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And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

By Joe Barton, Medical Investigator, and the Health Experts at Barton Publishing Inc.
Authors of best-selling online diabetes program: The Diabetes Solution Kit

The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes

Copyright 2012 Barton Publishing. Although this report was given to you as a free bonus, you have permission to share it with your friends and family in an emailor even post it to Facebook and other social networking sites. Spread the wealth of good health with those you care about! DISCLAIMER: This paper is not medical advice and is not written or endorsed by any medical professionals. Its use is intended for informational purposes only. If you are taking any medications, you should consult with your physician, health care professional or health care provider before making any changes in your health maintenance program or profile. The use of supplements or natural remedies may alter the intended effects of prescription medications you have been provided with by your doctor. Be sure to visit for more home remedy reports and links to other resources dedicated to your good health!

The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

Deadly Horror #1: High Risk For Amputation Deadly Horror #2: Heart Attacks and Heart Disease Deadly Horror #3: Diabetes Drugs Are Dangerous, Even Deadly Deadly Horror #4: Stroke is a MAJOR Risk Factor For Diabetics Deadly Horror #5: Are You Going To Go Blind? Deadly Horror #6: Kidney Failure in Type 2 Diabetes Deadly Horror #7: Diabetic Neuropathy (in more detail) Additional Information That You Might Find Important Natural Remedy #1: Spices Natural Remedy #2: Diet Natural Remedy #3: Exercise Who Is Barton Publishing? 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

If youre reading this report, then you and I both know youre not only interested in Diabetes and its negative impact on your health, but you are also interested in a long term, safe and natural solution to Diabeteswithout the use or need for dangerous drugs. Thats what this report is all about.

Before We Dig In, Lets Look At The Impact Of Diabetes Around The World And In The U.S.

1. 8.3% of the US population, or 25.8 million Americans, suffer from diabetesbumping it to the 7th leading cause of death here at home. 2. 6.6%, or 285 million people of the global population, are affected by diabetes, which brings it up to the 5th leading cause of death world-wide. 3. In the US, 7 Million type 2 diabetics are unaware they have the disease and another 79 million adults over age 20 are barreling toward the disease. 4. 90% of the people who suffer from diabetes are type 2 diabetics; and the main cause is poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. (Preventable?)

In this report, Im going to show you what you are risking by not taking proper control of your diabetes. Some of these can be rare cases, but they could all be in store for your future if you do not take action today because

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

You Could Be One Of The 79 Million Undiagnosed Or Borderline Diabetics

Let me ask you 6 quick questions

1. Are you overweight? 2. Do you have a family history of diabetes? 3. Do maintain a sedentary lifestyle (very limited exerciseor none at all)? 4. Are you over the age of 45? 5. Do you have high triglycerides or high blood pressure? 6. Are you a member of any of these ethnic groups: Non-Hispanic African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans or Alaska Natives?

If you answered, YES to two or more of these questions you might be part of the 79 million Americans who are at risk for type 2 diabetes. Pretty Scary The good news is theres a simple, effective way for you to STOP type 2 or pre-diabetes in its tracks starting NOW. But before I get into that solution I really want to make sure you fully understand the 7 Deadly Horrors of Uncontrolled Diabetes and why it is VITAL that you take action against them today.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

ly High Risk For Amputation d a 1 e # D or r Over half of all annual amputations are due to diabetes and diabetes-relatr Ho ed complications. Most are lower-extremity amputations (toe, foot and leg). The fact
is, estimates show that most amputations are preventable with proper and careful foot care. Here are some shocking statistics on diabetes and amputations: Diabetes is the leading causes of amputation of lower limbs throughout the world. Every 30 seconds, someone in the world loses a foot or leg to diabetes. In diabetics, amputations are reported to be 15 times more common than in folks who dont have this condition. Nearly 86,000 lower-extremity operations are performed each year. Why all the amputations? The main reason is that many diabetics underestimate their disease and continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle. In short, they live their lives as if nothings wrong with them. How to keep your toes, feet and legs. In general, when youre diagnosed with diabeteseven if you take excellent care of yourselfit is important to keep a close watch on your feet for the development of any type of skin sores or ulcers. If you can begin treatment as soon as these lesions appear, you have a much better chance of eliminating them, regaining your foot health and removing the threat of amputation. Foot ulcers can cause patients to go numb in the feet and leave them almost completely unaware of any damage happening to tissues in the foot. This can lead to serious infection that can potentially climb all the way up the front of your leg. It is extremely important to take foot care seriously, so below are a few techniques and tips to help you monitor your foot health and avoid this potentially dangerous condition. Always inspect your feet daily so you can instantly spot something that may not have been there yesterday. Wash and care for your feet daily as well. This includes keeping your toenails clean and trimmed, and removing any calluses on your feet.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

