Building Optimism

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Although adult depression is common (estimates are that as many as one in five of us will experience clinical depression in our lifetime), until relatively recently, it was believed that childhood depression was rare. Epidemiological studies indicate that between 2% and 5% of children and adolescents are clinically depressed (Anderson, Williams, McGee, 6r Silva, 1987; Kovacs, 1989) and as many as 30% of adolescents experience depressive symptoms at any given time (Angold, 1988; Rutter, 1986). Depression in young people seems to be on the rise. Recent findings indicate that as many as 20% of adolescents may experience an episode of clinical depression by the end of high school (Lewinsohn, Hops, Roberts, 6r Seeley, 1993). Many depressed youth experience a pervasive sense of hopelessness, which in the worst cases can Lead to suicide. Each year, 8% of high school students attempt suicide and approximately 13 of every 100,000adolescents in this country take their own lives (Centers for Disease Control, 1991). Clearly, it is crucial for researchers


to increase our understanding of the origins of optimism and depression, and to develop interventions to treat and prevent depressive disorders in children. Cognitive models of adult depression have been widely researched. In particular, as we discussed earlier, a large body of research indicates that a pessimistic explanatory style and dispositional pessimism are linked to depression in adults (see chap. 3, this volume; see also Beck, 1976; Robins & Hayes, 1995; Scheier & Carver, 1992). Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which targets these cognitive vulnerabilities, is effective in boosting explanatory style, increasing optimism, and treating depression in adults (Beck, Hollon, Young, Bedrosian, & Budenz, 1985;DeRubeis & Hollon, 1995; Ilardi, Craighead, & Evans, 1997; Seligman et al., 1988). In recent research, psychologists have begun to apply cognitive models and interventions to childhood and adolescent depression. In this chapter we review this research in three major sections. First, we provide a brief overview of the cognitive model and of cognitivebehavioral therapy for depression in adulthood. This overview focuses on the relationship of explanatory style and dispositional optimism to depression. Second, we review research on the development of optimism, explanatory style, and depression in children. Developmental and environmental risk factors are discussed, as well as research on the link between optimism and explanatory style and depression in children. In the final section, we describe interventions that may foster optimism and build resilience to depression in children and adolescents. As will be shown, research has not yet provided much knowledge about the origins of explanatory style or optimism, and we have a lot to learn about how to promote resiliency in children. Thus, this chapter outlines an area that is important and exciting for future research.


Cognitive models of depression have in common the emphasis they place on the role of beliefs or interpretations in determining our emotional and behavioral reactions to events. Two types of beliefs that have been widely researched are explanatory style and optimism (for greater discussion of research on explanatory style and depression, see chap. 3, this volume). Briefly, a pessimistic explanatory style and pessimistic expectations are linked to depressive symptoms and depressive disorders in adults. There is some evidence that these variables increase the risk for subsequent depressive symptoms and episodes (Beck, 1976; Robins & Hayes, 1995; Scheier & Carver, 1992).According to the hopelessness theory of depression, explanations and expectations are closely connected (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989). Individuals who attribute setbacks to stable and global factors are more likely to experience pessimism and helplessness following negative life events. Such individuals will believe there is little they can do to change 302

their circumstances and will expect problems to persist over time. According to the hopelessness theory, these individuals will be more vulnerable to developing depression than those with an optimistic explanatory style, particularly to developing a subtype of depression characterized by profound hopelessness and suicidal ideation. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) targets the negative interpretations depressed clients often make for events in their lives. Typically, CBT involves two overlapping components: a cognitive-restructuring component and a skill-acquisition component. In the cognitive-restructuring component, clients learn to identify negative interpretations for events and to evaluate these interpretations by considering alternatives and evidence for them. The cognitive component helps individuals to see that setbacks they view as catastrophic are, in fact, often caused by factors that are temporary or changeable. The skill-acquisition component equips individuals with behavioral skills that allow them to more successfully accomplish their goals. Clients learn a variety of skills for coping with difficult emotions and dayto-day problems. Skills typically include relaxation, assertiveness, and procedures for breaking large tasks into manageable components. As clients apply these skills and are able to achieve desired outcomes, they may become increasingly confident and optimistic in their interpretations of events. Thus, both the cognitive restructuring and the behavioral skills appear to be important for boosting explanatory style and optimism. CBT is effective at treating adult depression (Beck et al., 1985; DeRubeis & Hollon, 1995; Ilardi et al., 1997; Seligman et al., 1988), and has been found to be more effective than pharmacotherapy in preventing relapse (e.g., Evans, Hollon, DeRubeis, & Piasecki, 1992). This is important because recent research indicates that, for many people, depression is a recurrent disorder (Cicchetti & Toth, 1998). Long-term improvement following CBT has been attributed to CBT's focus on providing clients with cognitive and behavioral skills that can be used when problems are encountered in the future, long after therapy has ended. Improvement in explanatory style during cognitive therapy for depression is linked to successful outcome and maintenance of gains (DeRubeis & Hollon, 1995; Ilardi et al., 1997; Seligman et al., 1988).A recent study indicates that CBT can improve explanatory style and prevent depressive symptoms and anxiety in college students at risk for depression (Seligman, Schulman, DeRubeis, & Hollon, 1999).


