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The measurements I give here are those published by Hawkins in his fascinating book.

Of the thirty stones which once stood in the Sarsen Circle, only twenty-four are today in their original positions. The thirty upright stones were once topped by thirty lintels, mortised at each end; only five of the lintels remain in place. The stones were not quarried locally, but were brought from a position near Newbury, some forty miles away. Outside the Sarsen Circle there was yet another circle, the Aubrey Circle, named after its discoverer. What remains of this is a series of fifty-six evenly-spaced holes which vary in depth from two feet to four. The diameter of this fairly accurate circle was measured at 288 feet, with a distance of 16 feet from one hole to the next. While the circle was not a perfect one, the greatest error radial-wise was found to be 19 inches; and around the circumference, in the spacing of the holes, 21 inches. Between the Aubrey holes and the Sarsen Circle two other circular patterns of holes now named the Y holes and the Z holes have been discovered. There are thirty holes in the Y series, forming a circle roughly 35 feet outside the Sarsen Circle, and in the Z series twenty-nine holes, from 5 to 15 feet beyond the Sarsen Circle. The holes are not regularly spaced. Excavation of each hole brought to light a single blue-stone fragment of the rhyolite variety. Further descriptions and measurements of the Stonehenge complex would fill a volume; but the above information was of vital interest to me. Coupled with the discovery by Mr. Williams of what seemed to be a form of radiation issuing from the large stones, Hawkins work helps one to form a clearer picture of the possible purpose of the geometric pattern of the quartz stones. The diameter of the Aubrey circle is of significance. The average diameter is given as 288 feet. I feel sure that if a precise check were to be made, the true measurement would be found to be 287.8 grid feet; a grid foot being a fraction larger than a standard foot. As is shown elsewhere in this book, the value of 2878 is equal to 2C, that is twice the speed of light harmonic of 1439. Next, we note that the Sarsen Circle had thirty standing stones; thirty is also the basic spacing of the UFO grid system. The diameter of the circle is given as 97 feet 4 inches. It is not indicated whether the measurement is taken from the edge or from the centre of the stone uprights. Again I have a hunch that if the measurement is again checked and translated into grid feet it will come to 96.6 feet, which would give a radius for the Sarsen Circle of 48.3 grid feet. As shown elsewhere, the square of the speed of light reciprocal harmonic of 695 is equal to 483.

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