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Back to the Beginning: Red Flags in Hawaii This blog began in January of 2010 with Red Flags in Hawa

Hawaii, giving evidence that the HDOH was engaging in deception and law-breaking to cover Obamas s ineligibility. Now weve ve got strong evidence that the leadership at the HDOH is forcing employees to falsify sify official records and the workers are fighting back by putting red flags into the forgeries. This series of posts will use that critical puzzle piece to put the whole puzzle together together. At the end of this th series I intend to make public a redacted version of an affidavit I filed with the Lincoln Police Department, verifying the evidence to substantiate my claims. 1. We already know that a high-level level authority at the HDOH conspired to illegally falsify the 1960-64 1960 birth index. Part of that evidence is the proof tha that the HDOH falsified the 1960-64 64 birth index by adding names from nonnon valid BCs. Norman and Nathan Asing were adopted by their stepda stepdad, d, Albert Roloos, and now use the legal names of Norman and Nathan Roloos. I have a copy of the early-70s divorce records stating that Norman Asing, Asing Sr consented to allow his sons to be adopted and his ex-wifes s signature using her married name of Roloos, recent HI court records ords listing Norman Roloos and Nathan Roloos, and a PI database spreadsheet listing Normans birthday as Aug 4, 1961 the same day as Mr. & Mrs. Norman Roloos were listed in the newspapers as having a son. . I also have a certified driver drivers abstract t for Norman Roloos which I got by providing a SS# that was in his bankruptcy document and the Aug 4, 1961 birth date. So it is clear that Norman and Nathan Asing were adopted. Yet the non-valid, valid, sealed original birth records under the Asing name are listed in the 1960-64 birth index. . I also have evidence that a girl who was adopted has her adoptive name in that index but not n her original birth name confirming that birth names are sealed. Norman and Nathans s non-valid non birth names were manually added to the index. The index is thus NOT a simple printout intout of the names from all VALID BCs; ; any name in that index could have been manually inserted and we hav have e no way of knowing which names are from valid BCs and which are nonnon valid. This is particularly significant because whe when a colleague pressed to see Obamas birth certificate (that former HDOH Director Chiyome Fukino had said verified that Obama was born in Hawaii) Hawaii as REQUIRED to be disclosed following Fukinos public announcement Deputy AG Jill Nagamine said that Fukinos Fukino statement had not been based on the birth certificate but on the already-public birth INDEX. Which Ive ve now proven was falsified by somebody at the HDOH offic office who has the power to add non-valid valid names to the printout. At least 2 of the names were added in violation of a judg judges order that information from those original birth certificates be sealed. So not only was this a deliberate falsification, it was a violation of a judge judges s order. IOW, we already have proof that t someone at a high level in Fukinos HDOH conspired to falsify the 1960-64 64 birth index, in violation of a judges order. This is not a conspiracy THEORY; this is a documented, illegal conspiracy by a high authority at the HDOH. According to the AG s s office that illegal fabrication was the basis for FUKINOs FUKINO public statements.

2. Now we also have evidence that a high authority at the FUDDY HDOH forced orced a subordinate to forge the Virginia Sunahara death certificate and that subordinate resisted by y deliberately adding red flags. Duncan Sunahara requested a copy of his deceased sisters deat death h certificate and received from the HDOH a certified copy a partial artial scan of which is below ( (from against-hawaii.html )

The birth number that is hand-written written could not have been assigned to Virginia in 1961 if either eithe of the 2 BCnumbering methods described by HDOH officials were used. Besides that anomaly, that line has THREE other anomalies: A. The he fonts for T.H. FILE and NO. were different sizes and misaligned misaligned. . On a supposedly pre-printed pre form.

B. T.H. stands for Territory Territory of Hawaii Hawaii. (See Appendix A) This is a STATE of Hawaii death certificate, as stated on the very top line of print, but it has a Territory of Hawaii file number. Again, supposedly on a pre-printed printed death certificate form. C. 151 is a BIRTH code, , not a code for a particular state or a death code. (See Appendix B) Yet again, supposedly pre-printed. printed.

IOW, EVERYTHING ON THAT LINE IS ANOMALOUS ANOMALOUS, and to get the pre-printed anomalies somebody had to C&P text from different sources rather ther than simply changing Virginia Virginias information and leaving the standard form how it is. SOMEBODY at the HDOH who created this forgery wanted the world to know that the line which has Virginias supposed hand-written written BC# is a total fabrication fabrication, , and went to a lot of extra trouble to make it clear that it is a forgery. Why would they want the world to know this was a forgery, unless they were being forced to do it under duress and wanted to put up a red flag so the fabrication would be recognized? Once we know this critical situation that somebody at the HDOH is being forced to falsify records and is protesting by putting in red flags other instances become more clear. 3. Two birth certificates similarly have BC# BC#s that could not have been issued in 1961 1 and have deliberate red flags inserted by someone at the HDOH. A. Johanna Ah Nees long-form form BC from the HDOH has overlapping BC# digits (impossible with a Bates stamp) and what appears to be a forged Onaka signature.

World Net Daily published an image of a redacted birth certificate for Jo Johanna hanna Ah Nee, which she offered to them. There was a clear, convincing seal on it, suggesting it was from the HDOH. . But on the backside there was bleedthrough and by adjusting the brightness and contrast a person could see the BC# (which is far out of sequence for either of the 2 contradictory BC numbering systems described by HDOH officials; more on that in later articles or see hdoh-has-juggled-bcs-forat-least-4-1961-bcs/ ). I noted at that two of the digits overlapped, which made it clear that the BC# had been manipulated by the HDOH, HDOH since the Bates stamp rotates tates manually and could not create overlapping digits digits. Again, a blatant red flag showing what information was falsified in that HDOH HDOH-created forgery.

I have looked at a LOT of Onaka signatures from various years, though my computer crash swallowed the document which showed the signatures Ive compared. That signature on the Ah Nee BC was not made by Alvin Onaka; it has too many careful curves; isnt simple and quick enough to be like any other Onaka signature. It seems to be a crude attempt at matching Onakas signature from the Peter-Boy COLB of the same era (1991-1995) that Ah Nees BC copy was supposedly issued. Here is the back of the Ah Nee BC (from ):

Here is the signature from the Peter-boy COLB (found at )

Let me put those signatures side by side:

1991 Peter-boy signature:

Ah Nee (supposed) 1995 signature:

April 2011 signature (from COLB whose raised seal I felt) felt):

B. The 2 authenticating marks from the registrar (aside from the raised seal) are the certifying statement s and the signature; Obamas long-form form had the TXE typo (from the HDOH) to deface ace the certifying statement and a smiley face to deface the signature.

I received from a colleague gue a certified copy of a short short-form BC that had an official-looking looking raised seal:

But the certifying statement had TXE in it:

The HDOH has a certifying stamp that does NOT have TXE in it: it was shown on an image of a certified long-form received by a friend of Miki Booth, which was issued on March 15, 2011 a little over a

month before Obamas long long-form form forgery was disclosed (image below taken from )

So they had a stamp that would not have had the typo TXE, but somebody at the HDOH used the one that had the typo anyway

SUMMARY: : In addition to proof that somebody in a high position at the HDOH illegally altered the 1960-64 1960 birth index, we have proof that Virginia Sunahara Sunaharas s death certificate was altered by someone at the HDOH and that someone deliberately made the forgery obvious. It appears that the same thing happened on Ah Nees Nee and Obamas long-form BCs. All these fabrications by the HDOH involve BC# BC#s that dont t work with either numbering method the HDOH has described, and the he red flags center around the area of the BC that has the BC# (in addition to the area with the authenticating marks from Onaka): The entire line with Sunahara Sunaharas s handwritten BC# is blatantly anomalous. Ah Nees BC# has overlapping digits. The last digit of Obamas BC# is in a different layer and has different features than the other digits. It is very possible that the HDOH worker deliberately put in overlap on Obamas Obama last digit like he/she would later do with Ah Nees s fabricated long long-form. So whatever worker was forced to do these fabrications put in red flags pointing directly to the BC#s. . There is NO DOUBT that the HDOH leadership is forcing resistant workers to fabricate vital records, and the BC#s s are central to the fabrications. Upcoming articles will put together more e pieces of the puzzle, leading to a clear picture of what the HDOH has done over the past 4 years. But the fact of HDOH leadership forcing subordinates to create forgeries is central to understanding all the other evidence. Please note that high officials in both the Fukino and Fuddy HDOHs HDOH have been caught red-handed in illegal fabrications. ications. At this point the only time period in which we HAVENT HAVEN documented illegal activity is the time when interim HDOH Director Neal Palafox was in charge of the HDOH. This will be an important piece of the puzzle as well.

APPENDIX A T.H. stands for Territory of Hawaii Copied from :

Copied from

Home About our Business Hawaiian Stone Artifacts Other Hawaiian Artifacts Hawaiian Glass Bottles Soda-bimal Soda-ABM Whiskey Beer Other Miscellaneous Selling Your Artifacts Appraising Your Artifacts Our eBay Store Contact Us Links

Hawaiian Glass Bottles

Collecting Hawaiian Bottles By Steve Goodenow
Hawaii is no different than any other state in the Union in that there are glass and ceramic bottles that were manufactured as containers to be used by Hawaii' companies. What is unusual is the fact that bottles and other containers first came to the State when it was a kingdom and possibly long before many of the other 50 states. Most know that Hawaii is the last state to be admitted to the Union in 1959. What many don' realize is that Hawaii was fully operational as a Hawaiian Kingdom, Sovereign Nation, and Territory of the United States well before 1959.