Clean, dry socks and shoes are essential. You never want to spend any amount of time in wet socks because this can instantly breed infection and create skin sores for a diabetic. Its a good idea to have a podiatrist who can examine your feet on a yearly or monthly basis, depending on the advancement of your diabetes. The longer you live with diabetes the higher your risk for seriouseven debilitatingproblems like foot ulcers and amputations, so its always in your best interest to protect yourself. Heres a link to another article weve prepared that digs a little deeper into

The Top 3 Most Terrifying Consequences of Diabetes

ly Heart Attacks and Heart Disease d a 2 e # D or r Did you know that a type 2 diabetics risk of dying from r Ho heart disease is 3 times greater than someone who does not
have diabetes?
This is an alarming statistic that you should take very seriously for yourself and anyone you care about who lives with, or is at risk for diabetes. Controlling blood glucose levels is not only essential to keep your diabetes on an even keel, but also to greatly reduce your risk of heart disease. Decreased circulation, obesity and blocked arteries are other contributing factors to the onset of heart disease in diabetics. Even when your blood sugar levels average just slightly above the normal range you are at an increased risk for heart disease. Why? Because it leads to the thickening of the arteries, which makes it one of the major contributing factors for heart disease. This is known as Atherosclerosis, and the best way to ward it off is by maintaining a proper heart-healthy diet. Its important to decrease your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while balancing your good cholesterol levels by eating properly.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

A balanced diet is really the quickest and easiest way to maintain heart health for everyone, but its especially important for diabetics. Youll want to decrease the amount of saturated fats in your diet and increase whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Of course this heart healthy diet has to coincide with proper diabetes care and management. If you are not taking care of your disease, your body will start resisting sugar in the blood stream. This will limit the function of the cells within your body. Over time, the combination of this problem and high, uncontrolled blood sugar levels can damage the walls of your blood vesselspermanently. All that means a thicker lining on the vessels will force your heart to work harder and harder to circulate the blood. You can clearly see how this vicious circle can lead to a heart attack if left untreated. I have a great article that discusses the link between High Blood Sugar and Heart Attacks

High Blood Sugar = HEART ATTACK

Diabetes Drugs Are Dangerous, Even Deadly ly d a 3 De or # Diabetes is a health condition that you can easily control with proper diet rr o H and exercise, yet most doctors and patients try cheating Mother Nature with
chemical solutions for their diabetes management. These medicines are nothing more than dangerous prescription drugs that carry more side effects than real positive benefits or true healing power. In fact, oral hypoglycemic agents on the market today were first introduced to help type 2 diabetics supplement their need for insulinbut only when they werent eating the right foods to do it naturally. Thats how they cheat Mother Nature! So you see, these man-made pills are used in place of a balanced diet and exercise program. There have been many studies conducted within the past few years finding evidence that although these drugs might maintain your diabetes, they are not designed as a treatment or cure.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

And these drugs can actually cause more harm than good, by the way. A study conducted in The University Group Diabetes Program (UGDP) could not prove these diabetes drugs eliminate health conditions associated with diabetes, like stroke and heart disease. Instead, they found these drugs are more likely to increase the risk of heart disease and only minimally control diabetes. Oral hypoglycemic medications fail to lower and maintain blood sugar levels for 20-40% of the people using them. Even for the patients who experience success in the beginning, studies show that over time 30% of these success cases will find failure and inconsistent blood sugar levels. As more and more reports and studies are released, more diabetics are experimenting by taking themselves off of their medications and finding absolutely no change in their blood sugar levels; proving these medications are rarely helpful, if at all. One such drug is Chlorpropamide (an oral blood-glucose-lowering drug of the sulfonylurea class) and after long-term use it has caused: Long lasting periods of low blood sugar levels Seizures Difficulty breathing Muscle cramps Water retention (life threatening in those suffering from congestive heart failure) Overall weakness This is really just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of other medications just like this on the market can encourage kidney failure, heart disease, strokes, increase the speed of nerve damageand the list goes on. Here is another article I posted on the real dangers of diabetes medication. This one is a real shocker and shows you just how much the FDA does not care about your well-being.

