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Fuel 86 (2007) 323–327

Molar enthalpy of vaporization of ethanol–gasoline

mixtures and their colloid state
Roman M. Balabin *, Rustem Z. Syunyaev, Sergey A. Karpov
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Received 15 June 2006; received in revised form 4 August 2006; accepted 8 August 2006
Available online 8 September 2006


Vapour pressure measurements are used to evaluate the enthalpy of vaporization of ethanol–gasoline mixtures. Partial molar values are
also derived. The dispersed structure of ethanol–gasoline fuel is studied for the first time using the method of correlation spectroscopy of
scattered light. A large range of dispersed particle sizes in different alcohol–gasoline systems is found. The dependence of the mean radius
of drops on ethanol content is determined. It is found that coalescence phenomenon occurs in the systems when extra ethanol is added.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ethanol–gasoline fuel; Enthalpy of vaporization; Dispersed structure

1. Introduction or alcohols), and water, at approximately ambient temper-

atures, have been published [3–19]. However, studies of
Nations today often face divergent challenges in the form systems that contain gasoline, an oxygenated compound,
of climate change, air pollution, energy production, con- and water are not often found in the literature [20].
sumption security, and shrinking oil supplies. In response Among the oxygenated compounds, ethers and alcohols
to these challenges, countries around the world have are the most important. Currently, among ethers and alco-
developed programs to support the use of clean fuels, hols, ethanol has been receiving more attention [21,22].
including ethanol [1,2]. Controversy has surrounded another major fuel change:
The properties of gasoline have been altered in recent the addition of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) [23,24].
years to reduce motor vehicle emissions of carbon monox- Presently, there is no requirement that a specific oxygenate
ide, photochemical smog precursors, and toxic organic air be added to gasoline. However, the use of MTBE in gaso-
pollutants such as benzene. Changes have been made to line was phased out in California at the end of 2002 due in
sulphur, olefin, and aromatic contents, and to distillation part to concerns about surface water and groundwater con-
properties of gasoline. tamination. Likewise, the United States Environment Pro-
Presently, there is an increasing interest in adding oxy- tection Agency (USEPA) intends to significantly reduce the
genated compounds to gasoline, because of their octane- use of MTBE in gasoline nationwide [25]. These decisions
enhancing and pollution-reducing capabilities. In the last will lead to greater dependence on ethanol–gasoline blends
several years, many interesting works on ternary, quater- and gasoline formulations that do not contain oxygenated
nary, or quinary systems that contain a synthetic reformate compounds.
(hydrocarbon mixtures), an oxygenated compound (ethers One of the major difficulties encountered in the use of
alcohol–gasoline blends is their tendency to phase-separate
on contact with small amounts of water.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +7 926 592 7920; fax: +7 495 335 8639. Vapour pressure is one of the most important physical
E-mail address: (R.M. Balabin). properties of gasoline mixtures because it defines the

0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
324 R.M. Balabin et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 323–327