Look at some of Hawaii' firsts. First Public School west of the Rockies was Lahaianaluna on Maui. The first private business club was The Pacific Club founded in 1851. What' interesting about 1851 is the fact that Ulrich Alting, a German merchant, imported the first known Hawaiian embossed soda bottle. Even before, bottles may have been manufactured for the Hawaii market. Thirsty whalers who wintered in Hawaii were served whiskey from bottles with the abbreviation S.I. for Sandwich Islands. As the Kingdom of Hawaii was acknowledged by business, the initials H.I. for Hawaiian Islands started appearing on bottles. After the Hawaiian Islands became an official territory of the United State in 1900, the abbreviation H.T. or T.H. begin to appear (Hawaiian Territory or Territory of Hawaii). The initials of

H.I. and H.T. were used on both Hawaiian Bimals and machine made bottles until the 1920'. What made Hawaiian bottles somewhat unique and diverse was the geography of Hawaii and its relative island-by-island isolation. Difficulty in transportation from the mainland and within the islands created the need for small businesses to have their own brands thus different bottles. When drilling discovered water and sugar and pineapple companies became the principal economy of Hawaii, each island had a number of sugar and pineapple companies each with a company store. For a state small in square miles people are shocked when they learn that there were over 38 different soda companies that produced over 270 varieties of bimal (bottles hand blown into a mold) soda bottles. The variety of soda works companies continued when ABM (machine blown bottles) first appeared. By the 1930', however, a consolidation of bottling companies was taking place. As with the other 49 states, soda companies disappeared or were absorbed by Coca-Cola, Pepsi and others. Milk bottles followed a similar fate. Again the relative isolation of the islands and difficulties in transportation on individual islands created the necessity of establishing many dairies. On Oahu alone, there were over 400 dairies, many using different embossed and stenciled (painted) bottles. Each Island was the same. While only a few milk bottles are bimals, there are hundreds of different ABM' both embossed and painted that reflect the variety and location of the dairy. What is not widely understood is the fact that Hawaii had no glass manufacturing capacity and all bottles were shipped from the mainland, Japan or abroad. Some of the bottles were manufactured by Pacific Coast Glass Works and the initials P.C.G.W. appear. Bottles came from other manufactures in California, Indiana, London and New Jersey.

The variety of bottles runs the gamut from torpedo type bottles, Codd' marble bottles, Hutchison types and crowns as well. Colors range from the standard aqua and clear to beautiful citrons, amber and sun turned amethyst. Some think that Hawaii has the most desirable collectible bottles and many of the soda bottles are among the rarest and are highly valued.

Oahu was known as the "athering Place."It can be said that the principal old ports of Lahaina, Maui and Honolulu show evidence of the world' bottles. The West discovered Hawaii in 1778. It wouldn' surprise me that someone threw a ceramic bottle or crude glass bottle off that first ship into a harbor (which would have been on Kauai or the Big Island). Divers find incredible bottles from all over the world. My personal collection includes bottles from Asia, Europe and the rest of the United States that somehow made their way to Hawaii. Likewise Hawaiian bottles made their way to the mainland. While to my knowledge no Hawaiian bottles have been discovered in Astoria Oregon, home to early fur traders, earlier Hawaiians were sent there to assist in the fur trade. Did you know there was an Oyhee county in Idaho? Oyhee is the very old way of spelling Oahu. Early Hawaiians were taken to Idaho, again to assist in the fir trade. Of course there were many travelers to and from Hawaii. The military, transferred employees, etc. may have taken bottles back home. I have attended many bottle shows on the mainland and it is not surprising to find Hawaiian

bottles. Remember they were manufactured there and of course many never made it to Hawaii. This is especially true of siphon bottles. Bottles unique to Hawaii include whiskeys, gins, beers and a variety of medicines. Interesting there are no bitters manufactured for Hawaii. Most likely this was because of the missionary influence that knew booze when they saw it. There are a number of publications that feature Hawaiian bottles. The "ible"of bimals is Hawaiian Bottles of Long Ago by Elliott and Gould. There are publications on milks and ABM bottles (pre-statehood), which have been assembled by local collectors who are members of the local bottle club. While officially bottle collection took off in the late 1960' and early 1970', there were probably a few early collectors in the 1950'. We all say we wish we knew then what we know now! I remember taking glass bottles to the stores to get the refunds. While that dates me, I wish had had kept the good ones back. They would be worth a lot more now. The Hawaii Historical Bottle Collectors Club was founded in 1970 and still has an active membership. They hold monthly meetings and once a year hold an annual bottle show. This show is widely attended by locals and mainlanders. For more information on the Club click here Those wishing more information on Hawaiian bottles can email me at Info @ Enjoy your collecting. I'e found bottle collectors to be among the world' best people always willing to help educate and share their knowledge. Bottle collecting is just another form of gathering historical evidence. Have fun and Aloha!
The Gallery at Hawaiian Stones & Artifacts -736 South Street, Suite 103, Honolulu, HI 96813 Telephone: (808) 526-3245

Clips copied from


APPENDIX B: 151 is the BIRTH code for Hawaii, not the DEATH code. I can testify that the chart below, taken from , has the correct birth code for Nebraska, Minnesota, and Illinois, because I have seen birth certificates from those states. I can also testify that the Certificate of Fetal Death for my daughter does NOT have a federal DEATH code similar to the birth code nor does it use the Nebraska BIRTH code of 126. IOW, these are BIRTH codes, not STATE codes for use on both birth and death certificates.

*State Birth Certificate Codes

AK - 150 AR - 103 CA - 104 CT - 106 DE - 107 GA - 110 IA - 114 IL - 112 KS - 115 LA - 117 or 157 MD - 119 or 154 TX - 142 WA - 146 AL - 101 AZ - 102 CO - 105 DC - 108 FL - 109 HI - 151 ID - 111 IN - 113 KY - 116 MA - 120? ME - 118 UT - 144 WI - 148 MI - 121 MO - 124 MT - 125 ND - 133 NH - 128? NM - 130 NY - 139,131? or 156 OH - 134 OR - 136 PA - 137? SC - 139 VA - 145 WV - 147 OK - 135 SD - 140 RI - 138 TN - 141 VT - 143? WY - 149 MN - 122 MS - 123 NC - 132 NE - 126 NJ - 129 NV - 127

*Note: If you have any

It appears as though not all states adhere to the federal system, namely NH and PA. The numbers with a question mark are states that cannot be verified. It appears as though MD and NY issue a completely new number to adoptees. The fourth and fifth digits signify the year on all. For example if you were born in FL, your number should appear as 109-65-OOOOO. The 109 stands for FL and the 65 stands for the year. The remaining numbers are the file number. additional information regarding false birth certificates in any state or country, let the community know by adding to this list. Please email us the information for review if you're sure it's valid. Email


Clue #2: Stig Waidelichs BC# Clearly Altered, Almost Certainly Given to Obama
In the first installment (at ), we saw from the Sunahara death certificate that the document was not only forged at the HDOH, but somebody there deliberately put in red flags to make it clear that it was a forgery. Similar red flags were noted in the Ah Nee and Obama long-form birth certificates. Why were all those records falsified? The red flags showed up near or on the BC#s, which points us to our next clue: Clue #2: Four of the August 1961 BC#s that the HDOH has disclosed were changed BY THE HDOH from their original 1961 owners the 3 records with the red flags, and the short-form BC of Stig Waidelich.

First some essential background on how the BCs were numbered. The documentation for this (and additional details) can be seen at . Each month the local registrars kept the BCs for births from each of the CDCs Hawaii geographic areas in their own region/batch in chronological order according to the time of birth. On the 4th of the month the outlying islands mailed all the BCs in their office to the state registrar. When those BCs were received at the state registrars office, all the states BCs for that month were placed in this order, numbered consecutively, and microfilmed for the CDC in BC# order with a cover sheet (target) between the different regions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hilo, in chronological order The remainder of Hawaii County, in chronological order Honolulu, in chronological order The remainder of Honolulu County, in chronological order Kalawao County, in chronological order Kauai County, in chronological order Maui, in chronological order

So all the Honolulu births for August of 1961 were numbered in chronological order. After them come the BCs for the rest of Oahu, numbered chronologically. We have apparently-HDOH-certified records showing the BC#s for 5 children born at Kapiolani Hospital in Aug of 1961. But of those 5 people, only twins Susan and Gretchen Nordyke are in chronological order (Below, I will explain why Waidelichs BC# cannot be in chronological order). Here are the HDOHs disclosed Kapiolani births in chronological order, with the BC#s for comparison: Name Barack Obama Susan Nordyke Gretchen Nordyke Stig Waidelich DOB Aug 4 Aug 5 Aug 5 Aug 5 time of birth BC# 10641 10637 10638 10920 Notes Blatant signs of forgery