Diabetes Drug Kills 80,000

Trust me, its always better to control your diabetes through diet, exercise and alternative treatments than to find out later your wonder drug is a killer.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

ly Stroke is a MAJOR Risk Factor For Diabetics d a 4 e # D or r r Diabetics are at twice the risk of suffering stroke than Ho someone who does not have diabetes.
Often men and women with type 2 diabetes have blocked blood vessels that become clogged with cholesterol or are unable to expand to meet the needs of blood flow within the body. When this happens the blood vessels meant to feed your brain may not be able to carry the adequate amount of blood it needs. This is where a stroke is born. Yes, studies show that diabetics have a higher risk of stroke, but thats not all...that risk increases dramatically in those who live with diabetes through advancing years. That said, there is nothing more important than your good health. In order to maintain your diabetes and minimize your risk for a stroke there are several steps that can be taken: Keep close watch on your hemoglobin levels. Visit your doctor regularly for blood work that confirms your hemoglobin levels. Coordinate and stick with a healthy and balanced diet. This is one of the most important aspects of maintaining blood sugar levels and minimizing your risk for stroke. Regular exercise is importantvery important. Exercise maintains a healthy weight and healthy blood sugar; it can even be a starting point to reversing diabetes altogether. Lastly, it is important to follow your medication schedule while youre in the process of changing your lifestyle. There can be no missed dosages, double dosages or mixed up medications. This can cause a your blood sugar levels to be in a complete state of disarray. As in many of the risk factors with diabetes, if you consistently allow your levels to be out of control youre at a far greater risk than someone who takes vigilant care of their levels and overall health. It is important to note that many of the signs of low blood sugar levels are the same as the warning signs of a stroke: slurred speech, blurred vision, confusion, extreme headaches and/or shifting equilibrium. If you are experiencing any of these it is important that you seek immediate medical attention.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

ly Are You Going To Go Blind? d a 5 e # D or r r Each year there are 24,000 new cases of blindness being Ho reported...with the root cause being diabetes.
With over 25 million people in the US alone suffering from diabetes, its astounding to think that this many have let their diabetes spin so out of controltoward such a severe and life-altering condition. Maybe they just didnt know about the damage diabetes does to vision and eye health. Indeedknowledge is power. Its called Diabetes Retinopathy and, simply put, its a complication of diabetes that affects the eyes. It starts with damage to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina). The condition becomes apparent when someone allows their diabetes and blood sugar to reach uncontrolled levels. When blood sugar levels are left high for long periods of time, it actually weakens the blood vessels surrounding your eyes. Fluid will begin to leak in, which forces the surrounding blood vessels to close shopthereby stopping all blood flow to your retinas. This cycle will prompt new blood vessels to develop, butbecause of their fragile naturethey bleed into the eyes. Blindness occurs in cases where the blood vessels actually form on top of your retina. It starts with what may appear to be simple vision problems, but eventually leads to blindness. What makes Diabetes Retinopathy so dangerous is that the very crucial and first stages of this disease are not felt or noticed by the patient. This makes it impossible to detect until severe damage has already been done. Blindness in diabetics is of course preventable if you catch the retinopathy early. To do this, it is imperative that you have your eyes tested regularly. This, along with a proper diet and treatment plan, can help minimize or remove your risk of blindness. But a word of warning: just a few weeks of neglect will start raising your risk again and could encourage irreversible damage. For information on a proper diet and natural treatment plan read the follow page:

How To REVERSE or even CURE Diabetes In Just 30 Days

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

ly Kidney Failure in Type 2 Diabetes d a 6 e # D or r It goes without saying, but I must restate this in each sectionas a diabetic r Ho you are at a much higher risk for dangerous life-threatening complications than a
non-diabetic. Kidney disease and kidney failure are also in this mix. In a pre-diabetes state, where type 2 diabetes is still in a developmental stage, the victim is not even aware of whats going on in their body. And any opportunity to quickly reverse this condition is missed in these critical, early stages. High blood pressure is a common characteristic among diabetics today andin addition to its own inherent risksgreatly contributes to the onset of kidney disease or failure as the disease progresses. Kidney failure is a condition where your kidneys are no longer able to remove the toxins from your blood stream. This stage is also known as end stage kidney disease. When patients reach this final phase, they must endure regular dialysis to keep their kidneys functioning properly or they die. Heres another startling fact

About 30 percent of patients with Type 1 (juvenile onset) diabetes and 10 to 40 percent of those with Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes will eventually suffer kidney failure.
But you can minimize your risk of kidney failure by managing your blood sugar levels and keeping them at a healthy, consistent range at all times. And your new healthy lifestyle begins by eliminating unhealthy habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, because these two vices dramatically increase your risk of kidney failure. Your blood pressure is also something you need to monitor and keep as close to 120/80 as you can. When you keep your body on a consistent and healthy road like this, you reduce the risk of needing a kidney transplant or even worrying about your kidneys health in the future. As a diabetic, youre probably taking regular check-ups with your physician to keep an eye on your diabetes. During these exams, simple blood tests and urine samples are all your doctor needs to ensure your kidneys are operating successfully.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

ly Diabetic Neuropathy (in more detail) d a 7 e # D or r Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that diabetes creates after long periods r Ho of time with uncontrolled or extremely high blood sugar levels. Neuropathy means
nerve damage. This can occur literally anywhere in the body. About 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes have some form of neuropathy. This can be quite a painful condition and one that is hard to correct at best...and impossible at worst. There are four different types of diabetic neuropathy, each of them dealing with different areas of the body: peripheral, autonomic, proximal, and focal.

This area of nerve damage deals specifically with feet and legs. When nerve damage affects the feet it can mean complete numbness. This in turn can make it that much easier for a diabetic to develop skin sores and ulcers that can lead to amputation. Some of the symptoms include tingling in the feet and legs, numbness and pain sensation as well. Consistent foot care and health can give you the opportunity to spot these problems before they advance.

This area of neuropathy, or nerve damage, refers to your internal organs such as your digestive system, sex organs, heart and blood vessels, stomach and urinary tract. So many different systems of the body are affected in autonomic neuropathy, the list of symptoms can be extensive. Some of the most common are constipation, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, bloating, and erectile dysfunction.

Proximal nerve damage is associated with your thighs, hips and buttocks. Generally it only affects one side of your body. Weakness and pain are the two most common symptoms here and, in some cases, physical therapy may be necessary to regain strength in these muscles.

The head and the torso are the most common areas of the body affected by focal nerve damage. Double vision, blindness, eye pain, partial paralysis, chest and/or abdominal pain are some of the most common symptoms. This type of nerve damage can be severe and unpredictable as well; luckily, it rarely causes any of the long term damage you might expect.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

Other issues associated with diabetic neuropathy

Not being able to tell when your blood sugar gets too low Bladder problems Numbness to stepping on sharp objects Not knowing that you have a blister or small cut Abnormally accelerated heart rate Nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea Sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand up after sitting or lying down The good news is, each of these different types of diabetic nerve damage are completely optional if you just manage your blood sugar levels appropriately. They are most commonly caused when blood sugar is left uncontrolled and at rising levels for long periods of time. I posted this article a few months ago about a new Epidemic that is happening within the diabetes community...

Doctors Are Shocked To Discover A New Epidemic:Double Diabetes

Additional Information That You Might Find Important
DiabesityFight Back Against The Leading Cause Of Diabetes.
One of the leading causes of diabetes in America and around the world is obesity. Because the two conditions mostly go hand-in-hand, this unique fusion between diabetes and obesity has been renamed DIABESITY. Although its not directly a Deadly Horror of Diabetes it is the condition that will drastically increase your risk of falling ill to the same deadly horrors uncovered in this report. Chances are that if you are obese or overweight, you are borderline diabetic and the above 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes are waiting for you.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

Dont let it happen to you. In this article I reveal 8 simple ways to fight back against obesity and reverse or prevent diabetes...

