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Recitation 18

BJT: Regions of Operation & Small Signal Model

6.012 Spring 2009

Recitation 18: BJT-Regions of Operation & Small Signal Model

BJT: Regions of Operation
System of equations that describes BJT operation: Ic = Is exp( IB IE qVBE qVBC Is qVBC ) exp( ) (exp( ) 1) kT kT R kT Is qVBE Is qVBC = (exp( ) 1) + (exp( ) 1) kT kT F R qVBE qVBC Is qVBE = Is (exp( ) exp( )) (exp( ) 1) kT kT kT F Is = F = R = qAE n2 i DnB NaB wB NdF DnB wE NaB DpE wB NdC DnB wC NaB DpC wB

This set of equations can describe all four regimes of operation for BJT

Forward Active: VBE > 0, VBC < 0

Recitation 18

BJT: Regions of Operation & Small Signal Model

6.012 Spring 2009

Reverse Active (RAR)

VBE < 0, VBC > 0

VBE < 0, VBC < 0

VBE > 0, VBC > 0

Recitation 18

BJT: Regions of Operation & Small Signal Model

6.012 Spring 2009

Understanding the IC vs. VCE curve: IC drops rapidly below VCE,SAT

0.1 to 0.2 V.

Why? Each curve IB is xed VCE = VBE VBC , = VBC = VBE VCE When VCE is large, VBC < 0, FAR. As we reduce VCE , VBC reduces, at some point, VBC starts to become forward biased. Now, hole ux from B C increases exponentially from Law of Junction; to keep IB constant, hole ux into emitter must be reduced, = VBE drops, = IC drops quickly.

Small Signal Model of BJT

(Next week we will be using BJT & MOSFET for amplier circuits) Want to know the

small signal circuit model of BJT ic 1. Transconductance gm = VBE

Ic = Is eqVBE /kT = gm = Note, dierent from MOSFET: gm bipolar case. 3

q Ic Is eqVBE /kT = kT Vth

w 2 ID (depends upon device size), but not for L

Recitation 18

BJT: Regions of Operation & Small Signal Model

6.012 Spring 2009

2. Input resistance: IB = g = or = Is qVBE /kT e F 1 iB IB gm = = = VBE Vth F F gm

The input resistance of MOSFET is . In order to have a high input resistance for BJT, need high current gain F Example: npn with F = 150, Ic = mA gm = g = Ic 1 103 A = 40 mS = Vth 0.025 V 40 mS gm = = 0.267 mS ( = 3.7 k) F 150

3. Output resistance: Ebers-Moll model have perfect current source in FAR. Real characteristics show some increase in ic with VCE

go = In FAR: Ic

ic where does go come from? VCE qAE n2 i DnB qVBE /kT = Is eqVBE /kT = e NaB wB Ic VCE + VA Ic (VA VA

wB shrinks as |VBC | , thus Ic . Model: go = slope = go = 1 Ic = o VA VCE )

Example: Ic = 100 A, VA = 35 V, = o = 350 k VA increases with increasing base width and increasing base doping. This is also why NaB usually NdC 4

Recitation 18

BJT: Regions of Operation & Small Signal Model

6.012 Spring 2009

Now what do we have so far? Need to add capacitances...

Junction Capacitance (depletion capacitance)

(B-E): CjE = (B-E): CjC = q s NaB NdE ( NdE 2(NaB + NdE )(BE VBE ) q s NaB NdC 2(NaB + NdC )(BC VBC ) NaB )

q s NdC 2 (BC VBE )

Both are functions of bias Since NaB NdC , CjE CjC . CjC is often called C .

Diusion Capacitance
Cb = |QnB | = = Cb =
2 wB 2Dn

|QnB | VBE 1 qAE wB npBO eqVBE /kT 2 wB qAE DnB 1 wB npBO eqVBE /kT = 2 DnB wB 2 2 wB wB ic = gm VBE 2DnB 2Dn

2 wB 2DnB


= F base diusion transit time

Recitation 18

BJT: Regions of Operation & Small Signal Model

6.012 Spring 2009

Cb is in between base and emitter: Cb + CjE = C Add the following depletion capacitance: collector to bulk CCS parasitic resistances: b of base, ex of emitter, c of collector

Complete small signal model

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.012 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits

Spring 2009

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