2:12pm 2:17pm 4:47pm

Computer printout only

Johanna Ah Nee

Aug 23


Blatant signs of forgery

Stig Waidelichs BC# is the most blatant anomaly. (See Exhibit A). He was born at the same hospital as Gretchen Nordyke, 2.5 hours later. For Waidelichs BC# to be in chronological order, there wouldve had to be 281 babies born in Honolulu in the 2.5 hours between Gretchens birth and his - but the city of Honolulu averaged 22 births/DAY in Aug of 1961. (281 babies within 2.5 hours or 112 babies/hour, compared to the average rate of .9 babies/hour, is 124 times the average rate.) So babies would have had to be born at 124 TIMES the normal rate (12,400% rate increase), just during those 2.5 hours. Didnt happen. Waidelichs BC# is a total fabrication In addition, we know that Virginia Sunahara was born at Wahiawa Hospital, which is outside of Honolulu. She was born on Aug 4th and so her BC# should be 4 days into the non-Honolulu Oahu births. According to the CDCs statistics (as analyzed by me using the Nordyke BC#s as the starting point at ), the BC#s in August should have fallen somewhere around these ranges: Honolulu births Other Oahu births Other islands 10,539 through 11,222 11,223 through 11,781 11,782 through 12,001 (22/day) (18/day) (7/day)

Four days into August at a rate of 18 births/day means Sunaharas BC# should have been somewhere from 54-72 later than the first other Oahu BC#. So somewhere between 11277 and 11295. But the handwritten number on the death certificate (which had 3 red flags deliberately placed in that line) was 11,080. That BC# is off by about 200 and should belong to somebody born in Honolulu around Aug 25th. Ah Nee, whose BC# from the HDOH had overlapping digits (showing that the BC# was fabricated at the HDOH) was born in Honolulu on Aug 23. Based on how the numbers fall, it appears that: 1. Obama was given the BC# that originally belonged to Stig Waidelich. (Waidelich was born about 2.5 hours after Gretchen Nordyke, and since the Honolulu rate was almost 1 child/hour, that could easily have made Waidelich the 3rd birth after Gretchen, which means that Waidelich originally had the 10641 BC# that Obama now has). 2. Stig Waidelich was given the BC# that originally belonged to Ray Piiohla, Jr (an infant born on Aug 20 who died at 2 days of age) 3. Virginia Sunahara was given the BC# that originally belonged to Johanna Ah Nee. (The timeline regarding the funny business with her record will be understood as we analyze the clues.) 4. Johanna Ah Nee was given the BC# that originally belonged to an infant who was born on Oahu but outside Honolulu around July 20th. Obviously, because this analysis is based on statistics that presume a steady rate of births, the numbers may stray a little from the estimated ranges, but not a lot. Waidelichs BC# in particular is problematic (with a 12,400% variance from the average birth rate within a 2.5-hour period). Yet that was the one

that the HDOH and CNN arranged to showcase right before Obamas forged long-form was released. Its almost as if they wanted to put a LOT of distance between Obamas BC# and the person who originally had that BC#. At this point, no August 1961 vital record disclosed by the current HDOH is credible. They are falsifying and fabricating documents at will. The only credible sources for what really existed in 1961 are the original microfilm rolls, original paper records forensically tested, and the original WORM (write-onceread-many) disks onto which the images were stored from scans when the system was computerized/digitized. These are the documents that Congress should DEMAND AN IMMEDIATE independent investigation of (with Maricopa Co, AZ Sheriff Arpaios Cold Case Posse taking part, for the sake of accountability). SUMMARY: Stig Waidelichs computer-generated COLB has a BC# that requires a 12,400% variance from the average birth rate within a 2.5-hour period. It is obviously falsified. So not only do we have paper records (1960-64 birth index, the Ah Nee and Obama BCs, and the Sunahara death certificate) being falsified by the HDOH, but we have the BC# in the computer system itself being falsified. And all these falsified certificates claimed BC#s that could not have been on those BCs in 1961. Stig Waidelich is almost certainly the original owner of the BC# that the HDOH has verified as currently belonging to Obama. In the next installment we will look at the only circumstance in which a new BC# can lawfully be assigned to a person. That will be the key that opens the door on what the HDOH has done, when, and why. Everything weve seen makes sense when we realize how the HDOH could legally try to justify giving Obama the BC# that belonged to Stig Waidelich.

Exhibit A: Stig Waidelich Certificate of Live Birth (copied from a still photo from a CNN video)

An enlargement found at

Part Three: The Law Enforcement Provision

Part 1 documented deliberate red flags placed into Virginia Sunaharas fabricated death certificate by a HDOH worker, which is presumably that workers protest at being ordered to illegally falsify records. Similar red flags are found in the BCs of Ah Nee and Obama (more on Obamas later).

Part 2 documented that 4 of the 6 Aug 1961 BC#s on legal documents issued by the HDOH could not have been the BCs originally assigned in 1961. The anomalous BC#s revealed so far belong to Virginia Sunahara, Johanna Ah Nee, Barack Obama, and Stig Waidelich. Obamas BC# had to belong to the 3rd Honolulu birth after Gretchen Nordyke, which was almost certainly Stig Waidelich.

The HDOH is authorized to create new BCs in certain situations. They routinely create BCs t o reflect new legal realities such as adoption, sex determination/change, and legitimation, presumably by cutting and pasting from other BCs at their office to make the new BC appear authentic. The BCs created in this way are legally valid, and certified copies will have the same certification as any other record, claiming to be a copy or abstract from the original record on file. The new BC has the same BC# as the original and simply replaces the old one in the file/computer record, which is then sealed. It may only be opened by a court order.

There is only one circumstance where the law allows the assignment of a BC# other than the original one : when a new birth certificate is created because law enforcement says it is necessary to protect the registrant. HRS 338-17.7 is posted at and can be seen as Exhibit A, but the relevant portion says:

338-17.7 Establishment of new certificates of birth, when. (a) The department of health shall establish, in the following circumstances, a new certificate of birth for a person born in this State who already has a birth certificate filed with the department and who is referred to below as the birth registrant: <snip>

(5) Upon request of a law enforcement agency certifying that a new birth certificate showing different information would provide for the safety of the birth registrant; provided that the new birth certificate shall contain information requested by the law enforcement agency, shall be assigned a

new number and filed accordingly, and shall not substitute for the birth registrants original birth certificate, which shall remain in place.
The statute says nothing about the legal validity of this legally-fabricated birth certificate but does say that the original birth certificate remains in place. This basically provides for a false identity to be created in order to allow someone to hide their real identity, which is still available to be found by qualified requestors who know the original information.

Nowhere else is the HDOH authorized to give a person a new BC#.

The only lawful reason for the HDOH to give Virginia Sunahara a different BC# than she was assigned in 1961 is if law enforcement certifies that it would provide for her safety. Theres one problem though: she is already dead. Has been since the day after she was born. No matter how you slice it, the HDOH illegally altered Virginia Sunaharas BC#. Why would they alter the BC# of a deceased infant?

Im sure it is very rare for law enforcement to request new BCs in order to protect someone. Yet two thirds (4/6) of all the Aug 1961 BC#s weve seen have altered BC#s. Statistically near-impossible. Only one of those BC#s belongs to a public figure who could be claimed as needing protection: Barack Obama.

It is almost certain that the HDOH created a new BC for Barack Obama at the request of law enforcement and illegally gave that new BC the BC# that belonged to Stig Waidelich who then needed to take somebody elses, etc until somebody finally was given the number that Obama shouldve gotten if this provision was lawfully applied: the o ne after the last 1961 BC# that was assigned.

Whatever is on a BC created through the law enforcement provision is simply what law enforcement says has to be on it. If law enforcement says it has to have an Aug 8, 1961 signature of Dr David Sinclair or Stanley Ann Dunham Obama, then that is what it will have, C&P-ed from other documents if necessary. If law enforcement says it has to have an Aug 8, 1961 filing date then that is what it will have. Etc. What is certain is that something on that new BC is different than what was on the unsafe BC, or else there would be no need to create a new one.

What else is certain is that somebody in law enforcement had to know what was problematic about the real BC in order to certify that Obama needed a new one. So much for the information on a BC not being discloseable to law enforcement, as claimed by HI deputy AG Jill Nagamine to 2 credentialed law

enforcement officers with Sheriff Joe Arpaios Cold Case Posse. Apparently it is discloseable only to the right law enforcement people. What law enforcement entity knows the truth about Obamas record?

And the creation of a new BC at the request of law enforcement would certainly have required the approval of both the HI Attorney Generals office (the legal advisors to the HDOH who had to be consulted on something so trivial as a routine verification request) and the HDOH director who would both thus also know what was problematic with the original. And that explains a lot of strange events that had the whole world scratching their heads shortly before Donald Trump broke the medias silence barrier on Obamas documentation problems.

In the next installment we will look at those strange events, which suddenly make sense in view of the HDOHs documented alteration of BC#s and the only possible legal justification for it.

Summary: The alteration of 4 out of the 6 disclosed August 1961 BC#s (including one deceased infant) makes it almost certain that the HDOH shifted BC#s in order to give Obama a new BC# on a BC created at the request of law enforcement and claiming whatever law enforcement said it should say. There is a BC in Hawaii that has the BC# 10641 and whatever law enforcement ordered it to say, for Obamas safety. There is also the record that Obama originally had, which has a different BC# and reveals something so drastically different that law enforcement claimed that real record would put Obamas life at risk.

