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archive, originally posted by: [ spectre ] (INCLUDES INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LOSS?) NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS IN HEAVEN Knights Templar to Vatican: Give us back our assets BY Joe Fay / 4th August 2008 The Knights Templar are demanding that the Vatican give them back their good name and, possibly, billions in assets into the bargain, 700 years after the order was brutally suppressed by a joint venture between the Pope and the King of France. If the Holy See doesn t comply, the warrior knights, renowned for liberating the Holy Land, will deploy that most fearsome of weapons: a laborious court case through the creaking Spanish legal system. The Daily Telegraph reports that The Association of the Sovereign Order of the Temple of Christ has launched a court case in Spain, demanding Pope Benedict recognise the seizure of assets worth 100bn. The Spanish-based group of Templars apparently says in a statement: We are not trying to cause the economic collapse of the Roman Catholic Church, but to illustrate to the court the magnitude of the plot against our Order. This might come as a surprise to those who believe that the order of warrior monks also credited with possessing the Holy Grail and laying the foundation of the European banking system was smashed in 1307 by Pope Clement V and Philip IV of France. At the time, the order was accused of a multitude of crimes, including two medieval biggies sodomy and heresy. However, recently discovered Vatican papers showed that the order had never been declared heretics, burnings at the stake for the leadership not withstanding. Rather, it appeared that the order s suppression was more a piece of realpolitik on the pope s part to pacify Philip, who was somewhat irked by the prospect of the powerful order increasing its continental activities after Jerusalem fell to the Turks. Despite the order s brutal apparent suppression, its legacy has been claimed by numerous successor organisations, and besmirched by popular authors ad nauseum. One of the successors, Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani, is apparently recognised by Unesco. We contacted the UK branch, otherwise known as the The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales, to see if they could throw any light on the matter but they have yet to get back to us. The Grand Priory s website says the modern organisation is about humanitarian and charity work. There is no mention of the Holy Grail, though it does support the maintenance of the Holy Places. And if you re looking for esoteric rites or secret higher knowledge, you re

likely to be disappointed. The website says: Please don t expect to be enlightened with some supposed secret knowledge, because nothing exists. Of course, any conspiracy theorist will tell you that s exactly what you d expect them to say. POLITICAL REPRESSION, COERCED CONFESSIONS Knights Templar heirs in legal battle with the Pope eirs-in-legal-battle-with-the-Pope.html BY Fiona Govan / 04 Aug 2008 The Association of the Sovereign Order of the Temple of Christ, whose members claim to be descended from the legendary crusaders, have filed a lawsuit against Benedict XVI calling for him to recognise the seizure of assets worth 100 billion euros (79 billion). They claim that when the order was dissolved by his predecessor Pope Clement V in 1307, more than 9,000 properties as well as countless pastures, mills and other commercial ventures belonging to the knights were appropriated by the church. But their motive is not to reclaim damages only to restore the good name of the Knights Templar. We are not trying to cause the economic collapse of the Roman Catholic Church, but to illustrate to the court the magnitude of the plot against our Order, said a statement issued by the self-proclaimed modern day knights. The Templars was a powerful secretive group of warrior monks founded by French knight Hugues de Payens after the First Crusade of 1099 to protect pilgrims en route to Jerusalem. They amassed enormous wealth and helped to finance wars waged by European monarchs, but spectacularly fell from grace after the Muslims reconquered the Holy Land in 1244 and rumours surfaced of their heretic practices. The Knights were accused of denying Jesus, worshipping icons of the devil in secret initiation ceremonies, and practising sodomy. Many Templars confessed to their crimes under torture and some, including the Grand Master Jacques de Molay, were burned at the stake. The legal move by the Spanish group comes follows the unprecedented step by the Vatican towards the rehabilitation of the group when last October it released copies of parchments recording the trials of the Knights between 1307 and 1312. The papers lay hidden for more than three centuries having been misfiled within papal archives until they were discovered by an academic in 2001. The Chinon parchment revealed that, contrary to historic belief, Clement V had declared the Templars were not heretics but disbanded the order anyway to maintain peace with their accuser, King Philip IV of France. VATICAN SECRET ARCHIVE SOUVENIR CHINON PARCHMENT (AVAILABLE NOW) Years of research and organization, conducted by the Vatican Secret Archive on its source material, have made possible the publication of Processus Contra Templarios, the exclusive and previously unavailable