Are cognitive models applicable to depression in children and adolescents?Over the past 15 years, researchers have begun to explore this question.


Before we can fully answer it, however, we need to know the age at which children can experience depression. Not surprisingly, there has been a great deal of debate on this topic (see Bemporad, 1994, for a review). Many psychodynamic theorists postulated that clinical depression required a fully developed superego and sense of self. Thus, depression could not be experienced until adolescence. However, research applying diagnostic criteria to children has revealed that children do experience depression before they reach adolescence. As many as 7-9% of children may experience an episode of depression before the age of 14 (Garrison, Schluchter, Shoenbach, & Kaplan, 1989). Depression in children under 10 appears to be quite rare (Rutter, 1986). According to Bemporad ( 1994),depressive disorders rarely occur before middle-to-late childhood. Very young children may experience transient depressive reactions to stressful events, but these reactions subside after these events have ended and endure only when stressors are chronic. Beginning in middle childhood, depressive reactions become increasingly stable and independent of stressful life events. Research indicates that depression increases during the middle school years and is quite common by adolescence (Hankin, Abramson, Moffitt, Silva, & McGee, 1998; Kashani, Rosenberg, & Reid, 1989;Rutter, 1986; but see Nolen-Hoeksema, Girgus, & Seligman, 1992). Cognitive symptoms of depression are absent or rare in preschoolers, but become increasingly common during the elementary school years (Bemporad, 1994; Cicchetti & Toth, 1998). For example, McConville and colleagues found that childrens depressive reactions were not characterized by low self-esteem until age 8. Hopelessness did not emerge as a symptom in children until closer to age 10 (McConville, Boag, & Purohit, 1973). Cognitive Development and Explanatory Style and Optimism Developmental research suggests that cognitive models of depression become increasingly applicable to children as they develop (Garber & Flynn, 1998). The transition to formal operations, and changes in self-concepts, causal thinking, and thinking about the future may make explanatory style and dispositional optimism especially relevant to depression in children by the beginning of the middle school years. As childrens thinking moves from the preoperational to the concrete operational, and finally, to the formal operational stage, it becomes increasingly governed by abstract schemas or rules (Bemporad, 1994; Inhelder & Piaget, 1958). Although there is considerable debate and inconsistency in research on the age at which formal operations is achieved, interpretations of events may be increasingly driven by cognitive styles such as explanatory style or dispositional optimism as children approach adolescence.