Either that, or the HDOH falsified at least 4 August 1961 BC#s without even trying to legally justify it.

Exhibit A: HRS 338-17.7 (emphasis mine)

338-17.7 Establishment of new certificates of birth, when. (a) The department of health shall establish, in the following circumstances, a new certificate of birth for a person born in this State who already has a birth certificate filed with the department and who is referred to below as the birth registrant:

(1) Upon receipt of an affidavit of paternity, a court order establishing paternity, or a certificate of marriage establishing the marriage of the natural parents to each other, together with a request from the birth registrant, or the birth registrants parent or other person having legal custody of the birth registrant, that a new birth certificate be prepared because previously recorded information has been altered pursuant to law; (2) Upon receipt of a certified copy of a final order, judgment, or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction that determined the nonexistence of a parent and child relationship between a person identified as a parent on the birth certificate on file and the birth registrant; (3) Upon receipt of a certified copy of a final adoption decree, or of an abstract of the decree, pursuant to sections 338-20 and 578-14; (4) Upon receipt of an affidavit of a physician that the physician has examined the birth registrant and has determined the following:
(A) The birth registrants sex designation was entered incorrectly on the birth registrants birth certificate; or (B) The birth registrant has had a sex change operation and the sex designation on the birth registrants birth certificate is no longer correct; provided that the director of health may further investigate and require additional information that the director deems necessary; or

(5) Upon request of a law enforcement agency certifying that a new birth certificate showing different information would provide for the safety of the birth registrant; provided that the new birth certificate shall contain information requested by the law enforcement agency, shall be assigned a new number and filed accordingly, and shall not substitute for the birth registrants original birth certificate, which shall remain in place.
(b) When a new certificate of birth is established under this section, it shall be substituted for the original certificate of birth. Thereafter, the original certificate and the evidence supporting the preparation of the new certificate shall be sealed and filed. Such sealed document shall be opened only by an order of a court of record. [L 1973, c 39, 1; am L 1975, c 66, 2(3); am L 1979, c 130, 1 and c 203, 1; am L 1982, c 4, 1; am L 1983, c 65, 1; am L 1984, c 167, 1; am L 1993, c 131, 2]

Rules of Court

Adoption, new birth certificate, see HFCR rule 112.




Source: Copy courtesy of:

Part Four Three Bizarre Events

Part Four: Three Bizarre Events We All Scratched Our Heads At

Republicans had just won a landslide in the 2010 midterms but in December Congressional Republicans were giving away everything including the kitchen sink. The previous years Christmas crisis was Obamacare; Christmas of 2010 was filled with the DREAM Act, repealing Dont Ask Dont Tell, the START Treaty (giving up our missile defense system, Putin told us after it was passed), and the fiscal emergency caused by Congress failing to pass a budget again.

But shortly after that there were some bizarre events that had us all scratching our heads. These events make sense when a person realizes that the HDOH has altered at least 4 Aug 1961 BC#s and the only lawful reason for them to give ANYBODY a BC# they didnt have originally is when law enforcement says a new BC is necessary to protect the life of the person named on the certificate. In order to give Obama the BC# for Stig Waidelich the HDOH needed to have law enforcement claim that Obamas life was in danger if he didnt get a new BC. Remember that, as I set the stage for the 3 bizarre events.

Neil Abercrombie had resigned from the US Congress to run for governor of HI. He won that race and took office on Dec 6, 2010. (1) On Dec 18th he appointed Neal Palafox as HDOH Director. (2) Five days later, on Dec. 23, he gave an interview with The New York Times (3) Sometime that same week he gave an interview to the LA Times (4), and CNN also ran an article (5). All of those articles focused on Abercrombies determination to find a way to release Obamas long-form birth certificate. The NY Times article said this:

But on the matter of the birthers, Mr. Abercrombie grew serious. Im going to take care of that, he said, though he acknowledged that they would be difficult to convince. And he is angry about legislation in several states that would require presidential candidates to document that they were born in this country My thought is, rather than get into some kind of argument or play into that mentality, why not just simply try to authenticate this and let the facts speak for themselves?

Arizona had abandoned an eligibility measure, to focus on their immigration bill. But Judy Burges, the author of the measure, had promised to raise it again in the next session. In spite of media demonization of the extremist and racist Tea Party and legislature of Arizona, the 2010 midterms had given the Republicans there a majority in both legislative chambers.

So far nothing out of the usual here.

On Jan 8th Jared Loughner went on a shooting spree that injured newly-reelected US Rep Gabby Giffords and killed Judge John Roll, the federal judge of impeccable integrity who would have heard a DOJ lawsuit if an eligibility bill was signed into law. The Department of Homeland Security and Sheriff Clarence Dupnik immediately blamed Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, even though the evidence suggested that if Loughner had any political leanings, they were to the left. More than anything, he looked to be schizophrenic, although he and one of the men shot were both familiar with mind control techniques.

The media , some politicians including Obama, and Sheriff Clarence Dupnik immediately demonized the violent rhetoric of the Tea Party. (6, 7)The townhall meetings which had energized the pre-midterm pushback against Obamacare were determined to be too dangerous because of the violent Tea Party. Especially the violent Tea Party in Arizona where the legislature had passed a racist immigration bill and nearly passed a kooky, extremist birther bill. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was convinced that extreme people like birthers are dangerous, and would commit violence against elected leaders.

So during that first month after Abercrombie began to pave the way for the release of Obamas birth certificate, the media was insisting (and the law enforcement person at the middle of the Arizona shooting was concluding) that birthers like the Arizona Tea Partiers are violent, and elected leaders need to be protected from them. The stage was set for law enforcement to request a new birth certificate for Obama, which would say whatever Dupnik, or Eric Holder, or Janet Napolitano said it had to say.

And then it happened the first of the 3 bizarre events: A Star-Advertiser columnist asked Abercrombie how his search for Obamas birth certificate was going, and on Jan 18th published Abercrombies response: I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have. (Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.) It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down (8) World Net Daily reported on this bizarre statement. (9) Why would Abercrombie and AG Louie need an investigation to find a birth certificate that was at the HDOH where it belonged? Why would he have to look in the State Archives, which doesnt store birth certificates? Why would he say it was actually written. Written down? The next day The NY Daily News also reported (10) and the day after that Drudge Report linked to it. (11)

This led to the 2nd bizarre event: On Thursday, January 20th, Hollywood news reporter Mike Evans mentioned on 3 different radio shows that he had spoken to his decades-long friend Neil Abercrombie the day before and Abercrombie had told him there is no birth certificate for Obama in Hawaii. Evans recounted the conversation, including Abercrombie saying the first time he

remembered seeing Obama in Hawaii was at T-ball age. (See Exhibits A and B for transcripts).

The next day (Fri, Jan 21) Abercrombies office said he was abandoning the attempt to disclose Obamas BC because of Obamas privacy rights. And HDOH Communications Director Janice Okubo reminded everyone that Obamas name is in the birth index (12) which we now know had been altered to include non-valid records. (13) So it seems like they were trying to put the genie back in the bottle and rely on the falsified birth index as the only evidence of Obamas birth certificate.

(What Abercrombie told Evans indicates that there was not a hospital birth certificate for Obama at that point. Abercrombie told Evans there was no evidence of a Hawaii birth and that was after going to the hospitals with a search warrant, which would have allowed him to see the 1961 labor room log that is in Kapiolani Hospitals archives (14). If the HDOH confirmation of a late-2006 amendment for Obamas birth certificate (15) or the OIPs confirmation of supporting affidavits for Obamas birth record (16) are accurate, then he had SOMETHING at the HDOH but not a hospital birth certificate.)

But the genie wouldnt go back in the bottle. On Jan. 24th the story hit the internet (17), and by Jan 27 it made it onto Drudge Report (18)

On Jan 26 two things happened to try to deal with the fallout, the latter of which is the 3rd bizarre event: Mike Evans retracted what he had said instead claiming that he had never even talked to Abercrombie (19) and Neil Abercrombie asked his HDOH Director, Neal Palafox, to resign (20), with Loretta Fuddy becoming acting Director in his place. (21)

The timing of Palafoxs firing is suspicious, but how it came out is even worse. When Palafox resigned, Abercrombie denied that he had asked Palafox to resign and Communications Director Okubo claimed that Palafox had resigned for personal reasons . The article announcing Palafoxs resignation cited anonymous sources claiming that AG David Louie was investigating Palafox for patient billing fraud a claim that Louie would not deny even though he had not made any of the required notifications if he was investigating. (22). Its like he wanted the threat to hang over Palafox, who first heard of those rumors on TV when his resignation was announced making it look like he had resigned because he was in trouble with the law. Three days after the denials, Abercrombies office admitted that they had asked Palafox to resign, after Palafox publicly stated he had no idea why he had resigned.

What it really looks like is Abercrombie fired Palafox and to keep Palafox quiet AG Louie said, This is a real nice medical practice ya got here. Itd be a shame if somebody framed you for fraud But Palafox fought back and forced them to publicly admit they had forced him to resign for reasons other than wrong-doing though nobody would say why. It seems to me that Palafox could afford to fight back if he had something to hold over the heads of Abercrombie and Louie, and was willing to let them know it.

