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Emerson Actual Sales Datamart

Project Name Domain Area Account Name: Vertical-Horizontal: Project Managers e-mail-id: Tools Used:

Emerson Sales Datamart Data Warehousing Emerson Manufacturing Oracle Warehouse Builder, Oracle Discoverer, PL/SQL, UNIX Shell Scripting Data warehouse, Datamart, Sales, OWB, Oracle Warehouse Builder, Oracle Discoverer, UNIX Shell Scripts, PL/SQL


Emerson Actual Sales Datamart

Customer Profile
Name: Emerson Appliance Solutions Location: St. Louis, Missouri State, USA Emerson Appliance Solutions (EAS) is organized around five appliance market platforms namely: Refrigeration, Cooking, Landry, Dishwasher and Water Heater. EAS offers complete system solutions, spanning products manufactured across Emerson divisions. The solutions are based on a wide variety of products including motors, fans, electronic and electromechanical controls, pumps, water valves, and others. Emerson as a whole is a $15 billion company which enjoys its operating earnings of $1.1 billion.

Business Objectives
Current IT infrastructure and the information dissemination process are found to be inadequate to serve information needs of the EAS business users. Business groups across Emerson need access to a consistent environment containing integrated data to report on a wide range of tactical and strategic information. Few issues which EAS is facing with respect to their sales are: No Centralized Source for Historical Sales Data Dependency on Divisions For Sales Information Non-Standard Sales Processes Across Divisions Lack of an Analytical Platform for Dissemination and Analysis of Sales Data No Centralized Source for Quality Data, Internal or External No Centralized Source for List of Customer Opportunities Based on the above issues the Business Requirements are: A centralized Data warehouse where in all the Divisions sales data need to be available. The Sales data should be common across all the divisions. A data entry system for entering the Rebates and Adjustments data. Accessing of Reports through web

Technical Requirements
Oracle9i will be the database. Each division sends the sales data in Flat files. OWB will be used as the ETL (extraction, Transformation and Loading) tool for loading the data from flat files to Oracle DB. Oracle Discoverer is used as Reporting tool and reports are accessed over web.

Key Challenges
The main challenge in the project is extraction of common data from all the divisions. Trapping the errors in the data provided by the divisions and sending back the errors to the respective divisions for corrections. Apart from these there were numerous Technical issues faced during the execution of the project. First in the row was implementation of EDW as specified by the client and usage of Collection and Loader programs to load the data. How to load the corrected errors during the data rejection.

Emerson Actual Sales Datamart

Oracle discoverer has many limitations, for example calculation of sales difference between two years.

Wipros Solution
A 6-member Wipro team partnered with the customer in analysis, design and development of Emerson Actual Sales datamart. Actual sales data mart will allow the automatic accumulation of EAS sales data spread across various divisions. Information on actual sales would be extracted at daily or monthly intervals from various division legacy systems in the form of flat files. The data extracted from the divisions will be cleansed and transformed in the staging area. This data will then be consolidated and loaded into the Actual Sales Datamart. Actual sales reporting & analysis will be performed against this data. A set of canned reports are created and made available on a regular basis for sales reporting. The following are some of the key benefits of the EAS datamart solution. Focus Efforts on Value Add Activity Implementation of the datamart will result in the elimination of the manual effort required to accumulate, consolidate and validate division sales data. This would make more time available for focus on value added activities like developing EAS strategies etc. Availability of Accurate, Timely Information - By making sales information more accessible to EAS group and providing the tools the analyze the information, Account managers and Platform leaders will have be more information as to customer activity and will be more effective in their role of communicating customer information including product shifts & inventory builds at the customer to divisions. Improved Decision Making The ability to analyze not just report data, discern historical trends and forecast strategic directions is a key component of being successful. Access to accurate sales information in a standard format in one location for all EAS products will improve the ability of the EAS Organization to achieve this goal.

Emerson Actual Sales Datamart

Appliance Motors Appliance Control Weigand Appliance Thermo-ODisc White Rodgers Plaset

Presentation Layer Storage Layer

F L A T F SQL I Loader L E S

Source Staging Area


Target Staging Area


Actual Sales Datamart

Oracle 9i AS


Portal Page

Data Validation

Discoverer User Edition


Transformation and Loading


The data from each division is FTPed to UNIX server at clients location. Daily at a particular time the ETL process starts and the data is extracted from Flat files and loaded in to Oracle database (termed as Source Staging Area in the above figure). This is first stage of loading where in SQL Loader is used to load the data from flat files. Few data rejection happens at this stage and these rejected data is saved in bad and log files (flat files) From Source staging the data is loaded in to Target Staging (oracle db) by using the OWB Packages. Errors such as dangling records are captured at this stage. From Target staging the data is loaded and stored in Final Warehouse (Actual Sales Datamart in the above figure) by using the OWB packages. All the records rejected during the loading of data from Flat files to Final Warehouse and captured in Flat files (Bad, Log and Err files) and mailed to divisions with the reason for rejection of data. Oracle Discoverer is used as reporting tool and Discoverer Plus is used to create and edit the reports and Viewer is used to view the reports.