Childrens self-concepts undergo a dramatic change with development. In preschool and early elementary school, their self-descriptions involve observable characteristics and behaviors (e.g., I play the piano). By late childhood, these descriptions are more stable and more likely to involve personality traits and social comparison information (e.g., Im a sensitive person, Im more generous than most people; Cicchetti & Schneider-Rosen, 1986; Damon & Hart, 1988),characteristics that are less tied to observable behaviors and, therefore, may be more prone to biases (Harter, 1990). This shift toward more traitlike descriptions is not likely to be a problem for children with positive self-concepts. Unfortunately, however, there is some evidence that children evaluate their abilities more negatively as they move from early to late childhood (e.g., Frey & Ruble, 1987, 1990; Pintrich & Blumenfeld, 1985). For example, Ruble and colleagues (Ruble, Boggiano, Feldman, & Loebl, 1980) found that kindergartners ratings of their ability were higher than the ratings of second and fourth graders following identical feedback. Pintrich and Blumenfeld (1985) found that second graders rated their academic ability and their behavioral conduct more positively than did sixth graders. Childrens concepts of ability may also change in ways that make their self-concepts more vulnerable. According to Dweck and Leggett ( 1988), young children tend to believe that ability is a malleable quality. Thus, practice and learning can make one smarter. Older children, in contrast, are more likely to believe ability is a stable quality that cannot change. Intelligence is perceived to be a fixed entity that is revealed through academic performance and achievement. Similarly, Langer and Park ( 1990) propose that young children are taught to attribute failure to precompetence (I havent learned this yet), and older children are taught to attribute failure to incompetence (Im not able to do this). The research on childrens self-concepts and conceptions of ability has important implications for the development of explanatory style and optimism. It suggests that older children may be more likely than younger children to attribute problems to personality flaws that are stable and global. If this is true, positive outcomes will seem less likely and more difficult to attain.

Causal Attributions
Older children may be more prone than younger children to making causal attributions. Piaget (1926, 1959) reported that children under the age of 6 or 7 were rarely concerned with the causes of events, and frequently had difficulty expressing causal relationships. For example, in a 1926 study,



he asked 6- 10-year-old children to finish incomplete sentences that stopped at the word because (e.g., The man fell off his bicycle because-). Young children frequently had difficulty completing these sentences and tended to give responses involving expectations or predictions (e.g., he broke his arm; Piaget, 1926). We do not yet know the ages at which explanatory style becomes stable or first can be measured. Children can complete paper-and-pencil measures of explanatory style beginning at about 8 years of age (NolenHoeksema et al., 1992). Little research exists on explanatory style in younger children. Nolen-Hoeksema ( 1986) attempted to assess explanatory style in preschool children using interviews. Similar to Piagets findings, the findings in her study revealed that preschoolers rarely gave causal explanations for events. Instead, they talked about solutions and expectations. It is interesting to note that a focus on solutions, rather than on causes, may protect young children from hopelessness and helplessness. Dweck and Leggett ( 1988) found that elementary school children who are prone to helplessness (who give up following failure) attribute their failures to stable and global causes (e.g., Im stupid). In contrast, children who display persistence when challenged focus on solutions (e.g., I need to try harder). Thus, persistent children are less likely to describe causes for failure; although it can be argued that their solutions imply unstable and specific causes (e.g., I didnt try hard enough). Thinking About the Future Thinking about the future becomes increasingly sophisticated as children approach adolescence. They are more able to think about long-term goals and to consider alternative possibilities for the future (Bemporad, 1994; Keating, 1980). Yet, Bemporad argues that adolescents dont have the life experience necessary to put negative events into context. Thus, they may frequently catastrophize, believing that consequences of negative events will endure through time. For example, a poor grade on a geometry exam may be taken as evidence that pursuing a career in math or science is hopeless. If a childs explanatory style becomes increasingly pessimistic with development, we should expect that his or her dispositional pessimism will also increase, because our predictions about the future in part stem from the causal attributions we make (Abramson et al., 1989). Consistent with this hypothesis, hopelessness has been found to be a common symptom of depression in adolescence (McConville et al., 1973). Link Between Pessimistic Interpretive Styks and Depression Recent research indicates that cognitive models are applicable to depression in children at least by late childhood. Children with depressive 306