Diabesity In America8 Simple Remedies to Reverse this Fusion Disease

The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health...
Spices, Diet, and Exercise

Simply put, if you are a diabetic you need to be taking a few alternative remedies to help keep your blood sugar in check.
Use essential vitamins and minerals (like magnesium, chromium, vitamin E, B complex, and vanadium) to help lower and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Not only do vitamins and minerals work, they will also increase the effectiveness of a healthy diabetes diet and exercise program. Alone, these will not be the 100% magic pill for everyones diabetes issues, but they can be the treatment that keeps your diabetes under constant control. And did you know

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Spicesa cure is probably sitting in your kitchen cupboard right now?

How Cinnamon Can Benefit Diabetics

Below are five known ways cinnamon is helpful to your metabolism: 1. Cinnamon can increase your glucose metabolism about 20-fold, which significantly improves blood sugar regulation. 2. Cinnamon has been found to have insulin-like effects due to a bioactive compound, qualifying it as a candidate for an insulin substitute.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

3. Cinnamon slows the emptying of your stomach to reduce sharp rises in blood sugar following meals, and improves the effectiveness (sensitivity) of insulin. 4. Cinnamon actually enhances your antioxidant defenses. A study published in 2009 stated, Polyphenols from cinnamon could be of special interest in people who are overweight with impaired fasting glucose since they might act as both insulin sensitizers and antioxidants. (5) 5. A bioflavonoid found in cinnamon called proanthocyanidin could even alter the insulinsignaling activity in your fat cells. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care in 2003 looked at 60 men and women with type 2 diabetes who were taking diabetes pills. The participants took either 1, 3, or 6 grams of cassia cinnamon or a placebo in capsule form for 40 days. After this time, blood glucose levels dropped between 18% and 29% in all three groups that received cinnamon. You can read more about THIS celebrity chef and her 1 Weird SpiceCinnamonThat Cures Diabetes here

Famous Food Network Chef Unknowingly Endorsed Spice that Cures Diabetes

al r DietEating Right For Your Health u 2 t # Na edy As a diabetic, maintaining normal blood sugar levels depends largely on m Re what you eat.The main aspect of this diet is something that Big Pharma does not
want you to know. Why? Because with the proper use of this diet you can rid yourself of diabetes once and for all, and be free from Big Pharmas expensive drugs. (Im sure you get why the pharmaceutical companies cant have thisthey want you to forever remain a diabetic and have to buy their drugs.)

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

The scariest part of this Big Pharma flim-flam is their partnership with the FDA and the FDAs Food Pyramid of death. They recommend nearly 45% of your caloric intake come from carbohydrates. Thats about 215 grams per day or 71 grams PER MEAL (based on a 1900 calorie diet). Twice the amount of carbs your body needs to maintain a healthy blood/sugar ratio, let alone lower your overall glucose levels. Instead of following what the Pyramid of Death says, try these simple tricks: Eat small meals or snack every 3-4 hours (low carb of course) to maintain a healthy glucose level. Eat FRESH vegetables (do not overcooksteam them orbetter yeteat them raw) Eat FRESH fruits (fruits are a great way to get essential vitamins as well as curb a sweet tooth) Eat a low carbohydrate diet (yes, it is worth saying that more than once) Eat more white meats (like poultry and fish) Choose grains and legumes that are high in vitamins and fiber (like quinoa, lentils, black and lima beans) Choose healthy fats (like olive oil and raw nuts) Avoid gluten as much as possible Avoid sweets and high fat foods (soda pop, fruit juices, candy, baked goods, fast foods) Avoid processed foods (these are typically higher in sugar and salts) Avoid foods high in starch (such as potatoes, rice, pastas, white bread and white flour) For individuals with diabetes, a long-term adherence to a controlled carbohydrate lifestyle like the one mentioned in the Diabetes Solution Kit is easy, safe, and effective for defining and meeting your medical goals.

