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This is your prince. Who are you to tell him he may not have an edge on his sword, ser?

Are you training women here? How old are you, boy? I killed a man at twelve. You can be sure it was not with a blunt sword. The boy is a long time dying. I wish he would be quicker about it. I could silence the creature, if it please you, A voice from nowhere. Spirits of the air! The little lord Tyrion. My pardons. I did not see you standing there. The prince will remember that, little lord. Breaking fast with the queen. You are shaking, girl. Do I frighten you so much? The Starks use them for wet nurses. No sign of your daughter, Hand, but the day was not wholly wasted. We got her little pet. He ran. But not very fast. Yes, Your Grace? Did you think Joff was going to take you himself? Small chance of that. Come, youre not the only one needs sleep. Ive drunk too much, and I may need to kill my brother tomorrow. Spare me your empty little compliments, girl... and your sers. I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. My brother is a knight. Did you see him ride today? Gallant? Some septa trained you well. Youre like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, arent you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite. No one could withstand him. Thats truth enough. No one could ever withstand Gregor. That boy today, his second joust, oh, that was a pretty bit of business. You saw that, did you? Fool boy, he had no business riding in this company. No money, no squire, no one to help him with that armor. That gorget wasnt fastened proper. You think Gregor didnt notice that? You think Ser Gregors lance rode up by chance, do you? Pretty little talking girl, you believe that, youre empty-headed as a bird for true. Gregors lance goes where Gregor wants it to go. Look at me. Look at me! Theres a pretty for you. Take a good long stare. You know you want to. Ive watched you turning away all the way down the kingsroad. Piss on that. Take your look.

No pretty words for that, girl? No little compliment the septa taught you? Most of them, they think it was some battle. A siege, a burning tower, an enemy with a torch. One fool asked if it was dragonsbreath. Ill tell you what it was, girl. I was younger than you, six, maybe seven. A woodcarver set up shop in the village under my fathers keep, and to buy favor he sent us gifts. The old man made marvelous toys. I dont remember what I got, but it was Gregors gift I want. A wooden knight, all painted up, every joint pegged separate and fixed with strings, so you could make him fight. Gregor is five years older than me, the toy was nothing to him, he was already a squire, near six foot tall and muscled like an ox. So I took his knight, but there was no joy to it, I tell you. I was scared all the while, and true enough, he found me. There was a brazier in the room. Gregor never said a word, just picked me up under his arm and shoved the side of my face down in the burning coals and held me there while I screamed and screamed. You saw how strong he is. Even then, it took three grown men to drag him off me. The septons preach about the seven hells. What do they know? Only a man whos been burning knows what hell is truly like. My father told everyone my bedding had caught fire, and our maester gave me ointments. Ointments! Gregor got his ointments too. Four years later, they anointed him with the seven oils and he recited his knightly vows and Rhaegar Targaryen tapped him on the shoulder and said, Arise, Ser Gregor. No. No, little bird, he was no true knight. The things I told you tonight. If you ever tell Joffrey... your sister, your father... any of them... If you ever tell anyone, Ill kill you. Leave him be. I am no ser. Why not? I have no lands nor wife to forsake, and whod care if I did? But I warn you, Ill say no knights vows. Until now. Do as youre bid, child. Dress. Save yourself some pain, girl, and give him what he wants. He wants you to smile and smell sweet and be his lady love. He wants to hear you recite all your pretty little words the way the septa taught you. He wants you to love him... and fear him. Do it, girl. Hell have you up there no matter what, so give him what he wants. Did I? I dont recall. Here, girl. Lady Sansa. Against this lot? Why not? Wouldnt be worth the bother of arming myself. This is a tournament of gnats. Youd be one knight the poorer.