symptoms report lower self-esteem, greater hopelessness, and more pessimistic explanatory styles than do children who do not suffer from these symptoms (for reviews, see Garber, Quiggle, & Shanley, 1990; Gladstone & Kaslow, 1995; Joiner & Wagner, 1995a; Kaslow, Brown, & Mee, 1994). It is not yet clear whether pessimism and a pessimistic explanatory style are causes or simply covariates of depression. Nolen-Hoeksema and colleagues have found that explanatory style predicts future symptoms of depression (NolenHoeksema, Girgus, & Seligman, 1986, 1992). However, Hammen and colleagues found that explanatory style did not predict depressive symptoms in children (Hammen, Adrian, & Hiroto, 1988; for reviews see Gladstone & Kaslow, 1995; Joiner & Wagner, 1995a). The relationship between explanatory style and depressive symptoms may change over time. In one longitudinal study of children as they moved from third through eighth grade, young children's depressive symptoms were predicted by life events alone (and not by explanatory style). Once children reached sixth grade, explanatory style began to predict depressive symptoms (Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 1992). McCauley and colleagues studied explanatory style in children from ages 7-17 (McCauley, Mitchell, Burke, & Moss, 1988). Consistent with the predictions above, the study showed that explanatory style became increasingly pessimistic over this time period. In our research, we found that explanatory style grew increasingly pessimistic in a sample of children followed for .3 '/2 years from the beginning of middle school to the beginning of high school (Gillham & Reivich, 1999a). Curiously, depressive symptoms did not increase significantly over this time period, although they have been found to increase in other studies (Kashani et al., 1989, Rutter, 1986). In contrast to our findings and to those reported by McCauley and colleagues, Garber and colleagues found no significant change in pessimistic interpretive styles from seventh through twelfth grade (Garber, Weiss, & Shanley, 1993). Taken together, these findings suggest cognitive factors implicated in adult depression become increasingly relevant in children, especially as they approach adolescence. Early adolescence may be an important window during which to target explanatory style and optimism.
Environmental Risk Factors

Of course, as Cicchetti and Toth (1998) point out, depression cannot be explained by developmental changes alone. Although a substantial minority of adolescents will experience a depressive episode, most are resilient. A variety of environmental risk factors for depression have been proposed, including parental depression and psychopathology, marital conflict, poverty, and other life stressors (for reviews, see Cicchetti & Toth. 1998; Downy


& Coyne, 1990). All these factors are likely to affect childrens explanatory style, levels of optimism, and, in turn, their depressive symptoms. Little is known about the origins of optimism or explanatory style (see Garber & Flynn, 1998 for a recent review of literature on the origins of cognitive styles). Psychologists have suggested that children learn interpretive styles from the important adults in their lives. Parents may instill optimistic or pessimistic styles through modeling or through the way they habitually explain events in their childrens lives (Seligman, Reivich, Jaycox, & Gillham, 1995). They may reinforce certain types of interpretations made by their children. Only a handful of studies have investigated the relationship between parents and childrens styles for interpreting events. These have yielded conflicting findings. In some studies, parent and child explanatory styles converge. In others, no correlation is found (for a review, see Joiner & Wagner, 1995b). Dweck and colleagues have proposed that children may internalize the attributions made by their teachers regarding their failures and successes (Dweck, Davidson, Nelson, & Enna, 1978).These researchers found that girls gave more pessimistic explanations for their failures than did boys, and that this difference was consistent with a discrepancy in the attributions teachers gave for failure in male versus female students (Dweck et al., 1978). Negative life events or stressors may also predispose children to a pessimistic explanatory style. Early helplessness experiments demonstrated that exposure to uncontrollable aversive events leads to passivity and depressive symptoms in humans and other animals. Conversely, control and mastery experiences protect against helplessness (e.g., Seligman, 1975). Children who grow up in poverty, who are exposed repeatedly to violence or intense marital conflict, or who are exposed to chronic parental mental illness, and who repeatedly experience failure may be more prone to developing a pessimistic explanatory style. Consistent with this hypothesis, pessimistic interpretive styles have been linked to previous experience of life stressors, including parental conflict (Nolen-Hoeksema, Girgus, & Seligman, 1986), maternal psychopathology (Garber & Robinson, 1997), and a history of child abuse (Gold, 1986; Kaufman, 1991).


Can interventions that promote optimism and reduce depression in adults be applied effectively to children? Are cognitive-behavioral therapies effective with children? In the remainder of this chapter, we explore these questions. We begin with a discussion of cognitive-behavioral interventions



that have been used to treat helplessness and depression in children, including reattribution training and CBT. We then discuss the Penn Optimism Program, designed to prevent depressive symptoms in middle school children. Finally, we conclude with some speculations about other methods through which optimism and an optimistic explanatory style can be promoted, especially in younger children.