Emerson Actual Sales Datamart


EAS Flat File Lookups / Dims

Lookups / Dims
SQL Loader

Source Staging

Dims / Facts

EAS Datamart Target Staging Dims / Facts

(Lookups, Dimensions & Facts)

DIVISIONS Flat File Dims / Facts

Dangling Records

Audit Details

Other Rejects

OWB Audit Tables

Error Details Bad / Log Files Spool Flat File

Error Details Spool Flat File Mail with Attachment of files

Dims / Facts
Division Admin

Lookups / Dims
EAS Admin

Project Name : Emerson Sales Datamart

Domain Name: Data Warehousing



The project follows Data Warehousing Development Process Model. The requirement analysis was done by the DW team and a roadmap is prepared after which the project was finalised. The Wipro team came up with the Gap analysis to finalise the approach to load the data. It was finalised during this phase that OWB will be used as ETL tool and EDW will not be used instead a separate database will be created to load the data. After Gap analysis an Architecture phase had been carried out and the team cameout with an architecture document. Detail design was carried out based on the architecture document and a detail design document was prepared. Then the coding, review and testing was carried out. After which integration testing was carried and reports were created. All the developed code was moved to Testing instance and UAT was carried out on this instance. Once UAT was accepted the system was moved to production.

Major Highlights 6

Project Name : Emerson Sales Datamart

Domain Name: Data Warehousing


Completely automated, scalable ETL architecture A single integrated process to address all the divisions sales data analysis The system takes cares of not only sales but also the adjustment and rebates/discounts given to each customer.

Challenges addressed by Wipro

Selection of a scalable ETL over the EDW. A study was conducted by the team and came out with a Gap Analysis and suggested a new approach to create new tables in the datamart and use the OWB as ETL tool. The Gap analysis is carried to check the feasibility of using the EDW (Embedded Data Warehouse) of Oracle, which has Loader Programs (PL/SQL packages) to load the data to Oracle DB. But the problem in this is it is designed to meet the requirements of Oracle Apps and more than 80% of the data was not matching with the requirements. Due to which the idea of using the EDW and Loader Programs was dropped and customer build tables OWB was used as ETL tool. The EDW and Loader Programs will be helpful once the Oracle Apps for manufacturing is implemented at divisions. Catching the errors in ETL process and sending back to respective divisions for corrections. Coming up with the work around to overcome the limitations of the reporting tool by creating aggregate tables. Management and execution of the project using onsite-offshore model.

Benefits to Client
The solution was developed using Wipros onsite-offshore model resulting in reduced project cycle time and cost savings to the customer. A completely automated process resulted in reduced operations time. The solution helps in correlating the actual sales with rebates/discounts directly.

Technical Environment
Source System/s Target Hardware and Operating System Target Databases (Staging, Datamart) Application Development (ETL, Meta-Data Repository, Data Cleansing Tools, etc.) Reporting Environment (OLAP, Web Server, Security, Portals, etc.) Misc. Development Tools (Data Loading and Scheduler, etc.) : Flat files : Sun Solaris Server : Oracle 9i : Oracle Warehouse Builder 9i

: Oracle Discoverer 4i, Oracle 9iAS : Stored scripts procedures and shell

Project Name : Emerson Sales Datamart

Domain Name: Data Warehousing


Lessons Learned
As this project was the first to start with a new customer, there was learning of managing client expectations and macro level planning As the project was executed mostly from offshore, this resulted in learning of successful offshore project execution and coordination for DWH projects. As the source data was provided by different divisions located at different places, due to this there was a delay in providing the data from divisions in the required format. This resulted in learning the risks involved in executing the DWH projects on time. The skills required are OWB and Oracle Discoverer. This resulted in learning on execution of projects by leveraging the horizontal strengths of WIPRO

Contact Information
Wipro Contacts: 1. Ramakrishna Yellapantula ( 2. Dinesh Kumar B. ( 3. Chandrasekhara Rao B. ( Customer Contacts: 1. Stephen Couch (

Customer Quote
The 3 most critical areas of the Appliance Solutions Actual Sales Data Mart project include, understanding our requirements and the drivers within our company of those requirements, maintaining a clear understanding of the status of the project and communicating it clearly, and the ability to work with cross-functional organizations within both Wipro and Emerson.

Client Name: Stephen Crouch Designation: Director of Marketing Organization: Emerson Appliance Solutions

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