I warned you. Gnats. The girl speaks truly. What a man sows on his name day, he reaps throughout the year. She has you there. Look. The boy has courage. Hes going to try again. They said you were dead. Id guard that tongue of yours, little man. Its a long roll down the serpentine, little bird. Want to kill us both? Maybe you do. And whats Joffs little bird doing flying down the serpentine in the black of night? Where were you? Think Im so drunk that Id believe that? You look almost a woman... face, teats, and youre taller too, almost... ah, youre still a stupid little bird, arent you? Sing all the songs they taught you... sing me a song, why dont you? Go on. Sing to me. Some song about knights and fair maids. You like knights, dont you? True knights. And Im no lord, no more than Im a knight. Do I need to beat that into you? Gods, too much wine. Do you like wine, little bird? Rue wine? A flagon of sour red, dark as blood, all a man needs. Or a woman. Drunk as a dog, damn me. You come now. Back to your cage, little bird. Ill take you there. Keep you safe for the king. That one is nothing to fear, girl. Paint stripes on a toad, he does not become a tiger. Fuck your ser, Boros. Youre the knight, not me. Im the kings dog, remember? The dog was drinking. It was your night to shield him, ser. You and my other brothers. You expect her to sleep with all the noise? What was the trouble? A brave boy. I like dogs better than knights. My fathers father was kennelmaster at the Rock. One autumn year, Lord Tytos came between a lioness and her prey. The lioness didnt give a shit that she was Lannisters own sigil. Bitch tore into my lords horse and would have done for my lord too, but my grandfather came up with the hounds. Three of his dogs died running her off. My grandfather lost a leg, so Lannister paid him for it with lands and a towerhouse, and took his son to squire. The three dogs on our banner are the three that died, in the yellow of autumn grass. A hound will die for you, but never lie to you. And hell look you straight in the face. And thats more than little birds can do, isnt it? I never got my song. Florian and Jonquil? A fool and his cunt. Spare me. But one day Ill have a song from you, whether you will it or no. Pretty thing, and such a bad liar. A dog can smell a lie, you know. Look around you, and take a good whiff. Theyre all liars here... and every one better than you.

The longer you keep him waiting, the worse it will go for you, Not you. Your kingly brother. They trained you well, little bird. Enough. The little birds bleeding. Someone take her back to her cage and see to that cut. They did for Santagar. Four men held him down and took turns bash at his head with a cobblestone. I gutted one, not that it did Ser Aron much good. Never saw her. Wheres my horse? If anythings happened to that horse, someones going to pay. Ill go, though not by your command. I need to find that horse. The little bird thinks she has wings, does she? Or do you mean to end up crippled like that brother of yours? You mean I scared you. And still do. The little bird still cant bear to look at me, can she? You were glad enough to see my face when the mob had you, though. Remember? Brave? A dog doesnt need courage to chase off rats. They had me thirty to one, and not a man of them dared face me. No, it gives me joy to kill people. Wrinkle up your face all you like, but spare me this false piety. You were a high lords get. Dont tell me Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell never killed a man. Is that what he told you? Your father lied. Killing is the sweetest thing there is. Heres your truth. Your precious father found that out on Baelors steps. Lord of Winterfell, Hand of the King, Warden of the North, the mighty Eddard Stark, of a line eight thousand years old... but Ilyn Paynes blade went through his neck all the same, didnt it? Do you remember the dance he did when his head came off his shoulders? Just as if I was one of those true knights you love so well, yes. What do you think a knight is for, girl? You think its all taking favors from ladies and looking fine in gold plate? Knights are for killing. I killed my first man at twelve. Ive lost count of how many Ive killed since then. High lords with old names, fat rich men dressed in velvet, knights puffed up like bladders with their honors, yes, and women and children too theyre all meat, and Im the butcher. Let them have their lands and their gods and their gold. Let them have their sers. So long as I have this, theres no man on earth I need fear. All this burning. Only cowards fight with fire. Hes not the man his brother was either. Robert never let a little thing like a river stop him. Fight. Kill. Die, maybe. What evil? What gods? All? Tell me, little bird, what kind of gods make a monster like the Imp, or a halfwit like Lady Tandas daughter? If there are gods, they made sheep so wolf could eat mutton, and they made the weak for the strong to play with.