Attribution Retraining
Attribution retraining is a technique that has been used primarily to improve students persistence following failure on academic tasks (Craske, 1985; Dweck, 1975; Fowler & Peterson, 1981; for reviews see Cecil & Medway, 1986; Forsterling, 1985). In the typical intervention, children are taught to attribute failure to lack of effort (an unstable and specific-or more optimistic-cause) rather than to lack of ability (a stable and globalor more pessimistic-cause). In some studies, adults model the new explanations, and in others, adults correct the pessimistic explanations and reward the optimistic explanations that children make. Attribution retraining has been found to increase childrens persistence on math problems (Craske, 1988; Okolo, 1992) and on reading assignments (Fowler & Peterson, 1981). Attribution retraining has also been extended to other types of difficulties. For example, Aydin (1988) used attribution retraining to improve social competence in children. Children in the intervention group were taught to attribute social failures to a lack of effort, and members of this intervention group improved significantly in explanatory style and acceptance by peers. In contrast, there was no change in explanatory style or peer acceptance in members of a control group. Attribution retraining has also been used to improve athletic performance in adolescents (e.g., Miserandino, 1998). Most attribution retraining interventions are much less cognitively demanding than the cognitive-restructuring component of CBT. Studies using this technique typically teach children to substitute one attribution (I didnt try hard enough) for another (I dont have the ability). Children are not explicitly taught to rigorously evaluate the accuracy of their interpretations of events. One advantage of attribution retraining is that it may be accessible to younger children. It has been used with 8- and 9-year-olds (e.g., Dweck, 1975; Fowler & Peterson, 1981) and with children with mental retardation (Turner, Dofney, & Dutka, 1997). The technique may be fragile, however, because new beliefs are not necessarily more realistic than the ones they replace. Optimistic attributions may be hard to maintain if children are repeatedly confronted with evidence indicating these attributions are not accurate. Little is known about the long-term effects of attribution retraining programs or their effects on depressive symptoms.



Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy The cognitive restructuring component of CBT is quite demanding and requires metacognition (thinking about thinking), consideration of alternative possibilities, and hypothesis testing-abilities that characterize formal operations (adolescent and adult thought; Inhelder & Piaget, 1958; Keating, 1980). It is perhaps not surprising then that CBT has been found to be effective in treating and preventing adolescent depression (e.g., Clarke et al., 1995; Clarke, Rohde, Lewinsohn, Hops, & Seeley, 1999; for reviews see Gillham, ShattC, & Freres, in press; Kaslow & Thompson, 1998). For example, Clarke and colleagues found that an intervention based on CBT significantly prevented depressive symptoms and depressive episodes in a sample of adolescents at risk for depression. It is impressive that the prevention effects lasted through 12 months of follow-up (Clarke et al., 1995). Recent studies suggest that CBT also may be effective in reducing depressive symptoms in middle school age children (see Kaslow & Thompson, 1998). It is important to note that interventions used with younger children frequently place less emphasis on cognitive-restructuring techniques. Thus, positive effects of some interventions may be due to the acquisition of behavioral, rather than of cognitive, skills. Researchers need to evaluate the effectiveness of the individual components of these programs. Penn Optimism Program Given the evidence that depressive symptoms increase over the middle school years and then rise dramatically in high school (see Hankin et al., 1998; Rutter, 1986), we were interested in investigating whether CBT can prevent depressive symptoms before children reach high school. With this goal in mind, we developed the Penn Optimism Program (POP), a schoolbased program based on adult CBT. POP is a 12-session, manualized intervention. Children participate in POP in groups of approximately 8-12 students, either after school or during the school day. Groups are led by school teachers, guidance counselors, and advanced graduate students in clinical psychology. The program is described briefly below (for more detailed descriptions, see Seligman et al., 1995; ShattC, Gillham, & Reivich, in press).

Cognitive Restructuring

As in adult CBT, POP involves both cognitive restructuring and skill acquisition. Middle school students are (at least in theory) at the cusp of formal operations and are not as skilled as adolescents at tasks that require hypothesis testing and evaluation of their own thinking. Therefore, a variety of techniques are used to make the cognitive-restructuring techniques acces310