And thats why I think they fired him: he wasnt willing to play their game. He was the snag. They had the request from law enforcement to create a new BC for Obama to protect him from those violent Arizona birthers, the stage had been set for it to be released. And Palafox wouldnt go along with it. Thats why Abercrombie was caught off-guard by the Star-Advertiser columnists question in bizarre event #1; his own HDOH Director stood in the way of the plan so it was in limbo at the time of the question. Thats why Abercrombie hadnt found a birth certificate by the time Mike Evans called him. And once they saw Jack Cashill, Peter Boyles, etc bring attention to the first 2 bizarre stories, they knew they were going to eventually have to show a BC, and to do that they had to get rid of the person standing in the way. In a single day they convinced Mike Evans to change his story and Neal Palafox to resign. But Palafox quietly let the world know there was something rotten in Hawaii (sort of like a red flag)

Why wouldnt he go along with it, when the law allows a new BC to be created at the request of law enforcement? Because the statute says that is only allowable for somebody who was born in Hawaii and has a birth certificate on file. (23) Obama had some kind of birth record on file something actually written down and some kind of supporting evidence that was used to amend his record in late 2006. But the amendment itself rendered the BC non-valid. An altered and/or late BC (filed a year or more after the birth) has no probative value (legal evidentiary value) on its own. Its probative value has to be determined by a judicial or administrative official or body when it is presented as evidence, according to HRS 338-17 (24) Other BCs are declared by statutes to be prima facie evidence; their claims are legally presumed to be true unless there is evidence to contest their truth. If Obamas BC had not been late and/or altered, it would have been valid/prima facie evidence and Palafox would have to legally presume that Obama was born in Hawaii as claimed and a new BC could have been created for him at the request of law enforcement. But with no probative evidence of a Hawaii birth, Palafox could not lawfully approve the creation of a new birth certificate for Obama. The same reality that kept Onaka from being able to verify any of Obamas birth facts kept Palafox from being able to create a new BC for Obama.

His resistance prompted all 3 of the bizarre events that caused us to shake our heads, and ultimately got the attention of Donald Trump who brought the issue into the limelight.

In the next part well look at how Loretta Fuddy illegally executed the plan and sought to keep anybody from finding out what was done and how registrar Alvin Onaka fought back.

Summary: Three events are bizarre unless you realize what was going on:

1. Abercrombie claimed an investigation of Obamas birth record found something actually written down in the State Archives.

2. Mike Evans claimed Abercrombie told him he had gone to the hospitals with a search warrant, and there is no birth certificate or other evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii.

1. When the story of Evans claims went viral Abercrombie and AG Louie forced HDOH Director Palafox to resign and lied about it while anonymously threatening to investigate him for medical billing fraud. Three days later Palafox forced them to tell the truth about firing him by saying he didnt know why he resigned.

I believe Palafox was the snag in the plan to create a new BC for Obama based on law enforcement saying it was necessary to protect Obama from those crazy Arizona birthers. Palafox wouldnt create a new BC for Obama because the only record they had for Obama was non-valid and couldnt legally be presumed as true, and the law only allows a new BC to be created for someone who was born in Hawaii. So Gov. Abercrombie and AG Louie got rid of Palafox and replaced him with Loretta Fuddy who (as we will see) proceeded to execute the plan including (among other things) the unlawful shuffling of 4 August 1961 BC#s in order to land Obama with a BC that claimed a Kapiolani Hospital birth and had the BC# that had been used on the forgery to sanitize Obamas passport file 3 years earlier: Stig Waidelichs.

1. Dec 6, 2010 Abercrombie sworn in as governor: 2. Sat, Dec 18 Neal Palafox appointed 3. Fri, Dec 24 NYT article about Dec 23 interview with Abercrombie: 4. 5. Dec 27, 2010 CNN article: nor-vows-to-end-birther-controversy/ 6. 7. 8. Jan 18 Star-Advertiser columnist: 118_This_is_a_collaborative_endeavor.html 9. WND reports on it 10.Jan 19 article about Abercrombies comments to Star-Advertiser columnist: 11/01/19/2011-01-19_record_of_obamas_birth_is_in_the_archives_hawaii_gov.html 11. 12. show_article=1 13. 14. 15.

16. 17.Mon, Jan 24 birtherreport article (gives links, etc): 18. 19. 11/01/26/celebrity-journalist-says-he-never-talked-hawaii-governor-obama-birth/ 20. 21.Jan 26 Fuddy takes over as acting Health Director: 22. 23. 24.

Exhibit A: Mike Evans on KLBJ (Austin, TX) (Transcribed by me from the Jan 20, 2011 broadcast of Austins Morning News AKA Mark, Ed, and Sgt. Sam Show, at Starting at 7:45 at ,

Mike Evans: This is a uh, not a Hollywood nugget but is is so important I had to bring it to the table. Former United States Congressman from Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, has been a friend of mine for decades. When I spent time with Neil during the Obama inauguration in Washington, DC, uh, Neil told me that he was gonna run for governor of Hawaii. Neil also told me that when he was in college in Hawaii he was a friend of Obamas dad. And he remembered Barach he called him Barry when he was a kid. Hes actually a very good friend of the President. Neil promised that when he became governor he was gonna cut through all the red tape and gonna get Obamas birth certificate and once and for all end this stupid controversy.

Announcer: Uh-huh.

Evans: Ye, Yesterday I talked to Neil. Said that he searched everywhere using all of his power as governor, looking at Kapiolani Women and Childrens Hospital and Queens Medical Center, where children were born back in that day. And he said, Mike, there is no Barack Obama cer, birth certificate.

Announcer: Hes a foreigner! We knew it from the start!

Announcer #2: Well, I thought, I thought the holder of the certificate said it was locked up and she had seen it.

Evans: Well, the governor w, demanded to see it, went to the hospital, sent all of his people, a search warrant, and he could not get it. Uh, there, hes really good friends to the President but he says, he thinks this could cause some problems during re-election

Announcer: W Announcer 2: (inaudible) Announcer: Yeah, thats why he launched the search. He believes it will harm his re-election effort.

Evans: Yeah. Well, I, but hes a friend of Barack Announcer: I know. Announcer 2: Yes. Announcer: Hey I think in his h, heart and mind he said, Im gonna get this, bring this to a close. Were gonna

Evans: Well, thats

Announcer: .fix this.

Evans: And thats exactly true, I mean

Announcer: Yeah.

Evans: I man, Ive known Neil for long (chuckles) long time and he

Announcer: Whats

Evans: really, hes a left-wing nut. I mean, I love him, but uh, yeah, he was, he was, youre exactly right. He was hoping this would get rid of this problem and that he would prove that he was born in the United States. Unfortunately it backfired on him.

Announcer: Somebodys lying.

Evans: Movie news. George Clooney.


Exhibit B: Mike Evans on KQRS (Minneapolis, MN) Transcribed by Jemian on from 1-20-2011 audio on KQS, found at

Audio Recording From 1-18-2011 on KQRS. Recording at

BEGIN TRANSCRIPT: Mike Evans: I have a personal interest so I thought Id share it with you. Former U.S. Congressman from Hawaii Neal Abercrombie has been a friend of mine for

decades. In fact, when I first met Neal he was driving a cab in Honolulu. Well, Neal and I spent a lot of time together in Washington, D.C. during Obamas inauguration. Neal told me then that he was gonna run for governor of Hawaii, that he had, that, that hed had enough of being a U.S. Congressman. He also told me thatstories he had told me many times after Barack became famous, that he was in college going to the University of Hawaii, he was a friend of Barack Obamas dad and that he remembers Barack Obama as a little kid. He used to call him Barry. In fact, I did a TV interview with, uh, Abercrombie at CSPAN the day after the inauguration and we had to we had to stop twice because he referred to the President as Barry which he after he did he said, I cant do that, I gotta call him Mr. President.

Well, when Neal promised me that when he became governor, he was going to cut through all the red tape, he was going to get Obamas birth certificate once-andfor-all and end this stupid controvery, th.. that he was not born in the United States. Yesterday talking in Neals office, Neal says that he searched everywhere using his power as governor at the Kapiolani Womens and Childrens Hospital and Queens Hospital, the only place that kids were born in Hawaii back when Barack was born, there is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii. Second Speaker: Really? Mike Evans: Absolutely no proof, at all, that he was born in Hawaii. Third Speaker: Wow! Mike Evans: Now he went out, he LOVES Obama. I mean he purposely did this to get rid of that, that question. Now, got some egg in the face. I mean now he admits publically that there is no birth certificate. Second Speaker: Well, there might be an addendum to that. There is the story there is a birth announcement. But its been explained. His grandparents could called the newspaper and said, Hey! He, we kn, our grandchild was born. And ah he didnt have to be born in Hawaii for that. So its raising the issue again. Mike Evans: Absolutely!

