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Dear Mr. Flurry, I hope I am not bothering you too much.

There has been one other thing tugging at me during and after the Feast this year that I was hoping you could clarify it for me. I will present it in the same basic format as the other issues. As always I stand humbly in submission of your judgment as you are in submission to God the Father and Jesus Christ. Government is everything, and I fully support you in every way. You have a tremendous workload and I would just like to express my deep appreciation for your dedication to Gods work and people. I humbly submit to whatever role God has for me.

Spiritual Pornography and Gods Wife

Satan has done a masterful job of turning righteousness into sin. Righteousness is NOT sin, Satan has just caused mankind, and in many cases Gods own people, to believe it is. Just as Paul admonished us to look at physical marriage mainly in a spiritual light (A type of Christs Marriage to the Church), rather than physical, I believe we should do the same thing regarding our bodies. Our physical bodies are not nearly as important as our spiritual bodies. God refers to our physical bodies as only a type of our potential spiritual bodies. If our physical body dies or gets in a dysfunctional condition it is suppose to demonstrate what is much worse: the consequences of letting our spiritual body to likewise degenerate. Its not hard to see the effect of neglecting any wound in our physical body that might heal on its own, but more often than not they turn into a festering mass that has the potential of ending our life. Sometimes even small injuries cause serious problems if not attended to. The difficulty is seeing things from Gods perspective. If we are seriously hurt physically we seek attention immediately, but cant seem to muster the same urgency for our spiritual wounds.

Is God a pervert; God forbid

When God created Adam and Eve through the word they did not have any clothing. They remained unclothed until God allowed Satan to tempt them with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Satans way that leads to death). It doesnt say in the Bible how long Adam and Eve walked the earth from the time they were created until the time of the temptation, but it seems reasonable that it would be at least many months, but more likely a number of years. God certainly would have held Satan at bay while he gave them instruction in all the necessities of life, which would have required time to put the principles into practice and thereby demonstrate the good results of proper behavior. During all this time the Bible implies that Adam and Eve were unclothed. The first mention of them being covered in any way is in Genesis 3:7, but that knowledge came from Satan the Devil Not God. That is where Satan got our minds off of our Spiritual bodies and caused us to only focus on our physical bodies. There still is nothing wrong with an unclothed physical body; the only problem is living contrary to Gods laws. (This is not to imply that we should disrobe whenever the temperature permits, in an

inappropriate manner). Satan would like man to continue believing that an unclothed human body is shameful. Obviously physical perversion is not to be tolerated either, but we lose our perspective if we dont get Gods view on what is righteous and what isnt. The truth of the matter is that parading around with a corrupt spiritual body is what we need to be concerned about. Which is spiritual pornography.

Spiritual pornography
I believe we miss the whole point by paying too much attention to physical clothing, makeup and jewelry while we adorn ourselves with the most lewd of those things spiritually. What we put on our bodies is definitely important, but God wants us to make the spiritual connection. We allow Satan to replace our spiritual garments with disgusting apparel, and even allow him to rip the flesh from our bones. We then prance around in front of God spiritually with bleeding and oozing wounds very little if any clothing and flamboyantly expect God to be pleased. Saying, arent we so righteous while preaching doctrines that are not Gods. We need to grow up spiritually. God wants us to be pillars in the world tomorrow and we cant seem to get past this physical existence. God purposely prevents That Prophet as he did the End time Elijah from getting too specific on these subjects because Gods ministers and called out ones should be proving all things and living by faith. If they were they would have no trouble with spiritual sight anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see Rev 3:18. God has to test every individual. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. In order to progress to the next level we must walk the walk as they say, live by faith. God has a job for each one of us, which we must actively pursue, or we have no future. Gods work says is all, every member must perform the task God the Father has called us to do. There is no such thing as a spectator in Gods work. We are not going to be hanging around on some cloud playing a harp. If we dont learn the lesson of spiritual discernment we are destined to be chained to a physical perspective, which will never get us into the kingdom of God. Im not the type of person who likes allot of attention, but we are all going to have to learn to do what God has called us to do and overcome our shyness or whatever negative character trait we may have. *********************************************************************** As with all the correspondence I have generated I humbly submit to That Prophet for Gods perspective. I have no desire to have my own work and no one except you and I have viewed the documents I have produced. I take my calling very seriously, and only desire to do what God the Father and Jesus Christ would have me do within the structure of Gods government. As always, with deep respect: Kenyon Williams Front Royal Congregation

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