The Beginning of Eternity-Decadent Delights

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The Beginning of Eternity-Decadent Delights by Shae Shannon [Siren Classic: Erotic Paranormal Romance, vampires, bondage, spanking, sex

toys, HEA] The most exciting event of Chloe Kents life had been opening a coffee shop with her best friend Amy. Amy, who has wild and colorful sexual encounters regularly, finds it her duty to change her obsolete love life. One girls' night out turns Chloes ordinary life upside down. When she runs into the man of her dreams, her libido goes into overdrive. She has finally found someone that is a hot, mouthwatering, pantietwisting party of orgasms wrapped up in a sexy hunk of a man who just happens to be a vampire. Just when things start to heat up, someone wants to sacrifice her. Freakin figures. Gabriel Jacobs has been waiting centuries for his one and only mate. He must work to capture her heart, while protecting her from an ancient evil vampire with a self-made Frankenstein army. With his growing need to claim and protect her, their destiny is on the line. Can this be their beginning of eternity? Excerpt: The girls raised their shot glasses, toasted, and gulped the fiery liquid. Immediately after, they chased with the contents of their fruity cocktails. Slamming their glasses a little harder than necessary on the bar, they ordered up another round and giggled. I know exactly what we need, Chloe. Wait here for a sec! What are you doing, Amy? Waitwhere are you going? But, before she could stop her, Amy disappeared into the crowd of people. Turning back to the bar, she lifted her glass and started to take a drink, when a swift movement beside her caught her attention. Jerking her head a little more dramatically than she had intended, she caught sight of the cause. Sitting on the bar stool next to her was him. Not just any him, her him. Her fantasy hunk of male perfection. Her heart stopped, and she held her breath, knowing it was all her imagination. Her mind whirled a million miles an hour, flipping through all of the previous scenes, leaving her mouth agape and her eyes as big as the moon. I am just drunk. Thats all it is. Snap out of it before someone realizes you are losing it! He was mesmeric. The paintings did not capture his full beauty. Unable to speak, her mouth went dry, and her hands started to tremble. And then, she heard him. He was speaking to her. Snapping out of her thoughts, she shook her head, barely mumbling the words, Excuse me? I am terribly sorry, what was that? A smile stretched across his face, softening his masculine features. Hello, madam. I was simply stating that such beauty should not be sitting alone. You are stunning. Stretching his hand out, he made introductions. My name is Gabriel Jacobs. You are? Oh, um, thank you. I am Chloe Kent. Nice to meet you. Meeting his hand, she was surprised when he pulled it to his lips and kissed the back of her hand, slowly, sending every cell in her body into

explosions of stimulation. Her eyes never left his lips, drinking in the sweet lushness. Chloe examined his features, soaking in every detail as if her life depended on it. Dragging her gaze up to meet his eyes, she was embarrassed when she realized he had been watching her and found amusement swimming in the pools of his dark eyes. Trying to hide her blush, she hurriedly gulped half of her drink, trying not to choke as the burn trailed down her throat. Im sorry, I know this seems clich, but you look familiar. Have we met before? With enough heat in his eyes to make Supermans heat vision look like a childish prank, he pulled his mouth into a devilish grin and leaned in to speak only for her to hear. I would hope that you would classify us as more than strangers, pet. After the time we have shared, I do believe that at least puts us in the acquaintance category. However, we will be much, much more than that very soon, I promise you. Her eyes bugged out of her head, her mouth dropping slowly as the recognition sunk in. Pet. He had called me pet. Before she had time to react, Amy walked up on the arm of a handsome man with golden hair and a boyish smile. Surprise lurked on her features as she looked between Gabriel and Chloe, sending subtle questioning looks to Chloe. She could see that Amy was astounded at how amazingly perfect he was and how he made her blond arm candy look like M&Ms next to her exquisite French chocolate. The amusement of the situation and the emotions pouring from the trio made a slight almost guffaw escaper from Gabriel. Gaining their attention with the sound, he turned and started introductions. Within a few minutes of small talk, and the knowledge that the blond Ken doll on her friends arm was Blake Marshall which suited his surfboard style, the room was enveloped with We Made You by Eminem. Amy, screeching like a schoolgirl, turned to Chloe, announcing, Thats what I went to do, well, before I had the privilege of running into Blake. I figured we needed something to pump up the night! Lets go show these boys what we can do on a dance floor! With two loud whoot! Whoots! they got up from their seats. She grabbed her friends hand, and they made their way through the entwined bodies on the dance floor. Gabe and Blake followed, taking care not to lose the women in the ocean of movement. Glancing around, a blush came to Chloes face as she realized that most everyone was doing everything but having intercourse while they swayed and ground against each other to the beat of the music. A couple was locked together in a hot embrace, their tongues exploring each other intimately only to come back up to lock in a passionate kiss that would make a porn star blush. Her body temperature bolted up a couple of notches as she tried not to stare but couldnt stop her gaze from straying around the room in amazement. As the song changed into a pulsing, erotic melody, she and Amy started swaying to the sexy sounds pumping out of the speakers that surrounded the area. After a short moment, she relaxed and got into the beat, turning and moving her body like a belly dancer. Her arms above her head, she snaked them around in a hypnotic rhythm, designedly being a seductress and letting her inhibitions run free. Amy mimicked her moves, and both took the attention of most onlookers, bringing a crowd of people around to join them, moving their bodies against the girls and letting their hands explore.

He noticed how Chloe seemed a bit awestruck at first and watched as her body language showed her relaxing. His gaze was affixed to her every movement, watching with a deep need roaring inside of him, ready to combust at any moment. His passion turned to anger, and his primal instinct emerged the moment he witnessed the other dancers move closer to his woman. When hands started groping her, he had to swallow an attack as his fangs descended and the dark animal within came to surface. His eyes glowing a deep red, he fought the urges to grab her and carry her off to his lair where he could erase the touches with his own and brand her forever. Through clenched teeth and protruding fangs, he closed his eyes and started sending images to her, with more intensity than probably necessary. He let his voice drift to her, clouding her senses. My little temptress, enjoy your little bewitching dance. You will only bring more punishment to that sweet ass of yours later. Make no mistake, I have claimed you as mine and mine alone. Soon you will bear my mark, and no other will dare touch you. I will show you pleasure that you have not discovered even in the books you bury yourself in. I love you, kitten, and will make sure to fulfill every dream and desire that is in that pretty little head. You will yearn for nothing, and everything will be yours. Shae Shannon Follow my facebook:!/shae.shannon.35 fan page:!/pages/Shae-Shannon/488117577907254 Manic Readers-

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