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

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Exercise30 Minutes Of This Can Take The Place Of Your Diabetes Medications

Normally, insulin is released from the pancreas when the amount of sugar (glucose)in the blood increases, such as after eating. Insulin stimulates the liver and muscles to take in excess glucose. This results in a lowering of the blood sugar level. The key to a successful and safe exercise program for diabetes is keeping a slow, moderate pace. When exercising, the body needs extra energy or fuel (in the form of glucose) for the exercising muscles. For short bursts of exercise, such as a quick sprint to catch the bus, the muscles and the liver can release stored glucose for fuel. With continued moderate exercising, however, your muscles take up glucose at almost 20 times the normal rate. This lowers blood sugar levels. But intense exercise can have the opposite effect and actually increase your blood glucose levels. This is especially true for many people with diabetes. The body recognizes intense exercise as muscular strain and releases stress hormones. These hormones tell your body to increase the available blood sugar supply to fuel your muscles. If this happens to you, you may need a little bit of insulin after intense workouts. For a variety of reasons, after exercise, people with diabetes may have an increase or a decrease in their blood sugar levels.

Before You Begin

Step one, make sure your blood sugar is monitored closely when youre first starting out with this level of exercise (pre, during, post). If your blood sugar is too high (250+), hold off on exercising until you have gotten it back under control. Exercising at this point will only raise your blood sugar levels. If these levels are too low you run the risk of hypoglycemia, and this can cause serious harm. Repeat: normalize your blood sugar before exercising.

Exercise with Success

Its best to train your body sequentially, prioritizing the most important aspects of your health first. Your body will respond faster and keep your results long-term when you go about it this way. **Be sure to check with your doctor first**

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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

Here are some exercise recommendations I received from Dr. Kareem (our go-to Physical Therapist) when I asked him about the best way to exercise for diabetes: 1. Initially, keep your pace slow and go through each exercise at about 40% of your maximum intensity. Never allow a workout to climb above 45% at this stage. The easiest way to do this is with a heart rate monitor, simply set it to 40% max Heart Rate (HR). 2. Every workout, increase your intensity by 5% max HR until you see your blood sugar (BS) go out of whack.At this point, stop your workout for the day and balance your blood sugar level. Then, back off by 5% on your next workout and stay there 1-2 weeks. 3. Attempt to progress once again. Every time you will hit a stopping point with your blood sugar because your body is learning how to tolerate blood sugar response with this intensity of exercise. Its time to back off and decrease your intensity for 1-2 weeks until your body can adjust. 4. Once you get up to 90-95% intensity, youre at full intensity for your workout. This is when you can expect more rapid and lasting results.

What Types of Exercise Are Best for Diabetics?

While most any exercise is healthy for you, lets look at some specific types of exercise and their benefits: Strength TrainingThe latest findings show that exercise such as strength training has a profound impact on helping people manage their diabetes. In a recent study of Hispanic men and women, 16 weeks of strength training produced dramatic improvements in sugar control that were comparable to taking diabetes medication. Additionally, the study volunteers were stronger, gained muscle, lost body fat, had less depression, and felt much more self-confident. Aerobic FitnessAny activity that raises your heart rate and keeps it up for an extended period of time will improve your aerobic fitness. Aerobic exercise helps decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes and helps those with diabetes to better manage their blood sugar levels. Besides the health benefits, exercise is fun and elevates your mood.Its hard to feel stressed when youre walking fast on a treadmill or swimming laps in a pool. If you are interested in learning more about The Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health, then you must read this.

Warning: Dangerous Diabetes Drugs Dont Work And The Natural Method That Does
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The 7 Deadly Horrors of Diabetes And The 3 Most Effective Natural Remedies To Restore Your Good Health

I hope you enjoyed this report and USE the information to stop or reverse your diabetes. Its the best way to avoid the 7 deadly horrors of diabetes once and for all. If you dont yet have a copy of The Diabetes Solution Kit, click here to watch my 1 Weird

Spice Video Presentation.

OR, Click here to read more about the Diabetes Solution Kit.

If youre using supplements to help control your diabetes, The Diabetes Solution Kit can be a perfect complement to enhance their effectiveness. Now, if youre ready to stop procrastinating, and make that permanent change in your life, I have a special page for you below where you can get started on a trial of The Diabetes Solution Kit for under $5!

Take The Diabetes Solution Kit $4.97 Trial here

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