There are no true knights, no more than there are gods. If you cant protect yourself, die and get out of the way of those who can. Sharp steel and strong arms rule this world, dont ever believe any different. Im honest. Its the world thats awful. Now fly away, little bird, Im sick of you peeping at me. No. Bugger that. And you. Open the gates. When they rush inside, surround them and kill them. Ive lost half my men. Horse as well. Im not taking more into that fire. Bugger the Kings Hand. Someone bring me a drink. Water? Fuck your water. Bring me wine. You? Little bird. I knew youd come. If you scream Ill kill you. Believe that. Dont you want to ask whos winning the battle, little bird? I only know whos lost. Me. All. Bloody dwarf. Should have killed him. Year ago. Dead? No. Bugger that. I dont want him dead. I want him burning. If the gods are good, theyll burn him, but I wont be here to see. Im going. The little bird repeats whatever she hears. Going, yes. Away from here. Away from the fire. Go out the Iron Gate, I suppose. North somewhere, anywhere. Not to me. I have the white cloak. And I have this. The man who tries to stop me is a dead man. Unless hes on fire. You promised me a song, little bird. Have you forgotten? Everything scares you. Look at me. Look at me. I could keep you safe. Theyre all afraid of me. No one would hurt you again, or Id kill them. Still cant bear to look, can you? Ill have that song. Florian and Jonquil, you said. Sing, little bird. Sing for your little life. Little bird. I know you. Thoros of Myr. You used to shave your head. Only the blind ones, priest. Bugger your fire. And you as well. You keep queer company for a holy man.

Best wipe the shit off your fingers, then. How long have you been hiding in this hole? You lot? Dont make me laugh. You look more swineherds than soldiers. Robert? Robert is the king of the worms now. Is that why youre down in the earth, to keep his court for him? Her? Is she your mother, Dondarrion? Or your whore? Rocks and trees and rivers, thats what your realm is made of. Do the rocks need defending? Robert wouldnt have thought so. If he couldnt fuck it, fight it, or drink it, it bored him, and so would you... you brave companions. Heres a brave man, baring steel on a bound captive. Untie me, why dont you? Well see how brave you are then. How about you? Or did you leave all your courage in your kennels? Knights? Dondarrions a knight, but the rest of you are the sorriest lot of outlaws and broken men Ive ever see. I shit better men than you. Send me on my way and Ill forget you too. But if you mean to murder me, then bloody well get on with it. You took my sword, my horse, and my gold, so take my life and be done with it... but spare me this pious bleating. I was not at Sherrer, nor the Mummers Ford. Lay your dead children at some other door. Do you take me for my brother? Is being born Clegane a crime? Who did I murder? Enough. Youre making noise. These names mean nothing. Who were they? It wasnt my sword in their bellies. Any man who says it was is a bloody liar. Once. Me and thousands more. Is each of us guilty of the crimes of the others? Might be you are knights after all. You lie like knights, maybe you murder like knights. A knights a sword with a horse. The rest, the vows and the sacred oils and the ladys favors, theyre silk ribbons tied round the sword. Maybe the swords prettier with ribbons hanging off it, but it will kill you just as dead. Well, bugger your ribbons, and shove your swords up your arses. Im the same as you. The only difference is, I dont lie about what I am. So, kill me, but dont call me a murderer while you stand there telling each other that your shit dont stink. You hear me? And who was this Mycah, boy? Seven hells. The little sister. The brat who tossed Joff s pretty sword in the river. Dont you know youre dead? I was Joffreys sworn shield. The butcher boy attacked a prince of the blood. I heard it from the royal lips. Its not my place to question princes. This ones own sister told the same tale when she stood before your precious Robert. Are you a fool or a madman?

