28 August 2008, Banner Cruise Missile (Updated 20feb09)

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1 28 August 2008 Thursday 6:40PM

Blue Bellied A380's carrying Cruise Missiles & Military Jets Carrying Large Ordnance (Nuclear?)
I Guess the "FUN" part of this Military Charade is about over!
As part of my Watchman duties I use my Binoculars on occasion to view the numerous Aircraft utilizing Oregon's airspace. I had noticed a significant decline in traffic from mid July to mid August of 2008, but that was to be short lived. In the last two weeks of August, the gates to the North were once again opened. Many of the jets that rejoined the renewed campaign appeared to be headed southwest rather than the typical southeast headings I had previously been recording since March of 2007. The only thing I can figure thats in that direction would be Hawaii and ultimately Australia. Could it be that Australia is the FALLBACK staging area for Alamogordo? It would make a nice "off the beaten path" command post; Daniel 11 v 45. Something to consider while enjoying a Heineken or perhaps a FOSTER'S! 3ABN has been featuring Australia in their broadcasts lately, as well as Pope Benedict the 16th (Ratzinger) also was visiting that Island recently. Something More Ominous that I noticed riding along My first observed Cruise Missile Habakkuk 3 v 16 - 17 Tuesday, 26 August 2008 was a particularly busy day for flying. I considered it a routine day however, until God got me up from my computer at the exact time to view an A380 about to fly over at 6:26PM. I rushed in for my Binoculars because they usually didn't fly so low. As I was viewing the south bound "Blue Fuselage" of the 4 engine jet I noticed an uncharacteristic glint. I kept looking and was shocked to realize that it was a Cruise Missile hanging underneath. I have viewed hundreds of jets flying over Oregon in the last 19 Months, but this was the first one I saw carrying a weapon. I supposed that many of the jets that were too high up or too far away for me to examine over the past Months have also been transporting ordinance.


2 Something even more disturbing the following day My first observed "free fall" ordnance Matthew 24 v 21 - 22 Now I was hyper sensitive to anything that might be "hanging" underneath the aircraft which I routinely observed. The very next day, Wednesday the 27th of August at 8:30AM, my diligence was rewarded. I was observing one of the south bound Military Jets that periodically passed overhead, and was petrified to see a "freefall" ordinance hanging midway under the fuselage. The ordinance looked something like the "little boy device" which was dropped on Hiroshima, but a whole lot bigger. My judgment is that it was probably Nuclear, and more than likely a Hydrogen device. I was wondering when this war was going to start looking more like a WAR! Trouble with the Russians! Don't forget about the Chinese! Tidings out of the east and north; Daniel 11 v 44 A guest on CNBC today pointed out that the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, was getting quite aggressive with Russia regarding their recent activity in the former State of Georgia. Since Russia is north and east of Germany it seems likely that this may be the "trouble" that Daniel's Prophecy is referring too! It seems like the Southwest United States will get a lot hotter as the summer of 2008 draws to a close! A few Hurricanes, just to round things out! Nahum 1 v 3, Ezekiel 26 v 3, Luke 21 v 25 In case anyone is interested, the Atlantic Ocean seems to want to participate in all this madness. Currently there are 4 systems that could develop besides GUSTAV. If GUSTAV was to manifest in a similar manner as Hurricane Camille did in 1969, the entire east coast including Washington D.C and New York would lose millions of lives. I lived in Manassas Virginia in the 1990's and was told that there was more than 9 feet of flood water in that area from that storm. Only Jesus Christ's Father knows how this will all turn out, but it will surely be much more challenging to survive on God's Planet in the coming Months! God promises a place of refuge for those that heed the warning!

Revelation Chapter 12 & Daniel Chapter 12 (3 1/2 years)

Another Message from God's End-Time Watchman

Kenyon Donald Williams

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