sible and engaging. Skits, stories, role-plays and cartoons are used to introduce and emphasize concepts. The cognitive-restructuring component begins with the cognitive model of emotion and behavior (Beck, 1976; Ellis, 1962). Students learn that feelings and behaviors are due in large part to the way they think about events that happen to them. The link between thoughts and feelings is introduced using cartoons. For example, in one set of worksheets, students are asked to generate the beliefs that would lead to a given behavioral or emotional consequence (see Figure 14.1). For homework, they write about situations in their own lives, using the cartoon format to illustrate their beliefs and the resulting feelings and behaviors. POP then teaches children about optimistic versus pessimistic styles of interpreting events. Skits are used to illustrate the types of thoughts that characterize pessimistic and optimistic styles, and the consequences of these styles. For example, in one set of skits two characters, Gloomy Greg and Hopeful Holly, attend a school dance. Both children ask peers to dance with them, and both are rejected. However, they respond quite differently to this rejection. Greg attributes the event to stable, and global causes (Im a loser, No one likes me) and makes pessimistic predictions (e.g., No one will ever dance with me, Ill never have any fun at dances). Consequently, he feels dejected and hopeless. He sits down on the bench for the rest of the evening and has a miserable time. Holly, in contrast, attributes the event to causes that are more unstable and specific (e.g., Maybe I

Figure 14.1. The link between thoughts and feelings.


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wasnt polite enough, Maybe he promised someone else this dance, Maybe that boy doesnt like me). The predictions she makes are more hopeful. She asks other peers to dance and, eventually, finds a partner and has fun at the party. In POP, children learn that pessimistic styles can make them feel sad and give up on goals, even when these goals are, in fact, achievable. Cartoon worksheets are also used to give children practice with the concept of interpretive styles. Children are given cartoons that depict pessimistic interpretations and are instructed to rewrite the cartoons with more optimistic attributions and predictions. Although we focus on explanatory style and optimism, POPSgoal is not simply to teach positive thinking. The goal is realistic thinking. We have found that many children are reflexive pessimists; they habitually interpret events pessimistically and often this pessimism seems to exceed what is warranted given the situation. The third step in the cognitiverestructuring component, therefore, is to teach children a variety of techniques for thinking accurately about problems. Children learn to evaluate their beliefs by considering evidence for and against them. They learn to generate alternative interpretations, to evaluate these alternatives, and to identify those interpretations that are most accurate. We use a detective analogy to illustrate this process. Problems are compared to crimes. A good detective, like Sherlock Holmes, solves a crime by listing a variety of suspects (initial belief plus alternatives) and looking for clues (evaluates evidence) for each one. Bad detectives, in contrast, conclude that the first suspect they consider (initial belief) must be guilty, without evaluating the evidence. Once they understand the process, children practice this skill frequently during sessions and for homework over the course of the program. Middle school and high school students with depressive symptoms often catastrophize about problems. That is, they believe that terrible outcomes are likely to occur following negative events and that these outcomes will endure. For example, after an embarrassing experience at school, a child may become convinced that she will be ridiculed by most of her peers for the remainder of the school year. She may imagine that even her closest friends will come to reject her, and that she will have no one to talk to or socialize with when she begins high school next year. This type of thinking process leads to considerable anxiety and hopelessness. The story of Chicken Little is useful for illustrating the consequences of catastrophic thinking, and Dont be a Chicken Little is a slogan that is used throughout the program. T o counter catastrophic thinking, participants are taught to consider other possible outcomes of the situation. In the worst-best-most likely procedure, children first list the disastrous outcomes they fear. Then, they are encouraged to list the best possible outcomes they can imagine for the situation. These best outcomes are often equally unlikely and equally extreme. For example, a fantastic outcome for the above situation may be



that other children in the school feel sympathetic toward the girl and, as a result, invite her to many parties. She becomes the most popular girl in the school and enters high school with everyone fighting to be her friend. Considering the positive extreme helps children realize that the disasters they imagine are also unlikely to occur. The next step in this process is for children to list several outcomes that are more likely, to evaluate these outcomes, and to select those that seem most realistic given the situation (e.g., Several of the girls peers will tease her over the next week or so). Once they have identified the most likely outcomes, they are taught how to plan for and deal with the negative aspects of these outcomes.

