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I. Answer the following: choose the most appropriate answer: 1.

What is the major pathway in and out of the cerebral cortex? It is made up of "white matter" ONLY? a. caudate nucleus b. putamen c. thalamus d. internal capsule 2. A patient with _______ is at risk of developing a lesion in the internal capsule. a. pituitary adenoma b. hypertension c. hypothyroid disease d. locked in syndrome 3. A patient complains that they are having intractible pain. They state that the pain is emanating from the opposite side of the body. Which of the following could be a possible cause? a. Wernicke's Word salad b. a lesioned Hippocampus c. hhalamic pain syndrome d. hemiballismus 4. Alzheimers disease usually starts in which structure: a. thalamus b. Hippocampus c. frontal lobe d. basal ganglia 5. A lesion in this area will lead to "intentional tremors." a. cerebral cortex b. cerebellum c. pons d. thalamus 6. The parietal lobe is very important in sensory intergration behind the post central gyrus. When this area is lesioned, patients will exhibit:a. hyperactivity b. confusion c. A "neglect syndrome d. forgetfullness 7. A patient has had a stroke. The patient is observed speaking very fluently with a smile on their face. Their speech, although fluent, is not coherent. Which of the following may be lesioned? a. Wernicke's b. Broca's c. Hippocampus' d. bilateral pons 8. In what lobe is the Wernicke's area? a. frontal b. parietal c. temporal d. occipital

9. On what side is Wernicke's area? a. left b. right 10. The ability to remember. What lobe is responsible for this function? a. frontal b. parietal c. temporal d. occipital 11. What is the structure that is responsible for memory? a. internal capsule b. medulla c. hippocampus d. amygdala e. Broca's 12. Which lobe is responsible for frontal eye fields? a. frontal b. parietal c. parietal d. parietal 13. The left frontal eye field is controlled by which side? a. left b. right 14. Does the left frontal eye field drive one eye or both eyes to the right? a. one eye b. both eyes 15. The frontal eye field area is located in which of the following:a. posterior to post central gyrus b. anterior to precentral gyrus c. in the temporal lobe d. in the cuneus 16. Neglect syndrome patients will typically have a lesion in the left or right side of the brain? a. left b. right 17. Which lobe is responsible for decision making? a. frontal b. parietal c. temporal d. occipital 18. A lesion in this area can lead to Huntington's disease and Hemiballismus:_ a. internal capsule b. thalamus c. basal ganglia d. hippocampus e. medulla 19. The basal ganglia is a cluster of cell bodies called


a. nuclei b. tracts c. bulbs d. ganglia 20. A lobectomy of this area can lead to loss of inhibition:a. frontal b. parietal c. temporal d. occipital 21. What is the name of the syndrome in which a patient has lost part of their frontal lobe with an ensuing marked change in personality. They will also demonstrate a return to neonatal reflexes such as "sucking and grasping.?" a. post-natal syndrome b. post-frontal syndrome c. pre-frontal syndrome d. post lobectomy syndrome 22. Broca's area is located in what lobe? a. frontal b. parietal c. temporal d. occpital 23. Most people's broca's area is located on their right or left? a. right b. left 24. Patients with a lesion in Broca's area will have broken speech. They will speak softly, purposefully and with no effort. They will not show any signs of frustration. True or false? a. true b. false 25. The following are the ______ and they are buried deep in the brain. a. thalamic axons b. cortical nuclei c. basal ganglia d. hippocampal nuclei 26. The basal ganglia "nuclei" are sensory or motor? a. sensory b. motor 27. Do patients with Wernicke's understand words that are spoken to them? a. yes b. No 28. What lobe is responsible for a person's social conduct? a. frontal b. parietal c. temporal d. occipital 29. Patients with intentional tremors from a cerebellar lesion will exhibit tremors on the contralateral


or ipsilateral side? a. contralateral b. ipsilateral 30. Which of the following is used to test cerebellar function? a. finger to mouth b. finger to nose c. heel to shin d. hand to shoulder 31. Where is the primary auditory cortex located? a. in the hippocampus b. inside the silvian fissure c. in the frontal lobe d. in the occipital lobe 32. Patients with "locked in syndrome" have damaged:a. bilateral medulla b. unilateral thalamus c. bilateral pons d. bilateral cerebral cortex e. bilateral internal capsule 33. The "flashlight" hypothesis applies to what structure? a. cerebral cortex b. cerebellum c. internal capsule d. thalamus 34. Does all sensory information pass through the thalamus? a. yes b. no 35. The thalamus sits on top of the a. cerebellum b. hippocampus c. pituitary gland d. brain stem

I. The Answers 1=d 2=b 11 = c 12 = a 21 = c 22 = a 31 = b 32 = c

3=c 13 = b 23 = b 33 = d

4=b 14 = b 24 = b 34 = b

5=b 15 = b 25 = c 35 = d

6=c 16 = b 26 = b

7=a 17 = a 27 = b

8=c 18 = c 28 = a

9=a 19 = a 29 = b

10 = c 20 = a 30 = b


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