, Construct the sentences as guided: 11. Last summer/ my friend/ invite/ I/ stay/ him 12. Since/ his wife/ die/ 1995/ he/ live/ alone 13. When/ he/ be/ a boy/ he/ be/ fond of/ chocolate 14. She/ not/ like/ travel/ car/ bacause/ she/ be/ often/ carsick 15. I/ look/ forward/ see/ you/ soon 16. I/ wish/ the teacher/ give us/ less homework. 17. This box/ be/ too heavy/ send/ post 18. There/ be/ good film/ TV/ tonight 19. It/ important/ us/ learn/ English 20. She/ come/ home late/ she/ have/ plenty/ work/ to do.

E. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it: 11. Paul didnt lend me any money so I was unable to buy the car If 12. We arrived too late to see him off at the airport. We didnt 13. Though he was poor, he wasnt always unhappy Despite 14. May I borrow your newspapers for a moment? Would you mind 15. Id rather not invite him to the cinema tomorrow. I dont 16. Fossil fuel will be more expensive if scientists dont get energy from the wind and the sun Unless 17. They are going to paint the house for us next week. We are going 18. He couldnt come because of his serious illness Because 19. We were not allowed to touch the piano He did not allow 20. I often do morning exercises every day I am used F. Translate these sentences into Englsih or Vietnamese: 8. The show would have started an hour ago. I dont know what could have caused the delay 9. I sometimes take Johns coat instead of my own because the two of them look so similar .. 10. All the workers complained that the price of food had increased so that their standard of living had fallen. 11. The house we have rented is unfurnished, so we shall have to buy more beds, chairs, tables. 12. She was a famous actress. Whenever she went, the fan surrounded her and asked her for her autograph. 13. Ti trng thy anh y i khi nh rt sm. 14. Ti yu m nhc cho d ti khng th chi c mt loi nhc c no c 8. Anh y khng nhng hc ting anh m cn hc ting Php na 9. Khi ti ga Tim thy cc bn ca mnh ti y .

10. Nu khng c s gip ca bn th ti khng th thi .

Practise 15

III. Reading section: D. Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase in the colums below: since we were while traffic memory moment such annoying laughed hadnt used until would we when transport brain present a such arguing shouted didnt use think if until broke both of them transmitted from give since news wonder that then have broken neither of them trasported with break when information

21. ..he joined the army my brother had never been aboard. 22. The police officer asked us what.doing 23. you get to the Red Lion pub you will have to stop and ask for direction 24. Buses and trains are the most important form of this country 25. He cant remember anything about himself because he lost his.. 26. I am studying for my exams at the.. 27. The firm couldnt pay..large salary 28. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson are always..with each other about money. 29. He was amused. He must have. 30. If she..spices, her food wouldnt have tasted so good. 31. I..what the weather is going to be like tomorrow 32. Ask him.hes married 33. I hadnt understood the problem.he explained it. 34. If you.this window, you would have to pay for it. 35. Tom and Billy were badly injured in the last match, so . ..can play today 36. The pieces of wood are a paper then. 37. Glass is made..sand and lime 38. Dont .up yet, you will soon be able to play the trmpet well 39. It is over a yearI visited the dentist. 40. If you require any moreabout the holiday, please telephone us E. Read the passages and answer the questions below: Passage 1: Smoking causes lung cancer. Lung cancer is the number one cancer among men. Ninety percent of the people who get lung cancer die. Smoker have six times as much cancer of mouth, tongue, and throat as nonsmokers. smokers have twice as much heart disease. Smoking gives people breathing problems. It harms the stomach. Smoking causes one million early deaths in the world every year. Throughout the world, women live longer than men. Why? Because men smoke more. Nonsmoking men live just as long as women. Smokers pollute the air. They breathe out 100 times as much pollution as nonsmokers. They breathe out on their children and on their wives or husbands. Children whose parents smoke have more breathing and lung problems than other children. Among