So who will it be? The brave man in the piss yellow cloak? No? How about you, Huntsman? Youve kicked dogs before, try me. Youre big enough, Tyrosh, step forward. Or do you mean to make the little girl fight me herself? Come on, who want to die? Ill need sword and armor. My innocence against your breastplate, is that the way of it? This cave is dark too, but Im the terror here. I hope your gods a sweet one, Dondarrion. Youre going to meet him shortly. Burn in seven hells. You, and Thoros too. When Im done with him youll be next, Myr. Bloody bastard! Please. Im burning. Help me. Someone. Help me. Please. You want me dead that bad? Then do it, wolf girl. Shove it in. Its cleaner than fire. I did. I rode him down and cut him in half, and laughed. I watched them beat your sister bloody too, watched them cut your fathers head off. Making more knights, Dondarrion? I ought to kill you all over again for that. It wasnt hard. You made enough bloody smoke to be seen in Oldtown. Those two blind men? Might be I killed them both. What would you do if I had? Drunk on rain? You didnt leave me enough gold to buy a cup of wine, you whoresons. Come try it, Archer. Ill take that quiver off you and shove those arrows up your freckly little arse. To get back whats mine. What else? It wasnt for the pleasure of looking at your face, Dondarrion, Ill tell you that. Youre uglier than me now. And a robber knight besides, it seems. I wiped my arse with your paper. I want the gold. Is that the tale, now? As it happens, thats just what I meant to do with it. Feed a bunch of ugly peasants and their poxy whelps. The boy has a mouth on him, I see. Why believe them and not me? Couldnt be my face, could it? You going to make her a knight too, Dondarrion? The first eight year old girl knight? Complain to Lem, not me. Then tuck your tail between your legs and run. Do you know what dogs do to wolves? No. That you wont. Say, make my horse a knight. He never shits in the hall and doesnt kick more than most, he deserves to be knighted. Unless you mean to steal him too. Ill go with my gold. Your own gods said Im guiltless Youre no more than common thieves.

Back? Bugger that, wolf girl. Youre mine. Do you know what dogs do to wolves? Its a river we need to cross, thats all you need to know. The next time you hit me, Ill tie your hands behind your back. The next time you try and run off, Ill bind your feet together. Scream or shout or bite me again, and Ill gag you. We can ride double, or I can throw you across the back of the horse trussed up like a sow for slaughter. Your choice. Ill give you that one, but if youre stupid enough to try again, Ill hurt you. The next time you say that name Ill beat you so bad youll wish I killed you. The fords will all be gone, and I wouldnt care to try and swim over neither. Harroway town shouldnt be far. Where Lord Roote stables Old King Andahars two-headed water horse. Maybe well ride across. Wipe your nose and shut your mouth. Lord Harroways Town. Seven hells! Take us over. Then Ill pay. I need your boat, not your bloody wit. I wouldnt. Three dragons? For three dragons I should own the bloody ferry. I like an honest brigand. Have it your way. Three dragons... when you put us ashore safe on the north bank. Heres your choice. Gold on the north bank, or steel on the south. Knights honor. How many times do I need to tell you to shut your bloody mouth? Get in there and get dry, like the man said. Get back inside before I beat you bloody. There. Take ten. A dead mans note, good for nine thousand dragons or nearabout. Ten of it is yours. Ill be back for the rest one day, so see you dont go spending it. Knights have no bloody honor. Time you learned that, old man. The ferry wont cross back till morning. And that lot wont be taking paper promises from the next fools to

come along. If your friends are chasing us, theyre going to need to be bloody strong swimmers. Seven bloody hells. I hate fire. Dont even think about it. I never beat your sister, but Ill beat you if you make me. Stop trying to think up ways to kill me. None of it will do you a bit of good. At least you look at my face. Ill give you that, you little she-wolf. How do you like it? Youre a little fool. What good would it do you if you did get away? Youd just get caught by someone worse. You never knew my brother. Gregor once killed a man for snoring. His own man. And how would Ned Starks precious little daughter come to know the likes of them? Gregor never brings his pet rats to court. Caught you? My brother caught you? Gregor never knew what he had, did he? He couldnt have, or he would have dragged you back kicking and screaming to Kings Landing and dumped you in Cerseis lap. Oh, thats bloody sweet. Ill be sure and tell him that, before I cut his heart out. Didnt you ever have a brother you want to kill? Or maybe a sister? Sansa. Thats it, isnt it? The wolf bitch wants to kill the pretty bird. Because I hacked your little friend in two? Ive killed a lot more than him, I promise you. You think that make me some monster. Well, maybe it does, but I saved your sisters life too. The day the mob pulled her off her horse, I cut through them and brought her back to the castle, else she would have gotten what Lollys Stokeworth got. And she sang for me. You didnt know that, did you? Your sister sang me a sweet little song. You dont know half as much as you think you do. The Blackwater? Where in seven hells do you think we are? Where do you think were going? Stupid blind little wolf bitch. Bugger Joffrey, bugger the queen, and bugger that twisted little gargoyle she calls a brother. Im done with their city, done with their Kingsguard, done with Lannisters. Whats a dog to do with lions, I ask you? The river was the Trident, girl. The Trident, not the Blackwater. Make the map in your head, if you can. On the morrow we should reach the kingsroad. Well make good time after that, straight up to the Twins. Its going to be me who hands you over to that mother of yours. Not the noble lightning lord or that flaming fraud of a priest, the monster. You think your outlaw friends are the only ones can smell a ransom? Dondarrion took my gold, so I took you. Youre worth twice what they stole from me, Id say. Maybe even more if I sold you back to the Lannisters like you fear, but I wont. Even a dog gets tired of being kicked. If this Young Wolf has the wits the gods gave a toad, hell make me a lordling and beg me to enter his service. He needs me, though he may not know it yet. Maybe Ill even kill Gregor for him, hed like that. Then Ill take as much gold as I can carry, laugh in his face, and ride off. If he doesnt take me, hed be

