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Diagnostic test part one

Students name: ___________________________ Class: _______________

1. What is her ____________? She is a dentist. a) sister a) Wake a) boring a) at a) camera a) give a) making a) fruit a) go a) forest b) tooth b) Take b) interesting b) in b) photographer b) take b) skating b) snacks b) jump b) farm c) job c) Listen c) tired c) on c) cameraman c) get c) swimming c) food c) ski c) seaside d) exercise d) Help d) fascinating d) from d) album d) wait d) putting d) drinks d) climb d) car park 2. ____________ me, please. I cannot open the bottle. 3. The film is ____________, I want to leave the cinema. 4. I always drink a glass of orange juice ____________ the morning. 5. What is this? Its a ____________. You take photographs with it. 6. I always ____________ many presents for my birthday. 7. In winter she likes ____________ on ice very much. 8. We are really thirsty. Lets go to the supermarket and buy some ____________. 9. Who can ____________ the highest mountains in the Himalayas? 10. Sarah spent her summer holidays at the ____________. She loved the beaches there.

11. Have you got ____________ sandwiches? No, I havent any. a) some a) does a) much a) swimming a) strong b) not b) is b) a little b) swim b) strongest c) anything c) do c) a lot c) swimmer c) stronger d) any d) has d) those d) swims d) the strongest 12. Where ____________ he live? In London, I think. 13. We need ____________ of new books for our library. 14. John likes ____________ in cold seas. 15. An elephant is ____________ than a horse.

Diagnostic test part one

16. Where is she ____________ now? a) go a) was not a) met see them. a) Do three dogs. a) would like to invite b) invited c) am inviting d) invite b) Was c) Did d) Were 20. Last Sunday I had a wonderful idea; I ____________ my whole family for a walk with my b) going b) not was b) meet c) goes c) werent c) meeting d) goings d) didnt d) meets 17. Sue ____________ at school yesterday, I dont know why. 18. Last weekend he went to a party but he didnt ____________ any new people. 19. ____________ they go to the concert two days ago? Probably not. I was there and I didnt

21. How old are you? ____________ a) Im very well thank you. c) Im twelve years. 22. Whats your brother like? ____________ a) Oh, hes shy but very interesting. c) I think he doesnt like you. 23. Whose are the cassettes? Are they Peters? ____________ a) They are on Peters desk. c) Peter doesnt want any cassettes. 24. Hello, can I help you? ____________ a) Yes, I can help you. c) No, Im sorry. 25. Whats the time, Alice? Is it very late? ____________ a) Sorry, I havent got any time. c) Quite early, a quarter past nine. b) I have a lot of time. d) Oh, Im never late. b) Yes, thats right. d) Id like a jar of honey, please. b) They are my cassettes not Peters. d) They are Robs CDs. b) He likes football very much. d) He doesnt like my brother. b) Not bad and you? d) Im thirteen.

Diagnostic test part one

26. Excuse me, how can I get to the supermarket? ____________ a) You cant get anything interesting in the supermarket. b) Turn left and go straight ahead. c) The newsagent is opposite the supermarket. d) I cant get to the supermarket. 27. Do you like writing letters? ____________ a) Yes, I love it. c) I dont like e-mails at all. 28. How much is the mineral water? ____________ a) Oh, we havent got much mineral water. b) Thank you, Im not thirsty. c) Its cheap, only twelve p. 29. ____________ Id like steak and vegetables, please. a) What food do you like? c) Do you like vegetables? 30. Its very cold here. ____________ a) Take off your coat, please. c) Its usually cold in our climate. b) Yes, were having a very cold spring. d) Would you like a jumper? b) What wouldnt you like? d) What would you like for dinner? d) There are three bottles of water. b) Everybody likes getting letters. d) I hate going to the post office.

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