volatility of the mixtures. Vapour pressure can be deter- B, used in the experiments. Two types of ethanol with
mined by a variety of methods that are rather time-con- different water content – 4 vol% in line A (with gasoline
suming. The refinery industry utilizes the Reid methods A) and <0.5 vol% in line B (with gasoline B) – were
[26] to determine vapour pressure, which is related to the used.
gasoline performance characteristics and to its storage Alcohol–gasoline mixtures were prepared in confor-
behaviour [27]. mance with standard procedures without any special equip-
Evaporative emissions occur by a wide variety of mech- ment.
anisms, including fuel spillage and vapour displacement
during refuelling, venting of fuel tank vapours as ambient Line A: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 vol% of ethanol in gaso-
temperature changes, fuel evaporation from the engine line A.
compartment of parked vehicles due to residual engine Line B: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 vol% of ethanol in gasoline
heat, liquid leaks in vehicle fuel systems, and so on [28]. B.
There is concern about increased evaporative emissions
of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when ethanol is Samples of line A (with 4% of water in ethanol) showed
blended with gasoline, because such blends tend to have instability and phase-separation tendency. Samples of line
higher Reid vapour pressure (RVP) than equivalent B were stable. It confirms that water content in the alco-
MTBE-blended fuel [24]. hol–gasoline mixture is the most important parameter that
The thermodynamic properties of ethanol–gasoline mix- defines system phase stability.
tures have not been widely covered in the literature (with
the exception of heat capacity [1,29,30]), but these proper- 2.2. Methods
ties are necessary as they serve as basic thermodynamic
data for the investigation of clean fuels. Enthalpy of vapor- All measurements of vapour pressure were performed
ization is the most important thermodynamic constant that using a MINIVAP VPS vapour pressure tester (GRAB-
describes liquid–gas equilibrium. NER INSTRUMENTS GmbH). This instrument is used
The polarity of ethanol and nonpolarity of gasoline to determine the vapour pressure of low-viscosity petro-
hydrocarbons are the reasons for the possible colloid state leum products. Tests can be carried out at temperatures
of ethanol–gasoline mixture. Particle size (the main param- ranging from 20 °C to 60 °C and at a vapour-to-liquid ratio
eter of any colloid system) was never reported for ethanol- of 4:1, with the condition that the resulting pressures do
containing fuel. not exceed 1000 kPa. The accuracy of the temperature
In this paper, vapour pressure measurements of pure readings is 0.1 °C. Repeatability of vapour pressure mea-
gasoline and its mixtures at three different temperatures surements was 0.5 kPa, reproducibility – 1.6 kPa.
(20, 40, and 60 °C) using a MINIVAP VPS Vapour Pres- The vacuum in MINIVAP VPS is achieved by a pump
sure Tester are presented. Enthalpy of vaporization is cal- that is capable of achieving and maintaining a pressure
culated using the Clausius–Clapeyron equation. Partial of better than 0.1 kPa. The vapour-to-liquid ratio is deter-
molar enthalpy of vaporization of ethanol and gasoline is mined by the volume of the sample used.
also evaluated. All the samples were prepared in strict conformance
The colloid state of ethanol–gasoline mixtures is also with the requirements of ASTM D-5191. In all measure-
examined by scattered light correlation spectroscopy. ments performed in this study, the corresponding val-
ues were always within the range recommended by the
2. Experimental section manufacturer.
The study of the sizes of scattered objects in alcohol–
2.1. Materials gasoline mixtures was made using the method of correla-
tion spectroscopy of scattered light. He–Ne laser was used
Table 1 lists the properties of two typical unleaded as a radiation source. The beam of the light scattered by
gasoline (supplied by Yukos Oil Company), called A and the sample (angle of scattering was 90°) was divided after
diaphragm into two beams, which were directed to the
Table 1 two photoelectronic multipliers HAMAMATSU R6358P,
Parameters of gasoline used in this paper working in the photon count regime. The signals formed
Parameter Units Value by the multipliers were intensified by the same amplifiers.
Gasoline A Gasoline B
The signals from the amplifiers were directed to the loga-
rithmic 32-bit correlator PHOTOCOR-FC, measuring the
Motor octane number (MON) – 83.0 76.0
Research octane number (RON) – 92.0 80.0
correlation function in the real-time scale. The obtained
Density at 20 °C kg/m3 750 725 correlation function was equivalent to the correlation func-
Actual gums mg/100 cm3 4.8 4.9 tion of the light, scattered by the sample, because photo-
Sulphur content wt% 0.05 0.05 electronic multipliers registered the light from the same
Benzene content vol% 5.1 2.5 scattered volume and the noises of the two multipliers were
Water content in added ethanol vol% 4.0 <0.5
not correlated.
R.M. Balabin et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 323–327 325

It is known that for monodisperse scattering objects in gasoline mixtures were not expected to approach ideal
solution: behaviour (so Raoult’s law cannot be used). This result
was repeatedly reported in both experimental and theoret-
C ¼ Dq2 ð1Þ
ical works but theoretical background of this phenomenon
where C is the diffusion expansion, characterizing the width needs further exploration. The behaviour of this kind can
of scattered light spectral contour; D is the diffusion coeffi- regard to azeotrope [32] or can be explained as exceed ther-
cient; q is the vector of scattering, which is given by modynamic property (by activity coefficients) [27,28,33].
We should note that structure of hydrocarbons forming
n h
q ¼ 4p sin ð2Þ azeotrope with ethanol in alcohol–gasoline mixture is still
k 2 unknown.
where h is the angle of scattering, k is the radiation length,
n is the refraction index of the environment. 3.2. Enthalpy of vaporization
The hydrodynamic radius R of spherical scattering par-
ticles is determined from the Stokes–Einstein relation: The enthalpy of vaporization was calculated using the
kBT well-known Clausius–Clapeyron equation for the evapora-
D¼ ð3Þ tion process:
6pg  R
where g is the viscosity of the environment, T is the temper- d ln p DH vap
¼ ð5Þ
ature, kB is Boltzmann’s constant. dT RT 2
If particles are polydispersed, R is a hydrodynamic where p is the vapour pressure at the temperature T; DHvap
radius corresponding to an average of the type [31] is the enthalpy of vaporization (supposed to be constant).
P 6
R The plot of the logarithm of ethanol–gasoline mixture
R ¼ Pi i5 ð4Þ vapour pressure versus inverse thermodynamic tempera-
i Ri
ture is presented in Fig. 2. Sufficient coincidence with Eq.
(5) is shown so enthalpy of vaporization can be assumed
3. Results and discussion temperature independent.
From the fitted linear expression, enthalpy of vaporiza-
3.1. Vapour pressure tion was evaluated for all samples in both lines.