hearing of the original acts of the ancient trial against the Templar Knights. A unique project in the world, this work comes in a limited run of 799 copies, under the supervision of the Papal Archive officials, and includes the faithful replicas of the original parchments kept at the Secret Archive along with a new and exclusive critical edition on the minutes of the inquiry. A thorough analysis of the original parchments, performed through the technique known as Wood lamp , which allows the recovery of parts of text unattainable to previous publishers, has made possible for the supervisors to amend older editions, so as to afford a more accurate and genuine reading of the documents. The filing of pre-existing sources has indeed allowed to recover misinterpreted text sections as well as standardize designations for both people and locations. Therefore, the Vatican Secret Archive gives academics and interested subjects access to a precious and scientifically reliable tool of research into the historical facts related to the Templar Order. (THAT WON T EVEN PAY THE LAWYERS) 0-to-show-innocence-of-the-Knights-Templar.html By Richard Holt and Malcolm Moore / 29 Oct 2007 The Vatican is selling a limited edition of life-sized replicas of a giant forgotten parchment that absolves the mysterious knights of their status as heretics. Only 799 copies of the document, which is the size of a small dinner table, will be sold for 5,900 (3,925) each. An 800th copy will be presented to Pope Benedict XVI. The 300-page Processus Contra Templarios (Trial against the Templars), measuring more than two metres across, records the trial of the knights when they were accused of heresy before Pope Clement V between 1307 and 1312. Also known as the Chinon parchment, the original artefact was discovered in the Vatican s secret archives in 2001 after it had been wrongly catalogued for more than 300 years. The reproductions are printed on synthetic parchment with a replica of the original papal wax seal. Enfolded in a soft leather case, each copy also comes with a scholarly commentary. The Knights Templar were a powerful and secretive group of warrior monks during the Middle Ages. Their secrecy has given birth to endless legends, including one that they discovered the Holy Grail. The order was founded by Hugues de Payns, a French knight, after the First Crusade of 1099 to protect pilgrims on the road to Jerusalem. Its headquarters was the captured Al-Aqsa mosque on Jerusalem s Temple Mount, which lent the order their name. But when Jerusalem fell to Muslim rule in 1244, rumours surfaced that the knights were heretics who worshipped idols in a secret initiation ceremony. The Chinon parchment reveals that, contrary to historic belief, the pope found that the Templars were not heretics even though he still disbanded the order to maintain peace with their accuser, King Philip IV the Fair of France. Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars, was burned at the stake in 1314 along with his aides on Philip s orders.

Some surviving monks fled. Some were absorbed by other orders, and over the centuries, various groups have claimed to be descended from the Templars. Some of the knights who did not manage to escape were brought before Pope Clement. Their accusers claimed that the Templars initiation ceremony, which involved spitting on the cross , denying Jesus and kissing the lower back, navel and mouth of the man proposing them, was blasphemous. However, the knights explained that the initiation mimicked the humiliation that knights could suffer if they fell into the hands of the Saracens, while the kissing ceremony was a sign of their total obedience. The pope ultimately cleared them of heresy, but found them guilty of lesser infractions of church law. Barbara Frale, the Vatican historian who discovered the Chinon parchment in a box of other papers, said: For 700 years we have believed that the Templars died as cursed men, and this absolves them. She added: There were a lot of faults in the order abuses, violence a lot of sins but not heresy. VERDICT OF INNOCENCE MISFILED TO 17th CENTURY ghts-Templar.html Vatican paper set to clear Knights Templar BY Malcolm Moore / 07 Oct 2007 The mysteries of the Order of the Knights Templar could soon be laid bare after the Vatican announced the release of a crucial document which has not been seen for almost 700 years. A new book, Processus contra Templarios, will be published by the Vatican s Secret Archive on Oct 25, and promises to restore the reputation of the Templars, whose leaders were burned as heretics when the order was dissolved in 1314. The Knights Templar were a powerful and secretive group of warrior monks during the Middle Ages. Their secrecy has given birth to endless legends, including one that they guard the Holy Grail. The Order was founded by Hugues de Payns, a French knight, after the First Crusade of 1099 to protect pilgrims on the road to Jerusalem. Its headquarters was the captured Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount, which lent the Templars their name. But when Jerusalem fell to Muslim rule in 1244, rumours surfaced that the knights were heretics who worshipped idols in a secret initiation ceremony. In 1307, King Philip IV the Fair of France, in desperate need of funds, ordered the arrest and torture of all Templars. After confessing various sins their leader, Jacques de Molay, was burnt at the stake. Pope Clement V then dissolved the order and issued arrest warrants for all remaining members. Ever since, the Templars have been thought of as heretics. The new book is based on a scrap of parchment discovered in the Vatican s secret archives in 2001 by Professor Barbara Frale. The long-lost document is a record of the trial of the Templars before Pope Clement, and ends with a papal absolution from all heresies. Prof Frale said: I could not believe it when I found it. The paper was put in the wrong archive in the 17th century. The document, known as the Chinon parchment, reveals that the Templars had an initiation ceremony which involved spitting on the cross , denying Jesus and kissing the lower back, navel and mouth of the man proposing them. The Templars explained to Pope Clement that the