nonsmoking women married to smokers, there are twice as many deaths from lung cancer as there are among women married to nonsmokers. Men have the right to kill themselves by smoking if they want to. They dont have the right to kill their wives and children by smoking. 6. What kinds of cancer does smoking cause to smokers? 7. How many people are killed by smoking annualy? 8. Does smoking pollute the environment? Why? 9. What kinds of problem do smokers children have more than nonsmokers? 10. What do men have the right to do and not to do? Passage 2 (answer Tor F) Whether or not a person has a happy life is largely a question of health and fitness. If we are not both physically and mentally healthy, we are not happy. A few people are lucky enough to have perfect health, but most of us get sick once in a while. The most common illness is a cold or the flu. Of course, there are many other kinds of illness. Diseases like chicken pox are usually common childhood diseases along with the measles and mumps, while malaria is found only in tropical countries. Also, people in areas with poor santitation get diseases such as cholera, diphtheria and typhoid. Cancer and AIDS are both in the news lately but neither has a known cure. AIDS is a new disease, and prevention is extremely important. Individuals are responsible for making sure they understand the nature of this disease and for taking precautions not to get it. Cancer, which is widespread, is possible caused at least in part by stress. Other likely causes of cancer are exposures to food additives, nicotine, and other toxic chemicals. Effective handlingof stress and good self-awareness are necessary to be spychologically healthy. Alcohol dependency and drug dependency are diseases of both mental and physical nature and are associated with the inability to deal with life and its problems. Modern urban life presents many health challenges. Large cities often have smog which seriously harms the lungs. We often have little control over the quality of the air we breathe or the water we drink. Therefore, it is even more important for us to take care of ourselves in order to live in a healthier and better life. 1. There is a cure for cancer T F 2. A healthy person is usually a happy person T F 3. Stress is one possible cause of cancer T F 4. Good health means that a person is only physically healthy T F 5. Alcohol dependency has both physical and mental health T F 6. Malaria is a common childhood disease T F F. Complete the following passage by writing one suitable word in each space: There was a bank robbery..central London yesterday. Just before closing .Yesterday, a manthe Butcher Street Banch.the National Westminster Bank. He .wearing shortgun, and .. a stocking mask over his haed. Therea few customers in the .at that time. He made them.on the floor and force put money..a sack. As he was leaving, the security tried to ring the alarm. The robber shot him.the guard is now..St. Patricks Hospital. Surgeons are tryingsave his life. Last night the police.a man in South London. Henow helping the police.their enquiries.

IV. Writing: A, Construct the sentences as guided: 11. Things/ change/ London/ since/ you/ girl 12. He/ sell/ bicycle/ $ 50 13. How long/ you/ know/ each other? 14. I/ sorry/ hear/ another/ sudden death 15. It/ most dangerous/ corner/ I/ see 16. When/ I/ your age/ I/ use/ talk/ father/ respect 17. I/ wish/ reserve/ single room/ Sunday 18. She/ one/ daughter/ work/ us 19. It/ nice/ you/ to/ come 20. Bus/ crowed/ passengers C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it: 11. I started to work for the company a year ago Ive been 12. Youd better not lend him any more money, Paul said John John advised Paul 13. Mary did not apply for the job in the library and regrets it now Mary wishes 14. Weve got lost because we did not have a map If we 15. If I were you, I would not choose that blue shirt Were I 16. Unless you water these plants every day, they will die If. 17. The fire has destroyed many houses Many houses 18. She wont visit me again I wish 19. He wrote the letter in two hours. It took 20. It was such hot tea that I couldnt drink it The tea

C, Translate these sentences: 6. Young people start smoking because everyone is doing it. They feel grown up and independent. It helps them relax. Then it became a habit. So its important for parents not to smoke cigarettes. 7. Greenland is the largest island in the world. It covers over two billion square kilometres. Most of it lies inside the Arctic Circle, and a huge sheet of ice covers 85% of it. Image that a map of Greenland is on top of a map of Europe. Greenland stretches from London to the middle of the Sahara Desert. 8. In the decade of the 1970s, the United States organized several important meetings on the human environment to study a very serious problem. We humans are destroying the world around us. We are using up all of our natural resources. We must learn to conserve them, or life will be very bad for our children and our grandchildren. 9. Trung Quc l ch nhn ca bn pht minh v i nht ca nn vn minh th gii. Nhng pht minh v i l: thuc n, in n, la bn v giy. Ngi Trung Quc pht minh ra giy vo nm 105 trc Cng nguyn. Giy c lm t la, bng, ng, ma v nhng loi thc vt khc. C ti 7000 loi giy. 10. Ngy nay con ngi lun b e do bi nhng th v kh git ngi hng lot. Chng ta hy ly bom ht nhn lm v d. Vic xy dng cc l phn ng ht nhn v vic th nghim bom ht nhn hin nay ang l mt mi lo ngi ln nht ca c th gii. iu ny tht d hiu v c th gii c th b hu dit bt c lc no bi nhng th v kh ht nhn ny.

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