wise to kill me, but he wont. Too much his father son, from what I hear. Fine with me. Either way I win. And so do you, she-wolf. So stop whimpering and snapping at me, Im sick of it. Keep your mouth shut and do as I tell you, and maybe well even be in time for your uncles bloody wedding. Keep your head down and your mouth shut. Salt pork for the wedding feast, if it please you, ser. Mlady told me to bring him, ser. Hes a wedding gift for young Lord Tully. Old Lady Whent, ser. Aye, mlord. Ser Donnel Haigh. Ive taken more horses off him than I can count. Armor as well. Once I near killed him in a melee. Because knights are fools, and it would have been beneath him to look twice at some poxy peasant. Keep your eyes down and your tone respectful and say ser a lot, and most knights will never see you. They pay more mind to horses than to smallfolk. He might have known Stranger if hed ever see me ride him. Weve missed the wedding, but it sounds as though the feast is still going. Ill be rid of you soon. Theres old deaf women in Lannisport complaining of the din, Ill warrant. Id heard Walder Freys eyes were failing, but no one mentioned his bloody ears. Got pickled pigs feet too, ser. I was told to see the steward, or the cook... Your brother will be in the castle. Your mother too. You want them or not? Sedgekins can bugger himself with a hot poker. Its your bloody brother I want. Seven bloody buggering hells. Get down. Get my helm. Dead. Do you think theyd slaughter his men and leave him alive? Look. Look, damn you. Come with me. We have to get away from here, and now. Stupid little bitch. You go in there, you wont come out. Maybe Frey will let you kiss your mothers corpse. Maybe you can. Im not done living yet. Stay or go, she-wolf. Live or die. Your - Dry off and feed the bloody horse,

Away. Thats all you need to know. Youre not worth spit to me now, and I dont want to hear your whining. I should have let you run into that bloody castle. Youd be dead if I had. You ought to thank me. You ought to sing me a pretty little song, the way your sister did. I hit you with the flat of the axe, you stupid little bitch. If Id hit you with the blade thered still be chunks of your head floating down the Green Fork. Now shut your bloody mouth. If I had any sense Id give you to the silent sisters. They cut the tongues out of girls who talk too much. Hunting for stray northmen. Any time you hear hooves, get your head down fast, its not like to be a friend. If Id had any wine, Id have drunk it myself. I can give you water, and the gift of mercy. My own dog now. Do you want the water? Me too. Thats where the heart is, girl. Thats how you kill a man. Why? He dont care, and weve got no spade. Leave him for the wolves and wild dogs. Your brothers and mine. First we rob him, though. He must have had a horse as well, or he wouldnt have got away, but its bloody well gone, Id say. No telling how long hes been here. You have an aunt in the Eyrie. Might be shell want to ransom your scrawny arse, though the gods know why. Once we find the high road, we can follow it all the way to the Bloody Gate. I thought your sister was the one with a head full of songs. Frey might have kept your mother alive to ransom, thats true. But theres no way in seven hells Im going to pluck her out of his castle all by my bloody self. That will scare the piss out of the old man. Death doesnt scare me. Only fire. Now be quiet, or Ill cut your tongue out myself and save the silent sisters the bother. Its the Vale for us. This thing about your mother... If theres wine as well, Ill do it. Might be we should stay here awhile. Wed never reach the Eyrie, and the Freys will still be hunting survivor in the riverland. Sounds like they need sword here, with these clansmen raiding. We can rest up, maybe find a way to get a letter to your aunt. So you do know who I am. When these Stone Crows come calling, you might be glad to have a dog. I know what they say. Pay me, and well be gone.

