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MANAGEMENT FINC 602 MBA II 2012/2013 ACAMEMIC YEAR DR. K. A. OSEI Email: Mobile: 020-818-0424

COURSE SLIDES: Will be sent to you via your email addresses Preamble: Economies have become more and more globalised as many more firms have engaged in international trade and investment. New opportunities in globalisation have come about as a result of either the removal or reduction in tariffs and other trade barriers by governments. As firms become more global, the financial executives of these multinational companies face additional risk factors particularly exchange rate, political, and economic risks. Having operations in different countries also means MNC can have access to segmented capital markets to lower its overall cost of capital, shift profits to lower its taxes, and take advantage of international diversification of markets and production sites and thereby reduce variation in earnings over time. In short, there are many opportunities as well as risks associated with firms going outside their national frontiers. In order to properly analyse and balance these international risks and rewards, the need to take the course international financial management becomes paramount. TOPICS: A. The International Financial environment (1) Introduction: Multinational Financial Management. Madura chpt. 1; Levi chpt; Shapiro chpt. 1 (2) The Foreign Exchange Market. Shapiro chpt. 2; Levi Chapt. 2; Madura chpt. 3 (3) Currency Derivatives Madura chpt. 5; Shapiro chpt 3. (4) The balance of payments account Madura chpt 2; Shapiro chpt. 6

(5) Relationship among Inflation, Interest Rates and Exchange Rates. Madura chpt. 7 & 8; (6) International Monetary System Shapiro chpt. 5; B. Exchange Rate Risk Management (1) Forecasting Exchange Rates Madura chpt. 9, Shapiro chpt. 7 (2) Measuring and Managing Exposure to Exchange Rate Fluctuations. Madura chpt. 10, 11 & 12 C. Short-Term Asset And Liability Management (1) Financing International Trade Shapiro chpt. 13; Madura Chpt 19 (2) Short- Term Financing Madura chpt. 20; Shapiro chpt 12 D. Long-Term Asset And Liability Management (1) Direct Foreign Investment Madura chapt. 13 (2) Multinational Capital budgeting Madura chapt. 14 (3) Country Risk Analysis Madura chapt. 19 Reading List 1. Jeff Madura, International Corporate Finance, 9th Editions, published by Thomson South-Western, 2008 2. Jeff Madura, International Financial Management Thomson South-Western, 7th Ed. 2003 3. Geert Bekaert and Robert J Hodrick, International Financial Management, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 4. Alan C. Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management Fourth Edition. Allyn and Bacon 5. Maurice Levi, International Finance Financial Management and the International Economy. McGraw Hill International Book Company.

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