Second Speaker: after it seemed to be put to bed. Mike Evans: And I asked him, I go, Well, when do you remember when do you remember Barack? Whens your first memory? And he goes, I remember him playing, like, in the T-ball league. And I go, Well, when he was, like, five or six. And he goes, Something like that. And I go, Well, what about before that? And he goes, Well, I dont really remember him much before that. which I thought was very odd. Second Speaker: Really? Mike Evans: Anyway. Second Speaker: I have a question for you. Mike Evans: Yeah? Second Speaker: According to ah, ah, federal law, and I dont know constitution law, but I assume it would be ah why is he allowed to be president of the United States then if he cant prove he is a U.S. citizen? Mike Evans: Well thats thats Second Speaker: Was he born here? Thats the big question. (?/inaudible) Thats weird. Mike Evans: And now now Abercrombie is the first to say that he he, that Abercrombie is a Obama lover Second Speaker: Right Mike Evans : that hes concerned that that is really going to be an issue during the election, re-election. Second Speaker: So it has taken off as a, a big story again, huh? Mike Evans: Yes. Second Speaker: Well, well, whats interesting about it is that this guy attacked people who questioned that he was born in Hawaii just a few weeks ago.

Mike Evans: Neal did. Second Speaker: Yes. Mike Evans: Yeah, I mean Im tellin ya. Neal and I are buddies and during this whole inauguration when I was in Washington for those a ten days, I spent a lot of time with Neal, and anytime anybody would come up and bring this up, youre right, Neal was almost militant about it. I remember him as a kid. Hes from Hawaii, born and raised so, needless to say, Im sure he was shocked more than anybody by this whole thing. Second Speaker: Dont you have to produce papers that say you were Mike Evans: Youd think so. Youd have to, wouldnt cha? Second Speaker: Well, theres been a certificate of Live Birth, but thats being questioned too, because you dont have to its not the official Birth Certificate. Mike Evans: Thered have to be one at the hospital, signed by the doctor certifying birth by a a birth. And there isnt that. Second Speaker: Youre kidding me. Mike Evans: Its like aaaa baptism papers. Its not worth the paper its written on, really. Second Speaker: Well, Mike, how hard would it be to find out what doctors were on then. Mike Evans: Apparently he cant find any of that that says that they were there.
______________________ END PART FOUR/TRANSCRIPT ______________________

Part Five: Fuddy Illegally Executes the Plan In Part Four (25) we saw that Department of Health (DOH) Director Neal Palafox was forced to resign on Jan 26, 2011 the same day as the story about Mike Evans conversation with Gov. Abercrombie went viral on the internet. Abercrombie had denied that he asked Palafox to resign, DOH Communications Director Janice Okubo had said he resigned for personal reasons, anonymous sources at the Attorney Generals (AGs) office had said he was being investigated for patient billing fraud, and AG Louie refused to say whether he was or was not being investigated. Three days later, when Palafox told a news reporter that he had no idea why he resigned, the governors office admitted they had asked him to resign but wouldnt say why. His duties were immediately taken over by Loretta Fuddy. Unlike Palafox, Fuddy did not resist Abercrombie and Louie plan to create a new birth certificate (BC) for Obama at the request of law enforcement, but was instead willing to break multiple laws in order to hide the problems with Obamas documentation which Abercrombie had openly admitted to his friend, Mike Evans. According to Abercrombies statements to Evans, there was no hospital BC or other proof of a Hawaii birth for Obama in Hawaii but there was something actually written down in the State Archives. Having gone to the hospitals with a search warrant, he would have been allowed to see the labor room log in the archives at Kapiolani Hospital, which is open to the public but which Cold Case Posse Commander Mike Zullo was not allowed to see. (1) It would list Obamas mothers name if she had been admitted to deliver a baby there. Since Abercrombie said there was no proof of a Hawaii birth, her name was presumably not on that log. Her name on that log would have been discloseable to the public and convincing proof exactly what he was looking for! Instead, he told Mike Evans there was no proof of a Hawaii birth to be found, even with a search warrant. Presumably her name was not on those lists. Obama did not have a hospital-generated BC as of January 2011. And that made sense with previous disclosures. Former DOH Director, Chiyome Fukino, had made a public statement on Oct 31, 2008, confirming that Obamas original birth record was on file in accordance with the rules and regulations (but she had illegally hidden those rules from the public until almost a year after Obama was elected) (2)(and Exhibit H). Later (July 27, 2009) she said she had seen the vital records (plural) verifying (swearing )that Obama was born in Hawaii. And still later she said that his birth record was half written and half typed (unlike the White House image, which is all typed). Open records requests effectively confirmed (3) that affidavits and/or other evidence had been submitted in support of the claims in the birth record (which is only necessary for late and/or amended BCs and would not be necessary for a hospital BC) and that his BC was amended in late 2006 (4) . Taken together, Abercrombie, Fukino, Office of Information Practices Director Paul Tsukiyama, and DOH Communications Director Janice Okubo all seemed to agree that Obama had a birth record based on affidavits rather than on a hospital birth certificate, and he had amended that birth record in late 2006. Late and altered BCs are legally non-valid (they are not legally presumed to be accurate and have no legal evidentiary value unless a judicial or administrative official or body examines them under the rules of evidence and finds them to be probative). Around March of 2010 someone under the direction of Fukino had altered the 1960-64 birth index so it would include some (but not all) non-valid records (5) So Obama had a non-hospital BC (a reported home birth) that had to be amended with an affidavit in late 2006. As later effectively confirmed by registrar Alvin Onaka (28, 29) it was legally non-valid (see Exhibit I for documentation regarding amendments to records without an attendants signature) and Fukino had covered for him by adding his name to the 1960-64 birth index. (The next installment will

explore why the non-validity of the original record caused Onaka to confirm the non-validity of the newly-created record as well). To give Obama a new BC (27) that appeared to show a routine Kapiolani Hospital birth and claimed all the right things, they had to give him a new BC# as well, according to the statute (HRS 138-17.7). Normally this would mean the next number after the last one used for 1961. But in order to protect Obama (by convincing birthers that Obama was born in Hawaii), as law enforcement claimed was necessary, they had to give Obama the BC# that was on the COLB he had already presented to the public . That BC# already belonged to the 3rd child born in Honolulu after Gretchen Nordyke almost certainly Stig Waidelich. WND later reported (6) ) that a credible source with contacts in the DOH told them in February 2011 that there was a birth certificate ready to be placed in the file but the snag was the BC#s . If they used the BC# on the COLB, it would have the discrepancy of being a later number than the Nordykes BC#s even though Obama was born before them. If they used a different number it would expose the COLB as a forgery which would never do because the purpose of a new BC was to protect Obama from those who rightly believed his COLB was a forgery. The only way out of that boondoggle was to put out disinformation to keep people from knowing how the BCs were really numbered. And they preferred to do it through computer printouts so they wouldnt have to forge a bunch of long-form records. On March 2, Fuddy was officially appointed Director (7). As of March 15th the Vital Records office was still issuing certified copies of long-forms (8) On March 23 Donald Trump said Obama should release his long-form (9) and on March 29 Trump disclosed his own long-form (10) There was suddenly a need to explain why Obama had been unwilling to do the same all this time. The following is what she appears to have done, based on the available evidence. Sometime between the end of March and April 12th Fuddy quietly changed the request form for certified copies of a birth certificate eliminating the option of getting a long-form (11) Little did she know that on April 7 Miki Booth would post an image of a long-form issued on March 15th, which would expose as false her coming attempts to claim that copies of long-forms had not been issued since 2001. Also on April 7th Trump appeared on NBCs Today show expressing doubts about Obamas documentation (12) In response, sometime between April 7-11 a rare telephone interview was arranged between CBSs Michael Issikof and former DOH Director Chiyome Fukino, who described Obamas half-written, half typed, properly numbered BIRTH RECORD (she cautiously stepped around the word birth certificate because the doctors signature that she mentioned was not on the birth certificate since it was not a hospital-issued BC; it was on the affidavit kept in a separate evidence file (see Exhibit I), which is also why she said that the record was placed in a file). This was the birth record that Obama had at the HDOH at the time Abercrombie said there was no birth certificate for Obama in Hawaii. That article was published on April 11 (13) and included comments by Joshua Wisch, spokesman for the AGs office, saying that the law does not allow photocopies to be made - a totally false claim as is seen clearly in both HRS 338-13 (see Exhibit A) and in the DOH Administrative Rules (see Exhibit B) which allows standard (non-abbreviated/abstracted) copies to be made ONLY by photo/microfilm, photocopy, or typing. The law does NOT give the Director discretion to make policy changes that directly contradict the Administrative Rules, which require a formal process and an official start date and must

be published for the public to see. The Rules specifically say when the Director has discretion to make policies that supplement the Rules, but nowhere gives the Director discretion in these cases. The law also says that neither a rule nor policy can be in effect until it has been published for the public to see. Chapter 8b lists those who are eligible to receive a STANDARD copy of their original birth record (including the confidential portion upon request) (see Exhibit B), and HRS 338-13 says that UPON REQUEST the DOH SHALL (mandatory) provide. (see Exhibit A). The standard for the disclosure of government records is that is an agency CAN disclose what is requested they MUST disclose it. (See Exhibit C) So the Attorney Generals office is caught in a flat-out lie, as needed by Fuddy to unlawfully make her the sole gate-keeper over all the paper birth certificates, to decide what could be seen and what would only be disclosed on an easily-altered computer printout. Within the next 10 days after Issikofs article, the HDOH arranged a stunt with CNNs Gary Tuchman, Monica Waidelich (living in Hawaii), and Stig Waidelich (flown in from Port Townsend, WA), to have CNN videotape Stig picking up his COLB (with altered BC#) at the HDOH office on April 22 the SAME DAY as Obama requested his long-form, although Obamas attorney, Judith Corley, spoke to Fuddy on April 21 to ask what needed to be done to get a long-form. The BC request from Corley (14) talks about the DOHs long-standing policy to ONLY issue short-forms (apparently a month-long policy is longstanding, since a certified long-form was issued just a month earlier In the press gaggle on April 27 (15), Bob Bauer claimed this policy had been in effect since the 1980s:
The policy in question, by the way, on non-release has been in effect since the mid-1980s, I understand. So while I cannot tell you what the entire history of exceptions has been, it is a limited one. This is one of very few that I understand have been granted for the reasons set out in private counsels letter.