initiation mimicked the humiliation that knights could suffer if they fell into the hands of the Saracens, while the kissing ceremony was a sign of their total obedience. The Pope concluded that the entrance ritual was not truly blasphemous, as alleged by King Philip when he had the knights arrested. However, he was forced to dissolve the Order to keep peace with France and prevent a schism in the church. This is proof that the Templars were not heretics, said Prof Frale. The Pope was obliged to ask pardon from the knights. For 700 years we have believed that the Templars died as cursed men, and this absolves them. (ENEMY) KNOWLEDGE GETS SUPPRESSED SO (ENEMY) KNOWLEDGE GETS LOST PROGRESSIVES FOILED AGAIN History:The Medicine of the Templars / BY Prof. C. Di Cicco, M.D. 15th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Rhodes-Greece At Paris, 18 March of 1314, on the island of the Seine in front of the Garden real, Jacques de Molay, the last Great Master of the Templars, and Geoffroy de Charny, preceptor of Normandy, were burned like heretics. Therefore the history of the Knights of the Temple, after two centuries, finishes. The Templars would have been in possession of the most hidden secrets of alchemy. They were first to use the IPERICO, in the burns and hurts from cut, like antiseptic, astringent, healing, and in order to improve humor of the soldiers that remained immobilizes to bed for months. Such experiences landed then to the salernitana medical school, that is remained the crib of the phytotherapy until the six hundred. The Templars created a mixture with pulp of Aloe, pulp of Hemp and wine of Palm,called ELISIR of GERUSALEM , with therapeutic and nourishing property, they used the Arborescens ALOE for its antiseptic, bactericidal and fungicide action and for its capacity to penetration in the deeper layers of the skin. Robert Anton Wilson, in his book on the Templars, asserts that they used the hashish and practiced a shape of Arabic Tantrism, doctrine of enlightenment as the realization of oneness of one s self and the visible world, combining elements of hinduism and paganism, including magical and mystical elements. The authors of Holy Blood and Holy Grail Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln comment that the Templars need to treat wounds and illness, made them experts in the use of drugs and the Order in advance of their time regarded epilepsy not as demonic possession but as to controllable disease. Interestingly cannabis is the safest natural or synthetic medication proven successful in the treatment of loads forms of epilepsy. The esoteric inheritance and the alchemical-spagyrics acquaintances were handed from the Templars to the Crocifers. From these Orders, that one of Saint Giacomo or Jacobite managed many Hospitals during the XV century. To the Jacobite monks , in quality of experts in the cure of the diseases of the skin, the task was entrusted to cure the wounded soldiers during the Crusades, in the Hospitals of Malta and Cyprus. To they, in fact, was attributed the capability to create miraculous ointments. In such historical context it must estimate the work of the Templars

concluding with recognizing that they, anticipating the times, had a modern vision of the Medicine and, although were considered heretics and consigned to the fire, recently a document has been recovered in Archives Vaticans from the studious Barbara Frale that demonstrates as Pope Clemente V secretly pardoned Templars in 1314, acquitting their Great Master from the heresy accusation. BLAME THE KINGS (DECEASED) The Templars: unravelling the myths BY Christopher Howse / 26/07/2008 The importance of the Chinon parchment is that it proves that Pope Clement V had absolved these Templars from their crimes and cleared them of any taint of heresy. The subsequent dissolution of the order was the work of the French king s persevering campaign. It was a long way from the idealism with which, on Christmas Day 1119, a handful of knights took their vows as Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ devoted to guarding pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem, at that period in Christian hands. The new foundation was granted as its headquarters the al-Aqsa former mosque. This domed building on the Temple Mount was thought at the time to be Solomon s Temple, hence Templars. Michael Haag, in his well-knit narrative, gets through an enormous spread of history, helpfully telling readers what the Bible has to say about the Jewish Temple before running through the Roman, Muslim and Crusader centuries. The after-history of the Templars is dominated by the imaginings of Freemasons and the conspiracy fancies of scarcely distinct alternative historians and novelists. If anything, the author is too tolerant of this froth. Historical truth does matter. Perhaps the Templars themselves were off-beam from their first dawn, since it seems to have escaped the notice of these poor, chaste and obedient monk-knights that Christ was not a soldier. They joined St Bernard in promoting the rather disastrous Second Crusade, but found little success in freeing Christian territories in the Holy Land from surrounding warring Islamic factions. They had better luck in Spain, where the frontier of reconquered territory pushed steadily southwards. The Templars acquired rich grants of land from of England, who gave them a plot at the end of the Temple church now stands. Its model is not the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the tomb of Christ. kings such as Henry I Chancery Lane, where Solomon s Temple, but built over the site of

