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Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

AMAT 101 / SAMP 011: MECHANICS Lecturer: Mr. A.W.H. Mochaki Office: 2010(second floor, School Of Mathematical and Computer Sciences) Office consultation hours: Wednesday and Friday from 14:00

LECTURES TIMES & VENUES: Monday (11:10hrs to 12:50hrs) at (TA), Thursday (11:10hrs to 12:50hrs) at (TA). PURPOSE: Vectors and Scalars quantities are important mathematical tools in the solving of problems in a wide range of fields: Mathematics, Applied Mathematics.Physics, and engineering to name a few. The purpose of this part of the curriculum is therefore to equip students with a good foundation in vector analysis to use it in their later academic and professional work. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this module a student should be able to: 1) Know how to add and subtract two vectors and also knowing how to combine two vectors using dot and cross product. 2) Differentiate vector functions. 3) integrate vector functions. 4) Finding the length or magnitude of the vectors. CONTENTS: 1) Definition of a Vector and scalar 2) Vector and Scalar quantities; Vectors involving: Vector algebra, Laws of vector algebra, Unit vector, Components of a vector and Vector field. Scalar involving scalar field. 3) The dot and cross product: Dot or scalar products. Cross or vector products. Triple products. Application of dot product and cross product. 4) Vector Differentiation (Ordinary derivatives of vectors, Differentiation formulae. Partial derivatives of vectors. Differentials of vectors)

5) Velocity and Acceleration 6) The Gradient, Divergence and Curl (The vector differential operator del. Gradient. Divergence. Curl. Formulae involving del) 7) Newtons law of motion (Work, Energy and Momentum) 8) Coordinates of system and motion with a constant acceleration 9) Falling bodies and projectiles, central force and planetary motion 10) Centre of Mass 11) Vector integration (ordinary integrals of vectors and line integral)

TEXT BOOK: Introduction to mechanics Addition reading: Vector Analysis (Murray R Spiegel) Theoretical Mechanics (Murry R Spiegel) Calculus (Thomas and Finny) Morden Engineering Mathematics(Glyn James) TEACHING STRATEGIES: The method of delivery is lectures and tutorials. There are four theory lectures per week Attendance of all lectures and all tutorials is very impotant.If absent; it is the responsibility of a student to catch up the work. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students will be assessed by means of continuous assessment based on quizzes, tests, and tutorials. Short quizzes will be given during tutorials on the problems of the tutorials. Also one tests will be written on 03 MAY 2013. Student absent from a previously announced test should report to the lectures. In the case of illness a registered medical practitioner must be submitted. In the case of domestics circumstances such as illness or death of a close family member (as described in the general rule G15) satisfactory proof of such circumstances must be produced. At the end of the module a comprehensive summative assessment is written. The paper for AMAT 101/SAPM 011 will be 3 hours on PART A and PART B ..

PROMOTIONAL RATIOS A module mark will be calculated from continuous assessment. 40% of the module marks will be obtained from the marks of the tests and the other 20% will be obtained from quizzes, tutorials (Module Mark (MM) = 60%). 40% will be obtained from Exam Mark (EM). A final mark will be obtained from the module mark and summative assessment mark in the ratio 3:2. A mark of 50% or more constitutes a pass in the module.

NECESSITIES Each student must have a note book for taking some notes in the class. This note book should be ONLY be used for Applied Mathematics. Each student must have a note book for the tutorial exercises, also ONLY used for Applied Mathematics. A pocket calculator is optional, but useful.

LECTURE SCHEDULE WEEK WEEK 1 WEEK 2: WEEK 3: TEST(03 MAY 2012) TOPICS Vectors & Scalar quantities The Dot & Cross Product Vector differentiation,Velocity, Acceleration and differential Geometry. The Gradient,Divergence and Curl Newtons law of motion Coordinate systems and motion with constant acceleration Falling bodies and projectiles,central force and planetary motion Centre of Mass Vector intergration(ordinary integrals,line integrals) Line integral





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