I wonder what was so special about Miki Booths friend, that she got a long-form on March 15, 2011. Or the gal who was videotaped in July 2010 requesting a long-form and being told without any Director being consulted that she would receive it in about 2 weeks, according to the person who made the recording (16). .. This argument was apparently worked out between Corley, Fuddy, the AGs office, and CNN by April 22 (see following paragraph). Tuchmans segment was put together over the weekend and aired on Monday, April 25 (17) CNNs accompanying article (18) said that Obama could make a FOIA request to see his birth certificate and COULD make a copy but it would not convince the birthers. (This represents a shift in argument, with Hawaii no longer claiming that the law doesnt ALLOW photocopies but instead saying the law allows Fuddy discretion to decide how certifiedcopies will be made never addressing whether she can censor what information can be received as well) By 6:17am the next morning (see Exhibit D) a poster attempted to post on my blog a comment asking whether I had seen the CNN segment and noticed that Stig Waidelichs BC# didnt fit my theory for the numbering. I approved the comment later in the morning and responded by saying that it was clearly a stunt orchestrated by CNN and the HDOH to put out disinformation trying to hide Obamas BC# problem.(19) Three days later (2 days after Obamas long-form image was released), Dr Conspiracy proposed the theory that the BCs were collected for a while and then alphabetized (by last name only) before they were numbered. (20) This was the theory that Fuddy floated from then on, as we will see.

The same day as the Tuchman stunt aired, Fuddy witnessed the copying of 2 copies of Obamas birth certificate and state registrar Alvin Onaka certified the copies, according to Abercrombies press release (21) (posted shortly after being created at 9:03am on April 27). Obamas Seattle-based attorney, Judith Corley, arrived at the DOH office the next day and picked up the BCs and Fuddys letter, and arrived with them in DC that evening. But considering that Alvin Onaka later refused to confirm to AZ SOS Ken Bennett the genuineness of the White House image (29) and refused to confirm to KS SOS Kris Kobach that the information in the White House image was identical to that in the HDOH record (30) what she picked up had surprises in it that had to be fixed by the next morning so Obama could have a press conference disclosing the birth certificate in DC and then go immediately to Chicago to poke fun at birthers on a pre-scheduled Oprah appearance that the low-information voters would be sure to see. (The next article will be about the person who Abercrombie says certified the birth certificates with 2 blatant red flags in his certification). At 8:48am EDT on April 27 a press gaggle was begun, with Obamas announcement following. At 9:26 the link to a White House PDF was linked at Free Republic (22) The link given (23) now has a creation time of 12:09pm. The PDF that was posted at 9:26 had not been flattened so the layers used to create the forgery were still available to be viewed. That was noticed immediately, by everybody including me, the computer moron, when I tried to copy the document into a Word file. Somebody flattened the file at 12:09pm and replaced the revealing PDF with the flattened version. At 12:50am a Freeper noticed the red-flag TXE instead of THE in Onakas certifying statement .(24) That was before the DOH office even opened in Hawaii. Probably before even realizing that something was terribly wrong, Abercrombie created and posted a PDF telling about the fulfillment of Obamas request for his records (again, that plural word) . At 10:27am someone at the DOH office created the PDF of the supposed 2001 memo saying they would only issue short-form birth certificates (see Exhibit E). This policy is not lawful, since it not only violates Chapter 8b of the Administrative Rules but also raises the cost of getting certification of ALL the birth facts for Department of Hawaiian Homelands purposes from $10 to $15 which is more than a 10% increase and thus HAS to go through a rule change and not just a policy change. But even if it WAS lawful without the formal rule amendment procedures, it cannot go into effect until it is posted publicly (see Exhibit F) which means this policy was put into effect by Loretta Fuddy on the very day that Obamas forged birth certificate was made public. Additional confirmation that this memo did not exist until the PDF was created on April 27th is the DOHs response that they had no such records, when I specifically asked for all such records that defined and described the procedures for abbreviated and standard copies (the short-form and the longform).(See Exhibit G)
So Fuddy orchestrated the alteration of the BC#s, the stunt with CNN to disclose Waidelichs altered BC# in order to hide the BC numbering method, and the illegal refusal to allow personal records to be disclosed even though required by statute. She or someone under her orders forged a 2001 memo that contradicts video footage, a certified long-form, the requirements listed on the Department of Hawaiian Homelands website until early June of 2009, and the DOH response to my request for any documents like this memo).

Because its too easy to manipulate a computer printout (so short-forms prove nothing) she had to turn to other long-forms to try to spread the alphabetization theory. Long-form BCs had to be from before 2001 because there werent supposed to be any long-forms issued after 2001. So around September of 2011 she ordered a long-form birth certificate for Johanna Ah Nee to be forged with a fake way-too-early BC#, with forged certification as if it had been issued in 1995. But the worker forced to forge it put in red flags (overlapping BC# digits and a clearly forged signature for Onaka someone trying too hard to make it look like the signature stamp on Peter Kemas COLB) (see Exhibit J). Through Ah Nee, she fed it to World Net Daily who believed it to be genuine because the seal was from the HDOH. Then when Duncan Sunahara wanted his deceased sisters birth certificate they had to come up with something for her. The difficulty was that by then they were running out of people born within the relevant time period who were already dead and so wouldnt have the risk of genuine 1961 BCs showing up and exposing their fraud. They had to use either dead or complicit people, and they were running out of them. They gave Sunahara a BC# that didnt work with the alphabetization theory. The HDOH forger went to extra trouble to deliberately put in the red flags of mismatched and misaligned fonts, a birth code on a death certificate, and Territory of Hawaii abbreviation on a State of Hawaii certificate all on the same line as a handwritten BC# that should have belonged to someone born in Honolulu rather than in Wahiawa where she was born (26). Summary: When Loretta Fuddy took over, after Palafoxs forced resignation, she had a new BC created for Obama at the request of law enforcement using Stig Waidelichs BC#. In order to hide that Obamas BC# was illegally stolen from Waidelich, she altered at least 3 other BC#s and fed them to the public via a stunt orchestrated with CNN and Stig and Monica Waidelich, a complicit Johanna Ah Nee, and a death certificate forgery - to try to hide how the BCs were numbered. After first conspiring with the AGs office and Michael Issikof to lay a foundation of lies about what she can lawfully do, she violated the Administrative Rules and at least 3 statutes by instituting an illegal policy to keep people from being able to get photocopies/scans of original birth certificates, and at the same time forged and posted a 2001 memo to make it look like the policy had been in effect for a long time to match the inaccurate statements given by Bob Bauer at the press gaggle. She illegally instituted that policy (by posting the forged memo) on the very day that Obama released his forged long-form image. But she didnt get away with it because others at the HDOH followed in the footsteps of the fired Neal Palafox, resisting the lawless deeds they were ordered to do, The clues they left are how we can know what really happened. The next article will be about one very prominent man at the HDOH and how he resisted.

Endnotes: 1) See

2) see

3) see

evidence-submitte11.pdf 4) see 5) see 6) at

7) see 8) see 9) see 11)

13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)


21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30)

birth-certificate see see see see see ) posted at , see see at ) see ). see at see post 72 at see post 811 at

Exhibit A: HRS 338-13 (copied from . Emphasis mine)

338-13 Certified copies. (a) Subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18, the department of health shall, upon request, furnish to any applicant a certified copy of any certificate, or the contents of any certificate, or any part thereof. (b) Copies of the contents of any certificate on file in the department, certified by the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original, subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18. (c) Copies may be made by photography, dry copy reproduction, typing, computer printout or other process

approved by the director of health. [L 1949, c 327, 17; RL 1955, 57-16; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, 19; HRS 338-13; am L 1978, c 49, 1] Previous Vol06_Ch0321-0344 Next

Exhibit B: Public Health Regulations, Chapter 8b (pp. 19-20 of the PDF)

Exhibit C: OIP Booklet (found at , Page 13: General Rule of Disclosure All government records are open to the public unless access is restricted or closed by law. page 15, emphasis mine) Agencies must also disclose: (1) Any record for which the requester has obtained the prior written consent of all individuals to whom the record refers; (2) Records expressly authorized by federal or state law to be disclosed to the person requesting access; (3) Records where compelling circumstances

Pp 23-24: HAWAIIS OPEN RECORDS LAW The UIPA has a separate section that deals with an individuals right to access and correct his or her own personal records. A personal record is a government record that contains information about the individual who is requesting the record. This includes an individuals educational, financial, or medical records, or items that reference the individual by name or otherwise. Because personal records are also government records, they may also be requested by others under part II of the UIPA, the general public access section. An agency is only required to provide access under part III to an accessible personal record, which generally means one that is filed by the persons name or other identifying information, or which the agency can otherwise readily find. (p 26) An agency must provide an individual access to his or her personal record within 10 working days after receiving a request unless an exception under part III allows the agency to withhold the record from that requester. The agency may extend its response period for an additional

20 working days if, within the initial 10 day period, the agency provides the individual with a written explanation of unusual circumstances causing the delay. The Exemptions from Disclosure (92F-22) The personal records section of the UIPA contains its own set of exceptions, which differ from those for general government records requests. Generally, these exceptions protect: (1) Criminal law enforcement agency records; (2) Confidential source records; (3) Government exam records; (4) Investigative materials; and (5) Records protected by law

Exhibit D: Gorefan Comment Re: CNN Stunt (posted at while I still had access to my emails)

butterdezillion says:
May 20, 2011 at 7:38 pm (Edit)




To: A new comment on the post Hawaii Open Records Law Thrown Overboard is waiting for your approval > > > > > > > Whois Author E-mail URL : http://whois. : gorefan : (IP redacted) (redacted) : (redacted) Comment:

> I assume you saw the CNN piece with Stig Waidelich. He was born on 8/5/1961. His birth announcement is in the same papers as President Obama. His COLB says date filed and was filed on > 8/8/1961. But his Certificate Number is 151 1961 010920.