An idea in medieval Europe, more widespread than the Templars, was that every church in which the body and blood of Christ were sacrificed again daily was another Holy Sepulchre. In 1009, long before the Templars foundation, Christ s rock-hewn grave in Jerusalem was attacked with pickaxes after the church around it had been demolished, on the orders of the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim, who made Jews and Christians wear distinctive clothes and generally behaved in a fierce manner. There was never an unmoving monolithic Muslim force opposing a monolithic Christian Crusader polity. Shia, Egyptian-based Fatimids were displaced by Sunni, Persianised-Turkic Seljuks. Saladin, the man

who in 1187 recaptured Jerusalem from the Christians, was by origin a Kurd, an Indo-European people like their Frankish enemies. Saladin purified the Templar headquarters, restoring it as a mosque, but decided not to demolish the rebuilt Holy Sepulchre. When in 1229 Frederick II crowned himself King of Jerusalem bishop caring to crown this excommunicate troublemaker), he treaty that the Templars were forbidden to return. It was a the wind. The Templars were to be destroyed by the jealousy there (no ensured by straw in of kings.

FRENCH KING OWED TEMPLARS MONEY Long-lost text lifts cloud from Knights Templar 700-year-old document shows pope absolved order of heresy charges Associated Press / Oct. 12, 2007 ROME The Vatican has published secret documents about the trial of the Knights Templar, including a parchment long ignored because of a vague catalog entry in 1628 showing that Pope Clement V initially absolved the medieval order of heresy. The 300-page volume recently came out in a limited edition 799 copies each priced at $8,377, said Scrinium publishing house, which prints documents from the Vatican s secret archives. The Vatican work reproduces the entire documentation of the papal hearings convened after King Philip IV of France arrested and tortured Templar leaders in 1307 on charges of heresy and immorality. As their military might increased, the Templars also had grown in wealth, acquiring property throughout Europe and running a primitive banking system. After they left the Middle East with the collapse of the Crusader kingdoms, their power and secretive ways aroused the fear of European rulers and sparked accusations of corruption and blasphemy. Accused by an indebted king Historians believe Philip owed debts to the Templars and used the accusations to arrest their leaders and extract, under torture, confessions of heresy as a way to seize the order s riches. The publishing house said the new book includes the Parchment of Chinon, a 1308 decision by Clement to save the Templars and their order. The Vatican archives researcher who found the parchment said Friday that it probably had been ignored because the 1628 catalog entry on the 40-inch-wide parchment was too Spartan, too vague. Unfortunately, there was an archiving error, an error in how the document was described, the researcher, Barbara Frale, said in a telephone interview from her home in Viterbo, north of Italy. More than an error, it was a little sketchy, she said.

The parchment, in remarkably good condition considering its 700 years, apparently had last been consulted at the start of the 20th century, Frale said, surmising that its significance must have not have been realized then. Burned at the stake Frale said she was intrigued by the 1628 entry because, while it apparently referred to some minor matter, it noted that three top

cardinals, including the right-hand man of Clement, Berenger Fredol, had made a long journey to interrogate someone. Going on with my research, it turned out that in reality it was an inquest of very great importance on behalf of the pope, Frale said. Fredol had gone to question the Great Master and other heads of the Templars who had been segregated, practically kidnapped, by the king of France and shut up in secret in his castle in Chinon on the Loire. According to the Vatican archives Web site, the parchment shows that Clement initially absolved the Templar leaders of heresy, though he did find them guilty of immorality, and that he planned to reform the order. However, pressured by Philip, Clement later reversed his decision and suppressed the order in 1312. Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars, was burned at the stake in 1314 along with his aides. Surviving monks fled. Some were absorbed by other orders; over the centuries, various groups have claimed to have descended from the Templars. MOMMY, WHERE DO PIRATES COME FROM? The Templars had learned much about Arab/Eastern philosophy and beliefs while in Jerusalem. They also absorbed the many building techniques derived from the East and Classical Greece. Many of them were stonemasons and they used biblical descriptions of the Temple of Solomon and building tools in the symbolism of their designs and their ceremonies. The Skull and Crossbones is also a good example of how of symbols can change over time. Esoteric and hermetic centuries used the Skull and Crossbones as a symbol to and rebirth (the evolving soul) and it was adopted for the Knights Templar. our perception groups had for represent birth this reason by

