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- easy songs and rhymes - favorite artists and song

- sing together with family & friends - have fun singing

Enjoy Enjoy
How to improve English by songs?

& learning at the

same time sing along sing out loud how native speakers use in natural speech


- sing along whenever you


- maximize English study



grammar learning more effective than dry exercises

Know the basic of debate

Avoid false logic

Research before the debate

How To Be A Good Debater

Use reason and logic in arguments Use credible sourseces

Use debate tactics that disarm the opponent

Flexible with time, with Be nice. Be nice to your director, to your co-stars, to your audience, and criticism, and with change Keep in mind


your original desire for the stage

especially to your
technical crewmembers



How to Become a Great Actor

Personality that you bring out in your characters onstage

Develop talent in classes and workshops until you feel ready for an audition

is what makes you


unique as an actor

Pick stories you love Increase their participation Make frequent eye contact

Use repetition & repetitive phrases

How to Improve Story Telling SKills

Speak naturally

Remove distractions

De-risk the logistics

Begin with the end in mind

Simplify your messages

Let your passion show

Avoid the perils of Powerpoint

Message your body

Want To Be A Better Public Speaker?

Connect with your audience

Avoid sameness Watch yourself Prepare and practice

Tell personal stories

Demonstrate passion and respect

Coaches should not be treated like Wikipedia

Ask coaches for confirmation, not an introduction Discuss the process being undertaken, not just the result

Know the appropriate time and place

Take notes and reference previous interactions

Becomi ng A Better Debater

Dont ask questions just for the sake of asking them Plan interaction s with coaches in advance

Be willing to defend your opinions

Be open to constructive criticism

Listening & Speaking Skills in the Classroom

Projecting Enunciating - Pronouncing words clearly - Teachers must be able to understand students' answers - Tongue twisters can be an effective way - ask young students to use their "indoor voices" - speaking loud enough for others to hear you - Have the students speak across the room to each other Active Listening - Students are inundated with a lot of information in a school day - Watch your students for reactions during lessons to see that they are following along.

- Engage students regularly with questions

Interpersonal Activities

Instructional Tips

Modern Methods of Teaching Listening Skills

Group Activities

Video Segments

Audio Segments

Only Complain when Absolutely Necessary

Empathise Encourage

Minimise Stress

Learn to Listen

Maintain a Positive Attitude and Smile

Developin g Effective communic ation skills

Be Aware of Others' Emotions

Use Humour Communic ate Effectively Attempt to Resolve Conflict

Treat People Equally

Body Language

Practicing Effective Communicati on Skills

5 Things To Practice for Effective Communicatio n Skills

Speech and Attentivenes s


Communicati on Consistency

Corporal Punishment


Old vs. Modern Teaching Methods

Rote Memorization


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