> >











V Exhibit E: PDF Creation Date/Time for the 2001 Memo (photo of my screen when I checked the document properties at )

Exhibit F: HRS 91-2(b) (found at )

91-2 Public information. (a) In addition to other rulemaking requirements imposed by law, each agency shall: (2) Adopt as a rule a description of the methods whereby the public may obtain

information or make submittals or requests. (2) Adopt rules of practice, setting forth the nature and requirements of all formal and informal procedures available, and including a description of all forms and instructions used by the agency. (3) Make available for public inspection all rules and written statements of policy or interpretation formulated, adopted, or used by the agency in the discharge of its functions. (4) Make available for public inspection all final opinions and orders.
(b) No agency rule, order, or opinion shall be valid or effective against any person or party, nor may it be invoked by the agency for any purpose, until it has been published or made available for public inspection as herein required, except where a person has actual knowledge thereof. I Nothing in this section shall affect the confidentiality of records as provided by statute. [L 1961, c 103, 2; Supp, 6C-2; HRS 91-2] Case Notes Actual knowledge referred to in section cannot give effect to rules not adopted in conformity with 91-3 and 91-4. 55 H. 478, 522 P.2d 1255. Planning and permitting departments policy of refusing to publicly disclose developers engineering reports prior to their approval constituted a rule; as this policy was not published or made available for public inspection nor did plaintiff have actual knowledge of the policy prior to its initial request for the reports, department did not comply with this chapter and was proscribed from invoking this policy; thus, department violated this chapter by refusing to publicly disclose any unaccepted engineering reports and written comments, and all of its files, including developers file, were public records that could be examined upon request. 119 H. 90, 194 P.3d 531. Cited: 904 F. Supp. 1098.




Exhibit G: No Records Defining Long-form and Short-form BCs or the procedures involved
Dont Have Documents Required by HRS 91-2b My request:

From: Nellie (redacted) Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 2:03 PM To: Okubo, Janice S. Subject: UIPA Request for Forms 12-21-09 Aloha, Ms. Okubo Public Health Regulations, Chapter 8b, 2.4 B (2), I and (d) give the director of the DOH the discretion to decide what is to be contained on abbreviated copies, but abbreviated copies may only be issued when ALL the information required on the abbreviated form is included on a persons original birth certificate on file. Pursuant to UIPA, I request either the department documents which describe what information is required to be included on an abbreviated copy of a birth certificate OR a blank, voided copy of the form for an abbreviated birth certificate. I also request any documents defining standard birth certificate, abbreviated copy of a birth certificate, Certificate of Live Birth, and Certification of Live Birth as well as listing the the required information for each. I also request any documents clarifying the difference between a verification and a Certification of Live Birth. I prefer to receive these as electronic copies, e-mailed to (redacted) . As always, I will continue sending this request until I receive confirmation that you have received it. Thank you. Nellie Their response: ----- Original Message ----From: Okubo, Janice S. To: Nellie (redacted) Cc: Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 2:47 PM Subject: RE: UIPA Request for Forms Aloha Ms. (redacted), The agency does not have records responsive to your request.

My reply:
----- Original Message ----From: Nellie (redacted) To: Okubo, Janice S. Cc: Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 7:00 PM Subject: Re: UIPA Request for Forms Aloha, Ms. Okubo. HRS 91-2(b) requires all departments to:

(2) Adopt rules of practice, setting forth the nature and requirements of all formal and informal procedures available, and including a description of all forms and instructions used by the agency.
Formal procedures available, according to Chapter 8b of Public Health Regulations include the issuance of abbreviated certificates and verifications. Requirements and a description of the forms and instructions used by the agency in carrying out that procedure are required to be adopted and made publicly available. A description of forms such as the Certificate of Live Birth, Certification of Live Birth, abbreviated copy, and standard copy birth certificates are required to be made public. If you do not have these required rules of practice I will have to report it to the Ombudsmans Office. Thank you. Nellie Their response: ----- Original Message ----From: Okubo, Janice S. To: Nellie (redacted) Cc: Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 7:56 PM Subject: RE: UIPA Request for Forms Aloha Ms. (redacted), The department has already responded to your UIPA request below. Please refer to the response provided on Dec. 21 at 5:28 pm.

Exhibit H: Chapter 8b PDF Created Oct 29, 2009

Exhibit I: Retention Schedule Showing Special Evidentiary File for BCs lacking a Doctors Signature


Lori Starfelt claimed that somebody at the HDOH had told her that the Director DID require a doctors examination and signature:

Hi, Ive talked to the Department of Vital RecordsAt the time, if a child was born outside a hospital, the family would have 30 days to apply for a birth certificate and Vital Records would expect to see prenatal care records, or pediatrician records of the first check up, etc. Theyd also want the notarized statement from the mid-wife. Of course, they can apply later but that would noted as a different kind of birth certificate. (taken from bama-was-likely-born-in-hawaii/ )

What this says is that if Obama was not born in a hospital (as indicated by Abercrombie) and if his grandma registered his birth (which is speculation), the local registrar would need an affidavit from a doctor or midwife. If that was not received within 30 days of the birth, the BC would be marked as DELAYED. When that affidavit came in it would be classified as an AMENDMENT to the BC, and the date of the amendment and the evidence that was submitted would be listed on the original document and on any computer printout. Obama amended his BC in late 2006. Fukino says his RECORD has a doctors signature. And Tsukiyama confirmed that there is evidence submitted to support the claims on Obamas BC. Below are Chapter 8bs rules on amendments. Adding a doctors signature 45 years after the birth would be classified as a major administrative amendment, I believe, because it calls into question the integrity of the document. A major administrative change made 90 days or more after the birth has to be marked ALTERED. So if Obamas grandma reported an unattended birth to a local registrar in 1961 but there was no doctors affidavit because neither Obama nor his mother were in Hawaii at the time, and then Obama added a doctors affidavit in 2006 it would fit the evidence weve got. The Administrative Rules also say that an abbreviated BC (COLB) cannot be printed unless all the REQUIRED items (the items on the CDCs standard birth certificate) are completed on the original birth certificate. This was a problem for a couple within the last few years who refused to list their race and the HDOH refused to print out a COLB for their child. They argued that the question was an invasion of their privacy, I believe. Eventually an exception was made, IIRC, but it illustrated why Obama would have had to amend his BC in 2006: he couldnt even GET a COLB until he had all the required data added to his record.

Exhibit J: Johanna Ah Nee Forgery

Here is the image at now:

Here is a partial image of what was originally posted, which showed the bleedthrough. This image is reversed, with contrast and brightness adjusted:

First, the BC#. Here is a close-up of the digits of the BC#, with Gretchen and Susan Nordykes BC#s underneath, for comparison:

Ah Nees looks like 61 09943. There is a dark horizontal line on the next-last digit. The only number that has a horizontal line is a 4. The digit right before it has to be a 9; since it cant be a 3 (or an 8, when compared with the 8 in Gretchen Nordykes). The 4 in Obamas BC# has a diagonal line connecting the top point and the horizontal line so the line coming downward where the 9 is has to be from the 9 and it is right above the left-most point of the 4s horizontal line. These digits overlap, which could not happen with a mechanical Bates stamp. Now lets look at Onakas signature on the back side, which has an issue date of Aug 8, 1995:

Here is the Onaka signature that shows on the Peter Kema COLB, issued on Sept 5, 1991:

These are clearly not the same signature stamp, but the Ah Nee signature is patterned after the Kema one, with the tail after the n of Alvin exaggerated, the loop inside the O of Onaka exaggerated, and the jumbled-up inside of the first a on Onaka exaggerated. The Ph.D. is a good attempt at a copy but the h is at the wrong angle. This signature is too busy to be Onakas. His signature is a quick, efficient, nononsense signature. The fake has too many curves, exaggerating every small detail of Onakas signature in the Kema signature. Here is Onakas 1991 live (not stamped) signature on the retention schedule the same year as the Kema signature stamp:

Source: Copy courtesy of:

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