Measured vapour pressure is presented in Fig. 1 for each 3.3. Partial molar enthalpy of vaporization
of the ethanol-containing gasoline samples (line A and B).
Both the graphs are extremal curves. The maximum of Fig. 3 shows the enthalpy of vaporization DHvap versus
vapour pressure is near 4 vol% for line A and 3 vol% for the molar ethanol part in alcohol–gasoline mixture. To
line B. evaluate molar values, the molar weight of gasoline was
This result shows the nonlinear behaviour of polar eth- assumed to be 100 g/mol; thus, all the obtained numbers
anol in nonpolar gasoline hydrocarbons mixture. Ethanol– are approximate.

Fig. 1. Vapour pressure of ethanol–gasoline mixture samples of both lines Fig. 2. Dependence of vapour pressure logarithm on temperature for
(A and B) at 20 °C. samples 2 vol% (line A) and 2 vol% (line B).
326 R.M. Balabin et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 323–327

Fig. 3. Enthalpy of vaporization of ethanol–gasoline mixture versus Fig. 4. Mean radius of dispersed particles (alcohol–water drops) in
ethanol concentration. ethanol–gasoline mixture (line B) at 22 °C.

It is evident that the enthalpy of vaporization is a linear nations are possible. We expect that our future works will
function of the ethanol (or gasoline) molar part; hence, give us exact answer.
partial molar values are constant. The values of DHvap for
both lines were fitted to the linear expressions by the 4. Conclusions
least-squares method. The results are
ðDH gas One of the most important thermodynamic properties of
vap ÞA  37:3 kJ=mol
ethanol–gasoline system – enthalpy of vaporization – was
ðDH eth
vap ÞA  45:9 kJ=mol studied. Values of partial molar enthalpy of vaporization
ðDH gas
vap ÞB  35:4 kJ=mol
were reported for the first time. They are found to be con-
stant. These values can help normalize alcohol–gasoline
ðDH eth
vap ÞB  47:9 kJ=mol blended fuel volatility and make this fuel more competitive
where DH vap is the partial molar enthalpy of vaporization. than ordinary gasoline.
The values of partial molar enthalpy of vaporization of The dispersed structure of ethanol–gasoline mixture was
ethanol obtained in ethanol–gasoline fuel are close to the shown. The most important parameter of any colloid struc-
values of ethanol DHvap reported in the literature (25 °C, ture, i.e., the radius of the dispersed particles, was reported.
101.325 kPa): 42.3 kJ/mol [34]. Its value is hundreds of nanometres and it dramatically
depends on the concentration of ethanol. These data can
3.4. Particle size help prevent phase-separation in ethanol–gasoline fuel
caused mainly by the coalescence of alcohol–water drops
The study of sizes of the scattering objects in line B was and precipitation.
made using the method of correlation spectroscopy of scat- Changing the colloid structure of ethanol–gasoline sys-
tered light. tems can be an effective way to put in order the quality
The intensity of the signal from microdrops of alcohol coefficients of the fuel.
(plus water) is low because of the little difference in the
refraction index of gasoline hydrocarbons and ethanol. Acknowledgements
This leads to the great fallibility of defined colloid particles’
sizes (Fig. 4). However, it does not make any real sense Balabin Roman is grateful to ITERA International
because the main idea of this part of the paper is the fact Group of companies for a nominal scholarship. The authors
that ethanol–gasoline mixtures consist of a dispersed phase acknowledge the Yukos Oil Company for supplying gaso-
and a dispersion medium. line and the corresponding data.
The colloidal structures are assumed to be microspheres,
although other structures are possible. References
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