Well make for Riverrun. Maybe the Blackfish want to buy himself a she-wolf. Hes free to try. The little wolf bitch wants to join the Nights Watch, does she? The Walls a thousand leagues from here. Wed need to fight through the bloody Freys just to reach the Neck. Theres lizard lions in those swamps that eat wolves every day for breakfast. And if we did reach the north with our skins intact, theres ironborn in half the castles, and thousands of bloody buggering northmen as well. Theres nothing wrong with my belly, but I dont give a rats arse for you or your brother. I have a brother too. Look around you, and take a good whiff. Theyre all liars here, and every one better than you. Ill have a song from you. You know how long its been since I had a cup of wine? Besides, we need to learn who holds the ruby ford. Stay with the horse if you want, its no hair off my arse. Let them try. Looking for a cup of wine. Innkeep, a flagon of red. Then dont call me ser. Are you deaf, fool? I ordered wine. Two cups! The girls thirsty too! Then he shouldnt drink. Now you can pour. Best pick up those coppers too, its the only coin youre like to see today. When youre done drinking youll tickle the innkeep to see where he keeps his gold. The way you always do. So much for my brave brothers of the Kingsguard. Who killed him? What wife? She ought to dip him in fire and cook him. Or tickle him till the moon turns black. So Gregor took Harrenhal? The Blackfish is still in Riverrun? The little bird flew away, did she? Well, bloody good for her. She shit on the Imps head and flew off. And courteous. A proper little lady. Not like her bloody sister. If Id want you to know, Id have told you. Are there ships at Saltpans?

Bugger that. Bugger him. Bugger you. I was hoping youd do something stupid. So Gregor can finish me himself? If you want me, come get me. Might be, but youre dead. Enough. Do I look like your bloody mother? You killed this one too. Pricked him in his bowels, thats the end of him. Hell be a long time dying, though. Dont call me ser. This one is yours, she-wolf. You do it. You remember where the heart is? Good. If these three were whoring here, Gregor must hold the ford as well as Harrenhal. More of his pets could ride up any moment, and weve killed enough of the bloody buggers for one day. Saltpans. Get some wine, she-wolf. And take whatever coin they have as well, well need it. If theres ships at Saltpans, we can reach the Vale by sea. Maybe Lady Lysa will marry you to her little Robert. Theres a match Id like to see. Here will do. Water the horse and gather some deadwood for a fire. Anyone want to find us, all they need to do is follow my blood. Water and wood. But bring me that wineskin first. If I had more wine, Id drink till I was dead to the world. Maybe I ought to send you back to that bloody inn for another skin or three. A jest, wolf girl. A bloody jest. Find me a stick, about so long and not too big around. And wash the mud off it. I hate the taste of mud. Get the cup from my bedroll and dip it half full. Be careful. You knock the damn thing over, I will send you back for more. Take the wine and pour it on my wounds. Think you can do that? Then what are you waiting for? I need to rest. Bloody hells. Bloody hells. Id skin you alive for a cup of wine, girl. You remember where the heart is? Dont lie. I hate liars. I hate gutless frauds even worse. Go on, do it. I killed your butcher boy. I cut him near in half, and laughed about it after. And the little bird, your pretty sister, I stood there in my white cloak and let them beat her. I took the bloody song, she never gave it. I meant to take her too. I should have. I

should have fucked her bloody and ripped her heart out before leaving her for that dwarf. Do you mean to make me beg, bitch? Do it! The gift of mercy... avenge your little Michael... A real wolf would finish a wounded animal.

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