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Self-Control: The Need of the Hour Mrs.

Mehtas biggest complaint about her son, Ashok, is that he is sitting in front of the TV to watch the World Cup instead of preparing for his final exams. Mr. Ramani, on the other hand, has a problem with his wife, a diabetic. She refuses to be kept away from sweets. These are two very different people from very different backgrounds, but they are dealing with the same issue; lack of self-control. Self-control is one of the many traits that classify Homo sapiens as superior species. It is the sixth sense which is constantly attributed to humans, and which is lacking in animals. While the quality is our definition, all of us face much difficulty in exercising it. Ironically, it is much easier to be animalistic than it is to be human. When we lose control over ourselves, we open a Pandoras Box; except that this one is without any positive outcome. Almost all crimes attributed to lack of self-control. Rapes happen because men cannot control their libido. Robberies occur because men cannot control their greed. Murders happen because people cannot rein in their tempers. Unless we want to return to our state of origin, self-control should be an act practiced by every human being. Control over oneself is not an easy feat. It is not like picking up a skill or putting on a costume. It takes a lot of time to develop. We can only improve it by taking care of lots of little details. However, once we are aware of these details, all the pieces fall into place. The first of the little details is self-awareness. One has to be aware of oneself, the surroundings and other people. Empathy too, plays a hand in self-control. For example, anybody would want to cause a fraud and cheat extreme physical harm. But if the fraud is in a pathetic situation for no fault of his, an empathetic person would automatically subdue his anger and rage towards him. Self-introspection and self-control are mutually dependent. We cannot have one without the other. When one introspects, one can realise his faults and correct them, thus gaining control over his self. When one has self-control, the high level of awareness will lead him to introspection. These days, everyone is like a freight train without a driver. There is no thought before action any more. In many cases, there isnt even regret over wrong actions. Directly or indirectly, all come down to lack of self-control. There is so much noise about rights, that everyone has forgotten duties. The constant chasm between what we have to do and what we want to do exists because we have forgotten to balance the scales. Our wants take precedence over our duties. The time when we can find balance between fun and work, wants and needs and rights and duties, is the time when we have complete control over our emotions, our actions, our thoughts and ourselves. All it takes is some will-power and grit.

Sandhya. S III B.A Sociology 1012153

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