Skill Acquisition
Although cognitive skills provide hope that problems will dissipate and that change is possible, they do not provide the skills required to effect that change. The second half of the program teaches skills that can be used to solve a variety of problems, including emotion-control techniques, relaxation, assertiveness and negotiation techniques, and a method for countering procrastination. In addition, students learn an approach to problem solving that involves generating a variety of possible solutions for problems they encounter and then evaluating these solutions and deciding between them. This process may be especially helpful in counteracting hopelessness, because children learn that usually there are a variety of paths through which positive outcomes can be achieved. As with the cognitive component, techniques are introduced through skits, stories, and cartoon characters (e.g., Say-it-straight Samantha) that illustrate specific skills. Students are encouraged to role-play possible solutions in the group and to practice the skill for homework between sessions. Research on POP

In our first study of POP, fifth and sixth graders were identified as atrisk for depression based on reports of parental conflict and current depressive symptoms. The 69 children who participated in the intervention were compared with a matched control group of children. Initial results indicated that POP significantly improved explanatory style and reduced depressive symptoms (Jaycox, Reivich, Gillham, 6r Seligman, 1994). These effects endured through a 2-year follow-up period (Gillham, Reivich, Jaycox, & Seligman, 1995). There was a dramatic reduction in reports of moderateto-severe levels of depressive symptoms across the 2-year follow-up period. For example, at the 2-year follow-up, 44% of control participants reported moderate-to-severe levels of symptoms as compared with only 22% of POP participants. Mediational analyses suggested that improvements in


explanatory style were, in part, responsible for the program's effect on depressive symptoms. It is important to note that data from 2%- and 3-year follow-ups indicate the prevention effect for depressive symptoms was no longer significant (Gillham 6r Reivich, 1999b), suggesting that booster sessions may be important for long-term prevention of depression. This study had several methodological limitations, including the lack of random assignment to condition and reliance on self-report measures. In addition, there was no test of treatment specificity. Thus, it is possible that POP'S effects were due to social support or other factors not specific to CBT. Research that addresses these limitations is currently underway. Gillham and Seligman (1999) recently completed a study in which children were randomly assigned to POP or a control group. The children participating in this study were followed for 12 months after POP groups ended. POP participants reported improvements in explanatory style and depressive symptoms following the intervention. There was some evidence that POP prevented depressive symptoms over the follow-up period. Although average levels of depressive symptoms were not significantly different at 6 or 12 months, peak levels of symptoms across the follow-up were significantly lower in POP participants than in participants of the control group. Current studies are underway to investigate POP'S effectiveness relative to other interventions, the effects of POP on children's behavior as observed by parents and teachers, and POP'S ability to prevent clinical diagnoses of depression. Building the Foundation for an Optimistic Explanatory Style

CBT offers promise as a means of boosting optimism and explanatory style, and as a means of preventing depression in late childhood and adolescence. However, there are many other possible paths through which optimistic interpretive styles can be promoted, and these may be effective for young children as well. If children learn optimism and explanatory style from adults, a powerful intervention may be to boost explanatory style in parents and teachers. Children's explanatory style may benefit when their depressed parents participate in CBT, for example, or when their teachers are educated about the effects of attributing failure to lack of ability. If uncontrollable stressors breed pessimism, therapeutic and societal interventions that target violence, abuse, parental psychopathology, and poverty may promote optimistic styles in children. If repeated failure leads children to attribute events to permanent causes and to expect continued failure, they may benefit from interventions that improve their academic, athletic, artistic, social, and other skills. Finally, providing children with control and mastery experiences may help lay the foundation for an optimistic interpretive style. By facing challenges, struggling, and, eventually, succeeding, children may learn to

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view even large problems as temporary and changeable. All of these paths should increase childrens resiliency.


In summary, analysis of recent research suggests that depressive symptoms and depressive disorders are common during middle school and rise dramatically during the high school years (Angold, 1988; Hankin et al., 1998; Lewinsohn et al., 1993).Cognitive vulnerabilities, such as a pessimistic explanatory style or dispositional pessimism, that are implicated in adult depression are relevant to childhood depression at least by the end of elementary school or beginning of middle school. Our interpretation of these findings suggests that the middle school years offer an important window for intervention programs. We are encouraged by recent research indicating that CBT techniques effective in treating adult depression can also be used to foster an optimistic explanatory style and prevent depressive symptoms in children. Despite these findings, researchers still know very little about the origins of optimistic interpretive styles or how to build these styles in children. I t is likely that there are many pathways through which optimistic styles can be fostered in children. Discovering these pathways is an important and exciting area for future research.

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