They used it as a symbol on the flags of their ships as well as that of the Cross. After being driven out of the Holy Land, the Knights Templars used their powerful fleet of ships to harass their Moslem adversaries in the Mediterranean area. At the fall of the Templars in 1307, the entire Templar fleet disappeared from the port of La Rochelle. The Skull and Crossbones flags of the Templar ships became a symbol with a powerful reputation and identified with pirates. By the 17th and 18th centuries the Templars had long since gone underground and evolved into other organisations. The symbol of the Skull and Crossbones came to be associated mainly with pirates and also devil worship. It had become something to be feared. It was known as the Jolly Roger in the context of the pirates. (This may be a corruption of the French name for the red flag, the Jolie Rouge .) SAY THAT AGAIN? The Jolly Roger and the Knight Templars Legend has it that the Jolly Roger obtained its appellation from the French name for the red flag, the Jolie Rouge. And so it may be, for the flag was first used by a French order of militant monks known as the Poor Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon commonly known as the Knights Templar.

The Templars, were pious men. They gave up all their worldly possessions when they entered the Order, only carrying money on special occasions when they traveled alone, turning over whatever money that remained upon reaching their destination. They were ferocious warriors; pitching themselves into the midst of their enemies, astride charging warhorses, against incredible odds. Being men of principle; their rules of conduct were strict. They were willing to die for their beliefs, and so were feared on the battlefield and respected in life. Such was their reputation, that in battle, there were instances where the enemy would turn and run at the very sight of Templars entering the field. Their Rule of Order stated that breaking rank was worthy of losing ones habit. They neither asked nor gave quarter; the were expected to fight until death stayed their sword arm. Retreat from an enemy would not be countenanced unless the odds were greater than three to one against them and they were forbidden to ransom themselves if captured. They fought like men possessed, either prevailing in their cause, or suffering death under the banner of Gol gotha the place of the skull where their Christ died. Templars were not to succumb to the temptation of thinking that they killed in a spirit of hate and fury, nor that they seized booty in a spirit of greed. For the Templars did not hate men, but men s wrongdoing. They were dedicated to the protection of travelers and pilgrims of all religions, though they themselves were Christians, in fact many Templars were of Palestinian birth, spoke perfect Arabic, and were familiar with every religious sect, cult, and magical doctrine, including that of the Islamic Assassins. The Grand Master Philip of Nablus (1167 A.D.) was a Syrian. They were great statesmen, politically adept economic traders, and they were allied with the great sailor-fraternity that had created a worldwide trading empire in Phoenician times. They became immensely powerful had the largest fleet and the most successful banking system in Europe. But they could not sustain their grip on the Holy Land. Their losses were too great, and they were eventually driven off the Levant by Saladin, their Moslem adversary, in 1291. They continued to fight for their cause in the only manner they could on the high seas. The best known Templar pirate ship was the Falcon, the greatest that had been built at that time. She was in the harbor when the fortress of Acre fell and rescued many ladies and damsels and great treasure and many important people by evacuating them to Atlit. After the orderly navel evacuation of Atlit, the Templars retreated to their Mediterranean island bases on Cyprus, Rhodes and Sicily. Until their dissolution, they, together with the Order of St. John, continued as the foremost maritime powers in the Mediterranean, continuing to effectively wage war on Moslem shipping. The Templars were still very powerful but in the eyes of European monarchs and the Church, the Templars raison d tre had ceased with the loss of the Holy Lands. Jealousy and covetousness reigned. Phillip IV, who was deeply in dept to the Order, had seen their treasures stored in Paris, and designed to make it his own. On Friday morning October 13th 1307 and the reason for which Friday the 13th has become known as an unlucky day King Phillip IV together

with Avignonese Pope Clement V, ruthlessly suppressed the Order throughout Europe, with false accusations, arrests, torture and executions. Though they were offered commuted sentences and comfortable lives if they would renounce their Order and plead guilty to the charges, for some mysterious reason, they preferred to remain true to their principles and received their punishment. A large number of Templars escaped that day to an uncertain future, and found refuge abroad. On the eve of the arrests, the entire Templar fleet mysteriously vanished from the port of La Rochelle carrying with it a vast fortune, the fate of which remains a mystery down to this day. Just as a terrorist to one is a freedom fighter to another, so it was with the Templars and their fleet. Wanted by the Pope and all the crowns of Europe, they came to be viewed, by the comfortable folks on the mainland, as pirates.

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